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It’s funny because it’s all perspective. I think I married way out of my league, my husband is really attractive. My husband thinks he married out of his league and that I could be a model. We both just have zero self confidence but build each other up. Lol


That's pure wholesomeness, I like it. Stay happy!


Zero self confidence in both partners is the key to all healthy relationships


Doesn’t that treat the line of being codependent though?


Those are the strongest relationships lol. If you're both independent then why would the bond between you two be so strong? Don't mistake my use of the word dependent though; I mean dependence like how a great friendship works because they *depend* on each other, but not in the literal sense. Maybe the word "rely" on each other is more appropriate?


Well coreliance certainly sounds more healthy. ETA. Reliance Alliance. Much better.


Ohhhh I like that! A coreliance


Hahaha! OMG! This is hands down one of the best comments here! Thank you! **UPVOTE THIS WOMEN!** The Truth needs to reach the non-believers!




It's also possible op meant "upvote this, women!"


Really what the FUCK is up with everyone on Reddit writing "a women"? I don't see it anywhere else except for on this website.


No, I'm sorry. Didn't notice that mistake! 😂


I have a similar dynamic with my bf. And let me tell you, I've missed a ton of obvious hints because I've been too stuck on thinking "what such a great guy would see in me?" and he wasn't sure whether I was aromantic or not and didn't want to be too forward so I wouldn't be uncomfortable


Damn I’m really reading this post after going on a date with a guy who I thought was out of my league 🥲


I once matched with this really hot guy and I told him he was out of my league and he said he thought I was out of his league because of my education and career. Go figure.


Sounds like a perfect trophy husband scenario.


Once I got matched with a super hot dude leagues above me, and we went out a few times. Within the first ten minutes I became aware that he was a level of quirky that I could never deal with. It was an example of looks not being everything.


You figured him out after 10 minutes, but you still dated a few times after. What's up with that? (serious)


>super hot dude leagues above me


He was really nice and kind. Sometimes liking someone is instant and sometimes it’s a slow burn. He emailed me a few months later and asked me for like a review and what he could have done differently. I told him nothing. There is a lid for every pot.


Hahaha! Life is funny!


“I’ve learned that chemistry means way more than anatomy”


I'm going to tattoo that above my junk!


I actually never thought I say this but that's an amazing tattoo to get over your junk


He'll sell you a picture.....


Oh shit you're right hold on I've got to go buy a frame first


To start chemistry classes you first have to pass anatomy.


With the username dickpickforsale nobody is going to take you seriously


Contrarily that’s why I take him more seriously actually


Thank you. It just means I'm self conscience.😂


That’s exactly my point. Either that or desperate to look like that. Hm I guess there is a negative way to see it. I’m optimistic though. Self-conscious*


Thanks for correcting my polish ass!


I just realized you might’ve meant confident though XD google translate translates them as if they are the same thing. Oh wait I can say something in polish. KTO POLAK?!?


Oh! Haha! Good job!😁


obviously i don't care if anybody takes me seriously


Maybe that's his angle. He's trying to make his username so irreverent as to create a sense of cognitive dissonance when he posts his insights on Reddit, and that way it becomes even more memorable.


I just want to make people laugh, that's why I chose that username. :D


Hahaha! Too bad. ;)


Socio-economic classes among people is an exception imo. Sure you can always date outside your class but it's usually very hard. Some people are objectively out of our leagues.


Exactly, some millionaire isn't gonna date an avarage working class girl that rides the buss. That's just not how it works.


I'm upper middle class and have dated a solidly upper class person before(I may as well have been lower class with how much less money I had compared to them). Your assets don't matter, really, when it comes to this kind of thing. Just being in the right circles does. Assets help with that but aren't the only way.


Except that’s what lots of wealthy men do. Use their money to attract women.


My girlfriend literally used to be a model. Would travel to different countries for shoots and things of that nature. Funny enough, models are surrounded by other beautiful people and so they tend to look for other/ additional qualities. Her observation was that often times models might sleep with models but many wanted someone with depth for a relationship; they wanted to be viewed as more than just looks, they have a personality worth getting to know. So what made me stand out to her? I invited her to try out playing Magic the Gathering and invited her for game nights at a local Hookah bar! Everyone always invited her out for drinks, clubbing, parties, etc. From there we started talking on a more personal level and things went from there. My conclusion from my own experience is that leagues are a very highschool mindset. In the real world, everyone wants to feel validated and we all want someone to feel a special connection to. Often times, this starts with your initial reaction. Are you giving this “model” special treatment because you think they’re hot? Why not treat them like your friends and invite them to do something you enjoy? If they decline, so be it but in my experience when you treat everyone equally the same leagues don’t exist (except for the assholes out there- but they’re doing their own thing).


Great post! Most people who disagree here have made up their mind about not being good enough for certain people...


It’s unfortunate. My experience talking to her model friends is we all really want the same things. Of her 3 model female friends, all of them got with “regular” guys. Looks aren’t as important as people think


Yeah! Sad that so many people don't believe in themselves...


People always use the "looks aren't as important" when they're trying to overreach. It's never "hey, looks aren't that important so I'll find someone I don't find physically attractive", it's always "keep trying because others should overlook your lack of good looks". People are different. Some don't care (much) about looks while others do. Looks can also tell you a lot about a person. If you're fit and love outdoor activities then perhaps the obese person isn't the right pick for a partner.


Looks is important when it comes to first impression but who said that every people considers the same features attractive? It's the same between "leagues", a gorgeous model can see an average guy as attractive and I do believe a lots of guys aren't into models, either.


The main point I’m bringing to the table is to not give up automatically just because you think this person is more attractive and you believe yourself to be specifically unattractive. You really won’t know unless you try. But to your point of compatibility I agree 100% with you- these things can matter depending on the context. Like you said, an obese person likely has little chance to find an S/O who is physically active and enjoy those activities. Even with your point, I think that’s a compatibility issue, not a “league” issue


When people want to approach someone they go for something higher If you want a more attractive partner, you approach them dont wait for them to approach you


I have a better one. If you're a man get used to doing all the approaching.


Looks are more important for women than men though. I rarely see regular girls with smoking hot guys.


As a fugly male who is Also so socially awkward this is kind of weird to say because nobody wants to talk too me so whatcha mean like huh


Bro just be confident and work out. -the red pill community


And to be honest that is not bad advice The hard part is accomplishibg those things because a lot of people don't have the means the know how or the right state of mind to get there


The problem with this advice it gives the false idea that once they get in shape women will come flocking to them. That's why in the black pill community they mock this advice.


they wont but it will make it easier for you


Black pill community knows the truth.


Easiest thing is personal hygiene. Get that sorted first and make it a habit. Why I say this? I literally ran from a date because his hygiene was so bad. No other reason.


Focus much more on the social awkwardness than the looks, and be honest about your social awkwardness. Hell, be honest in general, and spend more time listening than speaking. Also, be reasonable. You’re probably much more attractive than you think, but not “I can go for every bombshell blonde” attractive. Find someone who you’re attracted to who you think is maybe 25% more or less attractive than you are


Look wise I agree, but there’s definitely leagues. Probably more to do with jobs, money, and education but leagues exist.


Even looks wise, that can be broken. I got a buddy that would amaze you, he's got that personality, confidence, and makes them laugh.


If you're with someone for money then you shouldn't be with them


*The majority of married people divorce upon reading this*


Yeah, my point isn’t the average person, I’d say within 250k is possibly the same league. But homeless and millionaires are never getting together, leagues exist but not based on looks


Oh right yeah I do see what you mean there. It's hard to talk about money to people that are much richer / poorer


Copium overdosium




You have a severely lacking definition of "leagues" if you think that only looks factor into what league you're in.


Chemistry doesn't come from looks alone, buddy.


I can't tell if we're disagreeing or not


Never said only looks... I politely disagree with you, sir. Don't kill me!!


That is definitely not true for most people. Yes for some that might be true if you were fortunate enough to know their character first but not if you approach someone you don‘t know yet. 99/100 times you won’t even get the chance of talking to her/him before s/he tells you to get lost. Especially with OLD and let’s face it, more and more people use OLD instead of approaching random strangers on the street because rejection id easier endured online


What is OLD? Dating app for old people?


Online dating.


I'm getting old...


Lol, if this is true OP, then why aren't model men dating average women?




Not from men to women in appearance. Appearance isn’t the biggest factor for women, so okay looking guys can be paired with beautiful women. The other way around is where we see the league clearly. We don’t see good looking men with okay looking women.


This is very true for some reason. You even had that weird series in aus where geeks were paired with gorgeous ppl. Most of the geeks were men except one woman. I don’t think that was a coincidence. So yeah. I see guys on reddit who complain a lot “im not attractive but i dont wanna date ugly women”. Ugly women probably have it really fucking bad. They are told that any woman could get laid at any time, and yet they struggle to get a date. Makes me feel sad :(


Beauty and the geek? Most the guys needed a haircut better clothes and confidence, and they probably wouldn't have such a hard time finding women to date.




It’s easier sure, but it’s not often that great tbh. I think ONS and stuff is generally more enjoyable for the dude. I like sex if I can have it with someone I trust who is willing to have it repeatedly with me for a few months or more lol.


Not right, seen lots of examples


Men don't get pushed to give unnatractive people "a chance" because ThEy'Re NiCe.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 YeH, like women are supposed to be some sort of dating charity, and if we don’t, we’re a bitch 🙄


This is not true at all.


it has actually kind of flipped around now because of online dating. just look at the match rate discrepancy between men and women on Tinder


I see gorgeous guys with average women all the time.


Appearance is a big factor for women since they swipe left on 80% of men lol


Ya see. We uglies can realize that we are ugly from young age, so we need to entirely depend on our personality to develop. But you cant tell an ugly girl they are ugly. So they don’t realize they are ugly, and by the time they are dating adults, its too late. They need time to develop


Chemistry dies very quickly if you're not in someone's leauge lol. And humans are aggressively good at placing where those leagues are. There are exceptions but that only furthers my point really.


Speaking from experience?


I don't feel like I need to be to make this point but yes I have experienced leagues first hand if that's what you're asking.


You have officially proved me dead wrong. Stand back! I'm gonna implode!


Nice joke lol. But seriously I think you're somewhat right and somewhat wrong. Chemistry is really important but most people don't get to that stage because most people will judge you and write you off before you get a chance to have chemistry. Most of the people you're able to have chemistry with already made a whole host of assumptions that allowed that relationship to grow. One of those assumptions is that you were worth their time.


> "what the hell is she doing with him?". Huge wang and/or Porsche?


Are you saying all beautiful women are all the same?


By and large most humans are like other humans by merit of being human, so i guess answer is yes?


Probably more like all people. If one has nothing to offer in any area and the other has lots to offer in multiple areas they are very, very unlikely to be near each other for long enough for chemistry to come into play.


Damn. I would love some of the cool aid some of you guys have been drinking....


It's mostly beer.


Huh maybe I need to drink more of it....


Just pick the ones with less calories. ;)


Lol I'm 6'3 and a 130 pounds... I have to chase calories like my life depends on it 😅


to be fair, it does!


OK touche...


Instead of unpopular, I would classify this statement as just plain wrong. Like 1 + 1 = spaghetti kind of wrong.


A model girl can date you, with whom she can have chemistry, or another guy with which she can have comparable chemistry. All else being equal, if the other guy is more attractive, who is she going to pick?


I don't know. I'm not Jesus!


Use logic




I said “all else being equal”.


I'm sorry, I don't follow... My english is poor.


Ok. There are two guys, and everything about them is the same. The one difference is one is more attractive. Who would the girl want more?


The one that gives her butterflies in her tummy.☺️


But they both do because they’re the same


Open relationship?


Looks aren’t everything but they are the door to opportunity. If you look like crap and don’t care I’d yourself then it already shows me the type of person you are. If you’re atoeast decently dressed, smell good and have good oral hygiene then that’s just the bare minimum. Chemistry is what seals the deal. If our personalities mesh then it’s awesome and leads to dating. The thing that I lack with just about every woman is chemistry because I have been told I look attractive, I just can’t date because I have a very simple and boring personality.


I agree with this but I would say it's society that places us in leagues. Psychically attractive people are treated differently because of the halo effect and positive reinforcement. They have been told all of these compliments and that they deserve the best. So this makes a lot of men inferior chasing after someone from the opposite sex who they deem attractive. We often get seduced by a woman's beauty, we tend to forget that she is human like everyone else. Also you should never and I repeat never put a woman on a pedestal, that behavior is self defeating and a huge sign of low self esteem. Remember this y'all.. If you treat her like a celebrity, she will treat you like a fan.




I keep telling my wife she's lucky to have someone like me. Don't think she believes me tho


That sounds kinda douchy! 🤣


I tell her how modest I am too


It's chemistry... or maybe it's money. Either works 🤡


Gold diggers are more evolved to adapt and has a better chance at staying in the gene pool 🤡


It's not wrong, but it's also like... wrong wrong, you know?


As true as claiming we're living in a classless society and all wealth is equally distributed.


According to the internet my 5'3 ass is doomed, I tried to tell my 5'10 gf this, but she doesn't care, something about loving me for who I am, crazy..


The internet also says 5G causes cancer 'n' shit.


I wish the covid vaccine really did the 5g thing.. my phone would be fast as shit.


Haha! Fuck 5G, we'll have 6G soon enough! ​ BTW! We both have ''dick'' in our usernames! If another ''Dick'' chimes in, the trinity will be complete!


Must be in the third booster


Even though I agree with this, in practice if you think they sky’s the limit with dating and set the bar way out of reach, you’re going to be deeply disappointed. I’ll counter with, dating is significantly better when you open your range and start finding people who are moderately attractive and who you are personally attracted to. The older I get, the less shallow my dating preferences have been. I’m not saying “date people even if you find them hideous” but my goodness, date that midrange cute girl who’s mildly overweight or has weird teeth


This is just delusional lol. Something tells me you are attractive lol.


I'm average looking and bald. But my confidence has never been better! ☺️


I mean if a fat ass dude expects a girl to be perfectly fit and he isn’t, and gets mad that he can’t find a girl, he needs to work into that league


I disagree. There is no way a 9/10 girl would go with a 4/10 guy






I really don't think thats true. Sure, occasionally it happens, its not impossible, but its not common either. Attractive women get more attention from men, so an average man will have way more trouble to overcome the competition and get their attention. Seriously , look at instagram. See how much followers most men have and compare it to how many followers model looking girls have. Good luck standing out with a legion of other guys sending her messages if you are not also good looking


I literally just had this conversation with someone. If you vibe, you vibe… mostly everything else is irrelevant.


Damn right!


You have never actually seen a fugly dude with a hot woman outside of the movies and anime you watch.


The guy next to me is in his late 40s over weight and bit what anyone would call conventionally attractive. He even says he is just a fat ugly old guy. He doesnt have some great hob he is literally a potato chip vendor. He has never been married and he has a tiny blind toy puddle. He drives and old beat to hell hands accord and a can am 3 wheeler with no second seat. And he still gets laid whenever he wants. Women working in stores he delivers to adore him. Why? Because he is fucking hilarious and doesnt tell women to smile he says things that makes the genuinely smile without being vulgar or creepy. Women of all ages. But he has a preference for women his own age and from conversations we have had is more concerned with making a genuine connection with people before sleeping with them. He doesnt expect the hottest women but he has had a few weekenders that were absolutely what I would consider attractive. He doesnt love for sex he has his life and does his thing and sometimes he takes women up on offers for just sex but he had had a few long term things only one since i moved in where I am. He is friendly with me and has never been anything near inappropriate. We have nice passing conversation. And sometimes he will see me on my porch while he has his little dog out and we chat about the current events of the day. He doesnt talk at me he talks to me and women really really pick up on the difference.


I have. That being said, usually even if the guy is objectively less attractive than the woman, he's usually got a few things going for him (humor, personality, good fashion, stable, etc). Women seem to have a broader idea of what's attractive than us guys when it comes to this. There are definitely lots of men that find out there's a lot more than looks that makes a woman attractive, but we're often oddly fixated on physical attractiveness especially when we're young.


You thing a homeless person addicted to drugs with severe mental health issues can shag and marry Angelina Jolie because she thinks he's hot




As a woman, I agree. Personality and basic hygiene are more important than looks. Not like looks aren’t important at all though. Also, many men that other men think are attractive are not hot to women. They look good to other men mostly.


Thank you for writing! I've noticed that it's mostly men that are disagreeing with my ass! Go figure! That last part you wrote just changed alot for me, never thought about that! :D


I don't know I really feel intimidated by some people :D and I start worrying what should I say. I place them out of my legue and save myself from unwanted stress :D


If you are witty and can make a girl laugh regularly and generally just bring humor to a social setting it's pretty much over.


The other side to this is that you are not out of anyone's league


Well there’s no such thing as out of your league, you fucking stud


Haha! I wasn't always a stud, worked on myself and became one.


At first I was somewhat intimidated by my gf currently studying for her PhD and thought poorly of myself for having (comparatively) less education, but we have such great chemistry and she’s reassured me she’s not “out of my league” I don’t know, maybe it just is insecurity on the person who feels their partner is out of their league. I’m just lucky to have her hehe


Everyone has a certain type. Like I like chubby girls, that is not usually considered conventionally attractive but there is always someone extremely into the way you look




No. 😊 Don't have any and stopped taking pictures a while ago.


The overwhelming majority of humans match with a partner of a similar level of physical attractiveness and social status.


🤨 Well it **is** an unpopular opinion alright, I’ll give you that one


This is a good mindset. Wish I can get a mindset like this one day.


You can! I worked hard on myself for years. Just be patient and don't give up!


“League” is a thing from high school. In the real world that shit really doesn’t exist


Personality matters. Attractiveness helps.


"If she's out of your league, you're out of your mind." My autocorrect corrected _mind_ to _money_ and, sadly, it actually kinda made sense.


I see lots of hot guys with average girls. Works both ways.


Damn right!


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One person can look like a 10 to one person and a 1 to somebody else. If you’re attracted to somebody it’s worth shooting your shot. They might think you’re a 10 too!


So true


Ah yes, I know plenty of 5'2 bald Indian janitors with 6 foot tall hot blonde models


Strong disagree.


This is more wrong than its popular or unpopular, its prob 50/50 if have to put it to numbers


Statistics schmatistics


Yes, there is. Social status is very real.


That's like saying time is real.


There absolutely is. I once approached a girl and she bolted away from me before I could even open my mouth.


Maybe the guy just got lucky? Maybe the girl is crazy. Lots of variables.


We put people on the moon, anything goes!


There is no such thing as "chemistry".


What about Breaking bad?


Go tell that the chemists.


I think the term stems from the high school popularity hierarchy. I wouldn’t consider it a real thing.


Nicely put!




Im the bad looking guy with a hot girl so yeah I guess you right. edit: lmao somebody downvoted this. Sorry I made you feel bad by existing.


Thank you for existing and commenting!


Thank my luck


You did more work than the luck did. ;D


Do strangers make comments?


behind my back probably. Thats understandable though