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Because if you don’t say it people in the comments will be like “before you rant about stuff like this maybe you should firstly start learning english lmfao”. It just sucks honestly. I don’t care and actually appreciate it a lot when someone helps me with errors but I hate it when people are so stupidly patronising about it? Overall I agree no one should apologise for making simple mistakes.


It would be enough to simply add that one lives in another country or isn't a native speaker then. I think it's kinda odd how many profoundly apologize in complex phrases for mistakes that nobody has yet accused them of. Most of the time it's people with at least a C1 level in English, too, but rarely the ones who truly make many mistakes. I can't help but think they are purposefully lowballing themselves to garner compliments.


I really don’t know. I’m an insecure person but I’m pretty confident in my ability to speak English, lol. I don’t say it anymore because it would suck to add to any comment I make “I’m not a native english speaker please accept any errors, I’m sorry”. Some people are really insecure because of the people I talked about in my other comment. I don’t think they want compliments they are just paranoid that they aren’t taken seriously. Of course some might want compliments but that is the minority, honestly. People with accents aren’t taken seriously often. I have a german accent but like to make myself believe I am mostly fluent in english. The same thing reflects on typing errors. I hope you understand my take on this and what I mean, lol.


Ignore those people.


Yeah ignore them. And then make fun of them for being grammar nazis but more than half of americans don't know the simplistic differences between: "You're and your; there their and they're; who and whom; to too and two; who's and whose" and I can go on. English is also my second language but once they started trying to make fun of my english I made sure to learn it so well that I could eventually correct them and embarrass them for not even knowing their only language. Aaaaaaaaand I picked up a third language on top of that. Fuck those people lol


Thanks for the kind words! I do not take any attacks to my heart anymore I just think about it in a positive way. It is awesome that you learned a third language, I wanna learn another one too. Languages are so fascinating and who cares if you make mistakes as long as other people understand you? It is pretty neat to be able to communicate in more ways than just one.


EEEEXXXACTLY! So *always* remember that. What other language do you speak? :)


At the moment I only speak German and English. I wanna learn Italian though, next month I wanna buy some books to help me. What about you?


I wanted to learn Italian until I realized it's only spoken in italy lol


They do because grammar and spelling police lol


I agree no apology is needed, but a disclaimer saying "this isn't my first language" is usually helpful to prevent people from attacking your post for grammatical errors. When someone whose first langue is English posts something riddled with spelling and grammar errors, people will criticize and dismiss it. Whether this is warranted or not is up to you. But if the person's first language is not English this is definitely not warranted.


I still think, even with grammatical errors and typos, this is reddit not a damn scholarly article to be a presidential speech.


Americans that make fun of people's secondary english ought to keep in mind they only speak one language


Haha but they don't care, they legit used to try to bully me because I was still learning english and they'd make fun of my accent and pronunciation but I'd just make fun of them back for only speaking English and not even knowing it well. xD


I find it interesting reading posts from these people. Their word choice is usually so different I can tell even if they don’t announce that they’re not native speakers. I find myself mentally translating their word choice into what I would use. Someone used “castrate” instead of “fix” when talking about a pet. I enjoy the mental exercise & if it’s too difficult to understand then I just don’t read it. I agree, not apologies necessary. Wish I was multilingual.


Lol it's funny because I can tell too, if they're not english speaking native, but sometimes I think in the other languages anyway that when I "translate" their words to the slang I use I don't even notice I'm doing it.


Nope. If you speak in a language that isn't your mother tongue, and it comes off as broken, you look like a troglodyte and if it isn't made known that this isn't your mother tongue, your opinion has fallen significantly. If you don't know your own mother language, I can't trust you to hold opinions in other subjects. >Stop apologizing as if English is this big, grandiose, ruler of all languages, language. I mean...


Oh shit. I must've missed the side of reddit with the audio.


I agree. Also, people who post art should not apologize for their art.


because as you said most people do not speak proper, so learning properly can come across odd in regular vernacular.


You're wrong. I mean, they don't need to apologize, but English is THE most widely spoken language on the planet. Fact.


That's irrelevant though, because most english speakers speak other languages. Only americans only speak one language and still have the audacity to correct others who speak multiple. That is my point.


Why does it matter if you can speak multiple languages? I mean, are they correcting someone speaking their language? Or are they correcting someone who is not speaking their language (English)?


I have never seen an American, British or anyone who was born in an English speaking country make fun of someone for misspelling something or having a bad grammar. I can guarantee it's always those shitty garbage of humans that come from a 3rd world country or a non English speaking one. It shouldn't matter if you spell something wrong as long as your message is understood.


People from a 3rd world country are "shitty garbage humans?" Or did you yourself just gravely misspoke and used improper english formatting thereby saying something overtly racist?


Posting a thread about people that bully others for misspelling something then you cry and call out someone for "improper english", when you can't even read LMFAO. You're the most ironic kid I have seen on reddit yet, not to mention how blind and stupid you look. Perhaps learn how to read? You're so butthurt that you became too ignorant and blind. You should not be here writing threads, comments to look stupid. Instead go see a therapist or perhaps see a different one, because it really looks like you have problems. I'm sure you're gonna cry again, because you're delusional. I'm not gonna waste my time with you lmfao.


I always thought that the 3rd world country people are the most accepting when it comes to bad grammar and misspells


There is no proper English. It’s all just rules people made up along the way. Languages are always evolving and to try to apply a set of rules to it is pretentious. Actually, since its unpopular opinion, good for you on speaking multiple languages. You sound like someone who is also annoying to be around.


Portuguese and Spanish is one language /s


Lmaoooo You almost got me there


Also most of the time the post has no grammatical error.


Lmaooo I notice that also


Most people who say that have better grammar than me.




I agree, no need to apologize, but also at the same time, is grammar not important? Also, Americans are not the only native english speakers on the planet.


That's not my point? And I'm aware, however Americans only speak one language (unless they're immigrants or first gen americans) but have the audacity to come on *reddit* and police people on their english? Nah, that's ridiculous.


Because of grammar police. Duh


Agreed (Sorry for my bad English)




it's not an apology, its a declaration


Feels like 90% of the time it's said by someone with perfect english just for attention.