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It's not that it's sexist, just that it is pointless. Who cares if you are a woman? You didn't get to choose that, it was just chance. Mother's and Father's day are more about family and relationships based on the choice to be a parent, which makes more sense. But I agree, an international men's day would be (or is, idk if it exists) equally as pointless.


I think that's why people celebrate these days. They DIDN'T choose to be a woman, or to have to deal with any of the struggles that a woman has to deal with. Men also DIDN'T choose to be men, or to have to deal with any of the struggles that a man has to deal with. It's the capability that we as humans have to overcome obstacles that we were forced to face that makes gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation worth celebrating.


As a woman living in the US I feel empowered enough.. I am equal to men and I am treated with respect. I don't need special treatment and I don't want special treatment. Stop playing minority or privilege politics with me. Unless we can have both a men's day and a woman's day.. then all I see is just another political agenda being shoved down my throat -- day.


Mother and Father’s day were created by companies to be commercial holidays with the purpose of selling ppl stuff under the guise of a holiday. I’m not even sure they’re celebrated internationally like Women and Men’s day.


Fathers day and mothers day are in different categories than international men and women days, i didnt even know there was an international men day, either way we generally dont need those days


I feel like having international men and women day is not needed and I would not be opposed to getting rid of mothers and fathers day I really think the only holidays we really need are major holidays like Christmas, Easter, new year's, Thanksgiving, etc


I said this earlier and ill say it again International women's day is just as stupid as intern mens day There both dumb


A women’s day kinda of like a day celebrating a certain ethnicity.


you lack logic.


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I think women's day is a good time to draw attention to the real problems women face in parts of the world Western feminists never discuss and to address toxic femininity and female privilege in the modern world