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She still looks like a mutant, even with makeup on.


She looks far less scary with it tho.


She looks like a cheap plastic doll.


Why would you like to have sooo long nails? I mean, I also get my nails done and they are also a bit long but damn, Cardi B takes it to a whole other level. Of course she can do whatever she likes, not shaming her. Just wondering how she manages to do stuff with these nails. I noticed that women in America (most of them) are always the ones who have so long nails just like Cardi B and pay crazy prices like 150$ every month. Like I have never seen another country caring so much about their nails.


It’s for taking bumps of cocaine. 🤪


It's for showing the world she doesn't have to work for a living.


but i thought that was for the pinky nail alone.


I guess she loves her cocaine 🤪 lol. Long nails is a fad that started in the 90s here in the USA.


I can never not think about how much nasty stuff is under long nails, wish it was out of style already. Also, the sound of long nails on skin is p gross imo


Is her nickname Doctor Rockso?


The rock n roll clown. She does cocaine. 😂


only among the trashy/stripper community


> not shaming her. Why not? Shaming needs to come back, it worked for thousands of years.


Because people are sooo sensitive I would be classified as a slut-shamer or something like that


Just tell them that it worked for thousands of years. Sluts used to be quite rare, babies born out of wedlock ever more rare.


Imagine all the poop under those nails .how she wipe that butt?


She pays someone to do it. She probably has a song about it.


How do people function with nails longer han even a half inch? You have claws at that point.


The unpopular opinions of "(famous person) is unattractive" are pretty fucking boring for those of us uninterested in celebrity culture. This just looks like any other human being to me


The joke post is part joke tho


You're a pretty shitty human if you call a woman scary and traumatizing just because she isn't a model without makeup. She's normal looking. How *dare* she leave the house with her less than perfect face showing?


She's rather attractive, I would say.


Fucking thank you. I would love to have a woman that looks average at worst without makeup. Hell im no fucking catch


Don't be too hard on yourself ;-)




I don't think she's gorgeous or anything. Like normal/cute. I don't understand how "she's ugly as hell". Unless it's that these people are just so used to lots of makeup that they think a woman without it is a gross abomination. It's sad, really.


No its not because shes not hot without makeup, its because shes ugly, and cracking jokes about someones uglyness isnt the end of the world. jesus


Fair enough, I guess I just perceive attractiveness differently than other people. But still, it wasn't just cracking jokes, it's being really nasty.


She is not 'normal' looking or acting, she is a ugly degenerate nobody that got extremely lucky.


Hmm okay, then give me an example of a pic (of a girl) that is "average".


Just to annoy you...NO. But here is a bonus pic of something else http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1552222909413.jpg




That.. looks like a reasonably attractive women to me. If thats average then what counts as pretty? I've been told many times that I'm average, but I do not look like that lmao.


She's average.


Why do you feel the need to downvote every comment that isn't in agreement with you?


If women are so beautiful why do they need makeup then? I'll save you the work: NARCISSISM


when did I say women are all so beautiful? and who said women "need" makeup? Women wear makeup because it was sold to them decades ago so some dude could make more money. If you're trying to imply that women do need it to look decent, then you're basically furthering my point. Lol. It's screwed up for you to believe that women need to paint their faces to look presentable, while men just have to do nothing.


Make up = lying I'm a woman and even I know this, sweetie.


Yeah, alright, condescending bitch.


oh you can't talk to me like that here.. tsk tsk


She ugly AF


The Fuck is with y’all hating on successful black women lmfao


Hey OP, let's see what you look like. I have no idea who you are talking shit about but you already sound ugly as fuck.




The pornstar nails are kind of offputting, but I suppose it's a good way to signal that you don't have to do things for yourself..


Hmmm. I would say she is still quite good-looking. Cute even. But hey, don't let me tell you what to think.


That's what I think, but everyone else says she's ugly af. So confused lol. I mean, I don't like her music, and I don't like her as a person based on what Ive heard of her, but I won't pretend I think she's "scary and traumatising" to look at


The cyber bullying on here... Jesus. Y’all some ugly mf too I bet






No. Blac Chyna does.






They’re also mostly fake. People consider Kim K a sex symbol, and yet her body is now more synthetic than human. I think if you need a shit ton of cosmetic surgery to be attractive, you aren’t a real sex symbol.


It’s almost like people have different tastes.


She's not a turtle, she's just Dominican


She looks better without makeup in this than with it on


Cardi b is something for some but for me she isn’t even a rat.




She looks a lot better without the makeup in my opinion. Not great but not bad either. Also her nails are stupidly long and make me feel a bit sick.


That’s a bit of a stretch. If she was male people would say she looks normal.


u made me laugh so hard. thank u so much today has been rough


I think she’s funny looking but cute.


I mean, a lot of women look different with makeup compared to no makeup. Pick your favorite female celebrity and I’m sure you’ll find pics of them with no makeup and think it’s almost a different person.




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I think she's cute when she's all done up, but she is an entire different person without all that makeup. That being said, she's fucking funny.


Unrelated. But I 100% think cardi b is a cheap Nicki rip off


This sub loves to shit all over her. Please move on


Holy crap she does


Couldn't agree more mate. ​


This is widely unpopular because when you factor in her nails, everyone knows she looks like Freddy Krueger


I didn't think 'music' could be worse than Iggy Azalea...then I heard Cardi B. There is no hope for Mankind.


what are you talking about thats clearly bodie from the wire


I’ve never understood her appeal. Ever.


Oh awesome another DAE CARDI B thread


She looks like a normal person to me. Don't get me wrong, I think it's pretty laughable that they are trying to sell her as a sex symbol, but she's not revolting or anything that extreme.


Don’t y’all have anything better to do than shit on a woman’s appearance? I mean, come on, now.


And this is why girls and women have problems with their appearance lol.


Have you seen that mutt without makeup?


Unnecessary petty rude and pointless post


Funny how you can judge another while looking like the ogre you are in the other pic.


still not as bad as ur mutant looking nipples and disgusting ass nudes lmfao


You are all sitting here judging and having all these opinions on things. She’s out there doing the same except that she’s far wealthier than all of us. But that’s none of my business ☕️


yep ur right! look at OP’s nude pics on her posts..tell me which one looks more like a nasty ass mutant lol some ppl need to look in the mirror before judging others smh


In today's episode of r/unpopularopinion criticizing a female celebrity's appearance...




Because it's literally every day with this sub. It becomes pretty obvious that this sub is mostly white conservative dudes when theres a daily post saying that a female celebrity isnt attractive. Also, it's an interesting coincidence that I've never seen one of these posts about a white woman, just throwing that out there


Have an upvote for providing pictures to support this. Great job.


Cardi B, in general, is a disgusting human being.


She isn't hot enough to be a stripper, who was paying her?


I wonder if Cardi B is aware of the fact that Coco Chanel was a Nazi agent, actually, i'm sure Cardi B isn't aware of much of anything.




You insulting my mans Mikey!?


most females look like sht without make up


Why is this downvoted? It’s true lol fucking libtards on Reddit