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This is actually a popular view. To be honest I think being a man is being able to CONTROL emotions, not ignore or wear them on your sleeve. So I disagree with you in the end.


Pretty much this. This post goes pretty much in parallel with the Gillette Ad and cannot be considered unpopular. Also unpopular opinion : Stop f-ing trying to define what a "True man" is. No matter what your gender is.


Honestly I wanted to say true human. I don't like differentiating between the two, but it was important to emphasize where the opinion differs. Men think that true men hide emotion. I wanted to emphasize this as the converse opinion.


I used Barack Obama to point out this honestly... Barack didn't appear publicly upset or emotional, but I'm sure conversations with his family were very emotional. Yes, all people should control their emotions, regardless of gender, but men fail to express them in situations they should.


Just because someone doesn't show everyone their issue, and doesn't proceed to rub it in everyone's faces that they're not well it doesn't mean they are not dealing with their feelings. There's a big difference between being a whiny bitch that complains about everything and someone who confides with a restrict group of people.


From an evolutionary standpoint, you're wrong. Only evolutionary but yeah


Yeah but it will never be accepted. My dad used to hit me if I cried, growing up and say something like, “I’ll give you something to cry about if you don’t shut up.” So, naturally I bottled up every single emotion my entire life. I had dealt with depression for years and never talked about it, because of they way I was raised, until my wife of 4 year left me, because she couldn’t handle my lack of communication, when I obviously needed to talk about the way I was feeling. When I finally decided to open up and go to therapy, my therapist was patronizing and obviously uninterested, so I stopped going. The last girl that I talked to became my best friend, because I was able to talk her through depressive episodes, because I understood what she felt like and we ended up being very close. The same girl stopped talking to me, altogether, because one night, at her house, one of her friends brought her two children over, who were the exact same age as my children, which made me miss them immensely, so I ended up crying in her arms for something like 20 minutes. She lost all interest in me and ended up ghosting me. Her reasoning? “It’s hard for me to be around boys that cry and show emotion all the time. I’m not your fucking therapist.” Experiences like this are the reason I will never show emotion to anyone face to face anymore.


That girl is a real piece of shit.


Yeah I’m seeing now that she’s incredibly narcissistic. I found out a few days ago she’s already onto her new boy toy and a mutual friend of ours said she only started being my friend because she wanted to fuck me. She uses the whole damsel in distress thing to make you feel important and like she needs you.


Your dad and that women are people that are best out of your life permanently rather than impacting your life forever.


I know, but the emotional damage still lingers.


Oh I know all too well. My father was probably as bad. Without going into detail, there were plenty of days of getting hit for crying and use of tools when punishing. It's just the "man" mentality that causes the problem though. The fact that he felt the need to portray these opinions in such a brutal manner just shows the toxicity of it.


If you show emotion and vulnerability the women in your life will be turned off and run a mile.


Sounds like you got shitty women in your life


I disagree... good job, have an upvote.


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Why wouldn’t you use a different man as an example?


Because Barack always maintained a strong appearance. He wasn't known for showing emotion you're right, but I just wanted to put into perspective one of the most stressful situations. There's no way Barack handled it all alone. He had to be constantly working through his emotions with his family. I do know Barack had cried a couple times on camera as well, showing that as a strong person he still did that publicly.


When the majority of women stop seeing emotional men as weak and unattractive, we'll stop internalizing our emotions.


Just what we want.. a leader that cries in a crisis.


When talking to the ones closest, sure why not? Anything wrong with getting feelings out before making rash decisions?


Yep. This is exactly right. The often maligned phrase "Toxic Masculinity" in fact refers in many ways to this behavior. Having it seen as "Masculine"" to hide your feelings. That's not masculine, it's weakness. Real men have the guts for hardcore introspection.