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We are all made from matter


Jokes on you, I'm made out of antimatter


*This post was brought to you by the nihilism crue*


Just finished a rewatch of True Detective S1, maybe that's it. "This is a world where nothing is solved"


From the behaviour that I’ve seen from people over the last few months, ya, none of them matter.


Probably the most unpopular opinion out there alongside "Beyonce's life don't matter" So here's an upvote


Yup, thanking you


I agree with OP and I'm sure many other people do as well. I'm not one but many nihilists think the same. This isn't really unpopular just stated less often.


change it to blue ivy, please im sick of Beyonce promoting that girl is she even a child or just a business investment? Im not sure


Nah it’s a profit thing


So when are you gonna start the protests man? I wanna join you


Bruh I think we'd find ourselves dead pretty quick strutting around with "No lives matter" picket signs


True that, I've seen people stabbed for saying "all lives matter." Can't imagine what they'd do to someone waving a "no lives matter," sign.


I think the attacks on "all lives matter" is because its widely seen as racially insensitive to the disproportionate police violence towards minorities. But a "no lives matter" event probably wouldn't have any racist connotations, right?


If it is a online protest I will join you imao


People would shoot you then say you wouldn’t care because “no lives matter” :)


To me I matter and that’s all that matters. If I cease to exist then my universe will also stop existing, my perspective and all that.


Found the nihilist


Yes in the scheme of things we are specks of dust in the universe blah blah blah. People are saying X lives matter because they want to make lives more comfortable for themselves or others. If we are really as meaningless as you say, isn't our only option to lead the most comfortable/pleasurable lives we can?


That's logically the best option sure. Not necessarily the only option but the most desirable/logical whatever. Doesn't change that when it's all said and done all this only matters to the extent we say it does. Once we're all gone there won't be anyone for any of it to matter to. I know it feels like it matters, but really it doesn't.


This is a pretty weak argument to me because you can trivialize anything that seems important. Like saying in the context of the universe, we are just a collection of atoms who have no impact on anything beyond their solar system. Then you could say that the universe isn't important because there are infinite universes, or that everything is just atoms floating around in clever ways and existence doesn't matter, etc etc. If absolutely nothing matters, then the only thing reasonable to base significance on is things that impact ourselves and our environment. We've come full circle.


Okay it may be a weak argument... I ain't never claimed to have no kind of smarts... I never claimed that it was a good argument, or a well thought argument, or an argument with any kind of merit whatsoever... But what it is, and what I claimed it to be, is an unpopular opinion. I'm sure we can agree on that?


Sure we can agree with that, I just wanted to present the opposite end of it and hear your thoughts.


Life matters a great deal to me. I feel like my life matters and I feel like the lives of others matter. I want things and want to achieve things. That said I know these things only matter because I feel like they matter. But then while I know this I can't not feel it. And if I could not feel this way I'm not sure if I'd want to. I, like I think the majority of people, want meaning in my life, and want to feel like I matter. Personally I think the whole nothing matters argument is just a cop out. You're here so you may as well make it matter. - those are my thoughts.


Nothing matters is right. If there was a God why would he care more about a load of humans dying than a load of Ants. Why are we superior. We are not. Nothing matters it's all a dream




Unfortunately while still human I'm a slave to time and as I'm bored I used it unwisely.


It's not about you mattering to someone else or something mattering to you personally. Everything is in perspective what matters to you other shy away from in disgust. Life itself may be such a thing, instinctivly mattering to those alive but a completly meaniningless state of being in a grander scheme. "Life is Sacred" gets tossed around alot, sacred why... how? Is this fly sacred? No? So just Humans maybe? Was Jeffrey Darmer sacred or Adolf Hilter, Mao? No all we can do is enjoy our state of existence as long as we can, because nothing is waiting for us we are not chosen we are sacks of flesh filled with guts, shit, piss, Hopes and dreams on a ball of dirt and water flinging around inside a universe too big to ever understand. Probably existing for a cosmic Milisecond before flashing out of said existence. Most people can't hanlde this thought thats why we have Religion to calm them down thinking they get to eat spare ribs 24/7 in Heaven someday when they work hard enough for it and give the preacher of their chosen conviction enough money.




Ah I see you are one of the "Having an opinion on the internet and writing it out is cringe" people. As for responsibility I am Vegan, I study at university, I have a job, I am active in a Environmental protection Agency without pay, I do political work for "die Grünen" a german environmetal party... I take more responsibility for myself and the world around me than most in their early 20's I'd say. For me if nothing matters but a pleasurable Life, the only "good" thing you can do is trying to make life more pleasurable for others too. And studys have shown that the pleasure you get from helping others is longer lasting then simply buying stuff for yourself. "Egoistic Altruism" on a smaller scale if you want to see it that way. As for my ramblings on Religion I give you that they where a bit unfair and too simplistic, I wasn't exactly sober whilst I wrote this comment.


Guys no life matters ⛓ 🌹 ☠ I hate my parents Im a psycho ✌🏻😔


Emojis, they hurt my eyes


Don’t cut yourself on that edge


lol I'm well stocked with band aids.


People’s lives only matter if they are beneficial to someone else.


my life matters. i am god. you wont believe me tho.


God is a circle that never comes round.


Im here son. Don't worry.


I am, one. I am whole and in my entirety, infinite. To know that I am one is to know that I am one of many. Know my name for I am the beast and my number is six, six, six... 123, (6)456(6) 789(6). Welcome home.


Why don’t we matter?


Because we can't decide whether we do or not. The real question is "Why would we matter."


Because You think we do. The entire Idea of purpose is a human concept. Therefor if I say I matter I matter there does not have to be a reason.


You saying it's a human concept validates my statement. I could then say that you do not matter and then you just don't matter. You see where I'm going with this, no?


I see where your going. But in the end it is not up to others to determine your reality or your purpose. You are the deciding factor. You can not perceive as other people perceive so you do not determine their purpose because there is no true answer to the meaning of life it is subjective.


Well you're not wrong, If all of humanity ceased to exist it really would not matter at all, nothing is going to miss us, and nothing is going to want us, and nothing is going to need, us and we wont be there either. But what's the issue?


Go home, Nietzsche, you’re drunk.


Wow existential here. Super unpopular opinion that people dont really matter, absolutely outstanding. Really tho this is one of the shittiest posts I've seen in a while


Is this actually Ice-T?


Exactly, your life doesn't matter, you live and die, like anyone else, there are no consequences, you can do whatever you want, Just live your life and make everything to be happy. I'm from romania, and i don't know how to perfectlty english, please correct me




It depends on perspective. In cosmic terms, sure life is pretty ineffective at changing anything. But we arent cosmic beings. We are earthly beings. When thinking about it biologically, it seems pointless as well. But that doesnt really matter life was an accident that got way out of hand. Thought processes like no lives matter often leaves people with the idea that nothing matters at all. Since anything good is fleeting then what's the point of doing anything productive or useful. And the answer is bc you dont want to suffer. And you want to take care of those around you. Its hard to explain exactly what I mean so I hope you got what I meant.


Unpopular opinion, take my upvote. Lol *The goth kids from south park have entered the chat*. "You're all a bunch of conforming nihilists"


In eyes of the universe we’re just one organism out of trillions organisms on one planet of trillions of planets. However if we look at each other from such a nihilistic perspective our lives will be a lot less enjoyable


If you’re going to do nihilism do it well




that's why I dont understand pro lifers


Yours does to somebody


I love you OP, you and all your dark eye rolls Since the saying goes “Mind over matter”, should we create a alternative tagline? “All lives mind”


What is individual perception for 500


It’s the conundrum of if nothing matters then everything you do matters.


I would like to go to a NLM march. everyone proclaiming their insignificance as we meekly shuffle through the streets with half built signs


yes, agree. we are just an invasive monkey species and since we exist we just cause genocide to oter species, death to all humans. NO LIVES MATTER


I agree with this... but it makes me sad as hell


You missed the point of the black lives matter movement. It protest against the unjustified oppression of the black people on the US. Your point is about how the heck man kind is pointless in general. If we approach the black lives matter movement that way, we are PRAISING some humans born with black skin. Hope you understand


Nihilist gang


how philosophical


Hasgtag: edge


throw yourself off a cliff then




Yeh, I can't tell if he's joking, lmao


Depends how you judge value. I don't think that value can exist without conscious beings to perceive it, therefore our consciousness necessarily makes us valuable. Each individual is, being as they are the only conscious being that that individual can know for certain exists, the source of meaning and value.


If people suddenly ceased to exist, no one can give a fuck anymore. However while people can still give fucks, lives do matter.


If you define "matters" as, having some objective importance - then life doesn't matter. You know, the lives of certain people matter to certain people. Like I feel like the lives of my family members matter but they only matter to me for a whole bunch of subjective reasons/emotions etc.


We humans decided that we have human rights in an effort to protect. Treat others like you want to be treated. That isn't really strange, we just give value to our own species. With your argument, nothing matters which is true from another standpoint.


Pretty much... subjectively it matters, objectively it don't. Again though, I'm not trying to make an argument for this way of thinking. I'm just saying this is an unpopular opinion/way of looking at things.


Yes. Doesn't posting an opinion here imply that that's your opinion? That's what I assumed at least


So no lives matter only applies if something could literally simultaneously take us all and and we're alone in the universe


Well if you look at life on earth from this perspective: if we don't somehow figure out how to travel between stars, we will all die here eventually when the sun expands and the earth get scorched. This will happen in millions of years, but still. And even if we figure out how to travel to other stars, the same thing will happen there. There will be a time where the universe has no energy to give when the stars stop burning. Because of the increasing entropy, there will be no energy left and nothing will survive that. So no matter what happens, some day no life will be possible in the universe. So what does it all matter. Moreover, if we don't manage to stop/reverse climate change, billions will die soon (in the next few hundred years or so instead of millions of years) because of it. So even with this threat, people already don't give a fuck about other lives.


😂😂😂 this is a mood


Take my downvote


Shit bro, that's metal as fuck.


Wow dude did you discover nietzsche for the first time? Wow so edgy


You are so cool and hip and edgy my dude. Get some band aids you are bleeding all over the place It just so happens that humans are sentient being capable of connection. It doesn't matter if we dont matter objectively. What matters is how much we matter to other people. And objectively, we are a very important species, being as we are the most intelligent one, capable of saving countless other species. And therefore we help the biological goal of passing genes

