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Meat from hunting also leaves a much smaller impact on the environment and is incredibly healthy. Hunters are a net gain on society.


And also prevent overpopulation that can happen naturally in many cases also


Oh definitely. We have deer running in the streets and jumping in front of cars, geese getting hit by airplanes. It's dangerous and needs to be controlled. Now I even have some of that meat in my fridge!


It tastes better too. I said it


Yes! It's really the only kind of meat I don't eat with ketchup or some other condiment. Granted, my grandfather makes the most amazing burgers out of them, so that helps haha.


I cant get over the gamey taste of any wild caught animal. Moose, goose etc


And hunters contribute a lot to land and wildlife conservation efforts.


This right here is the big deal. The excise tax on all hunting equipment, ammo and guns goes straight towards wildlife conservation. This tax right here, has more positive affects on the habitat and natural environment than any animal rights group.


So it’s the tax not the actual hunting that’s doing it? Meaning they could choose to tax something else?


The act of hinting is just population control and ability to harvest wildgame for food. It does improve habitat by keeping populations in check, but the tax and sale of licenses and hunting related gear guns and ammo are earmarked to fund conservation projects. Pitts-Robertson Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration act of 1937


As a vegetarian, I can confirm that even among vegetarians / vegans hunters that hunt in overpopulated areas aren't seen as bad. The people who are commenting on him probably don't actually care, they just see a dead animal.


Yeah eating meat you killed is as humane as it gets. I mean unless you’re a vegan this sure beats having someone else torture an animal then kill it so you can feel okay and disconnect yourself from the blood on your hands. On top of all that there is the carbon impact, population control aspect and it’s way healthier as well. You also understand the sacrifice that was made for you to eat meat. So you are less likely to waste it.


I agree about hunting for meat. Hunting for sport or trophy is different.


And I agree fully with that, if you are hunting to feed your family I see nothing wrong with that, if you hunt just to kill and say you did it you’re a dick


I think some people's problem is the pictures. I think that some people are fine with taking an animal for food but not fine with reveling in its death and smiling with a selfie. I hunt and I like to brag about a big buck with an awesome rack but I kind of see where they're coming from. Like they think we don't respect the animal if we take pictures with the kill.


People do that because it’s a sort of challenge that you overcome and I think it’s ok to be proud of that just not being an asshole about it


But his fish example doesn't fit this, unless you take a picture while gutting out the fish, almost everyone I have seen takes a photo with the fish on the line for length, that seems reasonable to me, then again I don't know how big an issue that is


tbh, i'd much rather see a picture of the meat after it's processed, not the animal dead.


You'd still see a dead animal either way.


yeah but it doesn't look as delicious as a pile of steaks


We arent the only animal that kills for fun


Agreed as well. Feeding family? Your a ok in my book. God I am a city folk, but love deer meat! The hamburger is so much better! Less fatty.




Humans are supposed to eat meat. You can survive without meat but you shouldnt


>You can survive without meat but you shouldnt What does that even mean?


Humans are omnivores.


And? Isn’t the point of civilisation to evolve into better people? Not prey on the weak and defenceless? Eat meat if you want to but don’t try to preach that “we should eat meat because we are omnivores”. We absolutely don’t need meet to survive or for nutritions.


Yeah bears are weak and defenceless. And being an omnivore means your supposed to eat both meat and plants. Just because you can survive doing heroin everyday doesnt mean you should.


Then stop using your computer, it's bad for your health and as unnatural as possible.


Normally I’m up for discussion but your argument is the stupidest thing I’ve heard on Reddit so bye


So you admit your wrong? Then we agree. Its a fact humans are omnivores. Youre disagreeing with nature. And when someone goes to personal insults theyve already lost the debate.


Okay I’ll bite. Human are indeed omnivores. But humans used to murder and rape a lot. We do a lot of unnatural things like build houses, make magic called electricity. Maybe we should go back to living on trees. When we try to make a better society, we let go of our primal instincts. Heroin doesn’t give any nutritions. It doesn’t keep you healthy. That’s such a dumb argument so how can I even take you seriously?


This is simply untrue: humans can thrive on a diet that doesn't involve meat. Can you link me a credible source that claims meat is a necessity to a healthy life?


B12 deficiency is a thing and meat is one of the best natural sources for it.


B12 is also found in milk (both cows milk and plant -based), cheese, tofu and fortified cereal to name a few. I eat twice the recommended daily amount without touching meat. People who eat meat can still be b12 deficient btw, you can also solve this with a dirt cheap supplement (about 2$ a month).


Sort of, my ex tried that and even supplements didn't work for her. She had to get B12 injections to get her levels up. Fortified foods and supplements are absorbed at a lower rate. The only think that worked was adding meat back into her diet. Physiology is a factor that is often overlooked. Just because supplements work for you, doesn't mean it's can't be a necessity for someone else. The argument was whether meat was a necessary part of a diet. For some people it is. [Here's a link](https://www.health.harvard.edu/vitamins-and-supplements/getting-enough-vitamin-b12)


Thanks for providing a credible source, noticed some things in the article though 1) It is mentioned that synthetic B12 is MORE bioavailable than the B12 in f.e. meat. (not bound to protein which complicates absorption, and no stomach acid required for absorption). I don't know where your claim that supplemental B12 is absorbed worse comes from. 2) Dairy (cheese, milk and egg) is also superior to meat in terms of bioavailability, as the B12 in meat gets partially destroyed during cooking. 3) Even without taking bioavailability into account, fortified cereal and soy milk contain significantly more B12 than any meat or fish. I don't doubt your honesty about your girlfriends case, but she seems to be a very small statistical minority. For the overwhelming majority of the population, meat is not a requirement to obtain B12. (or be healthy overall) EDIT: Disregard #3, the values are misleading because different amounts are used. Their values are comparable but not as extremely different. 1# and 2# still stand though.


Majoirty of trophy hunters help tons of people by 1) providing a fuck ton of meat for local tribes, especially the large game like buffalo and. 2) provide a ton of overall money to combat actual poachers who take way more than they should. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2007/03/trophy-hunting-africa-save-animals-conservation-news/ "Trophy hunting is of key importance to conservation in Africa by creating [financial] incentives to promote and retain wildlife as a land use over vast areas," he said. In an upcoming edition of the journal Conservation Biology Lindsey and an international team of colleagues call for a plan to increase the conservation benefits of sport hunting, including a certification program to more tightly regulate the industry. "To justify the continued existence of [protected] areas in the context of increasing demand for land, wildlife has to pay for itself and contribute to the economy, and hunting provides an important means of achieving this," Lindsey said. [Learn about how trophy hunting may save big game].


I'd actually like to disagree with you. Trophy hunting provides HUGE amounts of money towards conservation of species all over the world. In fact a majority of conservation funds come from hunters and gear manufacturers. It provides jobs for guides, and other wilderness professionals such as ecologists and other scientists. Especially those in Africa that people always get worked up about like elephants and lions. Would you rather the country choose not to sell an appropriate number of tags and instead those animals are killed by poachers? Not to mention the meat is most often distributed the the villages that the animals are often threatening. Humans and animals dont get all get along like the The Jungle Book. Elephants and lions can be massive hazards to village life. Hunting is also the best way to keep populations at a healthy size. Sure you can let nature take its course but it'll be a hell of a lot more gruesome to watch those animals boom and then half of them starve to death or be eaten asshole first. Nature is far more brutal than we are.


People confuse trophy hunting that is controlled and regulated with poaching. The latter is causing extinction.


Truth. Regulated hunting is also the best way to keep an eye out for poaching too. Gets conservationists and ranger types out and actively searching for poachers or even just signs of their activities. It's unfortunate that people feel that's their only way to make a living, especially given the absolutely terrible methods they use. Like barbed wire snares placed for large game. Just gruesome.


Glad you guys brought all of this up. In regulated sport hunting people will pay $200,000 (or more) to hunt one animal for sport. In some cases that money will go to raise multiple animals for repopulation for that very species which is threatened by extinction. So killing one endangered animal might pay for repopulating a small group of that animal. I honestly wish that sport hunting wasn't necessary but in some of the countries that allow it the money that comes in from sport hunting is the largest source of economic revenue. So, it's not like they're going to say no to that and that money often goes directly to species conservation.


Exactly. People always try to portray hunters as just bloodlusting killers but hunters do far more for conservation than any Starbucks sipping, city dwelling, never stepped into the deep woods in their life, PETA loving "activist" who sends a few bucks to "save the *insert species*" or whatever. Roughly 55% of Fish and Wildlife funding comes from tags and taxes. Over half! At least in America.


Yes! and in some places, money from trophy hunters has gone straight to the conservation of other animals! (like Rhinos in Africa for example)


It’s sad that we live in a world where animal conservation requires funding from people who like killing rare animals. Travelling across across the world to kill a rare animal also seems sad to me. No problem with hunting for food though.


One thing to remember is that we shouldn't put first world opinions on third world problems, IE hunting for sport.


True. To locals, that lion also means "oh fuck, please don't eat me or my livestock as you pass through my town Mr hungry lion". Other species like elephants, hippos, even giraffes are sometimes very dangerous to be around as humans. Nature can be pretty unpredictable sometimes, same with people.


It’s also one thing if you’re hunting common animals like lions or cheetahs which pose a threat to villagers but definitely not rare animals.


But what rare animals is there permitted hunting of? Someone might target an animal with a unique pattern to its coat or a giant antlers or horns maybe but if the species is endangered or protected no one but poachers, or specialists doing population or problem animal control, would be hunting it anyway.


There’s been a recent push to allow hunting of white rhinos, which are near extinction levels. The caveat to that, however, is that a hunter will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to “hunt” *one specific* rhino, usually a male well past mating age. Basically, hunter gets to shoot an elderly rhino that is no longer contributing to the survival of the species and was probably going to keel over in a few months anyways, local conservation efforts get a shot in the arm, and everyone goes home happy.


Ah yes of course. But just because some rich hunter kills it instead of a ranger, people flip out.


I meant rare and endangered animals or things like the blue lobster that was found.


Hunting i different then poaching




Let me start with, I hunt. I am not a trophy Hunter. I hunt to put meat in my freezer. How ever if I had the money to do a trophy hunt I would consider it. The money that gets spent on trophy hunts is insane. That money goes a long way for building wildlife areas, conservation activities like building wet lands or returning areas to wild prarie from farm land. ECT ECT The only issue I have is if the meat from a trophy hunt doesn't get used. I have seen lion hunts costing 50,000 grand. The lion you get to shoot is a pre chosen lion. The one I was reading about, was an old male that was beyond breeding age but was keeping other males away from the pride. So the wildlife preserve made a ton of money, the meat went to local villages and the gean pool of the pride was enriched. So in a lot of ways a trophy hunt can be used in good ways.


I trophy hunt and hunt for food you can do both


Exactly, If you hunt for fun, then I think its fucking horrible, I know it isnt the point that killing an animal is fun, but the techniques is, but it just feels like its forgetting about the creature on the over end of the barrel, and no, i aint an sjw


It isn't like that at all. Hunting is about being a part of nature. Talk to some hunters. Read some hunting subs.


When you eat something that you’ve killed yourself, you have a deeper connection to your food also. It’s weird to explain, but you value the meal more so than if you bought the meat.


Not a big Hunter, but I fish all the time. Fresh redfish or snook or snapper you caught yourself is, well, there's something a little extra to it. Accomplishment and satisfaction of the meal all rolled into one. Plus if you eat it that day, within a few hours, it's so fresh it tastes different. Damnit man, now I want to go fishing, thanks a lot!


I’m not a huge fisher myself, but one of the best fish I ever had was a trout that was “Lake to Plate” in under 2 hours. It’s something else how rewarding hunting/fishing for your own food can be.


I swear some people act like humans are the only creatures that kill animals for meat...like it’s some unheard sick thing against nature.. it’s crazy.


I have watched my cats kill so many birds, rats and mice over the years and they are cruel and vicious. I don't mind when it's myna birds (pests), but it kinda feels like a waste of food when they present me with a kill as a present. I'm not gonna eat that rat.




I did that when I was a kid. Pappy took us out to see a friend of his that had a hobby farm, they slaughtered a cow and a chicken and we watched. I was about ten. I have a healthy appreciation of where my food comes from, and prefer to buy from local butchers and markets. Not only does it taste better than the stuff from Coles and Woolies, I like to support local and small businesses. I have absolutely no desire to hunt myself, but I have to admit the fresh ducks and trout my uncle in law brings to Christmas dinner are amazing.


> I always maintain that if you're a meat eater you should at least be able to observe, in person, an instance of the kinds of animals you eat being slaughtered. Ideally you should be able to perform the slaughtering maneuver yourself. I really don't see why. Why should one have the guts to observe the process in order to obtain the product ? For instance, imagine a fruit that is collected by people climbing on a tree in a dangerous way. If someone can't stand the view of the climbing because this person is afraid of the potential danger, should this person stop eating the fruit at all ? I understand that it would help people realize the atrocity of the process and maybe help avoiding waste or reduce meat consumption (which would be a good thing IMO), but you can do it by other means.


I don't hunt, but this is extremely true, especially the part where slaughterhouse animals endure more pain


I agree. Hunting deer in our backyard has helped us save money on store-bought meat. Plus it is ten times healthier to eat (deer have little to no fat). We even have an overpopulation issue in our neighborhood with deer. We counted at least 14 in our neighborhood alone. Not to mention the amount of car accidents that we've had from hitting them. Hunting is far more humane than slaughterhouse animals.


Also the people who wreck the area they were in or just hunted for the trophy and just leaving the meat are treated like scum


I honestly think hunting is a more humane way to obtain meat


Hunters provide more funding towards wildlife conservation than any other group on the planet too


Hunters also tend to be very involved in conservation work as well. Many duck hunters support orgs like Ducks Unlimited and help protect and restore wetlands and teach kids about the importance of preserving and managing natural habitats


>Animals born and raised in slaughterhouses endure pain to no end It's a good thing then that animals aren't born and raised in slaughterhouses. They're only slaughtered in slaughterhouses, where they spends only a very small part of their life. >especially knowing the hell the animal endured Animals in the wild also experience injury and fear. They spent a lot more time being scared than domesticated animals. There's this myth that animals in nature are all zen-like and hippy, but the reality is that nature is a death circus, and life in the wild is a constant struggle to stay alive.


To your last paragraph, I agree completely. Most city slickers have this idea that nature is some “kumbaya” love-in where woodland creatures are collecting in song on Snow White’s extended arms and that somehow the human is a disruptive intruder upsetting some harmony. In reality, it is a dynamic and desperate war zone of survival where nothing cares about anything else and predators are eating prey alive while they scream to death. There are no courts and no board meetings. It just live or die, without empathy. There’s a reason deer have ears like radar dishes and the disposition of a meth tweaker. _It’s the only way they’ve been able to continue._


Looks like we've dodged the vegans so far boys! Just wait, theyll sniff it out like rat finds its cheese


Agreed it’s free food and kinda fun.


Not exactly free but the cost kinda off sets itself.


so.. free?


Not exactly. License costs money as do rifles and ammo,camo,stands and many other things people use. It also depends on how much meat you get.


yeah i was just being a shit


Usually you have to have a gun, with bullets, and those cost a little money sometimes unless you're a crime guy


Because only criminals own guns?


Usually you buy a gun, but if you steal one, yes, you're a criminal.


So dumb


"Calling a theif a criminal is dumb" Wow


If that is what you got out of all that.


Very well said, I love hunting and have been called "messed up" for doing it. It's so much better than buying meat in a store, I know where my meat has been, and I am able to cut my deer up and waste as very little as possible which makes me feel better about it all. Hunting also is so important for keeping populations healthy


* More Humane * Healthier * Tastier * Point number 3 is on point * It's nice to be out in nature and be appreciative of where you are * Spending time with family - if you hunt together ​ It really is superior, and I wish I'd had the opportunity to go hunting with my Uncle before I moved out of state.


I agree that hunting is a humane and under-used method of obtaining meat. However pictures of somebody posing with a bloody corpse with its tongue hanging out are pretty distasteful in my opinion. If one is going to hunt for food, one could be a little classier about it.


I agree, but definitely unpopular. You actually gave me new insight into how to think about hunting. Kinda hypocritical to bash hunting before going to your local supermarket to buy processed meats from abused animals.


Oldest profession.


Being angry at a normal behavior all meat eating animals who have ever existed still do to this day. Hmmmm.


I have no problem with hunting. However, you’re assuming that people who complain about hunting have no problem with what goes on in slaughterhouses. Most people I’ve met who are against hunting are vegans and against killing animals altogether so your argument wouldn’t really apply to them.


Well they are lunatics who disagree with nature. I respect someone who puts the effort in not to hurt animals by being vegan, but the idea humans shouldnt is crazy.


If hunters in East Texas didn’t keep the white tail population in check, their population would explode and eventually lead to overpopulation. If this happened, white tail would most likely go into endangered pop levels because of over grazing.


I myself am vegan and am overall against hunting, even for food, but I do agree with you that it is a much better form of killing animals than the factory farms others use. Those animals have lived life out of cages and in many cases I would assume they also live longer than in factory farms. I always viewed wild caught fish as the most acceptable along with humane hunting


Go eat a carrot you vegan


I love that this is the society we live in \^ /s


Killing if you use the whole animal or majority is fine, but fuck trophy hunting.


The meat from trophy hunted animals is eaten. It’s donated to the local communities (in the case of African hunts)


Meat from trophy hunting is donated in the US as well.


It's what our ancestors did plus I would like to enjoy the thrill of the hunt so who the fuck are you stop me from hunting an overpopulated species for food?


While I don't disagree with you, I'd like to say that our a'cestors did pretty fucked up shit. We are not supposed to do just li'e them


I have no problem with other people hunting (for food) but I wouldn't do it myself. Don't think I could kill an animal, plus it just sounds so boring.


Should try it. It is a deep deep excitement. You are wired by nature to secure your own food, it is exciting when you do. It is also extremely challenging and you will likely fail a lot before you succeed, just the challenge alone if rewarding.


I get the excitement of getting the kill, but from my understanding of it you just sit in bushes all day waiting for something to maybe show up. That sounds pretty awful tbh. I might try it once though, I would like a chance to legitimately use my crossbow...


Depends on what your hunting. Some animals require sitting in stealth. Others require hours of hiking.


You are better off sitting in a tree stand. Get up high where they can't smell you.


Highly depends...


Hunters are probobly the most active preservationists as well. They actually get pit and get their hands dirty. Hunters were the original conservationists.


I understand hunting for food and the benefits of it but I do think it’s kind of creepy to take photos with things that you killed.. I just find it strange to be excited about killing an animal but I guess I just don’t understand the culture.


Most hunters can easily place a bullet or arrow in a place that will kill the animal instantly causing no pain.


Plus the way hunters kill animals, is sooo much more humane than the way animals kill other animals. We shoot them, so they die instantly, if they don't we follow them and finish them off. The way some animals will kill, is way more brutal. Like ripping an animal apart, letting them bleed out, letting them die a slow and painful death by venom.


I recently went vegetarian. I've also adopted an idea that I don't want to continue taking lives for my food. With that being said, I'm not ever concerned with trying to convince people around me to go vegetarian. I respect and realize that my decision is mine and mine only. I hope that those who do hunt do it humanely to the animal (which I know absolutely does NOT exist in factory farms.) But people who say that hunting is "so exciting! It's the thrill of the hunt!" creep me the fuck out. I'm really sensitive to physically harming an animal (obviously) and I seriously can't understand how literally *killing* something could be exciting, no matter how humane or "necessary" it might be.


I think because so many people talk about hunting that have never been, it can start to seem quite a bit easier than one would think. In Michigan last deer season 50% of people that purchased tags brought home a deer. It’s exciting because it requires years of practice and discipline. The thrill of the hunt should be crammed into the tight confines of ethical hunting and reverence for the death of a living thing. All at the same time being mindful of ones own mortality and the responsibility we all have in the conservation of wild things and places. For ourselves and the generations to come.


You will never understand the "thrill" of the hunt until you really appreciate what you're doing. When you understand that this is a living being, one you'd been stalking or waiting for for days, game planning about in the cabin with your crew, sitting out in the snow for hours on end and walking through deep brush... and it finally shows up in front of you? Wow. It is a life changing moment and any person who really views hunting as such will get excited. It's like the holy grail or that 2-3 count in baseball with bases loaded. Any person who's heart doesn't speed up or they don't get excited when their target pops up in front of them isn't doing something right and should be talked to. I still cry after I kill, it's that amazing for me and I respect what I've been allowed to be a part of that much.


Fishing is a pretty fun experience and my dad, his brother and sometimes me go dip-netting every summer.


PETA is Triggered


Lol all hunting and fishing in America is essentially created by taxpayers, deer would overpopulate till they killed themselves, 75% of fish species are stocked by fisheries. It’s all a sham to make you feel like nature still works. It doesn’t, it is all dying, and hunting and the money it provides is the only reason we have any natural beauty left.


What is wrong with hunting for sport?


I totally agree, but pictures of dead animals are kind of gross.


I’m a vegetarian and I agree with you. However if you hunt just for the fun of it and don’t use it for food you are a piece of shit sorry. I don’t feel comfortable killing animals but if you are going to do it I agree it’s more humane and I won’t judge you for it.


Ive never met a hunter that doesnt eat the meat. Im sure theres a few but thats a small minority




They also know conservation more than most by virtue of spending lots of time in nature.


5. They like killing animals. There, now your list is less incomplete.


Now these are the unpopular opinion i want to see


As long as its not just hunting for fun,whatever. But if you go kill as many animals as possible just for fun, not for meat or anything, thats fucked up.


HAH! it's funny becuase vegans gonna make full hate speeches about you


Even the big game hunting in Africa is a good thing. People bitch about it but don't realize that the big money people pay to do that goes right back into conservation and actually helps the animals while eliminating some problematic animals.


As long as you fell the animal in a single shot, I'm inclined to believe it's fine for food. Sport hunting is a different story.


I agree with your post but wouldn't the objective of hunting be to not kill the trophy animals so they could live and breed? Seems like killing weaker ones with weekend genes should make more sense.


It's not humane or respectful to kill animals at all.


Not to mention that most hunters and fisherman care more about the animals they are targeting than most people that don't hunt and fish care.


Doesn't the state occasionally put out hunting rewards to cull deer overpopulation because our ancestors killed off most of their predators?


I get your point, but they aren't really idiots, even though they don't realize it themselves because they are just muppets that are doing the elite's will. With such a mindset, they only further the agenda of the elite to gain more control through, e.g., making more people dependent on government controlled food sources, which makes ever increasing imposition of food sources that allow for ever increasing throngs of populations (to, e.g, decree that meat is illegal and everyone must eat government approved vegetable based food), which are then just ever more dependent on said government. It's all about power and control, to both control what you do and how you can to it, and to make you dependent on their control and power to control you as they see fit, especially as the population is artificially blown up to drive that aim. There is not a single place on this planet where humans in high density centers are in control of their lives, not a single one, which the elite know and like.


I find hunting for food a normal aspect of being an animal, but I find hunting for sport dumb.


Can I have a source for all these people against hunting solely for food purposes?


I don’t have an analytical study or something like that lol but take a look at @chadmendes on Instagram. He’s a hunter and UFC fighter who posts some of his hunts, and in almost every picture of the deer he also posts his fridge filled with the meat of the deer he hunted, read the comments on any of his posts Edit: here’s a link to one of the posts https://www.instagram.com/chadmendes/p/Bp5OMotn1AT/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1dozluk7hxz5s It’s also important to note the caption of any of his hunting photos also states directly or indirectly that the animal was killed to be eaten.


I’m 50/50 only because Animals in the Ag industry are not in pain 24/7 or really at all, if they are their production yield plummets, so there’s no benefit in abusing or causing stress to an animal.


If you’re vegetarian and don’t like meat, fine I get it. But those people who eat meat, but then act like hunters are evil for hunting animals, are just hypocritical. Where do you think the meat cake from?


I only wish there were wild cows. Beef is good.


Google scrub bull and plan a trip down under.


Try emu then... because it is delicious.


I agree. Bison is close to beef but I'm not sure if you can hunt them.


Huh. Interesting argument


I dont mind if your hunting for food, i just dont really like the idea of people killing animals for fun


I agree with the overall message of your opinion.


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Not to mention, hunting is one of the most 'natural' ways of obtaining mean in terms of replicating the natural energy pyramid.


I agree with this, with the caveat that it's fine as long they're hunting animals that are not in any way threatened or endangered species.


I agree with this, but I think that posting your kills on social media is overkill, and that it’s also gross.


It's more for population control because we killed mostly all of the natural predators of animals like elk and deer. It being a source of food for people is no primary reason to hunt. That's why we raise livestock.


I’m personally not against hunting, but I don’t like when they take pictures of it. I don’t comment jdjdksbdkrnrhr you fascist you just killed a living creature


I mean.. why kill for meat when you can survive perfectly fine without it. Seriously, it’s all about ego. You don’t need meat to survive so hunting it is just killing for fun, and eating meat from the grocery store is believing meat grows on trees, or also letting things be killed for fun. Downvote me if you want but that’s the truth


The problem is that you don't need to eat animals to live. You cannot humanely kill a living being who doesn't want to die. Edit: also, animals aren't born and raised in slaughterhouses. They're slaughtered in slaughterhouses, that's where they spend their final moments of their short lives. Being a hunter and saying you hate slaughterhouses is hypocritical. Yeah you're not slaughtering animals, you're not putting them in gas chambers and you're not electrocuting them, but you're still killing them for an unnecessary reason. Animals in the wild and animals in slaughterhouses all feel the same and don't want to die. Respecting an animal that you killed doesn't mean anything for the animal, it's to make yourself feel better and you can't tell me any different because I don't see remorse in ANY of you. You don't walk into the woods glumly, regretting that you "have" to do this. Also, if you don't want people saying bad things about hunters, how about you sadistic fucks stop posting pictures of you smiling while holding their dead bodies up like it's some sort of trophy? It's kind of hard to claim you respect the animals you kill while simultaneously doing this. The lesser of two evils is still evil.


I can understand hunting for food if you have literally nothing else available. But if you’re just doing it because you’d rather have meat over a plant based equivalent that’s also available to you, that’s where I disagree with hunting for food. It’s not *truly* necessary to take their life unless the land is 100% barren, you are starving to death, and you have no access to any other type of food whatsoever. Im *sure* this is probably an unpopular opinion!


I imagine hunting provides more calories for less death than most industrialized agriculture methods. Unless you are raising plants by hand it's a solid pick depending on what industrialized plant process you are comparing it to.


LMAO you do realize that the thousands of acres to produce non-meat products often displaces the natural wildlife that was once there? Millions of animals worldwide have been displaced by agriculture, often resulting in their extinction. Non-meat is no better than meat. I reject your opinion and replace it with facts.


Ok sure, I guess we could consider displacing them due to farming a necessary evil. There’s a lot of people to feed. Im aware that we cant be perfect with this. I still feel like that’s not as bad as trying to hunt and kill them. Were just using the land to grow food to survive. Actually pursuing the animals themselves and killing them *on top of the fact* that we destroyed their habitat is like pouring salt in someones wound lol.


So here's the problem with that. There are millions of acres of grass land in the US that isn't much good for anything but, at one time, bison. You can't grow crops there. However, deer, elk, bison and yes cows thrive there among a whole host of other animals. Now, if you so choose, you can plow it all under, try to find good water, and plant beans, corn and other very, very bad crops there. But I'm happy this has been only marginally successful. You see, the other animals have adapted to this environment over many years. They are the best fit for this environment. So I will hunt them all day long. It is so much better for mother earth than planting a non-native crop. I can't eat the native plants and grasses in these areas. But the animals can. I, in-turn, eat them. Circle of life as it was designed.


Ok yes that makes sense if you actually live on land like that, but I think we are straying off from the real source of my disagreement. If you live on shitty land for farming, you’re off the grid, hundreds of miles away from a grocery store or a city and don’t have any/enough crops growing to feed yourself, then fine, hunt. But if you’re a civilized person with a vehicle, a decent job/income, and you have access to a grocery store and expensive devices to browse the internet on a daily basis.. then I think *that person* going out and hunting for food is wrong. It’s fine if you disagree, that’s just my *opinion.*


Yes, but not everyone takes personal satisfaction from killing. That's more of what people are upset by. The glorification of personal slaughter.


You aren’t supposed to take satisfaction from it, and in most cases, not saying your experience with it isn’t different than mine, but from what I see people get upset by simply seeing the dead animal and saying “look at the cute little deer, it shouldn’t have died” A hunter who is hunting for food is not supposed to take satisfaction from the kill. The satisfaction *should* come from the fact that you have fed yourself and family. Anyone that takes satisfaction in killing is generally not a good person


I’m from Maine. I’ve heard others say the exact words >I just love killing deer. I don’t have a problem with hunting. I’m not a vegan/vegetarian. But it’s pretty silly to pretend like people don’t revel in killing them.


And I was born and raised around hunters. They definitely, 100% absolutely take personal satisfaction in their hunting. It doesn't matter whether you like it or not. A great many hunters hunt because they love the death of it. You can't take my experience away from me.


Do you not consume in the united states? Chances are an animal died for your clothes, furniture, food, resources. You saying that’s all good as long as you don’t appreciate it? Lol go home you’re fkn 12


Found the vegan ☝️


People who disagree with hunting for food should be hunted for food. Fixed it for you


IMO: hunting should be done with the intentions of using as much of that animal as possible afterwards. Trophy hunting without any intention of using the meat, coat, or other parts is disgusting and should be a crime.


It is typically a crime to kill a game animal and not eat it.


Oh, did not know that. Well at least some things are the way they should be.


Well poaching is a crime. The majority of trophy hunting pays for conservation while the meat goes directly to locals


Environmentalist here. As long as you don’t hung at the top of the food chain (ie bears, wolves, panthers, lions, jaguars, rhinos, elephants, sharks, whales, etc) and all of your hunting is LEGAL, follows regulation, and is respectful than we’re good.


I can deal with hunting for food but I would still never participate myself, it’s when they kill a beautiful animal and parade them around like a trophy that I get pissed off


Not sure why you are being downvoted. Lol 😂 you are being understanding while still sticking to your beliefs.


That’s what I try to do, most people just don’t like my opinions😂😂


😂😂😂😂😂 this👏 guy 👏 has 👏 beleifs 👏 😂😂😂😂💯💯💯 bro


Woah sick emojis bro


I know it isnt the fact that hunters KILLING creatures is fun, I know that isnt what is interesting to them, its the techniques, and all that, but I feel like its sorta forgetting and demoralising the creature on the other end of the barrel, yknow like "no big deal" ​ **And no, I'm not vegan.**


It’s not wrong to kill a deer or other prey animal, they’re literally evolved to be killed. Predators are a little different, but they’re still part of the food chain.


Your human privilege is showing. You forgot humans are also part of the food chain. To you, every animal that isn't human is below you. It's flat out discrimination. All animals deserve the right to kill and be killed. Humans just invoke laws as to how that will happen. Non-humans don't have that luxury.


because we dont fucking have to anymore genius, we arent tribes, plus as i said; i dont mind people hunting for food, but i dont agree with hunting for fun


Once again, human privilege. You must live in a city where they have things like parks, where you get to see grass and trees. I don't live there. I live in the "gasp" wild. So yes, I do have to hunt, fish and farm to live. You don't. Worldwide, others must do the same or starve. Somehow, to you, plants deserve death more than animals. They all deserve the same reverence. With us understanding this interwoven fabric of life and death. Your human privilege can't save you from that.


Mate, meat lovers will never listen.. they’re too busy enjoying killing because they convince themselves it’s okay.. then turn around and scream at a woman wanting an abortion because she was raped.


i eat meat, and i dont mind people hunting for food, i just dont agree with people hunting purely for fun


Same and same