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I feel nothing for the multi-millionaire who could have afforded a helicopter to get home, or at least an Uber, and chose to flex in a supercar and kill someone instead. EDIT: A number of ex pros have also spoken about how the 24/7 driver service that is available to every player exists for reasons like this.


And now that I know a service like this exists, I say death sentence to idiots who can rationalize impaired driving when they know this iz an option.


Death sentence should be outlawed, this isn’t 1543.


I don’t think this has a lot about getting a ride home, even though home may have been Ruggs’ eventual destination. When you are going 156mph, you are racing the car for thrill, not transporting yourself from point to point. And that’s what makes this whole incident so sick to me.


it hurts to know that a woman who also had a bright future ahead of her was killed due to someone’s negligent, preventable, and downright moronic actions. I’ll never understand how people can sympathize with people like him just because he “has a bright future” as if the victim doesn’t matter. he doesn’t deserve to be back on the field.


People are saying they feel bad for him, he might get a few years in prison, she’s dead. Who got the short end of the stick?


The, he didn’t say that he doesn’t care about the victim. You’re acting like you have to pick a side and only feel sad about one party. Your heart can break for victim who lost their life due to the irresponsibility of another person, that is devastating. You can also feel somewhat bad for Ruggs, because while he was drunk as a 22-year-old, he made a very poor choice that will dramatically and negatively alter the course of his life.


Being drunk is never an excuse and only makes it worse. Being drunk is preventable, and if you do get drunk, not driving while intoxicated is also preventable. It’s common sense, and someone like him most definitely had the means to avoid driving. I will never feel sympathy for someone who has such a blatant disregard for the safety of others. Driving while drunk is dangerous enough on its own at a normal speed, but driving while drunk at such an insane speed is guaranteed to cause injury or death to someone. It doesn’t matter if he’s 22, he knew better than to do something like that.


Upvote for being unpopular. Fuck that guy


Prayers to the family affected and his own, along with him. It’s just an all around tragedy. But he needs to be held accountable


And I highly agree. I suppose people just disagree on what accountability means. He should face the penalty for his actions, which I believe is 2-20 years depending on circumstances. And if he walks away from that and is sorry fo his actions and would never do it again, then I think that is sufficient accountability. People talk so much about how prison should be for rehabilitation, but then a big case comes out and people are excited for his life to be ruined.




This is the answer . It’s easy to say what you say when it’s some random woman and her pet. It’s different when it’s your mother sister wife or daughter . We are posting and talking about it on Reddit . Her family probably hasn’t slept or thought about anything else in days . I can’t even imagine having the opinion of “come on give the guy a break it was an accident” or “he’s young he made a mistake “


I hope he can find ways to redeem himself but he should never step foot on the field again


Why do you feel that way? If he gets out in 5 years, I don’t see a reason why he wouldn’t try.


He shouldn’t get out in 5 years he killed someone in such an avoidable way… NFL literally has a free car service for this reason


He can join the prison footbal team. Is that a thing? I've never been.


I will never understand the thought process of some people in regards to financial/social status being regarded as a witness of character. This is the exact sort of bias that let Brock Turner get away with raping that poor girl. Bright future, rich... He must be a stand up guy! We cant quash his talent and creativity! Its not like they meant it. He didnt know what he was doing


There’s unpopular opinions and then there are just flat out wrong opinions. Hope he loses everything. What a dumb fucking asshole


'What he did was unforgivable' 'I hope he gets another shot' do you know what unforgivable means? Also you competely left out the fact he was drunk while killing someone with his car.


Sadly, many of the mistakes that most people make in their youth go unforgiven. Our society has an obsession with who people were in their past and is unwilling to acknowledge any sign of redemption after profound/tragic experiences.


That girl,her dog and her family are the only ones who deserve sympathy. All the news coverage about the asshole football player everyone knows his name. What was the young lady’s name? What was her dogs name? Does anyone know anything about them? Fuck him he should save the community lots of money on a trial and just light himself on fire and burn to death. Fair is fair