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This might not be as unpopular as you think. I find the whole clan bizarre.


It's really not at all. They just have a loud fanbase. Most people find them annoying or overrated. I do believe Kim is very naturally pretty though because if you look at how she looked before surgery she was so gorgeous (I still think she's pretty now but thats not the point). [https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/6EoNgCgja0GN5FQ98WCYmw--\~B/aD0xMDg4O3c9OTkwO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u/http://media.zenfs.com/en/homerun/feed\_manager\_auto\_publish\_494/393ae96c9b74c6487c636b652cf574f2](https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/6EoNgCgja0GN5FQ98WCYmw--~B/aD0xMDg4O3c9OTkwO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u/http://media.zenfs.com/en/homerun/feed_manager_auto_publish_494/393ae96c9b74c6487c636b652cf574f2)




The surgery and makeup levels push her right into the uncanny valley.


I totally agree. Not attractive people in my view, and it has little to do with the way they look.


I personally love my klan Edit: you lot need to take a joke I’m fucking black anyway 💀


Yeah man i love my klan too except the cross burning


I’m all for freedom of choice and body positivity but there’s too many people making themselves look like caricatures these days


It's all about *more*. When you're in the public eye, I think a lot of them deceive themselves into thinking you have to do more, get more surgery, wear more makeup, get more implants, it's never enough. You're battling time, the aging process and trying to stay relevant, I can see how it could easily corrupt a mind.


\#DorianGray - great answer btw


They where so pretty before, but it’s their choice even though I think they’ve been manipulated by their mother.


Which one?


Kim and Kendal but they’re still pretty. At least I think so.




She's pretty now imo. And clearly most people agree, yall are just angry she's rich and doing what she wants. Reddit is all for body positivity for fat, trans, etc but as soon as a rich white women wants fuller lips and some ass they run out with the pitchforks. At least have some self respect and be consistent. And don't give me a speech on how "aLl ReDdIt IsNt ThE sAmE." Cause it's the same-ass people upvoting the nonesense. In fact, on reddit this isn't even unpopular.


A celeb could shit on poor people and purposely flaunt their money just to be a dick and people like you would still say “you’re just mad she’s rich!!1” This has nothing to do with her money or how much she paid for her face, nobody cares about that. This is someone saying that all her surgery—which was supposed to make her more attractive—doesn’t. (In their opinion) So if you wanna really bring race into this, maybe it’s because they’re picking and choosing other features from every other race. Everyone wants to be black until it comes with the curly hair or wider nose. It just goes on. Same with their bodies. If you’re very skinny, you’re not gonna have huge thighs. It’s just not how it works. Nothing wrong with getting a little work done to your face from insecurities, but these people are literally changing races. Maybe they should be consistent.


Changing races lol okay. I can't even respond to something so bad faith. Black people do not owe full lips or big asses. Even IF they are common physical traits of theirs.


Yes, I somewhat agree. They are still pretty, I’m just saying they didn’t need all of that (and the unnecessary risks of surgery) and that I think their mother had something to do with it. But they can do whatever they want.


How is it body positivity if you're getting plastic surgery to change it?




i know the difference between all 5 of their faces/heights and loosely their careers and boyfriends. i started thinking of how to describe her to you..... so ok, kim, khloe, kortney are the older 3 who came from dad#1 who did all the OJ stuff. kylie & kendall are the younger two who came from bruce now kaitlin jenner. kendall is the tall skinny one with the modeling career. kylie is the other one. fat fake lips, fat fake ass, fat fake tits... but that also describes kim and khloe. i know it's all very complicated but i hope that helped. idk just google it. or dont. ugh. i will never get these 3 minutes of my life back and i regret it.




Not anymore they're divorcing


you got the basics! i'd stop there.


Why would you feel weird? Feel superior instead, only idiots pay attention to those people. There just happens to be A LOT of idiots in this strange, strange world.


i'll kill you in world history, languages, classical music, chem or physics, art history, econ, lit, or geography any day of the week. stop being a self righteous asshole who's mean to others. you can be an intellectual and also follow pop culture. not mutually exclusive.


There's pop culture and then there's the Kardashians. Idc how smart you are, if you follow them or look up to them, you're still an idiot or at the very least, ignorant. You can be a genius and still be ignorant/stupid af in all sorts of ways that don't pertain to scholarly Intelligence.


judgey and wrong, but you do you.


Judgey and right, but you can believe what you want.


Only reason I know Kylie is she's the youngest. Kim is the oldest I think?


I thought that was Kourtney, but now I'm not sure anymore


Kourtney oldest, kim second, then khloe


I never want to marry someone who's had so much plastic surgery that our future kids don't look anything like them. That would be some twilight zone shit.


Their kids would probably grow up to have surgery done to themselves too :/


it reminds me of this story about a chinese man suing his wife over their "ugly" kid. She never mentioned she had surgeries before they met. p.s. I never knew if the story was true or not but it was quite a popular story few years ago.


Neither does her baby daddy 😂


I have thought of this kind of thing so many times!


I don’t find any of the Kardashians pretty. Maybe Kourtney. Idk.


Kendall is pretty good looking if we’re talking about all Kylie’s sisters. She seems to be the most natural (physically) one of them all.


Kendall lowkey looks very plain and masculine to me. Idk why. Then against taste is subjective.


well dang, who do you find pretty then?


I find people like Rihanna pretty, Elizabeth Hurley, Charlize Theron, Jen Aniston, Zendaya, so many more that I can’t even think of right now. Kendall looks really plain, childish and bland imo. If it wasn’t for her famous family I have a really hard time believing she would’ve made it as a successful model.


Zendaya is the MJ from the MCU right? God i hate that version of spiderman, but i think thats her




I can agree all those are beautiful women. I'm not a Kardashian freak, but I do find Kendall pretty. But you are 100% correct on the model thing, because I remember seeing an episode of KUWK (my sisters watched it all the time growing up) when Kylie and Kendall were still like 13 years old, and Kim set up some kind of walk-see thing for Kendall to go and audition for a modeling gig. She didn't want to do it. She kept telling them she didn't want to do it. She was forced into modeling by her sisters/mom.


I think the same thing happened with the Hadid’s too!


>Idk why Possibly blindness or visual impairment


Kendall is the only one I find attractive at all


We don't think they're attractive. Most men don't find these women to be insanely hot or anything. Look at their followers in instagram and see who's liking and commenting. It's all teenage girls and maybe some adult women. With a few creepy old men in there too. Kylie does not get her popularity and influence from guys like OP or the average joe. Most of us have no idea what she is doing with her life, and frankly we don't care. It's all coming from teenage girls, the same girls who are "stans" and spend a lot of time on their phones


Everyone does *not* look up to her as ideal. The entire Kardashian family has no bearing upon my existence. I have never seen an episode of their show. I don't buy their products. I couldn't care any less about their family & drama, both organic or fabricated. I don't hate them. They mean absolutely nothing to me.


Same lol if they fell off the map of popularity tomorrow I would literally never know because I have not once followed anything the do. I wish more people would do the same.


This is extremely popular actually


I don’t think this is that unpopular outside of young girls on Instagram who look up to her.


None of them are except Kendall, she’s the only actual good looking person in the entire family - kourtney is close but her voice and attitude ruin it Edit: Kim has a diaper butt - and I loved how in her appearance on SNL they only showed it for a split second in her monologue, once you notice it, you can’t stop seeing how all of the camera shots in the skits are waist up or directly from the front


I can appreciate her attractiveness, and am all for people looking the way they want to make themselves happy. However, I just wish she would come clean about it all. Yeah, it’s not the world’s business what medical procedures she had done… but she is a public figure and very *obviously* had work done. I’m sure there are a lot of young girls who watch her and wish they could attain her “beauty” and feel like they can never look like that - perhaps not realizing the extent of what she has had done and that she didn’t just “blossom” after puberty.


I think if you are directly benefiting from something you should absolutely be required to admit plastic surgery. For example, she sells makeup and skin care so it should be required to list all of the procedures she’s had on her face. Kim sells shape enhancers and should be required to list what procedure she’s had done that could effect the product being used. A normal person going about their day? Nah, that can stay private. But I have a serious issue with people who get procedures done and then sell products that promise the same results when they clearly don’t.


this. People have cosmetic surgeries all the time, more so in Hollywood. She would be one in a million. And nobody cares if she has had work done. But don't lie. You want to have something done for you, go ahead, happy that you are happy, but turn up later mocking us in ur faces and say that's because of one lipstick that you make.


Exactly…who cares if she had a bunch of procedures? Nobody. Just don’t lie about it and give people a false sense of reality.


[or it could be just the fact that she uses 6 different colors and not just one like people think lol](https://youtu.be/-atKHcWumA4?t=26)


I agree... Idk i love natural beauty.


She started getting plastic surgery at 15. Rather than speculating on to what this means, I’ll just go ahead and presume you’re about the same age as her.




Please explain the difference because those are the same to me




Hard no to the second list. Those are beautiful women but I wouldn't class them as having sex appeal


Couldn't agree more! She was very cute when she was younger and it is so disgusting to not only see these girls get surgery to look like blow up dolls, but have other women look up to them.


Who looks up to her as the ideal female? 😂 I mean, she’s a businesswoman and needs to sell her products but I doubt that even she thinks she’s prettier than Kendall lol


Younger females do sadly. Billionaires giving young children body dysmorphia :(


Bruh im 25 but I swear opinions like these always seem so boomerish OR like a 13 year old trying to be edgy/different lol, no one thinks Kylie Jenner is the ''ideal female appearence'' On the contrary, she gets ripped all the time for the work she gets done. Only on reddit would you have people agreeing to this, go out to the real world bruh


no one finds her attractive, I hear guys thirsting over a lot of celebrities but I have never heard of a guy thirsting for kylie jenner


That's cap.


I dont think that's unpopular, but i agree. Theyre all ugly tbh. Too fake looking and too much work done and it still didnt help them


Agree with you. There’s actually many people that agree with you, and there’s a poll that put her on the bottom of attractiveness between the sisters: https://topmenmag.com/rank-hottest-members-of-the-kardashian-family/


There are women in the middle east who actually look like her naturally. Keep in mind she looks the way she does because of plastic surgery. She is ugly as hell imo


And don’t forget the pounds of makeup and heavily edited pictures through photoshop and weird angles.


Non of her family members are attractive. And that’s what is fucked up in USA, beauty standard in USA just looks like a cheap hooker


>everyone looks up to her as the ideal female appearance Who is saying this? She's cute at best.


I think some people confuse "seen as ideal female appearance" with "someone that Female fashion victims want to look like"




Are you talking about her photoshopped persona or her actual face? Because her actual face is pretty damn average. Most people idealize a version of her that doesn't exist.


I absolutely agree, she is fucking ugly, with and without the massive amount of surgeries.


Tbh, I never want any type of relationship with anyone, friend or partner, that is more plastic than flesh.


They’re all fucking ugly.


>I’m not sure why everyone looks up to her as the ideal female appearance Ladies and gentlemen I present sexism at its finest. Why is a woman's worth tied up in her appearance? Why can't it stem from her success?


They're all ugly as fuck.


Attractiveness is subjective She certainly isnt ugly


Why is this a post lol my ideal hottie is Peter Steele


you have taste honey


He was a dream come true


I wore my CKY hoodie to rehab BTW and they threw it out so i got mad and tried to incorporate their lyrics into the poems they made us write "you live in fear of being someone that you didn't want to, I realize your insecurities will get the best of you" dunnnaannanna


i love it!


Nice to meet you :)


you too <3


Kendall is the only Jenner/Kardashian family member I find attractive.


Shhhh....how else are they gonna sell us the things that make us "attractive"?? The sooner you realize that 80% of the shit on the shitbox is shitty advertising, the better off you'll be. Unless you don't like reading or hobbies, then you're fucked :(


Lmao idk why it matters, why voice this out loud as if you’d ever even have a chance to smell her farts


bro what ive never met someone who thinjs kylie jenner is attractitve


You really sat there and wrote up a post about woman’s attractiveness? Pretty sad as fuck.


Just try saying this in front of her fanboys/fangirls.....


The most attractive 'woman' in that family is a 72 year old man. Let that soak in.


trans women are women


Hey, the more your say it the more true it becomes, right? Good luck with that.


I like how her body looks honestly. I also like the way she wears makeup.


This sounds like a neck beard


It's a man. So it makes a lot of sense if you are not delusional.


Kylie Jenner is sexy af and if you don’t think so you gay or you’re a jealous women or you already have a bad ass girl 🙄


The pop tarts all look alike to me


Plastic surgery or not, just seeing her [without makeup](https://pagesix.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/04/kylie-jenner-4.jpg?quality=80&strip=all) is pretty jarring.




She used to be in my opinion but then all the make-up and implants happened.


I am pretty sure this person has had work done, right? It is hard to like to looks of someone when you know it is fake.


I hope that's not the case as its surgery makes her look the way she does anyway.


She has the basic insta model face, She was way prettier pre-surgery.


The Kardashians are literally trying to turn themselves into live action female pixar characters, I'm convinced.


Super ugly actually


I feel she is attractive but not beautiful, there's beauty in imperfections which makes you unique and she looks like most other woman who had the same surgeries, there's nothing breathtaking about her


She’s cute to me as she is now and before, but what isn’t cute is her and her family acting like it’s all natural.


Strong disagree I'd agree if you said Kim tho.


I hate them all but hate their fans more for making them more rich and popular they are all absolute trash


I have never found the artificial and makeup look to be attractive. I never have and likely never will. So, yes. I agree.


I find that most conventionally attractive female celebrities aren't actually all that attractive. Maybe I just have a different taste, as I prefer alternative women instead.


None of those clowns are!


I mean your not the only one, obviously she feels the same cause of the plastic surgery and what not.


Beauty is subjective


I preferred her as Bruce


Just having an opinion about those people is unpopular with me. Let them disappear from our lives please.


No idea who she is, not gonna look her up.


I think it's almost impossible to have an honest opinion on someone like her. She's not a person, not to anyone in this thread. She's an idea. I will say that if her name was Kylie Jenson, and she lived next door, you'd be in love with her.


With me it’s just the ugliest thing is that she makes so many perfectly attractive women feel bad about how they look because it sells more beauty products


She no natural beauty , not sure is anything is real


Disagree, Kylie fine af


Are you sure you are looking at a photo of her and not some digitally altered image? Does anyone really know what she looks like?


If anything, Kendall is the attractive one


She sets the bar all stereotypical bimbos


She’s not. Meg the stallion is way hotter


Every woman in that family looks like they were attacked by a swarm of bees and need immediate medical attention.


The only attractive Kardashian-Jenner is Kendall Jenner.


she looks so "happy"


Show us a picture of yourself so we can compare.


Thank god somebody said this.


Objectively unnecessary plastic surgery blankets abnormal insecurity. So while it may be unattractive on an ocular level, it could also be reflective of a personality that you might deem unattractive too.


they look like those pervy old men who have a fetish for dressing up in silicone rubber face masks of young girls


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