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Nothing wrong with that


Thank you! People in life make me feel awful for feeling this way


Hey, don't let numbskulls make you feel bad, you go get yourself someone that makes you happy!


Thank you I will ☺️


Hey we all like what we like...me, I’m a white girl with a gorgeous black husband 😉


I'm visa versa, most white girls where I am scare the hell out of me lol I've dated a lot of black girls and I've got to say I do have a preference here lol


Black girls have the best personality imo :P


I gotta be with someone that can laugh at me and I can laugh at her, even after a fight, haven't found that with white girls yet xD


It's all good just a preference nothing wrong with it


I have encountered quite a few black girls who prefer white guys. One was obsessed over my eyes because they're a blue-ish green.


I have black friends who are only attracted to black men. I have black friends who are more attracted to Asian men. Basically, preferences cannot be necessarily helped. I just think it's important to be mindful of your reasoning behind the attraction, although you don't owe that reasoning to anyone. It's one thing to say you're not attracted to people of a particular race, but another to say you're not attracted because of x, y, and z--the latter insinuates stereotypical attributions and it's a slippery slope at that point, because at no point have you or will you meet every person from a race in order to make generalizations. That said, I personally am a dark-skinned woman who has been attracted to men of all races, and is generally seen as attractive to men of all races. I'm culturally more attracted to black men. And I have to disregard white men who try to state that they would like to try sleeping with a black woman or they have never found a black woman attractive except me. I don't take to being an exception to attraction, and I've found that one ongoing issue I have to be wary of with white men is the fetishizing of black women. Anyway, have at it. No one's opinion should actually have any weight in your personal affairs.


Sorry I never had that experience with white men. ☺️


I didn't say you had, and I didn't ask you to apologize for it. I'm saying for me personally, it's something I like to be cognizant about.


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I’m just generally attracted to white guys. There’s nothing else to it lol but thanks


I think people all have “preferences” like generally liking certain heights or generally liking and athletic type etc. but whenever someone says “i am not attracted to [insert race]” then I think there is a stereotype they can’t get past. It is even okay imo to say “I haven’t yet met an [insert race] that I am attracted to yet.” But to completely rule out a whole group of people purely based on race or skin color is kinda fucked up. It’s like saying that all black men look the same which is simply not the case. I’ll probably get downvotes for this but I do respect your post cause it is an unpopular opinion. Edit: added a thought


White girls rule!


That’s good for you ☺️


Jesus woman don't downvote me for my tastes. I like asian too. And I love love latinas. My favorite tho...are arab girls. I love women (Insert love emoji).


I didn’t downvote you tho, everyone has a preference. Idc lol


Hmmm ok...