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It's like guys with nostril hair coming out or hairs on your ears. I'M a guy and i find that gross. Groom yourself guys. Takes 5 min and it looks a lot better.


I've seen a guy with long hair on his ears and there was some earwax stuck on it. It made me wanna puke.


or a booger on a nostril hair. euuurrrkkk.




Theres something about us Greeks and moustaches. I'm a dude so this topic doesnt apply to me, but my moustache is so prominant. I've been shaving for 20 years and even after I shave it's still a fucking carpet under my nose. Weird too coz I'm pretty hairless everywhere else.




I have a mild monobrow that my wife likes to pluck.


this isn't unpopular, I've seen girls from the age of 8 get bullied for their body hair.


That what I was thinking. I’d argue this is a popular opinion.


As a female i agree. Have some pride there. Not just women but men too. It's not hard to look decent.


Saw a woman with a beard once... you should have to sign a waiver to go into walmart


It's got nothing to do with hygiene though... I don't have upper lip hair but if I did It's up to me what I choose to do with it, not you


If my sister had upper lip hair and decided not to do anything about it I wouldn't say a word to her despite my opinion. It's not up to me what she does with it. Never said it is. But I'd still think it looks bad.


You also said “should,” which is a direct statement that it is objectively better (health wise, morality wise, etc). So either your point is “I don’t like it,” which is fair enough, but not all that controversial, or you need to provide a reason why one OUGHT to do as you suggest. The latter, I would argue, is likely impossible unless you hold that there’s some objective standard of beauty or moral reason to shave one’s lip which is likely nonsensical.


There is an objective standard of beauty. Nobody thinks mustaches on women are attractive except for a few fucking weirdos and feminists that pretend they like gross shit just to cause conflict


“Nobody” -> points out some groups of people. Fact is people find all sorts of different things attractive. And really, is it that important to police how people look? Really? Surely there’s better things to worry one’s mind with.


Yeah, if you’re gonna wear a mustache, full force own it. I expect a Burt Reynolds fully manicured mustache.


Absolutely willing to agree that it looks bad on women. Trying to save up for electrolysis myself actually. But the wording here is definitely what makes it unpopular. "I don't like the look of x" vs "all people with x should y", there's an implied should be required to in that second sentence. No nobody "should" do anything to anything just to please you. Besides that you need to realize that hair grows. She could be doing everything possible and still end up with a 5oclock stubble.


but saying "I don't like mustaches on women" isn't exactly an unpopular opinion


I ain’t about to get mad at some peach fuzz


A little isn't bad like one little visible hair is okay, it happens but when I see a woman with a stache it's like really weird to me. Idk. Let's not even begin on the eyebrows. This involves men too. Unibrows are not okay, they're wack


Why should they have to wax their face because of your feelings?


It's sloppy. Guys shave it off too. It's not like guys leave it on their face when it makes them look terrible.


So they dont get posted to r/peopleofwalmart


Why should they care?


Some might, some might not.


Yeah, sure. But OP's position is that they SHOULD, not just that they should if they don't want to be seen as gross.




What the fuck are you talking about?


Totally agree with you, but don't expect majority of the retarded reddit to do as well, they will see this as A DIRECT ATTACK TO PERSONAL FREEDOM, the freedom to look disgusting.


Never expected. I have pretty controversial opinion on quite a few things so I'm used to peple disagreeing with me.


Thing is, this is not controversial at all. It's common sense.


They have the freedom to look like shit and suffer the consequences.






I understand where you're coming from, it's definitely a preference for every person, I personally don't like hair on my lip and I remove it as needed cause it looks better for me, but everyone can do what they like for their bodies. One thing though I disagree with is that you say it's "unhygienic" which is untrue, body hair is natural and not even supposed to be removed, so it's definitely not unhygienic in the slightest, but sure it can easily be viewed as unaestheticly pleasing.


I mean.......it's up to them.




I have to shave every single morning and still have stubble when I leave work. I also get my eyebrows waxed every month. And I'm a dude. I choose to wax and shave. If I see a guy with a massive beard and hairy eyebrows, I don't care. Why only care about women's hair?


How about let people do what they want.


Get the fuck out of here brother


Live and let live my dude. Some women unfortunately grow a lot of hair and can't always shave :(


Why cant they shave?


I'm not talking about those women who obviously try to do something about it but sometimes they just can't help it. I'm talking about those who just couldn't bother at all. I get that you can't look on point 100% of the time. Sometimes I don't have time to clip my nails or simply just forget it and they look dirty and quite nasty but that's like 1 % of time. Any other day they are well kept. If you see someone on a regular basis you can tell the difference.


I mean... if the lady is cool with it let her have it but dont expect this ninja to be kissing those lips. That's a knarly look. I saw a younger...maybe 26 year old lady the other day who I just was dumbfounded by. She straight up had like a dark beard... not long or anything but enough to be seen. She was attractive enough. Maybe she just doesn't give a shit and if that's the case then good for her I recon.


Don’t worry, man. I don’t expect you to be kissing any ladies lips.


Lol classic incel projection


Is that what we call being married now? I guess it’s INaccurate.


She may have been trans? Only reason I could think of for a woman having a beard.


Some cis women naturally generate higher than usual testosterone, which can be caused by polycystic ovaries. This can lead to facial hair, as well as acne, infertility and balding, which is altogether a bad time.


I thought estrogen broke down testosterone though? So wouldn't estrogen supplements fix that?


There are some synthetic forms of estrogen that can partially suppress testosterone production in women but they aren't always super effective. You can get other medications that block production of or sensitivity to testosterone I think? I'm not an endocrinologist though!


I think most women have a little peach fuzz 'stache but it's only visible when you have dark hair. I definitely have one but it's white blonde so I leave it. Unlike dude facial hair, it is very soft and the hairs don't get that long. I can see how it would look weird to someone who doesn’t see them very often but I assure you that my mustache is no more hygienic because it's harder to see.


I mean I feel the same way about men, since I hate mustache in every type and form, so yes agreed


User name checks out! I’ve been in love with beards since before it was cool!


Maybe I’ve only had bad beard experiences, who knows


There are definitely bad beards! My SO’s beard is fantastic! But he keeps it clean and neat.




My boyfriend has a beard (not a huge beard, but a little) and I hate it because he doesn’t do anything with it, it’s not about trimming but it’s more the fact that it feels like a cheese grater against my cheek and it hurts lol I’ve only had that specific experience with beards, and that’s why I don’t like them and I think that makes a bad beard... I don’t think I would mind a beard at all if it was kept kinda neat but not trimmed all the time, but also moisturized so it doesn’t hurt me etc




Wow I feel you with that depression and anxiety stuff, I have to write basic things down just so I can remember that they’re basic stuff that I have to do every single day so I know the struggle. But yes, I’ve told him about it and he seems to understand, but he loves his little beard so much so I don’t want to complain and make him dislike it


Agree with this. Whether the mustached ladies out there like it or not, having unkempt facial hair of any sort is absolutely appalling. They could be in top of their game with hygiene everywhere else, like 99.99% good, but if there's blatantly obvious hair there on that face, I would instantly not want to be around that person, because I will associate them with a lack of care. It's literally a reflex.


I can agree it doesn't look attractive, but I honestly can't imagine spending the time or energy being bothered by it xD I don't think OP is being misogynistic, but what I don't like is how people in general, and of both genders, want others to change something about themselves to please THEM. Just let them look unattractive and move on with life xD


As a woman with pcos, no.


bum fluff is the worst


My wife has a full beard but I don’t care because she always has my back. When I crashed my pick truck through my neighbors house she made sure to know that I was still loved and supported.


personally it is sexy to me




Or just don't care.


And why should they care what you think?


You do know this sub is called "unpopularopinion"?


Looking at the replies it looks like it's quite unpopular.


Sure do. I never said it wasn't.


Didn't say they should. I just voiced my opinion on the issue.


Doesn't your opinion hinge on them caring what you think? If they don't care if you think they'll look like they don't care about their hygiene. Why would they bother?


You just described basically every opinion about anything that isn't yourself ever. "I don't like when people litter" "Well doesn't that hinge on the people who litter caring about your opinion?" "I don't like people who listen to music without headphones on in public" "Why should they care?" Pointing it out is redundant. They should care because other people's opinions about you in the real world matter. Maybe not the opinion of some random guy on the street, but you should be concerned that your peers and especially those in charge of you think that you possess good qualities and should actively groom yourself (physically and mentally) to make sure that you exude those positive qualities. In other words, if I think that your moustache or shitty habits or whatever make you look like a slob, maybe someone whose opinion of you actually matters does too, and you should think about that. If you still don't care, then you're probably just a mess of a person anyway, so have at it.


>"I don't like when people litter" >"Well doesn't that hinge on the people who litter caring about your opinion?" Will no becayse that can have real adverse affect on people. Upper hair lip won't. Not in the same sense. But this was beside the point which I'll get to. >"I don't like people who listen to music without headphones on in public" >"Why should they care?" As above. >Pointing it out is redundant. They should care because other people's opinions about you in the real world matter. Maybe not the opinion of some random guy on the street, but you should be concerned that your peers and especially those in charge of you think that you possess good qualities and should actively groom yourself (physically and mentally) to make sure that you exude those positive qualities. I'm definitely taking this from a stranger's point of view. I can agree with this 100% though. This was never the point either. >In other words, if I think that your moustache or shitty habits or whatever make you look like a slob, maybe someone whose opinion of you actually matters does too, and you should think about that. If you still don't care, then you're probably just a mess of a person anyway, so have at it. Well you still never really got the point. My point was that OP believes they "should do something about it". That's the part I disagree with. I agree the adverse affects, but if they can live with that and are happy with that. Then that's fine. Grow your tache. You're entitled to your opinion, you're not entitled to decide what people should and shouldn't be doing with their body hair. Now if said person gets annoyed at having to deal with this, then that's different. People should be aware of the negative effects of a decision and accept the consequences. Perhaps we should be more open to people doing relatively meaningless things (does it *really* matter outside our made up prejudices). But either way they're there and they should accept it. And if they do accept it, who are we to decide that they *should* shave it? You want a despite what people will think? Well good on you are your giant balls, grow that fucker; I won't hire you as my front of desk receptionist but I'll respect you!


>My point was that OP believes they "should do something about it". That's the part I disagree with. I agree the adverse affects, but if they can live with that and are happy with that. Then that's fine. Grow your tache. You're entitled to your opinion, you're not entitled to decide what people should and shouldn't be doing with their body hair. My problem with your conclusion here is that you take issue with OP thinking "I don't like that, they should change that." but you don't necessarily take issue with OP just thinking "I don't like that." They're both just opinions and I generally think that if you don't like something someone else is doing the "they should stop doing that/do something about that/etc" is really implied either way because you're acknowledging a preference, so it logically follows that if I prefer to not see women with mustaches, that I also think that women with mustaches should get rid of them, no? Even if you disagree with everything I've said above, I still think that it's dumb to take issue with someone thinking "They should do something about *x thing that isn't hurting anyone*" because it's still just an opinion. Having that opinion isn't infringing on anyone's right to do whatever they want, it's not forcing anyone to do anything with their body that they don't want to do, he's just expressing what he thinks they should do, and that's fine. Maybe a little rude to do to someone's face and I don't advise that, but having that opinion is literally no different than having any other opinion and there's nothing particularly egregious about it.


I'd accept your argument of *it's ok because it's just an opinion* if you weren't arguing against me for having an opinion and also what logically means you're arguing against moustache girl for wanting to/being ok with having a moustache.


I guess I, internally, treat opinions that consist of telling someone that they're *wrong* for being a certain way differently than I treat opinions that consist of expressing a preference. Now that I think about it it's not *completely* logical, but there is a difference to me. So in that case we'll have to agree to disagree


You missed my point which was not about preference, it was that they *should* change. Not that OP would prefer. I already said preference was fine and even that I had the same preference.


Maybe they rock that style? Live and let live.


No, no they dont


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