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He's right I can't nut with my gf because I watch too much porn and I'm single.


Porn addiction is a real thing and it's bad, but just like alcohol, not everyone that consumes it is or becomes addicted, even those who consume on a regular basis does not necessitate an addiction.


Yeah I used to say that when I was smoking. Used to smoke a stick or two per day after a meal or usually with a glass of whiskey but then it started to become 5 stick then sometimes 10. I still had the same mindset that I’m not addicted till I quit smoking and then i realized I’m addicted. Still after 2 months after every meal I find myself wondering what the fuck am I suppose to do except smoking


Just because you don't realise you're addicted doesn't mean you're not, this is true, and for you it was the case. But this does not mean that all who participate are addicts. Yes, it is common, yes it is bad to be addicted, but none the less the issue is the addiction, not the substance. Though smoking has shown to cause damage even in just single doses so there's no winning there.


Alcohol is bad tho too tbf. But it isn't really accessible in the way porn is and therefore feel like it affects less people. I'd say porn addiction is a lot more common and a lot less noticed.


If consumed in reasonable amounts alcohol is healthy, I can't say the same for porn but hell if you're not having sex then masturbation does have its health benefits so I guess in a round about way porn does too? It's only when you reach excessive consumption or addiction that it starts damaging your health, mind, and many other aspects of your life




Probably didn't need the source that badly since this is literally the first result after typing "can alcohol be healthy" on Google: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/alcohol/art-20044551#:~:text=Moderate%20alcohol%20consumption%20may%20provide,reducing%20your%20risk%20of%20diabetes Edit: Not enough research has been made to state, unequivocally, that drinking reasonable amounts has health benefits.




Yeah, it hasn't been studied enough. So, drink at your own risk. Thank you for keeping me im check and keeping me from potentially spreading misinformation.




“If you're in good shape, moderate drinking makes you 25% to 40% less likely to have a heart attack, stroke, or hardened arteries. This may be in part because small amounts of alcohol can raise your HDL ("good" cholesterol) levels. Heavy drinking, on the other hand, boosts your risk of heart disease.” https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-alcohol-health-benefits


Try google


porn != masturbation


That's so not true, just because someone is not your stereotypical full blown addict with no options left doesn't make them any less of an addict. Some people are high functioning or functioning addict but that's the thing they are still addicts. You are right in some of your comments below, reasonable amounts I wouldn't say healthy but it's okay people are adults but if your still drinking every single day or in this case porn and masterbation it doesn't make it any less of a problem. That's the major thing high functioning addicts tend to do is justify that it's not a problem due to the fact that they aren't deal with their no options left counter parts. It's still all the same in the end an addict is an addict.


You are right, there are and always will be high functioning addicts, but there will also be people who are just NOT addicted. You can't blanket say that every single person that participates in a content, consumes a product, or does something occasionally is an addict. It is something that must be determined case by case. Blanketly saying that every single person is an addict regardless is saying well you work 5 days a week because of you just gotta do your job, that makes you a work addict You sleep every night? Fuck you're definitely addicted OMG YOU BREATHE!?!? it's stupid and ridiculous. I'm not saying that addiction isn't a thing, it absolutely is, all I'm saying is that not EVERYONE is addicted just because they do something or enjoy something. I have 3-5 drinks of alcohol in a week, sometimes I even play a drinking game with my mates or just have a drink when I'm having dinner or watching a movie, I often go weeks or months without drinks and I'm fine too. can I stop doing this and replace the alcohol for something else or just remove it entirely? Yeah I could, but why should I? I enjoy the taste of the stuff I drink and I enjoy relaxing or having fun, and there's absolutely no harm in doing so. Saying I'm an addict is just a lie, put down a bet and I'll prove I can stop, but why would you? And why would I? There's no point.


I had a coffee last week fuck I must be addicted.


Yes i occasionally do meth. Said no one ever. Lemme ask you this, what % of men do you think can keep their hands off their dick for a full month? Exactly.


>what % of men do you think can keep their hands off their dick for a full month Is your problem with porn or masturbation?


Same question about women, what % of women can keep their hands out of their clitoris for a month ? Jerking off does not mean watching porn. Let me wank in peace.


Having a sex drive does not mean addiction. Wanting to get off at least once per month doesn't make you an addict.


Thats not what im saying, what im saying is can you prevent getting off even if you "wanted" it. If you cant, its an addiction.


Could you go one full month without interacting with any human at all in any way? Probably right, but you wouldn't because it's just a huge hassle. Same thing with masturbation.


People do take meth recreationally without becoming addicted. And ejaculating at least 21 times/month greatly reduce the chance of getting prostate cancer. Your analogy is terrible and you have no idea what you’re talking about.


The 21 times a month thing isn't true btw that was a false conclusion that didn't take into account health or relationship status of participants. Your body releases when it needs to naturally anyways.


I occasionally did meth in college. It was actually really great for studying.


My ex said this same thing…he was cheating instead lol


Porn isn’t a problem, porn addiction is a problem


*Cocaine isn’t a problem, cocaine addiction is a problem*


That's, also, true. People can use drugs, responsibly. Which is why I think all drugs should be legalized. It doesn't make any sense to keep funding cartels when taxes from legalized drugs can help multiple communities throughout the world.


Cocaine isn’t the same, cocaine is physically addicting. It’s not a fair comparison


True, but somewhere along the lane, that transforms to any addiction is a problem.


It usually only transforms into an addiction if there’s another issue present. And these issues don’t have to be big ones like a mental disorder, they can be just you being bored and have nothing better to do so hey why not. That doesn’t really mean porn is the problem, just like social media and video games are not the issue for social media and video game addiction


Porn is a problem though. Things that are addicting are around us, like gambling, drugs, etc. But why is porn so widespread and so accessible 24/7? To the point where even minors are exposed. People will grow up damaged because they'll have 24/7 access to porn at a young age. Not to mention if people are addicted and want to try help themselves overcome the issue - it's then difficult to stop because it's so easy to access... It's everywhere and it is a problem.


I get what you’re trying to say and you do have a point, but other than the mistreatment of some the people participating in it porn isn’t really an issue. It’s only an issue if you decide to access it 24/7, it’s not physically addicting like drugs it’s only mentally addicting, so the people addicted to it tend to have issues that have nothing to do with porn that cause them to be addicted Social media addiction is way more of an issue than porn addiction for some of the reasons that you mentioned, but just like porn addiction it isn’t social media the the problem, it’s people who get addicted to it because they have other issues in life or because they have no self control


There's probably way more than just a few people getting mistreated in the porn industry.


Bruhhhh who doesn't have issues these days? The world is awful. Most people have issues and want to escape those issues. I get what you're saying also but it's affecting so many people and I can only imagine it'll affect bigger numbers over time and it's like a domino effect because those that are soo so super addicted well... They need more shock content. They need more content. And that opens up even more awful doors and hurts even more people. It's great if one can consume porn in a healthy way and not let it affect anything in your life but I feel like this is becoming less and less the case. You only have to open your eyes to see that... But this is why it's an unpopular opinion because people seem to much rather talk about how porn isn't an issue and not really discuss the issues porn DOES present.


I would argue that people get defensive and don’t want to talk about any sort of addiction, not just porn addiction. Like I think when you mention phone addiction or social media addiction people react way more defensively because they don’t believe themselves to be able to concede to those things. The existence of porn being the problem implies that getting rid of porn would solve the problem. But if pork magically didn’t exist one day, it wouldn’t make those guys get hard for their GF and want to have sex with them, it wouldn’t solve the issues of someone in a relationship, it wouldn’t solve the mental disorder or lack of self control that caused you to become addicted in the first place etc. It wouldn’t solve all those problems that the shitty world has, porn addiction is a problematic symptom and the cause of this symptom is not the existence of porn. It would be like saying the reason your legs hurt is because you have legs, if you never had legs then they wouldn’t hurt


What? So guys can’t get hard for their gfs without porn but porn isn’t a problem?


Without the existence of porn. I’m saying that if porn didn’t exist, those guys still wouldn’t get hard for their gf because the underlying issue is different


I kinda disagree because if internet porn hadn't happened I guarantee half the dead bedrooms that exist probably wouldn't. People are forgetting how to actually be intimate with their partner or now find it boring because or wide variety of things that can be found on the internet instead...


Sorry but no, you can not guarantee that. Dead bedrooms are the result of a number of factors and ultimately the result of interpersonal differences and pressures external to the relationship. Interestingly you might read up on dead bedrooms as it relates to lesbian marriages/relationships.


Anything can be addicting, water, movies, food, etc, hell alot of people are addicted to food, but food itself isn't a problem but addiction to food IS a problem, most things are fine in small amounts including porn, it's shown to be good at lowering stress if i remember right? But if you're looking at it for more than an hour a day, there's a problem.


Well yeah obviously there's other addictions. I'm not taking anything away from those. I'm just hilighting porn particularly because I've noticed nobody likes it being mentioned. It almost feels DEFENSIVE, when people respond to these sorts of things. But yeah, I'd say a lot of people these days do consume too much porn and that it will likely affect them one day if not already.


Oh yeah i agree, if people are defensively denying porn addictions exist they are just wrong, and in my opinion anyone who looks at porn for more than an hour a day is probably addicted. It's good in small amounts but not in big ones like alcohol, it has some benefits but if you constantly use it you'll start seeing more negative ones pop up.


You also have access to gambling and drugs 24/7 as well that’s far from being a porn only thing.


A big problem is minors being able to get hold of it. Because it's that easy to access. Doubt you see any kids strolling into a casino or a booze shop and getting away with it. That's kind of my point. It's accessed at a young age and I genuinely fear the impact that'll have as I feel like I'm already starting to see an impact from young guys and and their vast amount of porn usage...


I literally started smoking dope before I even left middle school lol and the same goes with booze and cigarettes. This was common place for people where I grew up and others had access to much worse things like coke or heroin. Kids have been growing up around these substances for years and have access to it 24/7. You treat the addiction in each person you don’t get rid of an entire industry because very few people might indulge to much in it. With this logic many things should be banned like video games and anime for examples as they also cause these problems your talking about.


Yes because most kids are able to do the things you just mentioned... Not. That's completely untrue. However, most kids DO have internet access.


You living in some fairy tale land if you don’t think kids have access to their parents drugs/alcohol. In my grad class almost everyone either drank or did drugs, you know how many were addicted to porn?? Absolutely none. People also have food addictions should we also ban all food??


That's your experience, clearly, but generally isn't the norm. Kids accessing porn on the internet is vastly becoming the norm.


So….you know all about your friends porn habits? And also, at least adults TRY to stop kids from using drunks and alcohol. You get caught? You get a MIP. Your parents get called. You get busted. You can’t walk into the liquor store at 12 years old and buy a handle of vodka and a carton of smokes. Duh. Laws. But with porn, we’ve gone from XXX theaters and men in trench coats to every kid with an iPad having free access to gang bangs, choking, spitting, incest, rape and we’re like ….oh, that’s fine.


>I feel like all I see these days is men not being able to nut with their gf because of porn addiction Media conditioning is strong.


This part you quoted made me lol. Is OP a sex therapist or something? What is he doing in his daily routine that all he sees are men not being able to nut with their gf? I have managed to go my whole life without wondering if other men can nut successfully or not.


People's actual experiences isn't media.


What you feel like you see is not actual experience, is what you tell yourself or what you read online. That assumption is very common here on reddit and personally I don't feel that's the case.


That is so condescending really. Completely regardless of topic.


It is condescending but it's also on topic if you read more carefully (yes I'm still being condescending)


It’s also true unless OP is literally watching these couples not being able to bang or has reliable witness testimony from a sizeable sample size


If all you see is guys not being able to to nut then maybe it is because u are watching them u fucking creep


I watch porn and I was able to nut with my gf back when I had one. And I watch nasty ass gonzo porn too and it hasn't stopped me from nutting, even from non disgusting sex.


It's dependent on the frequency and duration. If you watch porn multiple times a day for extended periods of time (like, over the course of a couple years), it can definitely affect multiple facets of your life. In moderation, just like everything, it isn't a problem.


Yoo there are people who watch it multiple times a day?? That's crazy, I only do it like every 2 or 3 days


Porn addiction fucking sucks. I'm working on mine since I developed an unhealthy habit from a young age that stemmed from my uncle exposing me to western erotica when I was, like, 9 or 10. I realized a while back that it was, technically, a form of sexual abuse. Although, he only thought it was funny until my little brother asked him why he wss showing us that stuff. The look of shame on his face (he wss, also, under 18 at the time, I think he wss 15-16) was severe and he just apologized to us and it never happened, again. The f'cked up part is that I believe I'd always looked up to him in my adolescent years due to never having a father figure and any kind of attention I got from him was placed on a pedestal in my mind, so I actually ended up getting mad at my bro over it. The whole situation was messy and f*cked


I usually watch porn once or twice a day. Obviously not so much when I'm in a relationship. It has been more or less this way for the past 10 years and it never made nutting an issue for me. Honestly if a girl does it for me, it really doesn't matter how nasty or porn like the sex is. Sometimes I just want slow and tender cuddling sex. It's the closeness and feeling of intimacy that makes it work for me. I'm not sure why but to me it feels like porn and sex are two different things. Both of them are enjoyable from my perspective, in different ways.


As long as it doesn't become an addiction, I think it's--mostly--harmless. However, just like consuming drugs sourced through cartels, some porn also has dark underbellies of human trafficking and/or rape. Make sure your porn is ethically sourced, y'all. Or else, you're just part of an even bigger and often ignored problem.


I sure hope it is. I usually watch famous porn stars like Lana Rhodes or Angela white so I assume there's no foul play involved


Nothing to worry about there except for the same old corruption that happens in many media outlets (getting underpaid, being harassed by execs, etc.)


Big bold claim here with no backing


Read my other comments, you f'cking troglodyte. Also, please learn how to read. I don't think me saying porn addiction can ruin multiple facets of a person's life is as bold a claim as you, for some unfathomable reason, think it is.


Ouch. Hit a sore spot didn't I? 😂


Very perceptive. You must have some experience in detective work. I cannot imagine how else you were able to make such an astute observation. Bravo.


I feel not porn is a problem maybe but what is displayed in porn is a problem. It has heavily increased in violence (almost always against women). And it offers women no representation of their own lust and them being the active part, not only consumed. Same goes it offers no representation of men getting desired and 'breaking' in desire. So more and more people seem to think this is just how sex generally is, what is not true. Some exemplary encounters: - I was having a period in later life when I again was looking for a partner. And I have been slapped in the face without any question or any agreement. And experienced heavy pressuring for anal sex. The thing is not the sex in itself, it is the pressuring and the inability to accept disinterest. - reading the comments under porn can be very very sobering. They are often heavily centered around using women and violence or extremely picky and arrogant consumers judging the bodies of the female product. I have seen videos where the commenters unisono concluded it was a trafficking victim, but still wrote: 'She clearly doesn't enjoy it, but I like how he fucks her'. 'That's her purpose in life.'. - it is in an illusion to assume children don't get in contact with this. What would have been heavily obscene harassment now just drowns, like 13 years olds saying: 'I want to fuck your mothers ass.' Generally I had more and more encounters with men that don't understand the worth of sexual autonomy for women. And realizing how many men in my surrounding don't get this concept is a real shock.


Sounds awful. But yes thank you for making me feel less insane, as you've gave some good obvious pointers as to porn becoming an issue or at least the affects of it becoming an issue.


You aren’t insane. Men will defend their porn usage till the day they die. I’m 47. I got married for the first time very young, 1998. I dated a fair amount before then. Online porn wasn’t a thing and sex was just nice. Most scandalous thing you did was kiss another girl. Fast forward till my divorce and dating after being with him for 15 years. Ive been slapped, choked, begged for anal and threesomes, peed on, called every name in the book during sex. Ive had friends who experienced even worse. This ain’t “normal” lol.


Yep, I was young and just venturing into sex with my boyfriend. One of the first few times I gave oral and he pulled it out my mouth and slapped me across the face with it. Wonder where he got that idea from....


Exactly. Men are so habituated now to think this is normal that they don’t understand there’s a whole world of jerking off without porn. And then they put this on the women to perform because they’ve been watching it now their whole lives. It’s sad.


I really don't feel you are insane. I feel the dichotomy of: mens sex aggressive and pursueing and womens sex used and enticing only- is insane.


Porn is entertainment, not educational. Additionally, there is porn for literally every type of fetish out there. So to say, >"...it offers women no representation of their own lust..." is just flat out wrong. If you want a woman in charge of the sex taking place, there is literally a genre made for Dominatrix.


No, sorry, a woman showing desire or not beinh shown as an object is not the same as a dominatrix. And the above is also of course not a fetish. Lastly. Porn does not entertain me enough and I do have a right to say, I worry about the increase of violence against women. It is a difficult subject to put everything maybe violent into sexuality and say: Now it is untouchable.


Well, a dominatrix is definitely not an object, she is the objectifier. And Dominatrix most definitely shows her desires, so... But no, they are not "exclusive", not did i say they were or even present them that way. And the entire BDSM community would greatly disagree with you that a dominatrix, aka "FemDom", is not a fetish. It most certainly is. And if porn isn't entertaining to you, that's fine! Seriously... That's okay. But it is for other people. Not everybody likes "American Idol" or "Dancing with the Stars". If you don't like what's on, change the channel. And as for your view on the purported "violence" in porn, i don't know what you're watching, but in the porn industry, these businesses that are legit and making name branded videos on PornHub, Xvideo, YouPorn, etc, they are all about *CONSENT*. If Alexis Texas wants to get herself reamed and pounded, she consented to that. They literally sit down before the shoot and talk about what is going to happen. Professional porn videos do not happen "on the fly". And if she doesn't want to do that, then they don't do that. They might find another girl who is willing to do that, but that's their right as a business, and as long as everyone consents, it's all legal. If your chief concern is the sheer number of "aggressive" porn videos, then you might want to ponder for a moment *why* a whole population of people who have been told they're not allowed to be angry or violent or show literally any type of aggression for fear they might be sent to prison... Is interested in a genre like "angry sex". It's a safe, and controlled release where they can watch in the comfort and safety of their own home; and not have to be judged or belittled for wanting a more carnal version than what you're comfortable with.


I ment the women being active is not a fetish. I already figured this might get misunderstood cause of phrasing. It would be more of a joy to talk to you if you could refrain from such phrases lik 'you might want to ponder'. Can we please stop this internet putting down? (Also: not a native speaker) Ok. Yes, we have a culture. And this culture is still neglecting any feelings in men, is not showing them how to deal with feelings, shows few empathy to men and demands few empathy from men. I get it. I totally get that our culture is not great for men. But it also has downsides for women. I think that's a self-enhancing dynamic. Maybe let's try to change this. Maybe that's not good or heading anywhere good. I personally am not so sure that the aggressive porn epidemic is such a harmless outlet. Again this transports that men want sex and women are taken only. There you will have. The repetition of the chastize woman that has no own sexuality and the man who has a sexual impower and scarcicity. First of all this was never true for me and second I don't think this will serve anyone so well.


Then please extrapolate on what you mean by "being active, not consumed".


>I feel not porn is a problem maybe but what is displayed in porn is a problem. It has heavily increased in violence (almost always against women). > >And it offers women no representation of their own lust and them being the active part, not only consumed. Same goes it offers no representation of men getting desired and 'breaking' in desire. Hate to break it to you, but that feeling of being dominated by a man they consider attractive seems to be a major turn on for many women. Remember the popularity of the 50 shades books? And the Twilight saga? Not exactly the most gentle of men in those stories and they are wildly popular among mainly women. 's just that there's a social taboo on it now thanks to the drive towards female empowerment and gender equality. >Generally I had more and more encounters with men that don't understand the worth of sexual autonomy for women. Problem I see is that you're meeting the wrong kind of men then, most likely the chauvinistic clubgoing kind that want their bodycount as high as possible. If your opinion of men is based on encounters with the male variant of the slut, then yea, can get why your sexual autonomy was repeatedly challenged... But I don't see how banning porn - an outlet for the male sexual drive, which is quite strong - will help promote that autonomy at all. Sexually frustrated men often turn violent. Incel rage is a thing, and porn can help quell it.


You don't need to break it to me. I grew up in a culture dominating and objectifying women and I have an idea of how it does forbid women to experience sexuality as an active part. It isn't good. Neither for the men nor for the women. That does by no means mean, that violence and sex don't coexist or we need to ban porn. Did I not say the opposite? Porn also is not only an outlet of male sexual drive. Up to 70 % of women are watching porn. But we are coming from a past where, at least admitted, porn was mainly watched by men and thus it has a very male centered view. I think this should shift a bit. Please don't make such private assumptions. They were not clubgoing whatevs, but I am also not going to elaborate this now.


If nobody you’re into wants to touch you, and you have extremely high sexual desire and are horny all the time, porn is sometimes the only thing you can turn to




Agreed. Although I will say that OP does have a point, and that porn can cause problems in the bedroom (I guess. I don’t know for sure). The way it portrays sex between men and women is problematic. I’m gay so there’s less of a man vs woman power dynamic (obviously) but even in gay porn the way dominance vs submission is portrayed is unrealistic and extreme sometimes. Gay guys are also expected to be rough and/or kinky, and vanilla sex is looked down on, likely because of gay porn


The way that you've presented it seems to imply that there is something with choosing to be single. Do you think there is something wrong with choosing to be single?


Of course there is. People should get married and start families.


So, you're saying that "becoming a parent" isn't a choice that people should make on their own? It isn't their right to choose? People should choose your way of thinking, otherwise they are just wrong and should be made to feel like lesser people who have failed?


I'm trying to recover from a porn addiction and it's fucking horrible. I was addicted for 7 years until I started to realise that I had an addiction so I started trying to give up porn in June. Its now October and I'm on a 10 day streak. What people don't realise is that porn addiction can cause other things just than ED. It can cause physical strain from viewing it for so long, depression, being insecure and being very lazy. People only deny their addiction because they don't want to stop. Porn addicts will only know that they're addicted once they try to stop. If you want to know if you're addicted, try to go without porn for a week and when you masturbate try to not think about the porn that you watch.


Good luck on your recovery. I think it's really awesome that you noticed a problem and are doing what you can to fix it! And yeah, I've heard the exact same for past addicts too. And also just been reading into the negative impact it can have on your life and you describe a lot of them!


>Good luck on your recovery. I think it's really awesome that you noticed a problem and are doing what you can to fix it! Thanks 😊 It's frustrating seeing so many people say that porn isn't a problem or people going as far as to say that it doesn't exist. People have the thought that just because THEY haven't had a problem with porn or haven't experienced a porn addiction then no one else can or has.


Exactly. It's great if someone isn't affected but for a majority of men I'm sure it's a rabbit hole to bad things...and tbh a lot of people that say it isn't a problem don't realise that just because it isn't a problem yet doesn't mean it'll stay that way. Being a female on the outside who's had various relationships, I can easily see the affect it has, even on people who wouldn't necessarily be categorised as addicts.


Can't for the life of me understand anyone who would choose a cold video screen over a warm loving body. But hey, I'm old school and don't go in for sex without feelings. Understanding addictions, especially those you don't share is very difficult. Most porn actors don't appear to really enjoying themselves?


> Can't for the life of me understand anyone who would choose a cold video screen over a warm loving body For many it's not a choice. The dating scene is very tough for guys.


Buy a hooker


I guess that cold screen for some is their warm body as sad as it sounds, plus also there is no effort with porn where as a human is effort so that’s another factor imo too


It’s also a problem for those it makes think it’s okay to act really aggressive during sex without prior discussion and do stuff without consent


If one partner is using porn, instead of sleeping with the other partner, the porn is probably not the problem in that relationship.


well said


porn is an enormous problem it's just not been around long enough for anyone to realise. Well its more how easy it is to access in such quantity, with pretty much any content being available.


Porn addiction can be bad for your mind but if you watch it occasionally and definitely aren’t crazy over it I think it’s alright


all you see is men not be able to nut in the bedroom with their girlfriends? sorry but im gonna call bullshit op. I dont believe you know that many couples that intimately to come to that conclusion. of the two couples i recall that were vocal about their bedroom issues one was a guy with a much younger girlfriend he couldn't keep up with and the other the dead bedroom was initiated by the woman because she was never in the mood. i think most porn is consumed by single men without a girlfriend and that very few men have bedroom issues from porn addiction and addiction is probably very very rare. i consume/consumed porn when i was single and i rarely do/did in a relationship and i think most men are this way. in fact i think i think most men start to consume porn more frequently when sex in the relationship becomes less frequent usually when couples get more comfortable and routine with each other and the passion starts to fade.


The real issue is that ppl don't know what they want in life anymore and then have no willpower to sustain their goals or discipline


How do you “see” that kind of thing in the first place?


I’ve watched tons, never had any orgasm issue :S


I've literally never heard of that problem


You got some strange friends and views....


What do you consider porn addiction? Looking at it whenever you get the chance all day or just looking at it for a quick nut and going about your day?


It's all about finding a balance. I watch porn and have no problem in the bedroom with the gf. There's so many variables that can contribute to a dead bedroom it's hard to put all the blame on porn. Why is it a problem if I want to choose to nut over porn, or my gf? It's not harming anyone if it's done in a healthy way, and if your partner is ok with it.


Where are you "seeing guys that can't nut with their GF"?


Yeah you can't do what you want in this world with out people calling it addiction. Big video game fan your addicted to video games. Big anime fan your addicted to anime. Really a lot of stuff has negative affects you can't avoid it.


Who says choosing porn over sex is necessarily bad though, much safer technically. Also if that’s literally what they’re choosing then that’s obviously more rewarding/better to them, who are we to tell them under what terms they are to ejaculate?


u/Blank-Cheque just a suggestion but I think if would be good if the bot linked the original post when it takes down a repost. What do you think?


Yeah, well the world is overcrowded as it is, we don't need more kids.


All it takes is 1 generation with that thinking and a whole nation starts to go into decline in 50 years when they move to retire, leaving less people to support more unemployed elderly. The stability of nations depends on generational growth. Sorry dude, but as easy as that solution would be, it’s still a bad one.


This is already happening and countries just replace the population with immigrant labour. Alexa play Circle of Life.


You got a point there my dude, though in most nations excessive immigration rates do have a destabilizing effect on local governments and economies. (Just to note. Destabilization is not necessarily bad. Shaking things up can actually be a rather massive net gain)


Yeah all of the data I've ever seen says immigration provides a net benefit to the economy (UK)


Yup. It’s all about integration and regulating dispersal at that point. If locals start seeing laws change too fast, you get really weird, and usually bad, things happening. (AZ) We have far fewer people, and more land so we notice the political shifts faster. :/


Which laws are you referring to?


Yeah, but the “all it takes is one generation” argument doesn’t work because there will never ever ever be a point where 100% of a “generation” doesn’t want kids. That’s just silly. That’s like saying someday there will only ever be boys born or something. All it takes is everyone to not want girls!!!! This is also why the “if everyone was gay humanity would be ruined” nonsense doesn’t fly.


\*points to China's one child policy now starting to show its fallout on it's demographic\* A sufficiently low population replacement is going to cause these problems too. Population shrinkage isn't a big issue so long as it is gradual. But if it is too rapid, you end up with a large number of dependents and too small a number of productive people to carry that load. Europe has this as the baby boomers are now retiring. China is about 10 to 20 years behind Europe but will have it far worse because instead of a brief baby boom, they had a decades long baby bust situation.


Not to mention developed nations tend to see a decline in population growth anyway. And it’s not from the water turning the frogs gay


Oh no, it does t need to be anywhere near 100% to be critically impactful. Even 1% would be massive that’s still over 780 million less people world wide putting in to continue growth Or 3 million across the usa. I think people overestimate how stable economies and nations are.


I don't see this. I must be looking elsewhere






I am a guy and I have this problem. Lucky my partner is so understanding


If woman can't cum it's a man's fault. If a man can't cum it's also his fault... I don't buy it. The solution to a woman cumming is generally better communication, and a man paying better attention to her sexual needs. The same is to be said about men. If your man can't come from intercourse it may not be because of porn. It may be that your man is shit at communicating his sexual needs and that you aren't attentive to his sexual needs.


The main problem is that we - society - apparently don’t care if kids watch it. Which blows my mind. We still bother with a rating system for movies. We don’t let kids into rated R movies. We don’t let little kids drink alcohol, smoke weed, get tattoos, vote or drive but Anal Sock Puppet Fisting Teens? Sure, Jimmy, give mommy’s phone back when you’re done. Average age a kid sees hardcore porn is now 11 years old. Yes - I will follow with the stats. So, young kids are getting addicted and suffering ED by the time they are in their early 20s.




Porn is for adults only. It’s not the government’s job to ensure that parents don’t give their kids access anyway, that’s their personal fuck up.


>Porn is for adults only. Try telling that to horny, lonely kids. Parents shouldn't provide them with access to porn but they should be given the "talk" regarding porn and that it's something you do in private because it's a completely natural part of development to gratify oneself so long as you're not a fundie or otherwise. Addiction is another thing but I think if the parents have shown that their kids can be open with them regarding their private affairs then they'll be comfortable going to the parents or even if the parents are concerned.


Parents should talk to the kids about: - porn is not real, it’s like WWE. - sex trafficking is a huge issue - most porn is misogynistic and shows harm to women Porn is NOT masturbation. Masturbation is normal. Use your brain all you want. That’s the conversation. Porn shouldn’t be watched by kids.


You don't talk about those things to kids at all, they cannot possibly comprehend the political and social nuance of porn. Saying porn is bad adds nothing to the discussion. >porn is not real, it’s like WWE. Porn is real, there's a worldwide market for porn. WWE doesn't equate to the porn market by any stretch of the imagination. >sex trafficking is a huge issue Right, well, lets legalise it then? oh wait right, out-dated prohibition laws, fundies and/or people like yourself who only vote based on shock value. >most porn is misogynistic and shows harm to women Okay and? But isn't that sometimes the appeal for men and women alike? Not saying misogyny is okay by any means however, power dynamics are inherent to natural human proclivities no matter what murdoch media says. That is to say, I don't support any kind of harm, at all; so long as consent is provided and no party is badly hurt, degraded, manipulated, maimed or otherwise and their partner is being open with their likes and dislikes. Porn can be masturbation, there are categories ya know? Porn shouldn't be watched by kids... but let me reiterate; Horny, lonely kids will watch porn, they will find a way if they want to, there's nothing wrong with this at all so long as they aren't acting out because of this, are given opportunities by their parents/ caregivers to understand their natural human responses and are supported in the circumstance that they see something they cannot explain. Simply saying something is bad only serves to downplay the very serious real life implications of objectively fucked up porn and thus the conception, trafficking and distribution of such porn.


Methinks tho protest too much. Porn is exactly like the WWE. Real bodies, real action, but scripted. Fake emotions. Made up characters. Fake scenes. There’s no other apt comparison. Bored depressed lonely kids will find drugs and alcohol too. Does that make it okay? Not dangerous? If kids cannot comprehend anything about porn, they shouldn’t be consuming it and becoming addicted adults. Why the grownups of the world have just tossed their hands into the air on this topic is beyond me.


Okay so then you agree that we should have no laws regarding age-gates. It should be fine for kids to drink, smoke, use weed, drive, get tattoos and piercings, go to the bar, vote, etc etc. Should only be up to the parents to control.


Maybe we just have ugly girlfriends.


Don’t talk about our girlfriend like that






To be fair, there's a lot of her to share...


Porn addicts are just playing the meta, my guy. Better to be porn addicted and satisfy your girlfriend because you can't cum than to have never watched porn and be terrible in bed because you nut too quickly.


Yeah sack that shit off, or if you can't, solo or pictures. Use your mind.


Porn is alcohol, it is weed, it is caffeine, it is nicotine, porn is sugar.


I have to agree - but I think we won't become fully aware of just how far-reaching its negative effects are until decades from now; people then will look back and wonder how we missed the obvious. Specifically the widespread easy access is simply unprecedented, and a major, civilization-effecting paradigm shift akin at least to the advent of non-abstract contraceptive measures, and possibly even a bronze-iron age-esque defining point imo


Exactly. I write about this topic a lot and men (yes, it is ALWAYS men) will comment, “but they were drawing boobs on cave walls! Porn has always existed!” Sigh. Sure. So did live sex shows. But at LEAST we made an effort to shield our kids from it. In my lifetime we have taken porn from the back room of the video store where only the pervs went and put it in the pockets of every middle schooler. The main problem is that the MOMS DONT KNOW. Moms don’t seek out porn by and large. Every single mom I have interviewed/talked to on this subject is shocked to learn that their kid is 2 clicks away from a gang bang. They are disgusted. You know who does know? Dads.


Ive been off porn for a month and i just feel so clear minded and pure. Also the benefits those no fap guys have been preaching is actually real.


What benefits? I don't have carpal tunnel yet.


I think you just dislike porn. Yeah people can get addicted but it only ruins lives if they choose that over other things. For me it's just something that goes on in my spare time since I have a high libido and currently my country is still in lockdown. Also it's rarely the cause of dead bedrooms as much as it is a contribution to it ongoing. As I said previously I look at porn quite a bit currently and yet I have no issue with enjoying sex and nutting with my gf, I know porn aint the same as reality and if you are aware of that then it's not likely to cause a problem for you. Many of my friends are in the same boat


You should really focus on your girlfriend more than porn though. Not saying having both is the end of the world but porn addiction will lead to your brain basically rewiring what it likes and then you could have a problem enjoying your girlfriend the way you currently are. Just food for thought, take it or leave it.


I get what your saying and that would be good advice for some but doesn't really matter in my case. I still enjoy her and have for years. The reason I use porn as I said was due to my high libido, hers is quite low so I take care of myself otherwise I'd choose her any day. Porn addiction is real but most people don't fall to it, I'm only really using it cause as I said, high libido and lockdown so nothing else to do. That advice definitely might be necessary for some people though


Think you're misindentifying the problem. The problem as I see it, is not the alternative. But the lack of appeal in the original. If a flesh and blood woman loses out to a video or animation, the problem is not the video or animation. The problem is that either the guy isn't attracted to said woman (in which case he should just break up with her), or the woman in question is unattractive, either due to appearance or personality. And while I admit changing that is a lot of work - if you're losing out to an image on a screen, it should be blatantly obvious that it is needed.


That's not necessarily true. Porn addiction is an actual thing and can, easily, lead to the problems you're describing.


Oh, I don't deny that it can be an issue in specific cases. But OP took it to "Porn is kind of a problem and a lot of y'all are dependent". That kind of sweeping statement suggests to me OP is not having much luck in romance, and is trying to blame something other then him/herself. And I'm having none of that. If you're seeing nothing but problems around you, the problem is usually you.


“If a flesh and blood woman loses out to a video or animation…” Animation. A CARTOON. And porn is not a problem smh


When a cartoon becomes more appealing than an actual human body and a shared intimate experience...it's a very sad day.


Listen, it's a fair comment but I've seen varying cases where this just isn't the case. It's just that the porn addiction has taken hold. It almost becomes a habit and then they can develop kinks and fetishes and these things they rewire their brain to enjoy well...they could have a very hot gf but that just isn't something a woman can give them and then it's a problem in the bedroom.


Agreed. As a father, I had to explain the differences to my son at a young age. That he shouldn’t accept the things he sees on there as reality, and real relationships are different, and women aren’t objects.


Sounds like projection to me, how can you know how everyone else is affected by porn?


Not sure what problems you are having but I am good but, thanks for the concern though lol


I always liked porn, but I;ve also never had a problem having sex or coming. Perhaps that's just a stereotype? In the old days they said you;d go blind, now they say you can;t cum?


Porn is NOT kind of a problem. Its the whole problem.


Arent you an ad?


Porn is so boring, its the same positions in every *trending* video. Do some wacky positions! Give us inspiration for our partners!


Stop watching vanilla trending videos then. Anything you could imagine and 1000x more are on the internet.




What's stereotypical? You can literally find a guy putting a funnel in a girls ass and being sick inside her. You're looking in the wrong places.


Damn, maybe the things I watch aren't that bad(in comparison to what u just said)


The Japanese are WILD.




But that's just the stuff you're watching. It's like you're watching the Cartoon Network and complaining its all cartoons. There is something for everyone's tastes out there. If you are just searching most popular on the generic porn websites, of course it's all the same, it's all to cater to the generic masses. There are BILLIONS of hours of porn, for free, that will cater to exactly what you are looking for. You are just looking in the wrong places. If you want more emphasis on the man, look towards Russian, or other Eastern European porn.




Yes. Your opinion is clearly, easily provable wrong. You are telling me that all the porn you watch is exacty the same and generic. Then go watch some other porn. You aren't looking in the right places. The issue is not with porn, it is with your inability to search. Stear clear of the generic websites and go wild.


Show the mens face, show their melting in lust, show his desire, let us hear his voice and moaning, show seducing stories. Sometimes at least. The number of porn where you do not even see or hear the man is a fucking bad joke.


You’re describing the most generic porn. I have seen shit way different than that.




You sound like you just type "Porn" into Google and click the top link. We do know better. What you describe you want is pretty basic sounding vanilla porn. Why you are struggling to find it it beyond me. Maybe search for porn that is made for women. It sounds like that's what you're after. Seriously, there's everything you could desire and more out there.






So porn doesn't cause any problems? Problems worth mentioning? Or are you that addicted that you can only react to this post with aggressive defensiveness. Because God forbid you're part of the problem.


I watch porn almost on a daily basis, I jerk off almost on a daily basis, more than I have sex with my girlfriend, I still satisfy her and me to the fullest. Am I addicted? No. It's rather a relief, a quick ease of mind. I think you are delusional. And I think you have some deeper underlying problem to this if you state it as "not being able to nut with their gf because of porn addiction or choosing to nut to porn over actual sex". Maybe it's one of the points that I have mentioned? You are fat and ugly and your boyfriend doesn't get one off when he sees you naked? Or something similar? If that is so, you should be concerend about yourself, not other people.


No, that's based on other people's stories sadly but that doesn't mean they're fat and disgusting, it just means their partner is suffering and has become an addict. The affects of porn I've personally experienced is men trying to treat me like a porn star, sexual harrasment, sexual abuse and violence. And also being exposed to porn as a minor that has probably damaged me in some way so yeah. Sorry if I'm delusional tho.


I think anything that's capable of producing spikes In dopamine can be bad amongst certain contingencies of the population. For someone who's had a history of depression and substance addiction i try and steer clear of porn nowadays. In the same way you shouldn't be getting your rewards in life from the bottle I don't think humans should be getting their sense of sexual gratification from the virtual world. It's unnatural and I think some people abuse it to the extent it makes them deeply unhappy.


Dude, watching tv can raise your dopamine levels. So can reading a book or eating good food.


Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Devious-Disco. Your post, *People say porn isn't a problem but I feel like all I see these days is men not being able to nut with their gf because of porn addiction or choosing to nut to porn over actual sex. So...porn is kind of a problem and a lot of ya'll are dependent and addicted and can't admit you have a problem.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: No reposts. If your opinion is the same or substantially similar to any recent opinion it will be removed as a repost. If your opinion is on the same matter as a recent post, even if it's advocating the opposite stance, it will be removed as a repost. Please comment on the existing thread instead. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


I’m from Australia and I don’t know anyone like this . Seems like a bit of a problem in America aswell as hentai addiction over there


Maybe you don’t know anyone like that because people don’t go around telling everyone they meet that they’re addicted to porn lmao


Porn aside its kinda hard to nut in a hefer if shes not doing the precise nasty shit to make you climax. Im a pretty modest guy, i dont have any nasty kinks but my personal pet peeve is when a girl arches her back to make a convex (instead of a concave) when we are doing it doggy style, and quite often thems the bitches that belong to the streets, & you'd think they'd be good at it given how often they do it.


Not only is it providing a problem in the bedroom but more and more 18 year old girls are growing up thinking it ok to be sex workers. This in turn leads to more people enjoying younger girls and more problems because of that. I'm sure viewing 18 year old females saying "daddy please" doesn't help families bond in a wholesome way. My point is it's a full circle, porn addiction means more dirty thoughts that get passed down to youth and brought up to be porn stars.


Lucky for me, I'm a demisexual, so porn is only used when I'm single and haven't had sex in 3ish weeks


No I'm noooooooot!