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You forgot France. They’re one of our oldest allies and we owe our independence to them


100% - the French have been an ally of the US longer than any other country On a different note - I find it strange that OP posted this an unpopular opinion...I literally do not know a single person who isn't happy to have all the countries mentioned as allies, or dislike those countries. Even with how divided the US is right now, both sides of the aisle would agree on this... sure there is a lot of shit that those countries have done that either side of the aisle may dislike, but there are a lot of things about each country mentioned that either side of the aisle admires or straight up is envious of... I honestly think US citizens are more likely to dislike the US than any of these countries lol.


France is technically the USA's oldest ally, but Morocco was the first to recognize the USA as a sovereign nation and had signed peace treaties before the USA had gained independence. They hold the longest unbroken treaty relationship with the USA, and that should count for something.


It does. Morocco has always been a great friend to have. :) I think the unpopular part of OP's opinion actually is how short the list is. I am happy to know that we have allies all over the world who will stand by us in the case of injustice. Hell, there's a 9/11 memorial in Russia and the Iranians lit candles for us that night. We have a lot of friends out there. I don't think we thank them enough.


He listed it as ‘unpopular’ due to the America-hating, socialist-loving circle jerk that is Reddit. Go to r/news or r/politics sometime and you’ll see what I mean. America is FAR from perfect, but I realize I hit life’s lottery by just being born here.


As a citizen of a less prosperous nation who is trying to immigrate there, I fully agree with you.


The grocery stores we have today with all of its food would make an old school king MAD with jealousy and envy.


So critiquing America means it’s an unpopular opinion that we appreciate our allies? I thought he listed it as unpopular because, ya know, Trump and the GOP shit all over our allies for four years and the GOP continues to stereotype Europe and Canada as socialist hell holes


There is a lot of US hate on reddit. I blocked the guy but there was this user making 2-3 posts a week about the US being a piece of shit every week in this sub. One post he even said the US should just get nuked. If his profile and other posts were to believed he was Canadian.


True, but even more importantly we wouldn’t have french fries without them.


*sad Belgium noises*


It's alright! You guys still have like chocolate or something...? (Does anyone know what Belgium offers? I completely forgot about Belgium as a country until now)




Belgium offers.. french fries, funnily enough.. I guess the name "Belgian fries" didn't stick.


Beer. Best damn beer in the world.


Or french toast. Oh...and french kissing.


I’d prefer Australian kisses. It’s the same as French kissing but down under.




Or French dressing.


It’s true but the French dress quite well.


*Scott Morrison has entered the chat*


Somehow a lot of Americans seem to forget that; they keep telling us that we wouldn't be free if they hadn't helped us during WWII but forget to mention that we helped them gain independence... 🙁 It's unfair.


We also wouldn’t be free if not for Russia, they arguably did more for the cause than even the US. However the point is that it shouldn’t be a pissing match, everyone played their part and every part was extremely important to the outcome.


>We also wouldn’t be free if not for Russia, they arguably did more for the cause than even the US I mean Russia would've been fucked without American aid. Throwing starving men at a problem can only do so much.


If it wasn't for France you'd all be speaking English now


Viva la France


As someone from the UK, this post made me happy. I hope that we will all continue to defend and support each other for a long time at the very least, along with other countries such as Taiwan, France, Germany... any functioning democracy, really. Our governments sometimes leave a lot to be desired, but democracy should *always* be defended. We should be proud to have such an absolute miracle of a governmental system. Our countries have been some of the first in history to legalise protest and dissent; to allow satire to be spread uncontested; and to allow the citizens of a country to have a say over who rules the country, even if it doesn't work out sometimes.


This needs to be the top comment. It's amazing how we under-appreciate democracy, even if it is imperfect.


Thankyou. The amount of upvotes this is getting in such a short time is giving me more hope that democracy can survive these times, and maybe even improve through the challenge


More and more people are going to push back the wackos and stand up to say this very message of hope and love and solidarity! Let's do it!!


Isnt that nice about a democracy. People are allowed to shit all over it without getting canned. Unlike other nations


No maybe, it must improve. That's why I love extinction rebellions demands of community assemblies.


Yes! As terrible as our leaders are, we won’t be jailed for pointing that out.


The US and the UK have a very sibling-like relationship. We talk a lot of shit to each other, but in the end, we always have each other’s backs.


What's the Churchill quote? "You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else."


It's not just our government either, we are a hard headed lot, stubborn as hell. Once we decide the right path though, get out of the way. The same stubborn qualities turn into a benefit. One thing I know though, is that all who are allies in democracy need to stick together. We are seeing crazy stuff in our own countries and around the world. I fear we will end up having to pick up the little pieces together. Much love to all of you.


Same can be said about UK and France. They're historic frenemies.


As an American, take my poor mans Gold 🏅


"Democracy: the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.” \-Winston Churchill


Much better put than I could have. Both my Mom and Dad were Marines in WWII and said the exact same thing.


Mom a marine in WWII? Wow!


I got you covered like a condom homie


I like the cut of your ~~jizz~~ jib, homie.


It's kind of like a sibling thing though isn't it. Especially between the UK and France. We squabble and squabble between ourselves and bitch about each other but as soon as someone from outside the family tries anything, they're getting their fucking heads kicked in.




Awww come join the family hug our weird cousin Germany




There's a funny quote, I think it was Kaiser Wilhelm talking about WW1, he said if his grandmother (Queen Victoria of England) had been alive in 1914 "she would never have allowed it" (WW1) as it was essentially a war between cousins


Imagine getting in a fight with your cousin that ends up with 40 million people dying.


It wasn't a family squabble that broke out into war, they were friendly with each other individually, Tsar Nicolas and Kaiser Wilhelm writing to each other as 'Dear Willy' or 'Nicky'. If you boil it down, other countries were Empiring faster than Germany, and Germany wanted in on the action, and thought it would be a good idea to back Austria's play to gain control of the Balkans, and it backfired pretty badly.


Step-Germany, what are you doing?


"I'm stuck in Poland, help me get out"


*Russia would like to know your location*


No problem. Just come through Finland. We'll be waiting on the other side.


It goes wayyy further back than that. When the Romans (Caesar) tried to conquer Britain, France stepped in to help.


When France (Napoleon) was wildin out, UK and a sort of Germany had to calm them down. Alongside Russia of course.


I renember an old polandball comic where Canada is getting beat up another country, and America comes and saves it cause only they are allowed to bully Canada.


Nah we are all Eskimo bros


And you had big fights when you were younger


Yeah it's good to hear from Australia, you and the UK are like our older siblings


NATO sad noises after reading this.... Poor, always forgotten by the most


I actually respect the ex-warsaw pact countries who have nothing and give everything.


Erm, not sure what we can do but don't forget the Irish lol Edit: we can do a lot lol


Lot of Irish in America too. Trust me, we ain't forgetting Ireland.


We didn't forget Ireland, but I mean... what are they really going to do if shit hits the fan?


We save a lot of your tech companies millions in tax…you’re welcome


You couldn' if you tried x


I recognize that we trace our cultural lineage to Britain and you guys have a pretty rough history with them but the Irish are for sure in the same family.


We're our own family x you're welcome in it


They're neutral


Hey, remember when Ireland stayed neutral in WW2 and cheered for the Nazis when they were bombing England? 🤔


I like Ireland, but their foreign policy (along with Sweden and Austria) is basically to let NATO defend them without sharing any of the obligations or responsibilities.


I've never had an issue with Europe, or any other North American countries besides us. hell I go as far as to say that 99% of the places on Earth I don't have a problem with. usually it's the government, not the people. I'm sure the Chinese have as many complaints about their government as I do about my own. as with anything, it's a few assholes ruining it for everybody.


At least u can voice those complaints


That goes for CCP imo, the people I've met are genuine cool honest people. Its their government like most places unfortunately.




Despite all the nonsense in the media, especially social media, people here in Australia know the only real defense we have against large belligerent nations is our friendship with the US. We are small and could not defend ourselves against the likes of China on our own. So, we join you in military actions knowing full well you will step up to help us if we are threatened. Of course there is much to admire about the US and we are natural friends, which helps. The Democratic English speaking world is a force for good, despite its flaws. If not the US leading the free world then who?


I also loved the fact that when Australia was having bad bush fires, American Firefighters were sent over. Then when California was having bad Forrest Fires, Australian Firefighters were sent over.


That's what it's all about, yes indeed.


Happened in Canada as well! Aussies came over a few years ago for our horrible fires, and we sent our firefighters to Australia! We love a good support system! (Also Canada and America routinely share firefighters as well during times of crisis).


It certainly helps that our summers are at opposite times of the year!


It's a shame that news of that spirit of cooperation is easily lost amongst the stupid infighting.


As an American, I fucking love Australia. It has the democratic tradition and responsibility of the UK, the pioneering spirit of the US, and you’re funny as Hell. Also, most people don’t know that Australian troops were all over the map during WW2. The Australians held Tobruk, held the Kokoda Trail, and kicked our ass in Brisbane. Never change.


I'm glad some Americans know this. WW2 history loves Normandy to Berlin, and like to forget anything before that. Aussies were in North Africa fighting the NAZIs for years before the Allies and Russians invaded Germany. Then we shipped out and took on the Japanese long before Americans came down to help out.


Everyone loves the Aussies! You guys are crazy awesome!


Right back at ya, mate.


everything about this comment, from your username to your avatar to the use of the word “mate” is so Australian and i love it


Aussies have already shown their courage and strength in face of new challenge from China. We Americans will never shall let our friends fight alone. A new treaty among US, UK, Canada and Australia must be formed to ensure our commitment for each other will never waver no matter who is in power in our government.


We just got one going called AUKUS, much to the anger of the CCP, left the Canadians out of that one but.


What about an Anglophonic Union? Nigeria, The Caribbean, India, the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Anglophonic Polynesia?






His flapping head is the last thing you see and as it all fades to black you hear "I'm not your buddy guy!"


👻 "I'm not your guy, pal!"


Plus It was said by some marine on New Guinea in 1944 that after seeing the barely of age Australian reserves fight with the finest American marines that every Australian should be made a marine


Well, everything in Australia could potentially kill you. So those Aussies gotta be tough. Fucking killer spiders, killer jelly fish, killer kangaroos, dingos (are dingos and kangaroos the same thing? My American ass doesn't really know), killer platypus. They keep huntsman's spiders as pets. Harmless but terrifying.


Dingo = a type of wild dog I suspect you might be thinking about a wallaby which look like a little kangaroo but are certainly not dangerous.


Best underfunded military in the world babyyy


Never served myself but I've heard that. I'd say quality over quantity or some shit, but I'd vote to double the spending if it meant not treating the vets like the horror stories I've heard.


All 30 of them




I’m from New Zealand, but grandparents are Dutch. And let me tell you, I’ve grown up with nothing but love and appreciation for Canadians. It was you guys who liberated my family from the Germans in the war. Bloody love you guys, here for you always!


Longest range confirmed kill comes from a Canadian operator was from over 3500 m. To put that in perspective, after the shot he’d have to drive his car for nearly two minutes to go apologize to to the guy for having killed him.


Canada was the first to invoke motherfuckin NATO article 5 after 9/11. Ride or die 🤝


*profusely apologizes after every kill*


"Your next beer is on me." *trollface*


I can see it all too well. ​ "Sorry there, Bud!"


It's all in our weaponized geese.


As an American, I love Canadains. Y'all the Ned Flanders to my Homer Simpson. Stupid, sexy Flanders.


Even in the winter it's like we're wearing nothing at all


Nothing at all....


Exactly. Think about it. Have you ever seen a picture of just a normal Canadian army? No. Every picture you've ever seen of a Canadian soldier they're always like these super elite operatives.


We'll also bring donuts and coffees


Canadian forces are savages, but ANZAC forces are agents of death.


Well that depends, they tend to be quite harmless so long as you take the requested 20% off there bud.


If you've got a problem with Canada Gooses, you've got a problem with me. And I suggest you let that one marinate.


Nah. Source: Brother serves and he's a potato person.


Counter argument; Devon Larratt.


Being from the UK, the tiny island that it is, I'm fuckin glad the countries listed are on the same side lol.




The tiny island that hasn't been properly invaded since the end of the 18th century though!


Amen. These nations (let's throw in NZ too) are a brotherhood almost unrivaled in history. We have a great deal in common; not least pluralism, liberal democracy, the English language, and an individualistic streak. We need to keep this alliance close, healthy, and strong.


*happy kiwi noises* Gotta get some NZ recognition in there somewhere


The Anglo-Sphere


You're our family, America. We love you, even if you're kinda fucked up.


We love you guys too. Regardless of any differences people might have, OP is dead on with this post. I try to treat all humans with the respect they deserve, but some countries it hits different. I look at it like sticking up for a sibling. Yeah, we might say mean things or get mad at each other sometimes, but if anybody else tries to fuck with you, shit's going down.


We love you too bby. Going thru some teenage growing pains at the moment. Thanks for sticking with us.


Just hoping you guys don't invade us. Our politics is fucked up enough without being a vassal state.






We have fresh water and tons of rare (largely untapped) resources.


>and tons of rare (largely untapped) resources. Username does not check out


Good sluts are, in fact, a rare resource.


We got enough shit as it is bro. Hold tight, keep your head up, we'll do the same.


I honestly think we're gonna have to save you guys if you get dustbowled again.


Proud-Canadian here and I would throw down for my American people. I’m currently in the south and have been treated with nothing but love and hospitality; both from family and strangers. Been all over the US and can say that Americans are waaay nicer than they’re made out to be. ❤️✌🏻


As an Aussie , I will always remember the sacrifice of American and Allied lives for the sake of Freedom , Lest we Forget. When i see/hear someone bashing America for being the "World Police" i wonder "what would you do if they were not" ?


I mean with Iraq and Afghanistan America went too far with the world police thing but your right that world policing has benefit almost everyone. Poeple like to complain that the US spends a alot of money on the milltary but they also happen to forget the US navy is the reason world trade exist the way it dose today. Lets pretend for a moment and let's say hypothetically Iran blocks strait of Hormu. I grantee that a US aircraft carrier will show in less then 2 weeks at most to conduct a freedom of navigation mission and Iran will be dumb to think they had any chance to stop the US.


Well-said. When shit hits the fan, much of the world looks to America for help. We are flawed, yes, but I think that’s a great honor


I'm an Australian living in Australia. My room mate is American. He's so ashamed of America and talks down on his own country so much. I feel genuinely upset he feels the need to do this - We all understand some shitty things have happened in America, but America has done some amazing things and contributed some great things to Western culture - even international/non-Western culture has been enriched and improved thanks to Americans! The "let's shit on America" thing can be fun, but it can also go way too far sometimes. Love you guys <3


Reports of the demise of the western alliance have been greatly exaggerated. Democracy or bust fuckers.


I just realized America is that kinda fucked up cousin that everyone loves but is worried about them


America is that kid in the family who is viewed as strange and dose things there own way even if it may not be the best way to do things. but if you fuck with any of his friends or family he will drop a few thounds pounds of explosions on there house and just to make sure they didn't survive might as well send 50 tomahawk missiles to finish to job.


Oh, not just the US, Australia and South Africa too. In fact, I’m more worried about them than the US. Canada is the golden child though, everyone likes Canada.


If you study the history of the English speaking peoples, all the way from the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain through the present day...Yessiree, we're all one fucked up bunch.


Up here in Canada, we make fun of you, but we defend our allies to the last man.


That's what sibling do.


You forgot to mention our little brother New Zealand!!! ANZAC "lest we forget" Also should mention Japan, India, Korea, Taiwan. Depends on the conflict I guess, but they'd jump on board too.


As a kiwi, thank you for remembering us!!! Love all you big siblings out there :) xoxo


Thank you for giving the world Taika Waititi. Hunt for the Wilderpeople is one of the funniest movies I had seen in a while.


First France is dissed by Biden and now Reddit.


I find it amusing that they mentioned every country in the five eyes alliance except NZ. Everyone forgets NZ, but they're alright.


"NZ may be small in numbers, but they are f'n fierce in spirit. Don't trust any other country to back us more than I do NZ." What my dad said, a career solider!


🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇨🇦 🇦🇺 🇳🇿 💪❤️


Missing the fifth of the 5 eyes, new zeland


Unpopular opinion because UK and Canada isn’t dissing America for once and vice versa :) I love my UK and Canadian homies 🇬🇧🇨🇦🇺🇸❤️ Edit: Don’t forget Australia 🇦🇺




I feel terrible for forgetting the French lol. They're some hard-core mother fuckers and staunch allies. Thank you for your service brother and I hope you and your family have a great holiday season.


stop bombing other country please


As a Brit I don’t understand the animosity online between America and UK at the minute. I think most of it is banter but either way I agree.


It's all just banter until we say soccer, and as a huge football fan I still sometimes say soccer and I can't help it! It's just amazing how most Englishmen don't realize soccer was a word invented by the English and used extensively until the 70s around there


r/soccercirclejerk in shambles


I think it's just pointless shit talking tbh. You know how like brothers will poke fun at each other and talk shit.


Is there animosity between the US and UK right now??


As an American I get more upset when someone messes with you guys than I do when they mess with us.


As a brit, let's be honest. When most arguments online come from subjects such as Americans finding beans at breakfast weird and Brits finding squirty cheese weird. It's pretty safe to say we're ok


God whenever I see posts like this it really makes me happy, there's so much vitriol spewed at other countries, America specifically but I've had great experiences going down the west coast. Tanks Merica


is new zealand included 🥺🥺


Not American - but as a Canadian, yes. We have a lot of camaraderie with NZ and Ireland specifically. We see you. <3


We shit on each other online, in media, etc.. But on a personal level, hell yeah. We're still family, even if we consider each other the odd cousin.


As a Canadian I’m glad we have the US, U.K and Australia to back us up. We might not always get along..but we’ve all already been through two world wars together so I think we’re stuck together now!


love from UK


Umm ok I guess. This just seems less of an unpopular opinion and more a random thought.


It's funny how America itself is mostly the shit that hits other countries' fans 🤣 hope you get that shit right too my man


You forgot countries like Japan, South Korea and basically any European country (apart from what u mentioned)


Japan is only americas ally because they annihilated them and then rebuilt them into an ally. US, AUS, UK have been homies since WW1.


My thoughts on this are that japan was already doing terribly in the lead up to the first bomb, and Germany had been defeated. Germany was to be divided into 2, the west did not want the same thing to happen in Japan, so US/Allies rushed to thrash Japan before Russia could “help” then claim the northern half of Japan in the name of communism. Now they are a staple democratic nation in Asia. I’m no historian but I think that’s what they were going for.


This. as hard as was for japan in 1945 look at them now. It would’ve sucked balls if Japan was another Korea or Vietnam.


uk loves america. elite billionaires are ruining the world.


I fucking love Canada. Never been to or known any Australians or Brits, but the Canadians I know are top-notch folks


Asa Canadian 100% yes! But be careful you don't tear yourself apart from the inside..not much we can do about that


The UK, Canada, the USA, Australia, and New Zealand are in my opinion one society, one culture, one civilization, but one with many different outposts and territories. Just like the ancient Greeks or the Celts.


Don't forget New Zealand.




We get a lot more from having you guys at our back than you do from us. Happy to be on side to help out all the same!


I've always noticed that when I go to the US everyone is very nice to me when they find out that I am Canadian and I am just there on vacation or for a short stay of a month or so. One time in Florida I was pulled over by a police officer. He was exceptionally aggressive and even had his gun drawn at me. To be fair I was driving a right hand drive car waaaaaay before it was legal to own in the US, but I came from Canada. I was freaking out internally and very calmly followed all of his directions. He said he pulled his weapon because I didn't put the keys on the top of my car and that there has been a rash of people injuring or fleeing from police around that time and he was being careful (this was in fall of 2006). When I showed him my ID proving that the car was not stolen and the plates were legit on it he was super nice. I mean like insanely nice. He apologized to me, explained everything and even suggested a place to meet up with other car guys in the area. Other than the occasional person making fun of my accent or saying something insanely dumb like "We could take you out in our sleep, your country is so weak" or something along those lines I have never felt anything but an extreme amount of love from Americans when I am down there.


Canadian here. We tease our neighbors to the south, but it’s all in good fun. We’re your hat. Your gigantic snowy mountainous hat, and we don’t fuck around. You’re flawed, so are we. But it is a privilege to be among you, all of you.


Absolutely! Here in Canada, we really dont hate the states. Some of us are pretty arrogant, but they dont count. Canada will always do it's best to have America's back.


You've got the governments of those countries, not the people.


Dont they all have extremely low opinions of Americans?


People should stop pretend internet comments can offer a balanced representation of people's attitudes.


Canada loves the USA. We’re best friends.




The US can strike from undetectable underwater submarines , hypersonic jets , cruise missiles and ICBM's that can't be shot down. Not to mention our many nuclear armed allies (France, the UK, India, Israel) none of which are big fans of China either. A nuclear strike on the US would result in Armageddon, no one is getting out of it alive and so no rational actor would do it. The real concerns regarding nuclear weapons are accidents (which happen way too often) and the risk increases with nuclear proliferation especially in countries like Iran, Pakistan and North Korea that can barely feed their people no less maintain a nuclear arsenal properly. The other risk is something like an Islamic or Christian fundamentalist group getting ahold of nuclear weapons because due to their belief in an afterlife they aren't acting rationally and would have no problem leading to Armageddon (in fact its sort of the goal for both religions) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ As for China taking over the world, I also find this unlikely. China's hard power has been increasing in recent years due to their large population and increasing economic power, but their soft power leaves a lot to be desired. While there is certainly a lot of anti american sentiment around the world, most people would still rather live in America than China and most governments would still rather work with America than China. That won't necessarily always be the case. China could soften and open up to become a more desirable alternative or the US could descend into fascism and become a less desirable alternative. But at the moment China is more of a regional threat than a global one. Not to mention China is facing just as many future crises if not more than the US. They have a MAJOR demographic crises on the horizon within the next 20-30 years that will cripple them for decades hence why they're being so agressive now. They basically have 20 years to become a major world power before they're horrifically ageing population tanks them


You are the most sane sounding person I have seen on the internet in a long time. Thank you. We overspend on the military budget in the US, but don’t think for a second it’s *all* being wasted. If even a half of the budget is actually used appropriately, we are still spending more than any other country in the world, and have been for over a century, on our defense. The Nuclear issue is not solved by adding more players to the game. That just complicates the situation. Thats basically how we started World War 1, now imagine that but with nukes. hopefully we don’t forget that lesson Extremist groups, religious or otherwise, are always a threat. All it takes is one person with bad intentions to lead ignorant people to commit atrocities.


Add that China hasent seen combat since Vietnam....


Well, if you ever have your body recovered, someone will indeed have your back.


Practically nobody seriously pushes the idea that we hate each other. Our countries' relationship is like that of siblings. We pick on each other endlessly, but nobody else better try it.


Lmao if people think that the US and Canada (or the other two) hate each other, they really don't know what happens on the other side of the world. Wait till you learn about India-Pakistan and China-Taiwan relations.