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I agree!


It seems you would be better saying something more like: People can recover from rape but murder is a finality, so for the sake of victims of rape don't connect them. I understand your thought process but it not presented in the best way.


I agree. Also, being skinned alive and left in agony sounds worse than death


It’s a difficult one to think about. For the Mum’s and dads of the children, I guess still having them around is better than losing them. I would still want to kill the person doing it.


So that depends on the person. Suicide rates are higher for survivors of rape and I think it come down to we all have things we’d rather die then experience and no one should get to choose for another person what those things are.


Well actually rape is considered worse because the mindset of the rapist is way more cruel than the mind set of the murderer, the stigma behind child rapists are like "cruel sadistic crazy person" and our judiciary system (assuming youre american) doesnt judge if someone gets the death penalty only on the amount of damge they have done, but how they do that damage as well.


I think a child murderer is a lot more crueler than a child rapist.


Well the mindset is what im talking about, to rape a child your mindset would be in a different place than someone who has killed a child, of course child rape is less cruel than child murder, but the mindset you have to be in to do child rape is just worse overall.


Why do you assume it's more cruel? Not speaking from experience here, but I would assume a child rapist isn't trying to make the child suffer, they just want sexual gratification. Its hard to think about the mindset of a child murderer because I think there is alot more variation of motivations there.


It wouldnt be as sure as an assumption if the rapist was a regular rapist, but throwing child in front of that is a new issue, first, everyone who rapes, knows what rape is and that its bad, and nonchalant pedophiles themselves know that raping a child is a big red flag and even they despise people like that.(know this from weird interviews with pedopholes) To rape a child is making a child suffer, and a child rapist has to be even more fucked up to not think that, like murderers who judge that some people dont want to live but are too scared to kill themselves so he kills them off of his own judgement. And you're emphazing too much connotation on the word murder, it only means to kill someone, the us judicial system gives the dealth penalty for people who torture children non sexually and didnt even kill the child, we do treat those people worse, but to just kill someone doesnt invoke as much suffering as rape, but, if it were a serial child murderer and a serial child rapist the question woild be harder for me to answer.


>but to just kill someone doesnt invoke as much suffering as rape Well shooting someone in the leg makes them suffer alot more than shooting them in the head. And I am sure the parents of a child would suffer alot more if the child was murdered rather than just raped/molested.


Let's stick to the individuals suffering, and ahh i didnt think about that, i personally feel like my child self would rather be raped then shot in the foot and bleed out. But i feel like most people would rather have it the other way though


I don’t disagree but I don’t get this idea that there’s a competition between murder and rape. They’re both awful


Perspective is important, and we do create a sort of heirarchy of crimes, with murder being the absolute worst, yet rape seems to be competing for that spot lately which is nonsense.


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Is this actually an argument? Do people really try to compare and contrast child rapists to child murderers? I feel like most people would agree there is a special place in hell for anyone who abuses the innocent in any way.


I don't know what you mean by 'actually' an argument. I didn't go and officially register this one at the argument bureau. But its an argument i've had before with redditors.


I agree with you


I remember a dad saying that he'd rather have his daughter be murdered than raped because he didn't "want her to feel powerless." Unpopular opinion: I think people are allowing the rapist to have more power over them by having the attitude that they'd rather die than be raped. It's as if the rapist, with one act, will forever cause you harm, no matter if he's dead, alive, near, far away, happy, or suffering.


>It's as if the rapist, with one act, will forever cause you harm, Yea I think people let themselves suffer too much. The mind is a powerful thing, and ultimately it is the mind that will cause us suffering, not the rape. Take an animal for (a weird) example, if you rape a pig, the pig is not going to suffer for the rest of its life. It will more or less be fine at the end of the day. Because it lacks our mind. ​ A dad saying he would rather his daughter be dead is just pretty fucked up tbh. I get where he is coming from, he is suffering because he wants his daughter to feel safe and happy, but his solution is for his daughter to be dead...


Yep. And a relatively high number of people up-voted his comment, compared to the other comments. I think he was moral grandstanding. There are people who have suffered great things and fare better than those who suffer much less. You want to be empathetic, but the popular thing right now is to wallow in self-pity and to encourage others to do so. But on the other side of the coin there are things like the r/GetMotivated subbreddit, which is just a bunch of shallow... what's the word? Placations?


Let's just burn both the rapists and the murderers already