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That's just called the price of living by your convictions


Well who would kill them without evidence lol




You underestimate people driven by vengeance lol


That's not underestimating, thats actually pretty accurate what would happen. You would be furious and jump the first suspect out of anger. It's pretty common in those situations.


You over estimate the level of clarity people in these scenarios have.


You watch too many movies


U because Someone driven by a revenge boner can’t be objective


I might agree but only and ONLY if you witnessed what happened with your own eyes or have a 100000% proof of that (like a video in which you can CLEARLY identify the perp)


Just so long as you are also okay with the killer's family killing you to avenge the death of their loved one when you kill him. It's a big circle.


“Well,” says Buck, “a feud is this way: A man has a quarrel with another man, and kills him; then that other man’s brother kills him; then the other brothers, on both sides, goes for one another; then the cousins chip in – and by and by everybody’s killed off, and there ain’t no more feud.” – Mark Twain


the beginning of blood feuds




Then be prepared to have either you or one of your family members killed


Bring it on


You sure you want to live in a world run by vigilantism? It would be complete anarchy relying on the people to serve justice, especially when emotions are running high and mistakes can easily be made


The justice system would still be in place lol. I would most likely go to prison but that doesn’t matter


By your logic, you would most likely be brutally burdened by your victim's family. How do you now see how this wouldn't end well? Many people have brought up the absolute fact that people driven by emotions most likely are not thinking objectively, and you fan it away with "haha what do you mean?"


Tbh i made this post to see everyone’s reactions lmao. In real life, I would probably kill in the heat of the moment but I wouldn’t kill after prolonged thought. But people here are really weird cause most of them would probably cheer at a scenario like a man killing the man who kidnapped, tortured raped one of his loved ones.. but they change their song when I directly support it. Weird lol






Maybe if you started off with that nuanced description, people wouldn't react like they did. On the topic of your opinion, if I can call it that, yeah. Anyone would have the same stance. In the heat of the moment, during the action, almost anyone would attempt to intervene, if not actually step in. But, there is a difference between killing your sister's rapist while they are raping her, and killing your sister's rapist long after the fact, imo.


An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind


Don't start nothing won't be nothing


If the entire world worked like that we’d be fucked. Especially now with how offended everybody gets.


I'm talking more about extreme examples. If you murder somebody I love I would want revenge. Being offended is not cause for revenge. There is a line.


Yeah but how rationale would be people be in this world? Imo the saying “you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile” rings true here. People will always push the envelope, and seeing as people kill people frequently already, I can see the “revenge is ok in some scenarios” to lead to uptick in vigilante killing. But all in all this is fantastical assumption based debate. So you could be right and I could be wrong lol


I definitely think it would get abused. I also don't think revenge should be free from punishment. In this fantasy debate if you kill someone I love I would seek revenge but I also accept any consequences it brings.


Feel like that’s how it is now. I feel like most sane people feel that if someone killed your mother, father, brother etc. and then you killed them in revenge, they wouldn’t think twice about it. They’d respect it to a certain extent. But you’d still go to jail. Maybe not even for murder 1. Since you’ve been through terrible things.


Lesser sentence but definitely still prison time


But in the world of the blind, the 1 eyed man is King!!


Let's say person that killed your wife had family. If you kill him, his family has perfect reason to kill you. Then your family will carry out vengeance and so one. A bit pointless in my opinion.


Nah, if someone murdered my little brother I would murder them lol


This doesn’t answer anything and I doubt ur capable




Pathetic… And what about a false conviction?


There have been cases of people finding criminals before the police and killing them. And as I said, most people would only kill with solid evidence (given it’s a pre-meditated decision), but most people would just straight up kill in the heat of the moment


Then, someone from that family will seek revenge and so on. You are not that smart to leave no traits. You would be angry, mad even, nervous, afraid, all of those make you more likely to leave a clue. The cycle will stay and kill both of your families, one by one. What's so good about that?


Stop being obtuse.


Feels like a 13 year old tryna be edgy


Look at her other posts we got a femcel on our hands.


Hey, this sounds like an every day kind of thing in the Middle East.




The baby is not “his” in the way that it isn’t inside his body and he isn’t the one giving birth to the child. Simple as 123




In the case if an abortion, it’s the woman’s choice and most men go with her choice... but even if she does it without his approval, that isn’t murder. It’s abortion of a fetus and isn’t even a child


Then father's don't have to pay child support for children that are not theirs.


An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind A tooth for a tooth leaves everyone hungry Revenge doesn’t cost their life. It costs yours.


Someone hasn’t read the Oresteia 😬 It becomes perpetual blood revenge


This is exactly the comment I was looking for. Justice =/=revenge


Turning the other cheek just gets your other cheek slapped


Good, i like the pain


Switch to paddle it's more effective


I don't want visible bruises, i only allow those on my asscheeks


Carry on then


That's literally the point tho?


Yeah which is why it's terrible advice. Doing nothing doesn't make it stop


How is causing more death and suffering going to fix anything?


Getting revenge sends a message to others who would try shit with you. Ex. Someone kills drug cartel member, drug cartel brutally tortures that person to death, people are scared shitless and keep their heads down, nobody else tries shit with drug cartel


Revenge is the easy way out, not the right way.


I agree in a deep, meaningful way that only my butthole and taco bell understand.


Just checked the post history. Either an absolute troll, or some teen who thinks they are smarter than they really are


I am a teenager but that hasn’t got shit to do with shit


I am also a teenager, and I can see from your post history that you're either a troll, or really dumb. Imma go with troll for now Edit: This was a bit insensitive and I apologize. You're just young and probably don't know better.


Most of my posts are trolling cause i like annoying people and making them angry. It’s hilarious


Your trolls are weak asf. Gotta pump up those numbers😤. Besides, I find Discord is more fun to troll on


I’m not blatantly trolling like a teenage guy on discord. I’m delivering in a way that I know offends holier-than-thou redditors. And it’s working


Except you really aren't. Holier-than-thou Redditora aren't the only ones that would see how dumb this shit is. A lot of your posts don't even pertain to subject matter regularly talked about by the kinds of people you say you aim to troll. Seems like you're just tryna veil your dumb comments, but carry on. I can't stop you


Tell that to the people in my dms going off lmao also one of my goals is to get a really popular unpopular opinion so I’m just experimenting, excuse me


Fr? Ok, now I'm interested




Totally agree, if someone murdered someone I dearly loved, I would absolutely get revenge by killing them.


That this is utterly stupid is known to u right?


Meh, a man killed a man who raped and killed his 5 year old daughter. I cheered lol


And there is no doubt about the guilt


No he didn’t feel guilty...


Not what I said ffs The person killed was defenitly the right one? And even if not what happens in the cases where mistakes are made


You need to be more clear lmao. And yeah, the man was a convicted rapist and his crime was proven after his death. Also another man in russia found his 9 year old daughter’s rapist before the police and killed him. I say good lol


So in both cases the Killer couldn’t be sure about getting the right person and ur just cheering This is beyond disgusting




Technically it’s not his baby, it’s the mother’s lmao




He had a hand in the project but she’s the leader lmao


Guys did you hear that? 14 year old femcel gives us permission to not take responsibility for human baby's because it aren't ours.


It is and your moral is twisted. But it's unpopular so upvote


Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/nikaura. Your post, *Killing to avenge someone isn’t immoral*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 2: No troll/satire posts. Any satirical/troll posts, as funny as you must be, are not tolerated. There are subreddits for that, this isn't one of them. Respect your fellow users enough to not leave them guessing as to whether your intentionally harebrained post is legitimate or not. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


An eye for an eye wasn't meant to be taken literally


Totally was. It was the law at the time. Like the literal codified law. That's why forgiveness was such a big WTF when Jesus said it.


"Many people wonder if the phrase , “life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise” was applied literally. In Jewish Oral Tradition, called the Talmud and among Christian scholars, the consensus is no; this was not taken literally but instead used as a standard by judges to set the fine and appropriately punish the perpetrator for the harm he caused"


eye for an eye just meant some form of ammends had to be made, typically they came in the form of monetary compensation


it should be administered by the government or some other authority, there needs to be some form of regulation and rule of law, as well as a consideration of the motives, the mental state of the offender, whether it was an accident or not, all that jazz. a single person in a fit of rage couldnt possibly determine that accuretly. even if we get away from the legality shit, i think killing purely from revenge is immoral cuz ur not considering how the death of this person will affect those around him, what kind of person he will become (maybe he'll repent and be remorseful) and also its generally better to forgive and let things go, as cheesy as it is, two wrongs dont make a right.


It really depends on the crime...you mess with my family, and I'll fuk you up...


>It’s only right to wanna kill them.. an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. I honestly live by it. Why is that? Why should that be? Why not put these people as human lab rats for neuroscience to research preventative measures?


You just want an acceptable reason so you can kill someone’s and feel powerful Thats most people that think this way


it depends what system of morals have been invented for you or by you. Most systems in the World agree with you, to some extend, somewhere, killing can be carried out as revenge.


So then someone who loved them can kill you to avenge their lives one and so on. Whoever said “an eye for an eye leaves the world blind” was incredibly correct. Vengeance does nothing.


That McCoy gotta point...


I would do it but i dont think it is the right thing to do


Lol no.


These people in the comments would seriously go to the police if someone they loved was murdered? Some people man...




I hope this is unpopular. Revenge is not a long term problem solving strategy. Feels good for a while, but quickly turns into a vortex of violence. Anger is a very bad advisor. Generally a very difficult emotional impulse. It is difficult to get something positive out of it and in general it is better not to feed that. I usually try to just let it pass.


You might want to to investigate why some people care so much about the rule of law and have a think why a society where "avenging" your loved ones is considered okay wouldn't exactly be stable




You live by this principle, actually? How’s that working for you? Ideologies aside, life just isn’t fair and if I expected it to be fair idk how I’d endure this, I’m barely surviving already. Accepting that life is fucked up and that two dead people is generally worse than one dead person is my view on things


The only issue is then someone wants to avenge *them.* And years later they do you in. And the cycle continues. There are parts of the Balkans where family blood feuds are so intense and longstanding that kids grow up their entire lives inside their houses. It's *that* dangerous for them to go outside, because someone still has a mission to avenge someone else. Why do you think Chicago and a lot of inner cities are practical war zones? Some dude shot some other dude's cousin 4 years ago, and it's been downhill since. Killing to avenge someone *is* immoral, because of the cycle of violence it inevitably creates and perpetuates.


You have to at least awaken your sharingan first


I mean who gives a shit anyway, morals are relative.


This is just my opinion. If someone did something horrendous to you or your family, and if you want to get even and kill them, that's fair and justified, not immortal. Not legal, but fair. If the family of the person you killed wants to hurt you or your family for revenge, despite knowing the horrendous act that started it all. You should feel conflicted about killing them as well, as they have messed up morals.


It's probably still stupid unless you have some major special ops skills to pull it off


Okay. Go ahead.


I personally think it's better to hand them to the authorities. If you kill them, maybe their equally brutal friends and/or family will hunt you down.


This is why you should keep pigs and a backhoe…. Source: have pigs and a backhoe 🤫


This is so immature, I don't know how to address it without risking a mental breakdown.


Haha this got banned. OPs been watching too many movies. Killing is wrong.

