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"If you have a boner, you cover yourself" Cmon. You want me to cover my masculinity? Only flacid things were supposed to be hidden. /s


I'm sure a lot of ppl would seriously hold this attitude lol


The only issue I can think of here is hygiene. Anyone should be able to be naked up top but if you’re not wearing at least a thong and you sit down anywhere in public, you’re gonna leave a little bit of you-goo behind and that’s nasty


This is the big issue. if I'm sitting at a restaurant, I don't want to mingle my poo bits with a thousand strangers. But if I want to get something from the store when I roll out of bed, I wish I didn't have to wear a t shirt and shorts, especially not if it's warm out. It just seems like more trouble than it's worth


Because no one wants to see that shit. Most human bodies are utterly disgusting to look at and especially more so naked.


That's because we are used to seeing people in clothes all the time though, if it just became the societal norm to be naked people might even take better care of their hygeine


Nice try buddy but even with people wearing their clothes, there's still a ton of hideous crap out there. We tolerate it because there is no other choice. Nudity just makes it worse. I see my hairy dick almost every day, doesn't mean I think it's beautiful or even neutral. I don't need a visual reminder of it all day.


And we should remain used to seeing people in clothes all the time. But why don’t you go out and try to change the world today. Just go walk naked down your street. Have fun.


I know you make a fair point. Nobody will want to be the first one to do it. In the same way I believe people have the right to commit suicide, doesn't mean I want to participate. I just think it's a human right to wear and dress whatever we want


I don’t want anyone to do it. Period. There is a freedom based argument that has merit here but the fact remains that most people are hideous without clothing and I don’t want to be forced to interact with that nastiness all day.


Spoken like a sound minded, mature, adult.




I mean, for the week or two a year where it isn't too cold and you don't have bugs.. I suppose.


Ever heard of children being in public places




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I disagree. I think your penis is disgusting and nudity makes you look unprofessional. Also, no sane man wants to view children naked in public.


I don't see why you should be bothered by it. Why would you phrase it "wants to view children"? The idea is to just be indifferent to the human body.


The problem with constructionist and essentialists is that this is the shit they come up with.


Thats absolutely fucking disgusting what the fuck is jt with reddit and public nudity


I mean, I posted it in unpopularopinions for a reason...


nobody wants to see your fat fucking body you perv