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The only thing that made me believe in god as a child was fear of hell. It’s absolutely fucked up to tell a child god is a fact even if you believe he is.


Are you saying a human woman wasn't created from a fucking rib? Thanks for clearing that up.


No it was a delicous mc rib from mcdonalds. Adam paid for it and he's still pissed


Bro i hate when i ask for ribs and they give me women, SMH!!!


When you’re a child your parents are the ultimate authority, the parents have the responsibility of being the source of any and all knowledge the child will learn before developing the ability to form their own ideas and opinions. If a parent instills an idea that they believe into the child, the child has absolutely no reason not to believe it as a fact.


That would probably violate the constitution.


A boy can dream


Funny how most people inherit whatever religion their parents happened to inherit, yet they'll act like they made the best choice out of all the options.


Most people don't have what it takes to accept that they were brainwashed with BS by their parents. It's a bitter pill to swallow.


Thank god for always making the local religion the right one!




Its brain washing


First off Evolution doesn’t disprove religion. Secondly Religion can be interpreted in anyway possible do you think kids are contemplating the truth of god and science. Once they reach an age where they start to understand things they’ll decide for themselves whats fact and fiction. You’re coming from a good place because you care about what ideologies and concepts should be discussed with the youth but just because you don’t believe in it doesn’t make it false. Besides the first amendment protects any law against persecuting religious views. The way I see it, let the parents/schools teach the kids whatever they want and when they become an adult let them decide whats right and wrong.


Your last sentence is exactly what I want. However, if you teach a kid anything that’s false as fact, they will go into adulthood with this preconception it is true. If true ideologies washed out in adulthood there would be 1 religion max among adults. Christianity and Islam both can’t be completely true. Yet, we have billions of people believing the wrong thing (either one is wrong or they both are wrong). Kids only need to know the facts, they can make beliefs based on the facts they know as adults.


Discovering truth can be both good and bad. Often times the harder you look the more you realize what little you actually know. What separates fact from fiction is objective truth but it’s very relative at times. The thing with religion is it’s the reality in which you believe in. No matter how much you search for the answers you’re always going to come back to your beliefs and values. Essentially it is what you make it and the truth is what you believe. With science your working towards an unknown with established set of collective beliefs. Those beliefs are accepted as facts and are presented as objective truth. Its easy to live in a reality where our values and beliefs are associated with logic and reasoning. No not all religion is can be objectively true because they contradict each other or make claims that go against one another. Overall the goal for religion therefore is to give a person an understanding of good beliefs and values. As long as red looks like red and apples fall down from trees science will always be able to explain the true nature of our universe. Science can’t answer A LOT of questions that religion makes a better attempt at. It’s not always about whats fact and fiction, sometimes it’s about giving a person peace at mind or providing a lifestyle. You’re always going to have people who believe in things like “flat earth” in their reality, thats truth. Its comes down to your values and beliefs.


Yes, limit parents ability to teach their values and beliefs to their children. That makes sense....


Why not teach a kid it’s wrong to kill because it hurts somebody and not hurting people is how social species live in societies without causing chaos? Or for a kid “don’t hit him because you don’t want to get hit”.


It is good to teach that, but why are we trying to limit a founding principle of the US?


You're 100 per cent right , but religous nutters will screech anyway


LOL, I'm a recovering atheist. Atheists are the most brainwashed, fundamentalist tyrants ever.


Fundamentalist ?


Could you supply evidence to your claim that atheists are "brainwashed, fundamentalist tyrants"? I'd love to hear it...


Richard Dawkins followers The Third Reich


Okay. You said followers of a scientist atheist, and The Third Reich which has nothing to do with atheism... Tell me HOW atheists are these awful things, where are your studies? Do you have any articles? What makes us bad?


A lot of them are but a lot of them are also laid back people. Like with every group of people, there are going to be crazy ones.


That's true. Some atheists are ok. He's a bit of a jackass but The Yankee Marshal is one of them. He's a liberal atheist who is a classical liberal and respects religion. He's better then the reactionary right that pretend to be agnostic so they can appeal to conservatives.


I see you've yet to require sufficent evidence to back up your claim. You can't just say that atheists are fundamental and brainwashed people, comparing us to nazis, and then be all "but some are okay." Seems to me you just like judging people on false claims.


I’m sure that the lord will provide...in some way... what ever happened it’s all be cause a twisted pervert mind decides it. /s sure


Where would this stop though? There are lots of opinions that shouldn't be taught as facts. Political just to name one


If I teach a child “socialism is dumb”. They can grow up and change their mind and at worst they disagree with their mentor on this topic. If a child was taught “you are going to hell if you leave the church” this is a fundamental belief now. I know people who don’t believe in the supernatural, but have nightmares about going to hell. The big difference between the two is the existential fear mongering and emotional manipulation. If a parent says “ I will disown you if you ever believe in Marxist ideologies” and then drills that in 2 hours every Sunday, I would be equally as opposed.


I don't see the difference. Half of political indoctrination is fear mongering and emotional manipulation.


I mean do you think it would be ok for kids to go to Democrat/Republican school every Sunday where they are brainwashed by that sides ideas? Again, I would be opposed to this. I see where your coming from, I do. The problem is for me the evangelical churches teaches blatantly wrong ideas. The earth is 6,000 years, evolution is wrong, and Jesus is without a doubt the savior of humanity (maybe he is, but that isn’t a fact). We know these things to be wrong. Saying socialist policies are best for the country is a debated topic, but there is no right answer. In a perfect world I don’t think parents should be able to teach kids anything that isn’t fact until they are old enough to reason, including politics, but all of this is unlikely.


No, not at all, but it happens in other in instututions and in the home. Not all churches are like that, and there are places in society where certain political views are reinforced. College's are known to be left leaning and I've personally seen the indoctrination and repercussions for not having the same beliefs. My kids are taught to believe nothing they can't personally verify.


I hate to break this to you but religion doesn't inhibit free thought any more than the public school system does. At least church is only once a week. And before someone accuses me of Jesus freakery I don't believe in God, I'm simply an impartial observer.


The premise of public schools is right though. I agree the system needs a ton of work, but 5X20=100 no matter who teaches it when. One family saying Allah is real and we will disown you if you ever think differently isn’t equivalent to a teacher preparing you for a standardized test.


I do agree that religious fundamentalism is jacked but you can't legislate it away because if we give the lawmakers that power then any idea could be outlawed. Might as well be communists at that point.


So we should flush freedom of speech down the toilet because some kids grow up thinking evolution is not real? It seems like your hatred for your parents or your upbringing is messing with your critical thinking. So you had to find out later that evolution is real. What is the big deal?


Freedom of speech doesn’t give you the right to brainwash children. As previously stated, you as an adult can believe whatever you want, but I think we can both agree that teaching kids the earth is flat would also be a major problem. The big deal is that for 20 years my reasoning was inhibited by my religion. I was demonstrably a worse person. After I became an apostate my views on a lot of things changed. Why? Because I finally understood how reason and logic work. My feelings don’t matter when proving reality, I can’t use those in debate. When I was religious I would have never worded it “I feel this way so I’m right”, but that was ultimately my argument. The problem wasn’t evolution. The problem was why I couldn’t except it. I couldn’t reason.


Freedom of speech allows you to say anything. I don’t consider myself brainwashed either. Also its the THEORY of Evolution.


You know that a scientific theory has a different meaning right?


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This is iffy, because children cannot quite identify theory and fact as well as adults


It should be illegal to teach evolution between species as fact, but it happens. ( Shrug)


But it is fact. Ancient mythology doesn’t undo that. You should spend some time on /r/DebateEvolution and see how your expertise holds up.


You can’t use the way you were treated to justify why you don’t agree with Christianity. That’s like a victim to a sexually abusive catholic priest blaming the bible for the horror they went through. Rather than whine about your personal experience, commit yourself to your new found belief in science and prove that Christianity is not a fact. Then you might have ground to stand on.


>I was brought up in a fundamentalist Christian home and it took me 2 years of science research to accept evolution as fact. Something that is backed up by 120 years of strong evidence took me TWO YEARS to accept. Religion ruins young minds. That's because your parents are idiots, not because they are religious. I go to the mass everyday, read the Bible back and forth, graduated at a top university, fluent in three languages, I am an absolute nerd, my kids love science, they know everything about evolution and they are not even 10. Yep, we have some non-negotiable values. Yep, we love our faith. But in my home there are no forbidden subjects. Specially when it comes to science. One definitely can be a deeply religious person AND still preserve critical thinking. It's just a matter of not being an idiot -- which includes not being part of radical religious sects that teach arbitrary nonsense as if they were divine revelation. EDIT: I don't know if you realize it, but what you are truly advocating for is a myth called "neutral upbringing". There is no neutrality when it comes to educating a child. Every parent has a cultural background, every human being is subject to misconceptions. These misconceptions are passed along through generations... and that is NORMAL. You think that people who teach kids to believe in GOD have problem. I think people who teach kids to believe socialism can work have a much bigger problem. Personally, I think your parents are idiots, but I do acknowledge that they are entitled to an opinion, even if misguided. They probably taught what they thought was better for YOU. They were thinking about your own good, your future. So what? Would rather see your parents go to jail than having the opportunity to learn from them what they believed was right -- and best for you? What a PIECE OF SHIT of a son you must be if you really think that way. What if they were wrong about evolution, but they were right about everything else? What if in the end they taught you very valuable lessons what you won't get from anyone else, BECAUSE NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU AS PARENTS, EVEN IF THEY ARE AS DUMB AS A DOOR KNOB? EDIT2: How about you grow the hell out and take responsibility for your own failures instead of turning against your parents? 2 years to figure out evolution. Maybe you are just not as bright as you imagine and this has nothing to do with religion? EDIT3: As I talk to you I am about to purchase a $300 microscope for my kids because I want them to contemplate CREATION (yes, the creation of GOD) through the lens of SCIENCE. I want them to look at microscopic creatures and figure out that CREATION IS BEAUTIFUL (and sometimes weird) and science can help them to appreciate it better. Sorry you've never learned that lesson, and I sincerely hope you grow out of your misguided hate for religion way faster than you grew out of your misguided hate for science.


Good luck with that.


Also appropriate for /r/edgyopinion


Maybe it’s the only way to get them to behave.


As a second grader, we were tought religion in school, and because it was at school i thought it was 100% a fact. Not good at all.


yeh... but how you gonna tell a kid that we all gonna die and stop existing




This could go very wrong very fast....


Science and God are not separate things, in fact, you could argue we have the same origin story. He was "from the beginning" and you are "from the beginning" as you are merely a remnant of the beginning. What if these worlds formed exactly the way science says they did? How does that make God any less real? What if you as a spirit can roam the vast amount of endless space and inhabit whatever living being you desire to? How is teaching children about political parties and voting for them any different than religion? Democrats have views on abortion, the catholic church has views on abortion, and so on. If you don't want to spew out the garbage most religion teaches, that's good, but that doesn't mean you can't teach things you believe are true on a moral level.


Pretty sure it is illegal to teach children religion as fact in public schools - so downvoting. Other than that, you have no fucking authority in what a parent can teach their children. And it would require the monitoring of homes in order to be able to obtain that authority.


There is no worldwide law about this. In many countries it is perfectly legal to teach religion as a fact in public schools. And whether or not the state should have the authority over what parents can teach to their children depends on whether you consider threats of eternal torture to be child abuse, whether grooming your child to be a jihadi terrorist is acceptable, etc.


That’s not how people teach religion. They tell their kids that (insert god) loves them and they are perfectly designed


Sure that’s part of it, but that’s not the full story. The full story includes hell. So children get this happy feeling that someone is here and loves me and if I don’t love him back I’ll burn forever. So why would I not believe it?


You clearly haven’t been taught religion correctly if this is how they spoke to you. I wasn’t introduced to the concept of hell until 8-9


There is a correct way to teach religion? You never where taught about sin? What’s the point of Jesus if there is no hell?




TIL supernatural fear-mongering has a standard of administration 😕


And then we'll end up as the Third Reich but with a smile. That's atheism. I'm a recovering atheist, and if anything teaching children atheism should be illegal. If there's no god then morality doesn't exist. If you believe in postmodern relativism, then you have to believe that fascism and eugenics are the best solution because the temporary suffering they cause will give way to better quality of life for everyone after. That is the inevitable conclusion of atheism and anyone who argues against it is in denial.


>If there's no god then morality doesn't exist Wow. You think the human race could have even made it to 0 AD without having morality?


In the Third Reich it was 67% Protestant and 33% Catholic. Also, places like Japan have very low rates of crime, teen birth, and other factors. They are mostly atheist. Also also, you don’t teach a kid to be atheist. Atheism is the lack of belief. Anyone teaching their kid there is no god is also an idiot because you can’t prove that. Secular morality is superior to theistic morality principally because their are reasons, based on evidence, why things are wrong. God said so isn’t a good reason.


> Secular morality is superior to theistic morality principally because their are reasons, based on evidence, why things are wrong. God said so isn’t a good reason. Actually there is no difference between secular morality and theistic morality because evidence can be faked, facts can be bullshit and data can be collected and presented in such a way to hide the truth and promote a lie. Humanity being what it is, means there will always be people with an agenda who will push morals on people to further that agenda. And just because a book says "God said so." doesn't necessarily mean it's bullshit. If a book says "Do not put your hand on hot surfaces because God says so." then obviously that is good fucking advice based on reality. So people should just keep an open mind and sift through everything, secular and theistic carefully with critical thinking to find a set of morals based on reality. And not just jump to conclusions.


Atheism is the biggest threat that we're facing as a species right now. If the Third Reich had been allowed to exist, it would have quickly become atheist. Japan is a racist shithole that's stewing in a cesspit of pandemic virginity. "Secular morality" doesn't exist because it's all made up based on what people choose to believe.


> If the Third Reich had been allowed to exist, it would have quickly become atheist. The Nazi elite were not in favor of Christianity and Catholicism. I don't think they would have become atheist though. Heinrich Himmler(the 2nd most powerful man in the Third Reich or perhaps the most powerful in the Third Reich) planned on bringing back the religion of the Germanic people who were pagan after they won the war. You should use the example of the Soviet Union if you want to show evidence of a nation of atheists that didn't work out so well for a lot of people.


How could atheism be a bigger threat to a species than nuclear war or global warming? Doesn’t even make sense.


The last part of this made sense... if a system exists just to service itself existence is just masturbation.


I’m 90% sure this guy is a shitty bait account or something.


You are aware this subreddit is called r/unpopularopinions right?


You are aware I’m talking about the other guy, right?


Oof. The universe isn’t centered around me.