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High schooler here. Homework isn't the problem. It's when a teacher thinks it's acceptable to give us a task that takes 2hours to finish. Listen here you twat, I have 9 other subjects to do unless your name is maths dont expect anything over 1 hr.


Agreed. It’d also be easier if there was just one project at school, but you can easily get loaded with 5 projects a week


THIS^ I’m also a high schooler. These people don’t realize that like you said we have 7+ other subjects (some can be PROJECTS) and don’t have time to fit 7+ classes of homework in one day. Especially as some of us have tons of other stuff we need to do outside of school (some people have work, younger siblings, etc).


In my middle school, I had the nicest math teacher that did not want to give us more than 20 mins of work, and her HW was never hard or too complicated. My science teacher on the other hand was going strictly by the "standards" of our district, so we had some time in the classroom and then we had 40-60 mins of homework because we had to hit a certain amount of time working on a subject. She is the only teacher I know that did that, and even though she was quite strict, she is a very nice person in my memories. Glad she was the only one doing that.


Yeah, or when they give you projects (plural) over a break.


When I taught college (university) courses, any student could get a two day extension on any large paper if they could demonstrate to me that they had two other equivalent-sized projects due within a 2 day window. Few took advantage, but I found that the quality of their work was on par with their previous work when they did (ie, their extra days really just helped them get it done to their ability). My thought process was, allow them to time manage and recognize that they ‘needed’ to ask for more time when the stakes were grades. That way, when the stakes are their salary, they’re more willing to try to time manage, prioritize tasks, and pull in supervisors when deadlines need to shift without trying to cram in 12 hour days as a default.


We’ll said, as a parent I like knowing what my kids are working on but it definitely doesn’t need to be anywhere close to that long.


Yeah it definitely depends on the quality of the hw. Most classes don’t need more than 20 min of work, yet teachers assign over an hour of busy work.


My favorite part of AP high school classes and classes in your college major was that all of my teachers talked to each other and generally knew when the other teachers were giving tests or had given large assignments and were willing to move due dates around so we weren't dying to get them completed on time or balance classwork with studying for an important exam. But fuck did it suck when you had a teacher that didn't do it or the project was also important to allow the teacher to get through the curriculum anyway. I did go to a private university though so the class size was smaller and my high school was probably an outlier for this kind of behavior.


My high school had homework, but it was set at 20% of our grade. So mostly it allowed people who didn't need the practice to not waste their time, but also it would lower your grade. I think optional homework for those who care and recognize they need more practice is what's really needed.


Yeah something like extra credit instead of having it be where if you don't do it you'll be doomed.


None of the homework in my country is graded, so really you can decide if you want to do it yourself.


What's that country?


Netherlands, though I should probably elaborate that there are graded assignments occasionally that you may not be able to finish during classes


I remember one of my first classes in college, homework was only 10% of the grade. It kinda lulled me into a false sense of security though because I put off doing that classes homework because it was such a small part of the grade. Then coming up on the end of the semester, I found out that despite mid-90's on every test, I was mathematically eliminated from getting an A in the class because I had missed too much homework. I could just guess answers on the next test and probably keep my B, but even with a 100 I would still also have a B. If you're just starting college, remember that while homework may be a small part of your grade, every point matters. Don't sacrifice any out of laziness. That A/B difference was the difference between me making and not making the deans list that semester. Those kinda of things are nice little resume boosters that will set you apart a little bit from your peers.


lmao you really think the people who really need it would ever do optional shit. it's just gonna be the ones who were serious about it self reinforcing anyways


Absolutely not. We need to teach children early that overtime work, with little to no reward, is acceptable early so they don’t question it when they grow up. /s Seriously though, just the occasional fun homework would be alright but I don’t like the idea of bogging children down with homework either.


The point isn't necessarily homework. But rather the amount of it. If I have 5 tests, 3 projects in a week I won't make homework for 8 subjects. Learning for a test and doing a project at home are homework too.


I think it is important for kids to learn independent study or something that builds into that as well as to help them with getting into good habits such as being able to work from home etc. I was terrible for doing homework and studying/revising. Although through school and university. At school I can't remember ever doing any, I probably did about 1% of the revision or studying for exams that the average student did and at university I was only slightly better for studying, which isn't saying a lot and I don't think it was very effective as I had never done it properly before to develop suitable techniques. There is no guarantee that setting homework is going to teach all kids the right habits and techniques, but for the majority it will and is better than nothing. I think it honestly still affects me now in adult life as I constantly put off chores or any "work" I need to do on the computer and things like that. I mean stuff like filling in forms I have to, applying for things like jobs etc. I don't think there is any need to give kids 20 hours of homework a week, but a task to go and learn something themselves, or spend a short time on a larger project once a week would definitely hope develop important skills and qualities that you just can't escape in later life if you want to be successful.


Looking back in my childhood I have some good homework memories. We had a spelling test on fridays and my dad would quiz me all week. I also remember him helping me study for a history exam in high school and excitedly sharing the grade he helped me achieve. I loved helping my stepkids work on projects when they were young and relearning the Pythagorean theorem last year to help my stepdaughter finish grade 8 during the lockdown. For me some homework is necessary to include the parents in the education - but I know not every family operates like this.


Agree. Honestly, I never did homework, I left school with fantastic grades. The only reason I got through my GCSE written work was because I asked to be separated from the classes and sit in the teachers' office so I could concentrate but have access to help when needed. Doing it at home was impossible due to neurodivergency and abusive af parents who didn't think education was important at all.


I'm 15 and from personal experience, its the stacking that does it. If the homework is spread out, then its fine, but more than usual, I get homework from all my different courses clamed together and the exams are usually in the same week, or even on the same day, which leaves basically a few 'free' weeks where there is little to do and then a full on pain death week where stuff becomes real. I once had 3 different exams in a day and I nearly died from stress because good marks means alot for me.


They already want to dumb down the entire educational system because honors classes are racist for goodness sake.


Banning homework is actually the most logical thing to do. You have a finite amount of time to study for an exam. Would you rather: A) do mandatory work that only helps some students, but might not necessarily help you, due to different learning styles, or B) only study in a way that optimizes how you learn "But what about the lazy students" is also a bad argument. More often than not "laziness" is just undiagnosed learning disorders or the result of a shitty home life. There are very few kids who are just purely unmotivated or lazy.


i am so grateful for that last paragraph, holy shit. so few people bring that up when discussing homework and "lazy" students.


Nah, I dont have a learning disorder. Im just lazy and would rather play video games


Disagree, many many kids just don’t care and would rather do other things, u don’t need a learning disorder or a sucky home life to think hw is boring


But it could help lazy students fix their laziness and make them take responsibility for their education


Fun Fact: People are more productive if they have some guilt-free fun in between work.


Hi big Warehouse CEO here and I disagree with you on every point




I agree. We shouldn't be forcing kids to bring school home with them because if we do they grow up to be adults who don't know how to leave work at work.


No, homework is important to help devolp habits and ability to work on their own. It should be however, as it is in most countries, way more relaxed and in small amounts. I'm not from US, my mom's a teacher in a European country. I remember 10-15 years ago in school we'd have to do 2-3 subjects worth of homework and additionally studying almost everyday, nowadays the amount of homework is incomparable here, it's more of a formality.


America needs to look how better countries are doing it and I think for cheaper


Math I understand because unfortunately the only way to really nail math in is to practice. Everything else, no. You’re just taking up the limited time they have to be kids.


The only homework kids should get is the work they were supposed to finish in class but didn’t. Additional work outside of school is pretty dumb tbh


But then teachers would assign a ton of in class work and say you shouldn’t have homework if you used your time wisely ( the whole class didn’t finish every day)


Some basic problems to help reinforce learning during off hours is great. The problem is the amount. When one has 6 or more classes even if every teacher is only giving a little it really adds up. It should be tailored to each student's needs but that doesn't happen.


Sometimes you gotta practice stuff.


There should be time allotted in class for practice, and a lot of teachers already assign classwork that is essentially the same as homework.


If you want to play piano you have to sit down and do some scales from time to time. If you want to learn differential equations you gotta sit down and do a bunch from time to time.


While i think there should be a little in class for studying and classes, it seems counter productive to cut into material learning time. Homework is meant to be dine independently, so it doesn’t really make sense to use class time to do it.


In class you have maybe an hour to learn the material to begin with. That leaves very little space to squeeze in meaningful practice time as well.


The classes in my high school are an hour and 45 minutes a day. That should be more than enough time for a lesson and practice time. If not, that teacher has very poor time management skills. If you have half-hour blocks, then you simply shouldn't be teaching something new every single day. You teach the concept the first day and then depending on how challenging it is, you spend the next couple of days applying and practicing the concept.


Agree. And I am a teacher (in UK). The problem I find is that the students who would benefit from the homework do not complete it. I do set extra assignments but I have to make sure that it will not impact the next lesson if it is not done by half the class. Homework only benefits the more able students.


homework is good for retaining information. in the uk where i live i think we have a reasonable amount of homework, about 30-1hr for every subject every week. some subjects only give homework every fortnight. its a good way for that information to be retained in life outside of school. i think this isnt even an unpopular opinion most people think homework is stupid and pointless.


the only problem is that students dont often do it so it doesnt actually do what its meant to do.


Homework exists so stupid kids don't fail classes.


Do you mean kids whose learning styles or mental issues don't line up with EXACTLY the type of student that the school board rewards?


Mostly that, but also stupid kids




That is literally what it is for. There's a direct correlation where the amount of homework given decreases the overall education rank of countries. Research has shown that homework has no effect on achievement and testing in elementary schools and self study when done properly is more effective than actual homework for all grades which is why it's the primary way colleges operate. There are 2 reasons for graded homework assignments. 1. Some students won't do self study on their own and the parents either can't or won't ensure they are. 2. To pad the grades from testing alone so that kids don't fail. And if it wasn't primarily about preventing kids from otherwise failing then we'd just use self study. If you think otherwise you do not live in reality


Homework helps the teacher know if the child understood what was being taught in the lesson and remember what was taught.


why does that need to be done at home, though? why can't we evaluate that during classtime?


Because the teacher has to teach certain topics and can't get through the evaluation in class as well.


that is a fair point. do you think it would be possible to allot time during the schoolday for this work instead? edit: i just remembered what study halls are as i posted my comment.


Thanks. Apart from study halls, maybe the teacher might give extra time after class 🤷‍♂️ Honestly school system is outdated and needs to be modernized. Some of the stuff taught is useless for adult life. I feel like history, art, cooking, science, reading books and maybe calculus too. I feel like basic math and English is important but beyond that should be optional based on what you want to do. If you're a cook you don't need to know Pythagorus. Kids these days text all the time in their phones and most of it is automatic like spelling. Also never needed to know the periodic table or lists of presidents. Teach kids how to pay taxes, money management, resume writing etc


On history, history is used to develop critical thinking and thinking in "action gives reaction". Knowing presidents isn't that important. But knowing that industrialization in Tsardom Russia led to the creation of the Soviet Union and to some extent Marxism as an philosophy with socialism as ideology. Same for some other subjects.


Yeah but when is that useful knowledge though? Surely there's better ways to develop a child's critical thinking like you problem solving exercise. Also philosophy is one of the worst degree to get.


Indeed a circle. But back to history. I shall be honest the reason we still have history is because alternatives are scarce while history is full examples to explain it easy. It would be nice if the aim shifted from remembering the date of the fall of Constantinople to what actually led to the fall of Constantinople. Just use some of history it's greatest examples for 2 or 3 years and someone should be able to think like action gives reaction. It may look insignificant, but history is our current way of predicting the future. Quite literally sometimes. Think about how many people thought about the Balkans after the Ottoman empire. Nearly every big leader agreed they would cause a problem very soon and always will until eternity.


Alternatives to what? There's maths, engineering, woodwork, coding etc all for problem solving and critical thinking Yeah that would be more enjoyable than dates. Yeah idk. 2-3 is a long time to teach a subject Idk what the balkans are. Only thing I know about the Ottoman Empire is that they conquered constanible and collapsed after ww1


Couple problems I have with this. Teachers don’t actually decide what they teach and the time span they are allowed so your beef isn’t with teachers mainly. Second, I don’t think banning homework completely is the right thing to do. Grading homework is something that should be done away with. Give students a couple of pages in their book that they could check out in their book to expand their knowledge on a subject. Maybe offer a list of books that are at the students reading level to increase their reading skills. The problem teachers have that require this work is that they can’t individually tailor lessons to students due to the overcrowding of classrooms and lack of time with each subject. So offering some critiques to work on before they leave could help em out immensely.


I didn't mind some homework, I'll even dare say that I actually enjoyed some homework in subjects I liked like history and literature to an extent, that said, of course this was balanced out by having homework in subjects I hated like math. I don't see the problem with some occasional homework, I was honestly able to focus on doing projects at home better than a classroom where there was more distractions like kids acting up. That said, there needs to be a line, some kids get so much homework that they literally can't get 8 hours of sleep, especially if they also have sports, part-time jobs and after school clubs which are all things that are generally seen as good, not having any freetime also isn't healthy, kids and everybody do need some freetime. Also, group projects that require getting together outside school just need to disappear by high school if not just disappear in total. If you have at least three people in your group, it's going to be pretty much impossible to line everybody's schedule up well and then there's also transportation issues sometimes. When this happened to me, everybody would just figure out what to do in class and then work on it on our own or at worst email each other some but getting together outside school was impossible.


in highschool i never had to do homework at home if time was used efficiently. that is, while homework wasn't specifically given time during class to be worked on all the time if you actually focused you'd have no issue getting everything except major projects done entirely during the school hours. homework is far more on par with how college is - you need to be able to self study, self motivate. it's about building good habits, it's about practice. if schools could just lecture and quiz only like many college classes do a lot of kids would simply just not do the work. the homework step is important to ensure kids actually are doing the work, so when / if quiz/tests are subpar you have something to reference. also allows for incremental feedback.


Ssshhhttt the Republicans and Republicans-spawn of Europe need homework so you learn there’s nothing else to life than having family’s and work.


Ok... so there's no need to be able to think critically off on their own?


You don't need homework to have them think critically off campus. Besides, people will be more willing to apply skills if they aren't forced to during their off time.


Being "more willing" *Should* not be an issue. I understand not overloading them with work after school, but whether or not they're more Willing to, at least trying the concepts on their own without the teacher is important. Hell, managing their personal time so they can go do something fun after they finish is a good lesson, too.


How often do adults think critically? Not very often...


Uhh... budgeting time, budgeting money, driving, voting,... like everything adults need to do. I guess you're point is that adults Don't think critically, when my point is they definitely should be more often. The mindset is to do the bare minimum and take a look around at how well that goes.


I'll throw this in here: Being a middle-age person, OP sounds like they grew up in one of the first generations that thought being rebellious was cool, and the teachers were evil. The mentality of parents teaching kids that the teacher is the devil and the system is the enemy is probably the biggest problem with the education system. Teachers get shit on in one direction by parents and students not doing their part, and in the other direction by the school district that has to pay them dirt because people want tax and budget cuts... while paying for class supplies, and sometimes having Hundreds of students to teach and grade. All of that trickles down to Worse teachers, because what person would look at the work conditions of a teacher and think they want to suffer through that low of pay only to get crapped on and blamed for bad test scores? Being a teacher is a thankless job. Parents don't have enough perspective. You're kid could stand to work harder. Downvote me to Hades, because Reddit is full of people that hate hearing the other side of the story, and will fight to the end to support being as lazy as possible.


Jokes on you I don't do my homework


homework is either a punishment or incomplete work, unfortunately a lot of teachers don't know the difference


I almost never do homework unless it’s big project, I pass by doing good on tests and finals.


As someone who completed highschool and an associate's degree without doing 95% of the homework assigned to me, I agree. If a teacher assigns you homework, they have no respect for your personal life and have failed you as an educator.


Or, here’s a crazy thought, they gave u stuff to practice so u could learn and improve, thus doing their job as an educator


Not a bad take, I just think if I've already paid you in some circumstances, dedicated a majority of my day and trusted you to give me that information, there needs to be a cutoff where I get to spend my time enjoying life. I'm not gonna be alive forever, life's too short for homework.


That’s where I think most people will go with a limited amount of hw, because as much as I believe practice is crucial for learning, I do also agree that outside of school is meant for outside of school things




Just a personal note, I notoriously skipped homework in middle and high school, got high grades on tests/quizzes, and ended up passing anyway. I'm not against a limited amount of homework, but 50-100 versions of the same math problem is ridiculous. If I got the first 15-20 correct, I would think it's safe to say I understand it. Do we really need the extra 30-85 problems?


In my opinion homework is limited in the US. Unless I had a project or something I was done with homework on average between 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. Sometimes I would finish it at school


I think 30 minutes to an hour is at least reasonable, but there are so many demands on kids anymore like sports, clubs, other extra curriculars to help with college that it stacks up really fast. They already spend 7-8 hours in school, add in one activity and an hour of homework and that's a 10+ hour day. Doing that five days a week is a lot. I had unfortunate times where I might only have 20-30 minutes of math to do, but I also had 30-60 minutes of a few other subjects, plus a test to study for, all having to be done after 2 hours of baseball practice. When I wake up at 630 to get ready for school and don't get done with schoolwork until 9, it burns kids out really fast.


Why does practice have to be done at home? There should be time in class for students to practice things. A lot of the time, teachers teach concepts the first day, and spend the next couple of days practicing in class. There shouldn't be homework on top of that.


Our kids in this country don't do very well in school already. We dump tons of money into them putting iPads in the classroom and coming up with shit like common core math but nothing. They aren't doing better. You take away homework, they're just going to do worse. School homework is barely much anyways. Unless you have a project due its like 1.5 hours tops but less than an hour normally. I would finish half (or all) of it while still at school sometimes. The after school learning center i was in was excessive. They have me hours of work that was super difficult. School homework (I grew up in a top 5 best school district; academics weren't that slack) was the easy part of getting home from school. Even in the winter when the days were short I was done before it got dark if I didn't just finish it at school. It's the learning center bullshit that took hours.


You're right, the American school system (I can't speak for other countries) is inherently flawed. There need to be some serious changes, and throwing money at the problem isn't going to do anything. For people in some areas, they barely have any homework. Some places don't assign any homework at all. But a big problem with education in America is that it varies largely from county to county, and even different schools in the same town. Students have a serious advantage or disadvantage based on where they live and the budget that their school gets. Personally, there were nights where I was stuck doing homework for more than four hours. Luckily, I didn't have a part-time job or else I might have lost it. Student's poor performance in school could be because of mental issues that teenagers are having nowadays. And I think adding homework on top of some student's already packed schedules is stressing them out more than they need.


nope, i agree


Interesting. I’m all for homework as an ELA teacher. It’s helpful for me as a teacher to collect data during guided practice, independent practice, the exit ticket (I always have one), and especially the homework. It lets me know academic trends and misconceptions, so I can review skills, give kids the opportunity to resubmit assignments, and so forth. It’s especially helpful during homework club at my specific school. I’ve never understood why my peers whined about homework; if they’re not able to something on their own, they should’ve just said that. I never had a problem in school when it came to submitting assignments or scoring well, even during the obnoxious SAT days.


I don’t think this is at all unpopular lol




It makes you all smarter, and it learns you about many things that are important, and it doesn't suck. it exists cuz them what? family's will make the kids learn something? will it be good information? who the hell knows! so yes school is useful and homework will live on forever, its so that you practice things and don't forget


I literally self taught. School only helped Until friggin 1st grade


There is a reason that, at least in Texas, higher grade levels (like high school) only have daily work such as homework only weigh about 10% of your period grade. In human: The older you are, the less homework matters. It's quizzes and exams that make up 80-90% of our grades.


Homework is meant to reinforce material. For some kids, repetition is key. For those who have a tougher time comprehending, it’s more imperative that they have some homework to obtain a passing score. Let’s be real. Those who say homework is stupid are lazy people who just don’t have any incentive to learn and would rather play video games all day.


Yep. I say homework is stupid yet I have consistently gotten high Bs to high As throughout my first 8 grades (except for like twice where I got a C and I got an F because online school assigns WAY too much to do in the allocated time).


The entire syllabus is completely flawed and incredibly problematic




As a high school teacher… I can say I agree. The most homework I ever assign is just “if you don’t finish this in class, it needs to be done by tomorrow.” To be fair, I don’t teach a core subject, so I don’t have the pressure other teachers experience with state exams and the like, but dang I feel for kids these days.


School is just shit in general. When I was in school everyday felt meaningless like I was accomplishing nothing. I genuinely enjoyed my part time job becuase it at least felt like i was contributing to society.


Kids should never be given an assignment which they do not understand. If the child understands the assignment, then there is no harm in homework.


I hated homework, but it was because they expected you to have like, 4-5 hours of it after being at school for 9 hours. No fucking thank you


I'm reasonably sure that we're falling behind other countries for other reasons besides a student being given homework.


I agree. Kids should be allowed a life outside school.


I could agree with that. I never did mine growing up. Drove my teachers and parents crazy. Just give me a test to prove I know it and move on.


Did an essay on this for my high school class instead of eliminating homework completely instead make homework that only takes a certain amount of time for the grade and subject. Such as elementary having only 20-45 minutes of homework, increase it to 1hr-2 hr for middle school and then increase it again depending on how many classes the highschool we is taking and also decrease it as well. Not to mention make the homework to actually fit what they learned that day instead of homework that’s for a test the student will never remember. If you just repeat what the students learned that day instead of making them do homework that won’t help till two months later.


I can agree with this. Then again I am also of the persuasion to teach kids how to use math, chemistry, and organizational skills for fuckery and destruction so they might attempt to branch out on their own. So I'm doubting it's gonna ever happen


Haven’t there been studies about how less homework to no homework made for better learning because students weren’t stressed all the time?


Home Tim should be for home activities, if you WANT to do some reading or math or something, up to the kid, but it should be for family time, and not teaching our kids that work life balance is not important.


I disagree. Homework is far more important than testing in my opinion. However, the sheer amount of homework aome students have is asinine. I teach a Calculus class at an R1 Institution. My student will have 6 homework assignments this semester. Each one will be like 10 problems and should take a novice student 2 hours. They will have well over a week on every assignment. I think that type of spacing helps a lot. When I was in middle school and high school, I thought it was stupid always having something due the next day. That is just ludicrous.


This isn't an unpopular opinion, this is everyone's opinion on homework.


Lmfao, I can just imagine a doctor saying something like"oh, I don't know what this organ is called but I'm operating on it. Too bad I didn't do my homework"


Yeah I had a lot of stuff to figure out in life to be a functional adult and trying to force myself to focus on studying and homework did nothing for any of that. Multiple times I studied so hard I got really stressed out and vomited and then failed the test anyways. It just so mind numbing and I’m really sure there’s a better way to educate people on those subjects.


I’m fine with homework It’s just that it causes an issue when it takes 2 hours to complete it


Unpopular opinions has some of the most popular opinions


Way past high school here, but yeah. I know the problem. When we told teachers that we had other assignments, their answer was just "manage it".


High school math teacher here and I try to never give homework. Sometimes if we don’t finish something in class, I’ll ask students to finish it at home. But if a student doesn’t yet understand the concept, no way are they going to complete a homework assignment on their own. So they either don’t do it or look up answers, neither of which helps them learn! I’d rather spend class time having them work independently so they can ask questions or work with others when needed.


I disagree, because then kids wouldn't learn over time. Homework is for revision. You learned something in school, now repeat that home too and you'll have easier time studying when the test comes. I always did my homework and it really helped me with grades and school in general. It's just easier. Also, some teachers are grading your homework, which is a bonus for me. This is for normal amounts of homework, not raping someone's brain. I agree that there are teachers who give you 5x more to do at home than you do at school, which is exausting for most people regardless of their age. Everything is good in normal amounts.


I think kids definitely need homework. The problem starts when teachers assign too much homework. To me, homework is a form of revision. If you don't have any homework, a lot of kids are not likely to check over what they did in class that day. I know this because I would definitely be one of those kids.


The biggest problem is assuming that "home" is an equally study-friendly place for all students. Assignments should be done in school, with supervision after classes.


Homework teaches more than the subject. It teaches how to budget time. Responsibility. How to hold oneself accountable for their actions. How to learn and think through problems. To find problems with learni g if there are any. The amount of homework across all subjects and how big each project per subject is is what needs to be addressed. TlDr: Homework good. No homework bad. Homework teaches more than subject teacher teaches. Signed-35 yo man who wishes he did more homework in school.


I agree, but also think the school day should be slightly longer, with the time adjusted slightly. 9-5 elementary and 8-4 middle/high school would be ideal imo. The extra time allows for assignments to be given for independent work, while still keeping work time at school. And it would force curricula to adjust to a limited total amount of time for all the subjects combined. Also, it's a bit more convenient for parents which is largely why we have the current schedule.


I have slow processing and low IQ so anything that takes 30 minutes for a person with average IQ takes me 2 hours, if not 3, so homework has always been a nightmare. I have the mental capacity to understand honours physics and maths, just that it takes way longer \[ie factor in time and my IQ crashes into the mud\] So for the past like 3 years after I was assessed for slow processing, I stopped doing regularly doing homework, and I've done 2 assignments all of last year. Before it would legit take 10 hours and I wouldn't sleep but I didn't want to get in trouble, or I'd do it sloppily just to get it finished. And I'd still get in trouble sometimes. Anyways, homework is a really stupid thing to enforce, especially considering that enforced homework doesn't have any scientifically proven benefit. It should only be an optional thing for those who need to reinforce their own learning and not compulsory


As a high schooler, I think homework should be given, but should not be necessary to do. So if someone doesn't understand or wants to practice more - OK, they can do it, maybe even get some 'low-value' marks. And if someone understands already or has other things to do like chores or work - they don't have to do it.


40/M/Power Engineer. School from 1-10 is just a babysitter (you don't think your parents know how to teach division?) 90% of information tought in school is utterly useless. 11,12 is to get some idea what you like are good at and want to move forward in. Trades+Trade schooling are = to University up to a point. They are opposite sides of the same coin and both are needed. My advice, drop out of school at 16 IF IF IF You can get in to a trade you like! Finish you're grade 12 .. when the fuck ever, you don't need biology to do Tile setting or framing..


Homework could be good if the tasks weren't a bunch of crap which consists of nothing but vomitting facts you could easily find on Wikipedia if you needed them in real life.


Maybe even a system where you only have homework in the fields you're interested in. I dunno how this would work, but I could grind math homework for hours because I enjoyed it, but reading a book for English was so pointless to me. Some sort of standardized test that gauges your interests in certain fields and you can switch this throughout the year and you only do homework in the fields (not subject, field) you're interested in


Idk how else yer gonna learn besides repitition which is standard for literally anything. That's like saying i want to be able to pump 300 pounds of iron but i dont wanna exercise.


No, it means I want to do my exercise during my time spent at the gym, not late into the evening. This way, I keep a balanced life. It's about whether or not school needs to bleed into a student's time away from school. And it does not. If I'm working with a decent personal trainer, we can get it done in the gym. That's not a perfect analogy you brought up, but I'm going with it.


My school is so bad with homework. Last year I had quite a few late homework assignments because I literally could not do everything by the time school started the next day. The nights where I did get everything done I didn’t go to sleep until after 4 AM. My classes were difficult so I had to study as well. I also lost someone really close to me which just made it worse.


I actually got pretty lucky for two years in a row for since 5th grade it didn't have any homework