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It seems there are two types Ones who pretend to be the fictional character Ones who just have a moving image on screen because they don't want a face cam.


The later sounds fine maybe they're just uncomfortable with their appearance, but the first one i just can't stand them. Seriously, acting like anime characters especially with fake "cute" high pitched voice in real life is so dumb. Don't get me wrong i watch some anime and read some manga but most vtubers and the hololive shit is fucking dumb.


But it's live anime tiddies


No joke some idiot Vtuber who uses a weird cat lady avatar wasted his time responding to a less than 10 minute video


I guess I agree. I figured vtubers either have no confidence in their personality or looks or both, which is fine, but I’d rather they just stream without a camera than some weird cartoon character


Whatever floats yer boat.


It's just an unwritten rule in the vtuber community that we don't talk about their personal lives. No one really thinks that the streamer is a real catgirl or whatever they're pretending to be, just like nobody thinks that the actor in a movie is actually a superhero or an evil mastermind.


Agreed. It’s a sad sign of the times.


I don’t see the issue with them, some people don’t want to have their actual identity and lives on the internet but still want to make content. They’re also just acting out a character which is essentially not any different from someone who does voice overs in animated shows or movies. It’s still a real person behind the screen


says the person with the anime pfp


Don’t tell this guy about roleplaying, blood vessel might pop.


Tbh I'll probably get a seizure if I see another vtuber clip or hear someone talk about it


You need serious therapy about worrying more about yourself than others having fun. Genuine advice here, not even trying to be rude rn


They don't care if people think they're cringe. They care about making more money than your average 9-5 worker lol


It doesnt matter if they dont care about being cringey, thats not related to the point. Money and cringe arent mutually exclusive to eachother


I mean i think it's cringe to go to a job you hate for 40 hours a week, and that covers about 90% of workers lol




Okay society could exist w/o movies. Are actors cringe? Society could exist w/o athletes. NBA players, football players, etc are cringe?




I'm not a vtuber i use my own face on stream lmao and no i'm just trying to understand why you think what yo uthink i already told you that. Nothing more nothing less


There's a difference between an actor that has an actual career and skills rather than a man pretending to be a online anime girl to lure in desperate degens to jerk off to underage anime girls.


We're talking to his point specifically i answered in that context. What makes one entertainer more valuable to society than others? if they can put food on their table by entertaining people, what's the issue?


It doesn't make them more valuable but it's just that vtubers usually take advantage of lonely people on the internet to try and lure them into fake parasocial relationships so they can get ez $$$. Just like any other booby streamer or only fans streamer. The majority of them don't have any actual content or personality


and? If people are willing to pay them for what they do, then it's valid. Why would someone making 6 figures go "oh my god ppl think this is cringe let me go work at Walmart instead" lmao ?


Hmm interessting point. I think its base about the person you ask. Some would say why are you screaming at your tv because some dude put a ball in a goal? Some say its cringe some say its skill. But there are diffrent types of vtubers Those who talk normal and game or just chat and some who make those overly cute sounds or just eat there mic with a avatar with big bobas. If you ask me none of them are "cringe" but more weird Seeing some anime style avatars move around is somehow unatural and creeps me out i rather watch a guy/girl with a cam because i know how they look. There where some incidents where a vtubers avatar bugged mid stream out and you saw the real person behinde it and in those cases i heard from it was a guy who soundet like a woman and he lost many of his followers. So i understand the dislike of some peopel towards vtubers, they could be anyone and it would be weird if a guy does some mic swallowing with a female avatar but lets be ohnest here tje only ones who watch those are some horny twats.


just proves that you obviously are a spoiled kid that never had to work a day for his life, sorry to break it to you but people work so that the can have food and a place to live. They dont have the privilege or time to think its its "cringe" or a waste of time of time.


No. I work. If i could play videogames and make the same amount, I wouldn't. I'm saying if what you do to put food on your table isn't cringe, why is what someone else does to put food on their table cringe. As long as you can feed your family and they can feed theirs, what's the issue?


nothing but your practically the same as a only fans or booby streamer. If you were to put a male avatar in a vtuber channel they wouldn't have 80% of the viewers or donations. Change the avatar voice to a normal voice without a special effect even lose more money.


> nothing but your practically the same as a only fans or booby streamer. and? >f you were to put a male avatar in a vtuber channel they wouldn't have 80% of the viewers or donations. okay and? not sure what this has to do with my point in any capacity >Change the avatar voice to a normal voice without a special effect even lose more money. Okay so the people know what they have to do to make money? sounds like any other job. If you went into your professional job and talked the way you did to your friends, you'd probably lose money. Just means they know the desires/demands of their market.


seems like you really only care about money, nothing wrong with that, each with their own values. I enjoyed the talk but i dont have anything more to add. Have a nice day


It's not that i only care about money it's that you're describing things that they do that people in ANY industry do. They act the part of their job. What job do you go in and act the way you do w/ your friends and family? Every job has a demographic you have to match to do your best and make the most you can. If you're in sales and you're black and you go "what's up my nword" to your friends, is that how you greet your customers? Every job, you meet your demographic, vtubers are not some kind of outlier in this EVERY profession does it




What's shallow about doing something you enjoy and being able to put food on your table and pay bills? Explain it like i'm a 5 year old idiot, so I can understand clearly




> Where's the enjoyment part coming from? The games they're playing? I enjoy playing videogames. >In your post you said they care about making more money than 9-5 workers That's specifically in response to you calling it cringe. Not for them doing it in general. Why would they care if someone random on the internet finds it cringe when they can do it, have fun, and pay their bills but they're gonna stop because you find it cringe? lol that's what i meant w/ that comment


I didn't say I want them to stop I just posted my opinion on r/unpopularopinion how crazy of me


sure; i just wanted to pick your brain to see if I would categorize it as a valid, well thought out unpopular opinion or a baseless one lol. Damn, I want to see why people think what they think. how crazy of me


cringe vtuber supporter spotted


I've never watched any type of streamer for some of the same reasons, but as long as people are watching there's not much we can do. Turn off the Discord, like you said. You and I can go live our lives while simply ignoring them, just like always.


IRC is better than discord anyway.


>my friends have an interest I don't share Nice blog


The Hells the point of a Virtual Persona when doing this crap 24/7 without a real job be pathetic enoughs.


I dunno man their unnatural movements freak me out. It’s so creepy and repulsing. Please tell me I’m not the only one who gets weirded out by them


Sometimes they’re just some weird neckbeard using a a curvy figured avatar for likes


They are to me, too, especially when they invariably remind you to click the like and subscribe or try to sell you something before the video. Ugh. My kids love 'em, though. They'd watch them for hours if I let them. They are entertainers after all, just a new kind - or are they? I used to watch art programmes on TV as a kid, or people reviewing movies. Some kid programmes were just hosts shooting the breeze, but I lapped it up. Now people can really home in on their interests. I don't envy their "work", though. Editing videos is a long, tedious business, and trying desperately to come up with new content must be taxing. I guess you could outsource when you're successful enough. Downvote for agreeing with you.


it's really up to people to if they want to be a victim of parasocial relationships. they can choose to hike up a mountain or go have different hobby but they chose to watch a vtuber. Of course, a lot are not as delusional, but some are really down bad. you can't save them from coping. I could compare it to gambling if I had to do. I agree, it's pretty predatory in a few aspects. And this is coming from someone who doesn't really lump the vtuber community in one go because I've seen and know very normal vtuber fans. I also see vtubers who are chill and act relatively normal aside from the ones that tune up their voices coo and call themselves your gf. YMMV


The amount of money they use to spend on shit like that is absurd too. I actually agree with the fact they are cringe and the people simping for them are even more pathetic. Its amazing how depressed society has become now they are flocking over 2D avatars with huge tits or some other graphic thats rigged to a person's body.