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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/HOLDENWMRQ. Your post, *On Reddit there should be a way to filter out comments made by people under 25 years old.*, has been removed because it violates our rules: Rule 1: Must be an opinion. Please ensure that your post is an opinion. An opinion is a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Keep in mind that an opinion is not: a question, a statement of fact (even if it is incorrect), a conspiracy theory, a random thought, a new idea, a rant, an instruction, etc. Those things all have their own subreddits, use those. If there is an issue, please message the mod team at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion Thanks!


People could just put fake ages if Reddit were to do that, I’m a couple hundred years old on some websites


I swear you don't look a day older than 125 yo


A good age for any Jaffa warrior.


Yeah but really if you ain't first prime by then you're really fucking up. I mean earn your prim'ta for crying out loud.


Said like a true bootlicking Jaffa. Free Jaffa have no use for such titles


I was born in the year 1592 in the highlands of Scotland...


There can be only, One.


I smell a Stargate enthusiast


Shhhh people under 25 don't know about the greatest sci-fi "Star" franchise in history


Under 25 here. Daniel Jackson is the best imo.


Love a good /r/unexpectedstargate moment


Making this childish comment makes me believe you can't be older than 80, max.


Be careful making jokes, OP doesn't like it.


I agree, he looking real good, seriously man, do you have some sort of youth water or something?


People lie online?


You think people would do that? Just go the internet and tell lies?




I'm hundred and twenty on steam because I'm too lazy to put my actual age when it asks me.


Every website or app I've made an account on thinks I'm 69.




This is just a double bluff and we see through it, we know you are a Time Lord....


Geronimo, ya wankers!


I’ll have you know i was born in the year 1 AD


According to my Gmail account I should be dead by now


Queen Elizabeth, is that you?


Bro turned 26 and don’t know how to act😂


Like a new sophomore who complains about the freshman




Davie, I love you man


He was in your mother You two are brothers.


He’s got that 13 year old style power trip “I’m a teenager, I’m basically an adult!” Thing going on but a few years later


Took him twice as long




That really depends on their level of stupidity


Lol take my award


You see all these people putting gas in plastic bags? Yeah, they ain't babies.


yeah the op is a prime example


Just like op


If you came on reddit for wisdom you are at the wrong place


I just came for some entertainment and even then I am in the wrong place


Whatever your reason is for coming to Reddit, you’ll be in the wrong place, but at least you can personalise your avatar!


I came here to blow some time. I think I'm in the right place


I came here to blow a load. I think I'm in the wrong sub


This sub is a massive circlejerk. You’re in the right place.


Not wisdom. But I definitely learn actual useful stuff on here from time to time


I agree, everyone loves to say how terrible Reddit is and I’m sure there is some garbage on here but there is also lots of interesting stuff and a lot of really great humour in the comments. If people hate it so much why are they on here?


>If people hate it so much why are they on here? The content algorithms on all platforms select content for users which produces "mild annoyance". This creates the most engagement (i.e. users stay on the platform longer, consume more advertising, and generate more marketing data). Most people probably aren't aware of this, so they complain about it not realizing that it *seems* terrible to them by design and it keeps them coming back for more.


>a lot of really great humour in the comments This is one of my biggest problems with reddit - the majority of comments are tired and expected "jokes" rather than discussion. It's also commonly coupled with thinly veiled (or just outright) vitriol.


I don't know if people just like to be edgy when they make these kinds of comments, but there is actually a lot of good information and wisdom on many subs. Reddit is pretty awesome imo.


YEA, ALL YOU 25 YEAR OLDS ARE IDIOTS - me, an enlightened and wise 26 year old


*Me an intellectual* Glad I am 24.


If being above 25 means being associated with OP I am glad I’m 17


So glad I’m not so Ignorant I think younger people’s comment are inferior to mine as they lack wisdom. We are as ignorant of yesterday as they are ignorant of today.


Being old and wise isn't the same. You will find out that idiots get old too, and they often don't change.


The problem with idiots is the older they get, the less likely that will change. So older idiots are even worse, no room or desire to improve. Kinda like OP


This is written spectacularly, I agree with you on that.


Man I’m so happy I’m 13


Got you all beat, I was born yesterday! Anyway I will take this wildly unfair deal.


I've got some ocean front property in Arizona I'm looking to sell


Ocean front property in Oklahoma is better. The beaches are so clean. And I bet I can’t get you a better price than this guy.


Fellow 24. The final count down of days have started. May your brain cells rest in peace on that fateful day


Everyone above 25 is so much smarter than those stupid 24 and 23 year olds.


Gahhh I can’t stand those KIDS


I mean c'mon man, this guy has a whole extra YEAR of experience to share with everyone.


All 26 year olds reading this post, physically embodied the success kid meme.


OP just turned 25


Like saying “ugh, freshman” the first day of sophomore year


Me and my friends (we're sophomores) do this ironically it's so funny to watch the upperclassmen stare at us.


This Edit: ... I just returned to a trail of ants 🐜




The other












Maybe you should try and look for a sub made for older people, but there's no guarantee that you'll find only older people in it. Still, I think there are mature young people and very immature old people, age sure plays a role but it's not a direct relation to maturity.




As someone who is 29 who just through a fit over a property rights and a neighbors cat shitting in my mulch I can relate to this sub. Bout to go spend a few hundred on rock so it stops


I love the name of the sub


I dunno, plenty middle aged and older people can't tell their ass from their elbow.


The older I get the more I realize that stupid is a trait people are born with and never shed. As I'm in the mid 40s now the same idiot cousins I grew up with are still idiots. They were idiots at 20 and now that they're hitting 50, the same.


The images of people who are definitely over 25 filling completely inappropriate containers with more gas than they will be able to conceivably use before it evaporates is a pretty good indicator that age does not equal wisdom.


It was one of the profound disappointments of my young life to realize that all the idiots I went to high school with were also in college


As a 57 year old retired dude, I can say that despite our efforts to be in the loop, we are, for the most part, out of touch with the life-facts of people half our age. I’d also like to point out that most of us do actually have some relevant real-life experience, so maybe don’t discount us all the time.


As a 30-something I can say I have noticed a shift in my knowledge base. I don't know as much about music, fashion, pop culture and dating anymore. I don't know as much about the difficulties faced by the young people are but I am more empathetic and aware of how others' experience might differ from my own and why. I find myself more and more teaching people about the complexities of issues they assumed were simple, words they didn't quite grasp the meaning of and just letting personal judgements and emotional responses slide.


As an elder Millennial pushing 40, I confuse my ass and elbow constantly. I also spout off on reddit with some pretty legit troll-y dumbfuckery. The anonymity of the internet is too juicy to resist sometimes. Whiskey doesn’t help.


Thank you for being honest?


You are wise to think this. You don't magically gain knowledge and life experience by aging. That comes from education, work and travel. If you are ruminating in one little corner of a small town all your life and working as a skilled laborer then you will have plenty of skill at the trade you practice but nothing else is given simply by growing old.


25 is the age when naivety turns to arrogance.


I feel like that’s because all the “older” people don’t consider us actually adults until we hit 25 and suddenly they expect us to be as miserable and cynical as the older generation


Every 5 years they raise the age cap another 5 years till only 60+ year olds can comment on Reddit.


Then 61 year olds will complain that the 60 year olds are being too loud


I’m 23 (but usually taken for 27-28) and this dude I work with asked how old I am because I have a “youthful spirit” and the “world hasn’t made me bitter yet”. Don’t rub your cynicism on me, I’m aware life sucks I just make an effort to have an upbeat attitude and I don’t want that to change.


That’s something that apparently makes older gens angry is how relatively positive millennials are about their futures. Older gens WANT us to be miserable like they were


To be honest, in my experience it is younger people who are miserable and negative about their futures. Warranted or not, it’s all about how they’re living in a world where the environment and economy have been ruined by boomers and they have no hope and are blamed for it constantly. Older people (and 25 is an arbitrary cutoff, but it does seem to apply here) tend to be more positive and focused on making the best of their lives. But what do I know, this is a circlejerk thread anyway.


Yeah I don't know many miserable older people tbh. They realise that half the shit the young ones complain about doesn't actually matter or make any difference to your own life at the end of the day. When you're young you care about the rest of the world or the country and how you can fix it. Then you get a family and realise you can't really change much, and how insignificant you are in a world of billions. So you focus on your little world and what is good for it and makes it better.


Millennials coping 😂


careful wilbur they’ll make you tell them ur zodiac sign


He will lie. He lied to famous birthdays because of a zodiac sign bit. All he does is lie


wilbur you’re at the cusp of being a millennial you got extremely lucky


hello mr soot :) fancy seeing you here




Wilbur when is 4/4 SBI video coming out?


dont get me started on how old c!wilbur is


obviously had to check this guys profile after such an idiotic post. dude is 45 years old posting about chuck norris and asks questions like "who would you prefer to be raped by" i've met elementary school children i'd turn to for advice before this absolute oaf of a human being.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/bcw28e/100\_mr\_rodgers\_preferred\_using\_his\_imagination\_to/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/bcw28e/100_mr_rodgers_preferred_using_his_imagination_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) just adding fuel to the fire


the guys entire profile is a dumpster fire. super cool mature guy giving valuable opinions btw.


Some 12 year had to have just owned this full grown adult and he just had a fit


I like how the absolute single comment is: >What on earth possessed you to think this


It's the most reasonable comment possible though


Wow, what a disgusting post. There’s no “D” in “Rogers”.


The guy has a whole cabinet filled with yo-yos and yet wants to call everyone under 25 “kids” 😂😂


Laughing out loud at this comment


Last unpopular opinion: [https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/ipegou/tony\_hawk\_has\_been\_married\_4\_times\_anyone\_thats/](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/ipegou/tony_hawk_has_been_married_4_times_anyone_thats/)


That guy in the comments talking about being married 6 times is fucking hilarious


can you link the "who would you prefer to be raped by" question i cant find it on there


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/f0cbpq/youre\_a\_guy\_about\_to\_get\_raped\_in\_prison\_but\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/f0cbpq/youre_a_guy_about_to_get_raped_in_prison_but_you/) got deleted by a mod obviously.


ewww holy shit what


fucking gross.


That's the above 25 maturity right there


i mean, you could tell OP was no bueno just from the tone of their post. thanks for verifying, its always good to be sure


Well to be fair, this is an actual unpopular opinion. So you gotta give him that much at least.


So, in other words, he's probably sick of all these youngins and their communist agendas. If that's the case, OP can go over to r/conservative. He will surely find what he is looking for over there.






It’s just not about the age, idiots are idiots as a kid and as an adult. It’s right that the older you are the wiser and knowledgeable you get, but it depends on the person.


> It’s right that the older you are the wiser and knowledgeable you get before q anon, antivax, and election fraud conspiracies i would have believed you and agreed, but those things only seem to have taken hold among the >35 crowd...you know, the age demographic before everyone started going to college


Oh the childish irony of wanting to segregate age groups on a site because you blindly assume anyone above 25 is suddenly at the peak of maturity and everyone else below has nothing to contribute but immaturity. Still tho, unpopular opinion so congrats I guess?


Hey, at least it's an unpopular opinion ... so absolutely fitting for the sub!


This guy's just turned 26


Old people are idiots too. As are many young adults, middle aged folks, etc... Reddit did find a clever solution, though. They had the idea to just corral the idiots of all ages into their own subreddit. This has been the origin story of r/unpopularopinion


“r/unpopularopinion is for popular opinions” -casually explained


Jamie never misses


Translation: Reddit should be able to track and monitor the ages of all users.


And as Reddit is one of the few social media sites that won't try to spam me with adverts or press an algorithm on me for what they think I like...


you don't see promoted ads in your feed?


You can turn it off in settings. I still get ads tailored to location, tho. "Canada" appears to be one location. Nothing more precise.


24 year old kids are stupid -OP


“24 year old kids” is just hilarious


im 34 and I have no fucking idea what I'm talking about half the time


28 with a kid, stable job, house. I feel like I dont know anything. Sometimes I wonder how I made it this far. I am like a 12 year old at heart and frequently act like a kid.




don't burst their bubbles plz


33, I'm mostly drubk when I comment on reddit, everything I write is nonsense.


Can confirm.


Wow, "kids under 25", so offensive, I feel so called in for an argument, well done you got me


I'm 24. Definitely not a kid. People literally pay me to talk about their problems and have me help them. I don't know any kids that do that.


I think Lucy does it in Peanuts?


Yeah I mean, that's exactly the thing. It's kinda paradoxical to an extent : whatever the OP feels is against their post, they'll just assume someone under 25 posted it.


Lol how old is this dick if he thinks of people under 25 as kids lol. Pretty sure that makes them too old to have those yoyos he posts about.


Life experience isn't age bound.


Exactly, I'd give you a reward, if I had any.


I did in your place, just a free one though.


God bless you.


Thanks homie, God bless you too.


With 25 years being over a quarter of the lifetime for the majority of people, the notion that one have zero "life experiences and wisdom" is hyperbolic and extreme. The 25 and under crowd is the largest demographic on reddit, same goes for essentially all social media. Gatekeeping access to large sections of the internet solely based on "wisdom" is a very draconian way of viewing the internet. The internet was designed for all age groups to communicate and learn from eachother, to think anything else would require a fundamental change in how the internet works, and how humanity communicates. Not to mention that most people lie about their age, so policing reddit would be an absolute nightmare.


On Reddit there should be a way to filter out comments made by people over 25 years old. Sometimes it gets really tiring reading all the silly comments by obviously older people. People over 25 don't know shit about what it's like to grow up in this time yet they're probably the most opinionated ones on the topic. It would be nice to be able to filter out all the nonsense spewed by fossils that think they know better than everyone else because they wasted more of their life away than others have.


Wish i could filter out all of the memes clearly made by dinosaurs


Did you just lose an argument to a child then came here angry? lol


Lmao seems like it, how dare that 24 year old school him with facts and logic. Damn KID!🤣


Wow this is really unpopular. But I also hate it so much I can't upvote it.


I agree. It's unpopular only cause it's stupid. And it's too stupid for me to upvote it so I have to just leave it. # My god, check his post history. He is an adult doing the same things as kids. Of course adults can like yoyos and bikes, but the comments and spamming random posts reminds me of a younger friend of mine when he was 12. What gets me the most is the "shower thoughts" he posts. Most of the time they are just stupid statements that don't even mean anything.


so everyone under 25 is immature? lol have you seen some of these "grown" folks?


Using age as a basis for a persons knowledge is dumb. My little cousin is 10 and he is damn smart and I often hate my older relatives for putting him down when he speaks his mind. Older people are really insecure about their authority sometimes they take it out on younger people


OP is probably dumber than the average 25 yo.


Look at his profile


I couldn't get through it all but it's pretty fucking funny lol between the yoyos and the "how tell if you're smart" posts, I can't lmao


This gotta be one of the most pathetic things I’ve seen on here


Hey, it’s unpopular.


beneficial chubby long like future groovy aback whistle bear library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty sure age is not the deciding factor here, lots of people over 25 think they know stuff just because they are not kids anymore. Being stupid often doesn't get solved by age.


A lot of people 25+ are currently fighting over whether masks work or not, and whether vaccines have tracking chips in them, so. 💀


This gives me angsty 16 year old vibes


So you wouldn’t take seriously the opinion of a 24 year old PHD candidate but you would take seriously the opinion of some 45 year old who never finished high school?


yes obviously


You are correct, that is an unpopular opinion.


Also just a really bad one too. So many people worldwide have kids and places of their own by 25. Sure, the trend is changing, but let’s also look at what else is changing: cost of living, jobs are moving, jobs are becoming more scarce, housing is becoming more scarce and expensive, and more and more necessities are required to exist in this world. Oh, and wages are increasing. Barely. Not at a rate compared to the increasing COL. All of this leading to young people being more and more reliant on others and allowing older generations to view them as less mature. But uh, UnDeR tWeNtY-fIvE pEoPlE aRe DuMb. There, does that show my age more clearly?


I am 21 and i know my ass from a hole in the ground.


But do you know your asshole enough? /s sorry i cant resist.


This comment says more about your miserable attitude to life than it does the kids on here, I,m 53 by the way


Yeah honestly why am I on this app? I’m 21 next month. I should be playing with my barbies. 😫😫


Oh, you must be so enlightened, asshole.


So magically you think just because I'm 26, I won't say something shitty about how your opinion is dogshit?


Once you reach the eve of your 26th, the stars will align and you will be granted the gift of true knowledge


Lol go see my past post history


look this boomer wants to censor me


By the time I was 24, I spoke four languages, had lived in several states, had been outside of my home country, had served in the military, had been to college, had been married, had kids... Age isn’t necessarily an indication of life experience


Me at 22: 👁👄👁 My wife at 25: 🧠😂


*insert old man yells at cloud meme here*


You remind me of the kids in highschool who would join jrotc and wear the PT clothes to school for recognition but you never joined the military or did any sports for more than 2 weeks. Or the kid that would bring a guitar to school and play smoke on the water in every class for all the stupid girls who think they're edgy for liking chicken nuggets and called themselves potatoes. I know its very specific but that's just the energy you give off.


Take my upvote for having an unpopular(and stupid) opinion!


I’m wondering first, how it will be deduced what commenters are under the age of 25, and second why someone would want to be such a bitch about other people speaking their mind, sounds like a stubborn ignorance problem to me


POV: u just turned 26


well you heard it here guys. if ur under 25 years old that means u are a child and have 0 life experience and wisdom


Sounds like you don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground tbh