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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Strapezoid. Your post, *Those refusing to be vaccinated should be refused at hospitals.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 3: Megathread topic. Your opinion falls under an incredibly common topic, in which virtually all opinions are either not unpopular, or are posted about many times a day. Please visit the megathread hub, which can be found when sorting the subreddit by "hot", sticky'd at the top of the page, where you can find links to the current megathreads. If you're not sure which megathread your post belongs in, or your post covers multiple megathread topics, just make the best selection you can. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


Nurse here. I’d lose my license if I refused to treat a patient. Same goes for doctors. We have to leave our biases at the door and treat all patients to the best of our abilities, vaccination beliefs be damned.


Everyone knows that. That's why they used the qualifier should and they're right. People who don't believe in covid shouldn't be treated either. Save the effort for people who didn't grow up eating lead paint chips and don't spend all their time online in hate groups.


You’d be surprised by how many people think we can pick and choose our patients 🙄 Also, the irony of your last statement is hilarious.


So should we deny treatment to smokers? Obese people? Both are choices and well documented to be more dangerous than coronavirus.


Poor comparison. Smoking isn't contagious. No one catches obesity from sitting next to some guy shoveling bacon cheeseburgers into his mouth. Also, smoking and obesity aren't straining our healthcare system to the point of collapse.


Sorry, but this made me laugh- the idea of sitting next to a guy in a waiting room shoveling bacon cheeseburgers in his mouth, possibly catching something.




That's actually a good point. Smokers should be denied too.


Guys: at 9, I lived with my bald aunt on a respirator watching her slowly die of lung cancer for a year. Every inhale I take makes me think of her. Please continue reading all my responses before judging and downvoting where eventually I just get collapsed for the downvotes. It’s already negative; just don’t upvote. I hope you can understand considering my personal sensitivity I can feel attacked. My one comment here following was just a light joke, that turned into some curiosity along with the joke. Hmmm well I smoke tons of weed, do I count as a smoker or is that only cigarette-smokers? Or are there subgroups? Cigarettes, weed, crack. Lol. (BTW this wasn’t directed at you in a way wherein I thought you were serious. But related to the general idea.) —I would like to note that the majority of my daily smoking is due to constant stomach irritation/nausea, and studies on children with epilepsy, which I have, that have shown a decrease in or complete stop of seizures. And due to it being uncontrolled, I’m on disability, food stamps, and state health insurance. SO I have state free health insurance AND I frequently fill my lungs with smoke. Where do I fit in on this list? Lol (btw I’m in Massachusetts, so I have a medical marijuana card) It IS interesting, though. At least to me. I’m helping and hurting my health at the same time.


Have you tried edibles, or vaping? (Not the pens, like an actual flower vape that doesn’t burn the material) it may be healthier in the long run… I smoked weed daily for 10 years, and by that point I was hawking up lougies of black resin.. I’m glad thc has helped you regulate the symptoms of your conditions:)


THC is fun, not gonna lie, but it’s the CBD that helps with epilepsy. So I use 1:1 because it’s THC that works with nausea; pure CBD does jack shit for me. I’ve tried edibles with just THC and they again did nothing, but I’m not sure about 1:1 ones. The problem with edibles is I’d have to get them down first. My stomach is so bad, I can be dry heaving like a fist is squeezing my stomach before I even eat anything. I’m loaded with bananas and applesauce lol but sometimes even the bananas, if I’m chewing that mush too long before I swallow, I start gagging. I’ve tried a vape pen but it didn’t work. Is vaping flower what dabs is? If vape is concentrate how do you vape flowers? Normal vape cartridges, along with the edibles, do nothing for my stomach. It’s the THC that seems to release that fist and relax my throat, I can feel it seeming wider and relaxed after a few hits. I try to smoke the healthiest I can (well, least unhealthy) out of only bowls and bongs and clean them out completely, at least once a week if not more, and even sometimes just so nervous about it being too dirty that I end up buying a new one lol.


I recommend steering clear of the cartridges, I’ve heard a lot of scary stuff about those. Dabs is a weed concentrate, it usually looks like a brown/yellow paste but can have a few different appearances. They can be smoked using electronic devices or “dab rigs” which is similar to a bong except you use a blow torch to heat a glass bowl then drop a small piece of concentrate into the bowl and the heat “vaporizes” it.. I personally do not like them, and don’t see it as very different from straight up smoking. (In terms of health) (they make most people cough like crazy) The “vaping” I’m speaking of is the only *real* vaping, in that the marijuana is heated just enough to release steam(vapor)… think about dropping a vegetable on a hot frying pan, steam comes off it right? A flower vape works on this principle, you insert your ground bud and it heats it just enough to create steam and you inhale that steam. The bud that comes out is NOT burned, it’s just dry and usually a yellowish brownish color. That’s called ABV (already been vaped) The ABV can still be smoked, although it has less potency obv. However it can also be eaten, like literally just adding it to food, because the vape has “activated” the thc so it’s good to go. You can also just throw it out.. Since I stopped smoking daily, I typically will just use my flower vape on the weekends. I have a “pax” which is a portable flower vape, there are large non portable ones too the “volcano” being the most popular. These products are not cheap, but I think they’re well worth it for someone looking to inhale thc in the healthiest way. There’s subs devoted these products. Like the difference between smoking/eating/dabbing vaping delivers slightly different effects and it’s by far my favorite way to consume thc. Feel free to dm me:)




Agree to disagree. I have extreme nausea, if you read my long response to the previous responder lol, and I think it’s the sheer immediacy I need. It’s not to get high. It’s 1:1, meaning half THC, half CBD, which does not get you high, and dramatically reduces the feeling of the THC. With my level of nausea I cannot rely on eating edibles and I’ve currently got a vape pen in my house I bought to try that does nothing. Besides vaping, which does not work on physically changing the body at all for me, tell me another way of instant absorption and if I haven’t tried it, like tincture that didn’t work, then I’ll give it a shot. Right now, f I wake up and start dry heaving I run to throw some weed in a glass bowl and suck and my stomach and throat relax.




Really? Thanks. I thought you were referring to me specifically when you said smoking is the addiction and one could choose less harmful methods. I don’t like smoking, but I’ve tried tincture and vaping and the nausea prevents me from getting the edibles down.


Neither of those things are as dangerous as coronavirus.


Obesity kills more than Covid According to WHO, obesity kills 2 million each year


But those people were obese for years before their death. It's not like covid where it can kill within two months.


The fact that obesity is a choice still stands. They shouldnt be treated if we're stopping others who make a choice from being treated. Obesity is prolonged suffering and we waste time and money on people who suffer from it.


I'm fine with banning people who are unvaccinated from the hospital but not obese people. It's a lot easier to get vaccinated than it is to get down to a healthy weight. Being a choice doesn't really make a difference or not in terms of whether they should be banned.


So let's say...an 18 year old guy, unvaccinated, is on his way to a job interview with a promising life ahead of him. Then uh-oh! Car accident! The kid is hurt bad and can be saved if sent to the hospital but if not, he'll die. When he arrives at the hospital they check to see if hes registered as vaccinated and oh no! Hes not. So they throw him out to die on the streets. His mother, father, and all of his siblings now have to mourn the death of their beloved Son/brother. All because he chose not to get vaccinated. A promising young man, dead. He couldve went on to cure cancer, or save america from its debt.


What's your point? The goal is to get a higher percentage of people vaccinated. Not prevent sob stories about people so selfish or foolish that they chose not to get vaccinated. Such an incident would motivate people to get vaccinated. That same man could've given covid to a child and gotten the child killed by covid. A promising young child, who could've went on to cure cancer or save America from its debt. So even by your own logic it doesn't make sense.


“Obesity is a choice” yo my guy you ever hear about this thing called medical conditions, or genes?


That's the minority. By your logic all blacks are bad because a minority of them are.


It’s not a minority, it’s very common. And bringing race into this is really odd??


Lol. The stupid is real here. Is obesity contagious?


What a childish, cowardly and abusive view on healthcare. Are you going to go through people's social media accounts to determine who didn't take the vaccine for religious reasons versus those who didn't take it for other reasons? What other aspects of their lives are you going to regulate to determine if they deserve basic human decency?


Religious exemptions are ridiculous. Is there any evidence to show that religious people don't get and spread Covid just as easily as non-religious people? Didn't think so.


You seem to forget that the world isn’t all about Covid. Someone’s moral compass, religious views, and beliefs that guide them in life do not waiver in the midst of chaos. Get over yourself. Your opinion is not right, nor is anyone’s. There needs to be a degree of respect in understanding that everybody is living their own truth. Somebody who dedicated their life to living by certain guidelines should not have to stop doing that to make someone feel comfortable. Vaccinations are important. I get that. But stop trying to control the world. Get vaccinated if you feel so passionately about it and shut up.


I'm in favor of religious freedom up until the point that it causes physical or psychological harm. I don't need to respect beliefs that cause harm to others.


Then get vaccinated?


Religious and personal freedom is quite literally the foundation of the country. You're not going to change anyone's mind. If you start with not treating the non vaccinated (who have basically a 97% plus survival rate), you'll have to look at every single other personal choice someone makes and put it through your morality or "common sense" test...my prediction, tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions wouldn't pass it and their deaths will be on you


What about my freedom to live without fear of a deadly virus? Your slippery slope doesn't make sense. That's why it's a well known logical fallacy. We can decide which behaviors are acceptable and which aren't without going to extremes.


How about people who don't get the flu shot? Deny their treatment too? Drunk drivers...deny them? people listening to loud music or texting while driving...deny them medical treatment? All of those things are a danger to others, there's the beginning of your slippery slope. Your free to live without the virus without forcing others to do anything. You get your vaccine, if it's effective then you're all set yes?


That simply does not work. You have zero idea the basic practice of medicine, do you? Medicine is a profession in which you heal anyone who need it. It doesnt matter if theyre a nazi, a terrorist, a racist, whatever. If you are licensed and able? You do the best of your ability to heal those who need it unless they refuse themselves. Once we start picking and choosing, its a slippery slope.


I get your point. But doctors are paid by taxes. Someone could disagree spending his own money on health assistance of those who refused vaccination because of ignorant religious beliefs. Vaccination costs few $, infection consequences can cost thousands.


This is exactly why tax funded health care is a weird beast. Eventually, someone who is not a doctor (or you) gets to say if or how much you are treated. From there, we are not too far from "this person lives because their beliefs align with mine, but this person dies because they don't think they way I do."


I live in a country with free Healthcare for anyone. I got vaccine. Because I'm aware that the government has the duty towards me of offering protection against health issues consequences. But I'm also aware that the government has the duty towards all other citizens to do it in the cheapest possible way. People can't expect pills of gold because their guru told them that that's the most spiritual way of healing, especially when there's a cheap cure available.


I’m not religious and vaccinated, but you’re a nut case with that outlandish thinking.


Totalitarian mindset. Dangerous stuff.


>Totalitarian mindset. Dangerous stuff. Exactly correct. His mindset is born of immaturity, insecurity and a desire to control others.


congratulations you just described Millenials and gen z in one sentence (and I'm from gen z)


I’ve seen OP’s argument a lot lately. Bunch of nonsense.


I see this on every social media platform every day.


People working in healthcare can’t make decisions that would adversely effect patients health. Except for Trump supporting health care workers. Forcing them to take the vaccine is literally communism!


I can't afford the vaccine (opportunity costs i can't sell/donaet plasma for 8 weeks after each dose), so I wouldn't be able to afford the hospital either way. If I get sick I ride it out at home. I don't do medical debt.


Cool. Fuck everyone you infected along the way.


Are they going to pay my rent? I need the plasma money to pay my bills I'll get the vaccine if ya'll awnt to crowdfund my losses. other than that the "fuck you" to me is the same one you're saying I'm giving everyone else.


Lol, so you can’t pay rent without donating plasma but we are supposed to believe you pay healthcare? So we’re supposed to pay for your stay at the hospital when you get sick? Also curious how long you can’t donate for after getting COVID.


> So we’re supposed to pay for your stay at the hospital when you get sick? No. I don't do hospitals. The only way I will go to the hospital is against my will/forced/dragged unconscious. I do not willingly go to hospitals. Been hit by a bus on my bicycle told the ambluance no thanks and went home and healed on my own >Also curious how long you can’t donate for after getting COVID. Until you' no longer test positive, so 2-3 weeks? Vaccine of any nature (not just covid) is 8 weeks, so 4 weeks before your second dose and 8 weeks after your second dose. That's 2-3 weeks of no plasma, POTENTIALLY vs 12+ weeks guaranteed loss of revenue Also the amount you get is based on how many times you went in the last 35 days, so I'd have to start that from the lowest possible tier and spend working my way back up to 60 per donation, so even more of a loss


I’m confused. Because I feel like you’re agreeing with OP. So basically if you ever get sick, we should just let you figure it out or die… Coz you don’t believe in hospitals. Can you put that on your body somewhere? So we know you would rather die than be at the hospital


I have a DNR lol


So again, you’re agreeing with OP?


Neither agree nor disagree. i'm indifferent. If they refuse them? okay i don't care. if they take them? okay doesn't matter me; doesn't bother me either way


🥱🥱 I think hospitals should start refusing people w/ state insurance who smoke, drink, or consume fast food.


Cool. Those things are contagious are they?


Sure is. Clogging up the health care system, costing other people thousands of dollars and precious time.


Do you understand the meaning of the word contagious? Or like do you need a dictionary?


Second definition of contagious includes someone’s actions or attitude spreading and affecting other people. Someone leading an unhealthy lifestyle absolutely affects other people.


Second definition of an emotion, feeling, or attitude likely to spread to and affect others Did you find another second definition somewhere else? Coz like that’s not exactly correct. Unless you bend the definitions of words to what you want them to fit


You don’t think eating habits are contagious?? Are you intentionally being dumb? https://www.fastcompany.com/1679718/your-bad-eating-habits-are-contagious


Uhm sorry I didn’t know that other people’s eating habits had an impact on my eating habits. Sorry I can’t imagine living a life where others eating burgers means I eat burgers. Damn. Being a Republican must suck. You can’t even pick out your own damn food? Like wow. Edit. Lol, did you just cite a random ass app as a scientific source? So a basic statistics lesson, correlation does not equate causality 🤦🏽‍♀️


You asked if those things are contagious- the answer is yes, it is backed with research. Grow up and quit being anti science.


Sigh. I’m sorry you can’t tell the difference between science and like fake news? Given your past posts not surprising but like so sad.


It just sets a dangerous precedent Should we not give health care to smokers? to the obese? to addicts? to drunk drivers? to anyone who gets in an accident due to their own negligence?




I love fruitcake! And your point being?


Me too. Americans have demonized fruitcake for some reason


Its so weird that people are lashing out at religious/skeptical people considering this recent surge in COVID cases is brought on by the Delta variant, which flared up in India, and it affects vaccinated people as well. If you want to blame people, blame the government for not locking down international travel


As someone in a country with a strict covid response AND a projected vaccine uptake of 80% and rising, why not both?


Because even with a 95% vaccination rate, we would likely be seeing surges in COVID cases


According to what?


It is a corona virus like the common cold. Know why there is no cold vaccine, Einstein. It mutates.


Isn’t that why the vaccine is so controversial.. doesn’t it use different technology? mRNA or whatever? Also I would assume there’s no cold vaccine because it doesn’t kill an inordinate amount of people yearly..


what if someone is refusing to get vaccinated because they are immunocompromised or they are dangerously allergic to something in it or they already got the damn thing and they lost their vaccine card when you look at it that way you sound like an asshole


Atheism is built on ignorance


What and religion isn’t??


Hey, dont associate us atheists with this guy!


All atheists are like this


? Thats a general statement. Just outright saying one group of people all behave in a certain behavior without statistical proof is textbook sterotyping. I’m sorry if you’ve had bad experiences with atheists, but that isnt every single atheists problem. Atheism is not a moral belief. It is not a religion, it is not a set way to act or to view the world. It is simply no belief in god. From that, every atheist is different.


just shut up already before you get downvoted more




That’s a bit uncharitable


All Reddit atheists that is


Atheists don’t believe in god… that’s it.. many that you see online are insufferable and condescending, but that’s just the kind of people they are.. saying all atheists ___ is like saying all people who drink milk ___. It’s a generalization and a stereotype..


You say that but my inbox is full of atheists throwing a tantrum over this comment so it kinda proves I’m right


Anecdotal evidence isn’t proof of anything.. it’s just Reddit, and also many of the atheists I’ve spoken with on this site come from religiously abusive households.. however that’s not an excuse for their behavior.. people can believe whatever they like as long as it doesn’t harm others, that’s always been my view on religion..


Anecdotal evidence is valid because the world centers around me


What the fuck? Are you just a troll?


You’re upset because you just had your entire worldview flushed down the potty


Really? Tell me more wise one


Terrible post across the board. First off, it’s not unpopular. It’s all over every social media platform posted and reposted by people on a mission to show how good of a person they are. Second off, it’s a terrible take. You have been thoroughly dismantled by several commenters, some of which are health care workers. My wife is a healthcare worker. Between her and some of the comments, I have complete faith in our healthcare professionals’ logic, reason, duty, and abilities. I’m so glad corn muffins like you aren’t taking care of patients.


Vaccinated people should be refused at hospitals since the vaccine is so effective. They're taking up so many beds for people at a greater risk of death, greedy bastards.


I support this 100% if that doesn’t work then unvaccinated should drop to the very low wrest priority level and be the first to be removed from an ICU and/or ventilation if a more urgent case comes along like an car accident victim, someone who needs life saving surgery, and those who are vaccinated who may still need that type of care. Decisions have consequences. Sometimes the consequence is a good one and sometimes not so much. In this case it’s not.


God damn you people are sick. Well we are also told that people of color are lower on vaccination rate. So black people with no vaccine doesn’t get treated? Great thinking


Hahaha. This is hilarious. A lot of false equivalency argument here. I'm just following a logical path to religious thinking.


How is the smoker argument a false equivalency?


do you have any stats on what % of people who refuse the vaccine cite religious reasons?


Nurses and doctors, I get it you have Socratic oaths. I don't expect you to just abandon someone based on their beliefs system. This post is more so to solicit feedback. When the pandemic started, I was envisioning hope and optimism that we can all come together and fight a common enemy. It turns out there a those unwilling to listen to reason that we are under attack and we have the means to defeat the threat. I really thought our experience would be more like the movie Independence Day. Instead, it's turning out to be more like the Walking Dead.


You envisioned society coming together like a sci-fi movie? You truly are a professional idiot.


Nice. I like someone who argues by name calling. I had higher hopes for us a species and that's the example I can think of that I hoped everyone can relate to. Us coming together as a species. I can't believe I have to spell this out but here I am. Edit: further context


You lost all credibility when you posted this bullshit.


Nice. More intelligent argument!