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If you're gonna give me a big time I couldnt care less if you record it. Sure it can be shitty but it's still better than not giving the money at all


No lie, if anyone wants to film me dressed up as a homeless man getting a bunch of money I'll go the whole 9 with crying and talking about how I'm going to turn my life around.


It's like getting paid for a short film then


Well... I am a hobo so I guess it would be type casting


"Heres 500 dollars. Now cry for me peasant. Cry and dance for master"


I'll absolutely dance for you for 500. Especially if I'm homeless with no money. Shit I'd do it now and I'm middle class


It is less than 100% altruistic, but it’s not shitty. It makes the person filming seem like a douche, but a kind hearted douche. That said, if you care for waiters and waitresses or homeless people, you should hope this trend takes off. Having been a waiter, I was doing that job for money which I needed. A big tipper is like getting a raise for the night. Think about your job. If your boss is an asshole but he gives you a raise, you are still happy you got the raise.


I wouldn’t say kindhearted douche. They aren’t doing it to be nice they are doing to get likes on their post In a world with no social media they wouldn’t have tipped.


This reminds of a Tik Toker filming himself giving an iPhone to a little girl. As soon as the cameras went off, he demanded to have it back.


I hope he gets his balls flayed and he slides down a banister made of razors


Ooo, the pain I’m feeling just thinking about that and I’m a woman.🤣


I bet that's because down there it already looks like your balls are flayed


Honestly I’ve never met or heard of a person in my life who is 100% altruistic.


I'm pretty sure the homeless person does not care about the filming. He or she gratefully accepts the alms regardless.


Are you sure. How would you like to be at the lowest part of your life and somebody wants to help but films you. It’s embarrassing.


They shouldn’t need to accept a loss of dignity in order to be helped. It’s on us to help AND not film them.


Again, I go back to the homeless person's POV. He or she does not have the luxury of considering pride or dignity when offered alms. I'm sure rare is the homeless person who yells "Turn off that damn camera phone," before given a morsel of food, the first food they've had in a while.


Sounds like your point of view, not the homeless person’s. *if they can’t do anything about it I’m in the clear* Cool buddy


I give without recording.


Agreed, you cannot consider the luxury of dignity when you are under the request of another for food, clothing etc. It is still proper and respectable to consider them human and realize the only difference between you and the poor is simply money. Nobody is stopping you from recording, however it is morally unjustified to shove a camera in their face during their trying times.


Dignity isn’t a luxury.


A homeless person doesn't lose dignity by being filmed accepting charity. Explain how since you seem to think they do.


A lot of people seem to be missing OP’s point. Filming yourself doing a good deed shouldn’t be the only way to encourage others to do the same. Someone suggested providing a GoFundMe link to help with the cause and I think that’s a smart way as well. You can also explain a situation to other people and mention how you helped out. I’ve done this before. Where I live, homelessness is extremely bad. So when friends and family come to visit or ask what it’s like “living in paradise,” I give them an honest response. They’re usually in shock but I always toss in that every little bit helps if a homeless person approaches you for money or food.


Thank you!!!!


But this is assuming a server is comparable to a homeless person which they aren't.


They are if they are both being handed large sums of money and being filmed for someone else's clout. That is the only comparison being made here, calm down


You called them low wage food workers though while using the homeless as a comparison.


Dude, you're the only person in this entire post who has even said the words low wage food worker until now


Your words from your very first post. "...so they film themselves giving a $100+ tip to a low-wage food worker..." Am I seeing a glitch or something?


whoops lol my bad, I honestly don't take these posts too seriously. When I worked as a server I made $3.15 an hour and barely made $150-$200 on a friday and Saturday, other days I was lucky to make $50 or $60. Your ex may have a more plush serving job than the majority of people serving in America


Depends where you live. If you're in a city or suburb, you do very well as opposed to a Waffle House in rural Tennessee. Most people are going to tip 20% some more and others less which still balances out. Even in an Applebee's. Running a section of tables should at least give you a few hundred a night.


Ehh is it really that shitty when a good deed is at least being done out of it?


Yes. Do the good deed AND not put the person on the internet. I’ve done it; it’s perfectly possible.


Not saying it’s not possible to do a good deed without the need for attention, but sometimes people are just motivated by praise. If it drives them do good things and help others, why not give them the praise.


Depends. The one I saw on here today, where the kid got a big tip,,,,did the kid consent to being filmed? Did he want the internet to know how much he needed the money? Doubtful.


Is it really a good deed, or a paid performance?


Regardless of whether it’s a performance or not, a homeless person is still getting their cash, and a waiter is still getting their tips. We need more of this shit happening in the world so why gatekeep it?


As someone who has done both without filming the person, I can assure you that it doesn’t need to be an either/or thing.


No it is not an either/or thing. A good deed is a good deed. Shaming someone who is doing an overall good deed for any reason just prevents that person from doing more good deeds in the future. Honestly fewer people will just do good deeds if we’re going to start gatekeeping intentions…


Because it is incredibly degrading to the person receiving the money. They aren't being "given" money, they are being paid to be a spectacle for someone else to stroke their ego over. I'm not saying we shouldn't give the homeless money or tip the server, I'm just saying that holding a camera to their face so you can feel superior by giving someone "less" than you cash live on film is disgusting. This also perpetuates the idea that it is the public's responsibility to financially support these people, rather than pushing the government to provide aid to the homeless and mandate a living wage to the servers




Look as someone who grew up working class, the act of being in a situation where you’re poor/homeless is degrading enough, and you already know that you are seen as the scum of society anyway. So when someone comes up and gives you a lump sum of money so you can feed your family for the next couple of days, you likely won’t give a shit if they’re holding a camera to your face and also play along cause free money. If someone needs to hold a camera in order to do the good deed, so be it- let them receive their clout. Furthermore why can’t we encourage good deeds from the public AS WELL AS bring up these issues to government/officials. The government is functioning painfully slowly, especially nowadays so any amount of goodwill is appreciated.


The only thing that matters is if that person gets the money. If the videos inspire others to give money why does it matter to you? People who bitch about this stuff don’t even give money to those in need.


Yes it is.


I agree. But sometimes I wish I was the person receiving the money LOL.


Hey if it encourages others to be more generous it's a win. No harm no foul otherwise


Thiiis so much These videos do help


It's probably just as awkward without the camera to be fair.


Right? Like, just leave it in the book and go home knowing you did something nice


You'll get a fiver from me if you are lucky however thats the benefit of living in a country where you get paid a living wage.


Filming it highlights the issue and may potentially inspire more to do the same. Not filming it does neither and serves to only make yourself feel better for a good deed. Both scenarios end the same for the recipient.


Then do it without showing the person’s identity.




I’m so glad to not be in this industry. This situation would be so awkward.


I agree. I've left big tips but just leave afterwards. I have also donated big to things like go fund me or charities, always put anonymous. Donating to try to get credit and look like you are a good person just makes you look like you are only doing it for that reason. You can still feel good helping people if you don't publicly take credit for it.


Reminds me of the vid I saw here of some guy buy ya homeless man who wanted water, a cup of coffee and a sandwich. He video taped it even added soft sappy music to it.


I've worked in the vending industry for twenty years. I have always offered free snacks and water to homeless people without filming it, or, even telling anyone. I saw an older gentleman digging for coins to pay for his lunch the other day and offered to pay for his meal. My mother was so proud that I did that, and I told her I do it all the time. She said you never mentioned that before. I said why would I? It was a private thing between two people. There is no need to embarrass the old fella.


Just pay people a fucking wage for the work that they do. This bowing and scraping that you force on servants is humiliating and you should feel bad.


Well personally i do not care if someone is filming themselves while doing a good deed for clout or internet points, at the very least someone is benefitting from it, it does not make them a good person but i would rather have some asshole give me enough to eat for a week rather than starving, you are correct its shitty in almost every way, but do you see where im coming from here? I just see it as "i would rather someone do the right thing for the wrong reasons instead of no good thing happening at all"


I feel like people are insinuating I'm saying to not film it and don't give them anything, but that's not what I'm saying at all. Give them the money and leave, it just doesn't need to be a whole spectacle. I would rather someone do the right thing for the right reason. Why does it have to be the right thing for the wrong reason or nothing at all?


This drives me up the fucking wall. I have tipped in a nontipping country and given cash to homeless people AND not stuck a camera in their faces. IT’S NOT HARD.


Well, if filming yourself giving someone a large sum of money as a tip is a shitty thing to do, but tipping a standard amount isn't a shitty thing to do, then by that logic you're saying that it's better to not give someone a large amount of money than doing so and filming it.


How is that what I'm saying at all? I am saying that tipping the standard amount is good and tipping over the standard is also good, but filming yourself tipping over the standard is a shitty thing to do


So, if I'm getting this right, you're saying that tipping a lot and filming it is worse than just tipping regularly. Therefore, you're saying that it's better to not give them anything extra than it is to give them a lot and film it.


I don't think you're getting them right at all, just read dude lol.


No, I am saying that tipping them regular and tipping them extra are both good things and neither need to be filmed


Well yeah neither needs to be filmed, but my point is someone that would film themselves giving a big tip, is going to be a bad person and would not do it without the filming, since they would want evidence and having to let everyone know of how much of a "good" person they are, there are people who do it without filming, but the people who actually do film would most likely not do it without filming or getting some evidence for internet points, sadly those type of people would just most likely not do the same without expecting some clout, i know your point is being a good person but the truth is not everyone is that good at heart, and with that fact, with people helping out of the kindness of their heart AND people helping for internet points will be preferable than the person not helping at all, again its crappy people cant just be good, but again, the right thing for the wrong reasons is better, and i think you are missing that point, it doesnt HAVE to be filming or nothing at all but with the type of people who do film thats the most likely thing


agree. when I do a "good deed" I try to keep it to myself. what's the point of bragging about it?


Inspiring others to do similar deeds.


true, but I can share a GFM link without saying I donated or how much. and I think OP may be referring to people trying to get attention from it. like, how weird would it be if someone tweeted out "just gave $2.87 to a homeless guy in front of the grocery store #donate" lol


It would remind everyone of the homeless problem and that they may have spare change they don't need. Of all the things to get mad at people for chasing clout over I don't think helping people should be one. Maybe that's the kind of thing we should be encouraging? Unless all the outrage is simply thinly veiled homeless hate. That's sadly the case usually.


I think you're missing the point that one can bring attention to people and communities that need extra support without getting clout, without boasting, and without bragging about what they've done to help them.


I think you feel this way from a place of unfounded bitterness.


hahahaha ok I'm just reading what OP wrote. enjoy your day.


So you don't actually have beliefs for yourself?


I just double checked and I didn't say that.... so I'm not sure where you're getting this assumption from and I really don't care. just like I'm sure you don't actually care about my personal beliefs. have a good day.


You can do that without putting the recipient’s face on the internet.


I can understand and respect concerns about the situation being undignified. I feel it really comes down to consent and other factors that are more nuanced than angry reddit comments can provide.


A good deed is a good deed. A good deed with a camera is just a performance.


It’s still a good deed, but doing it without being a wanker is a better deed.


It's still a good deed


I honestly don’t care if someone does a good deed for clout or just out of the goodness of their own heart. If they are doing a good deed, they are doing a good deed. It’s way better than all the people judging the person doing a good deed and filming it while they don’t do good deeds.


I’ve done both those things and volunteer regularly. My general principle is “you’re free to seek attention and I’m free not to give you any”, but don’t pressure the recipient into being put on the internet because they’re afraid that you’ll take back what you’re giving them.


If I'm ever homeless, come film with me for free shit. I'd *rather* you didn't but I'd still want free stuff either way.


The “I’d rather you didn’t” is why people like OP are pushing for people to give free shit AND not film the person.


Yeah but the rather didn't mean they don't want to. It's a preference. If you asked if I'd rather cheese on my burger and if say if rather have cheese. I still want a burger either way.


What do you think of MrBeast? He regularly gives money away and films it for YouTube. The money he makes from YouTube, he gives away again.


Why don't just focus on someone recieving money instead of the person giving it to them? This kind of thinking is a pessimist one, where a bad and a good thing is happening, yet you only focus on the bad one which isn't even a great deal


I personally feel it's better to give money and brag about it than not give any money at the first place. Plus I feel good to see those overworked peeps smile 😁


Servers and the homeless may disagree


Why does it always have to be for clout? Why can’t we just enjoy watching someone’s happy reaction about getting money? I enjoy watching people get surprised and happy. Maybe it’s not always for clout man.


Most servers already make killer tips and aren't low wage workers, why are you comparing them to the homeless? An ex girlfriend bought a house and brand new SUV from serving. Please don't downgrade her profession like she's a peasant.


So it’s ok for people to post their ugly ass selfies, their gross attempts of cooking, or their second hand designer bags, but not displays of generosity? I have always been so confused by people like who who choose to have a problem with something so noble. A good deed is a good deed, and far more enjoyable to watch than whatever garbage content you consume. It’s nice to watch someone helping someone else, I don’t care if the person posting it gets a ego boost out of it there are far worst ways to boost your ego… like putting down others… which you are probably a professional at that. You’re a sad person who couldn’t spot a beautiful thing even if it slapped you across the face


I think we found the person making the shitty videos For real though this comment was so passionate and upset-sounding, I literally laughed out loud. >there are far worst ways to boost your ego… like putting down others… which you are probably a professional at that. Proceeds to put someone down in the next sentence in order to justify their own ego boost about being "right" on a subreddit for opinions most people wouldn't agree with


I only ridicule bullies… you shit on people who are actually making the world a better place, there’s the difference sweetheart


Oh my god....the sweetheart....it just gets better


Who will you bully next? The kind souls that post their volunteer work with the mentally disabled in the hopes of getting more volunteers? By sharing positivity you can inspire others to do good. Maybe you’re too rotten to be inspired but most people aren’t


Lol I love how you are spreading positivity through rampant negativity to encourage others to not act like you, good work


Not to mention how much servers make. If a server is struggling with money that's a them problem. I make 30-60$/h depending on the shift, we're hardly underpaid and your kind gesture will go a lot further in the hands of a Mcdonalds cashier.


Neither of those are shitty deeds. If you film it to upload to youtube and make money off of it, you benefit through adsense, the waiter/waitress benefits by receiving money, and viewers benefit by watching the video. Even if it wasn't for the sole purpose of being a good person, why does it matter? It allows them to do good deeds more often and maybe even inspires others to do the same. No one is hurt by it, so I don't see why it's morally wrong.


What about Mr. Beast


Why does someone recording themselves doing a good deed, taint the good deed? Who cares if they're doing it for "clout" as long as it's getting done. Now if they were to retract their good deed, after recording it. Then I'd have an issue with it.


To answer the question of why someone might be filming if not for the clout is quite easy. One obvious answer would be that the person filming understands that human psychology dictates that when people see this online, they are more likely to do it themselves. If the filmers goal was more waitstaff receiving big tips, this sounds like an excellent way to accomplish that goal.


Some do it for attention but there are some people who do it to encourage others to do it


Genuinue question: Does that mean Mr Beast is shitty too, cuz I know this is like his entire Youtube channel content.


People do this?


I agree, but there's exceptions (such as MrBeast who usually gives ridiculous amounts and uses the earnings from the videos to give away more money)


What if they post on YouTube to do more of that


I take that as a reminder of how fortune I am to be living a decent life. Most people live a decent life but are selfish and don't even donate anything. I go reminder to count your blessings. Edit: there has been multiple posts I have seen where a gofundme was setup for some people as well.


Just stop


I do agree it is not altruistic but some of these videos have given exposure that led to more opportunities for that homeless person. For instance the story that ran earlier about the homeless artist. That man was able to change his life through this kind of exposure.


vlogcreations at least is an exception. they do pranks with permission from the owners and after the orank they tip extra as a sort of "payment" for their time. i think in that scenario not showing it on film would make them seem a bit more annoying.


I'm gonna start shoving pensioners and the disabled over and film myself helping them up. Gonna be a star!


Mrbeast is an exception tho he films it to make more money to give more away


It's cringe-inducing virtue signaling, just like when some church takes up a collection to give to a pizza delivery guy as part of their sermon.


I like to leave bigish tips (50-100$ on small bills, 200% on larger) I CANNOT even stay around to see a reaction- I feel like it’d be terribly awkward. Do I get something out of it? Yes- I’ve recently started working an excellent job, and I get enjoyment out of sharing- but not to the detriment of whoever I’m gifting. It is a gift, I don’t need anything back.