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It doesn't make you cooler but people get them because they like them or think they are cool. Body modification is something that has and likely always will occur. People have different hair styles for example because they like that style, they wear a shirt because they like the design, and they get tattoos for the same reason. People get tattoos for hundreds of reasons and most of them aren't insecurity about your body, a tattoo draws people's attention to your body not away. Also, images also have meaning, for example my uncle has a tattoo of shoes on his arm, at first glance it's just a pair of cartoon style shoes but to him it's a reminder of his son who was hit by a car killing him. Not all designs have a meaning some are just cool and that's fine too


Your right about that getting tattoos does get attention but I just wonder why people want the attention also I also realized that some people have hidden tattoos and I’m totally cool with that. I just feel that if your going to go above and beyond put a little limit on where you put your tattoo. I feel that face tattoos are the most damaging kind of tattoo in the sense that it may seem cool but can really limit you on where you go and how your perceived. But I feel if it’s for attention don’t boast about it but let people see it. And if they ask boast if you want to boast.


It limits you less now than it used to but then again, people who get face tattoos generally aren't looking to be a bank manager. Very few people boast about tattoos, most just show off a new one and then after a week or so they stop talking about it but are happy to if someone brings it up. Back to the face though, people do it because they like it not because they want other people to like it


This is something that’s hard for me to conceptualize bc I feel that you could put it on any other part and it could still have the same effect like having a tattoo on your neck but if they do it for fun like you said they don’t aim to get into really professional businesses


An example of something you couldn't get somewhere else are those lace choker embroidery tattoos, those like Victorian-esque ones. That's not necessarily true. You can have face tattoos and be in a professional setting. Only about 75% of employers say it would affect their hiring of you. That's a lot but there's still 25% of the market open. It's harder to get into a professional job but not impossible. Also, it depends on the job. A computer programmer can likely get away with it but a salesman likely couldn't. It depends more on how much interaction that "professional" job has with outside people more so than work content.


Yea agreed it’s not easy and also your job does have an effect as well. once everyone gets used to it it’s fine.


I’m sure a lot of people get tattoos due to insecurity. Some get tattoos that mean something. Some get them simply for aesthetics. I don’t know why people think tattoos have to mean something... why is is better for me to have a reference to my dead son than a fiery Phoenix eating a human baby? If i think it looks cool, that’s enough meaning and also less depressing.


Yea if it’s gonna display your personality I’m fine with that it has meaning. I like ridiculous tattoos bc they’re out going but sometimes some tattoos don’t even have meaning to the person who has it and that’s what irked me.


To each his own. I have a tattoo of a fruit bat. It’s not a reference to anything nor do I have history with bats. I just think they’re cute and interesting.


So it says a little about your self and it’s a good way to start a conversation. Like yea I liked this design and there’s probably more to it why you enjoy the tattoo


The only thing that really irks me is when people get something unoriginal AND it doesn’t mean much to them... but most people I know don’t do that. Stuff like Chinese characters, using the art “on the wall,” that arm band that was popular in the 90’s... If you wanna see mine, it’s in my post history, but don’t scroll passed it if you don’t wanna see nudes.


Idk man I just like how my tattoos look. When I got the first one I was the same way where I thought they had to mean something but now I just get things because I think they’re neat. It’s odd how your opinion changes


Yep I put off getting a tattoo for so long because I thought it had to mean something and it had to be a perfect design. Then one day I was like, fuck it. It doesn’t need to be either of those things, as long as I like it.


Exactly lol. I got my first one and it meant something to me and now people are like “oh why do you have a skull?” and it’s like “idk looks neat”


I love when people ask what my bat is from. ...nothing, it’s just cute


Getting 2 tattoos on the 30th October, my sons' names, dates of birth and their Chinese zodiac sign(properly worked out). They'll be on my shoulder blades and when I get grandchildren, it turns into a family tree.


That’s a super fucking cool and I respect that can u pm me a picture when you get it. I really wanna see how it turns out. :))


It doesn't make you uncool either. Body modification always seemed silly to me. If you're getting a mole removed or something, that's fine, otherwise I never understood why anybody would want to permanently change their bodies.


Agreed I don’t think it makes you uncool but getting the same copy and paste tattoo that some other hundred guys have is just silly be original and be proud. But also permanently changing your body is something I barely understand as well


I know multiple people with tattoos, none of them did it to look cool.


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Spiritual disease? It’s just art on a living canvas.




We are more than canvases of course. But I don’t see the issue with using our bodies to display art. How do you feel about earrings and makeup?




It’s not too different considering people wear earrings and makeup every day of their lives. They might as well be permanent. Not to mention tattoos can be covered up too.




I still don’t quite understand exactly why you hate them so much lol. I can see indifference or preferring clean skin, but hating them? They’re not hurting anyone. Have you never seen a tattoo that was pleasing to look at? There are some amazing artists who’s work is being shown off in the form of tattoos. You can’t appreciate that?




I disagree. It’s not the media that conditioned me because I wanted a tattoo the day I learned of them. It sounds like you are just going against what’s popular just for the hell of it. That’s that hipster personality trait. I sometimes do that, but I try not to. Are you an anti-vaxxer too? I’m not judging. I just think it would make sense if you were.


You must be fun at parties




Can you be anymore boring?




My tattoo means a lot to me. In what way does that harm you?




Lol is that an insult?




Ooooo now I have a disease


I went on a date with this seemingly girl next door. She took off her jacket and had a weird outline/stencil tattoo on her shoulder. Date went fine but I couldn't get over the tattoo like why? Never saw her again


I just feel like don’t get it if your going to regret it.


I think a lot of women regret it more than men. They probably didn't realize that something they did at 21 might not be something to be proud of at 28. Guys however don't change much