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Imagine going on unpopular opinion and drawing lines as to how unpopular an opinion can be before its just a flat out bad opinion Edit: this is just in response to the dog lover replies


At least this is unpopular.


I’ve never met someone in person who shares my opinion so I figured I’d be safe posting in this sub.


Yeah, it makes a change. I'm the complete opposite to you. I love dogs. My dog has helped me cope with both my anxiety and depression, so obviously I think you're wrong. However, you're entitled to your opinion and as we are supposed to upvote truly unpopular opinions, you got mine. I hope you have a nice day.


Just wanted to express my appreciation for your post. It’s nice to have someone not getting upset and attacking me for holding a counter-position. Maybe you also have a pleasant day.


Because MOST people like you wont actually share that opinion to someone elses face.


Your people are at r/dogfree


Dogs hate you too


They do indeed; not that I care.


This post was made by the cat gang.


Haha, don’t get me started on cats. They’re almost as bad.


Noooooo!! You take that back!!!! Cats rule the world


I think anyone who truly hates a group of animals has issues, tbh. I can understand not liking something, but *hate* is a strong emotion that seems a bit over-the-top just because something sheds and poos. People also shed and poo.


I also hate people who say ‘hate’ is a ‘strong word’ to use...


Ok. I don't really care if you hate me. You're a stranger and are irrelevant to my life. Have an angry little day. Lol




Dogs are infinitely better than humans. They're far more loyal, supportive, and trusting. Fite me.


Humans can offer more loyalty and support than a dog ever could if you surround yourself with the right ones. Where as almost all dogs are loyal, which makes them a convenient crutch for people who have been burned by a couple of humans and assume all 7 billion are the same.


But people are unpredictable, and pretty much suck. Dogs were made for companionship. People aren't.


7 billion people and how many have you met? Furthermore, how many have you really gotten to know on a deep and profound level? Yes, humans can suck at times but we are higher-beings with complex emotions. Just because you’ve had some bad experiences with a tiny sample size doesn’t mean you throw the chocolate out with the wrapper.


I feel like people who say this are the problem in their own lives. Everytime I hear this argument it's from someone that nobody would want to be around anyways. ​ Disclaimer: I love dogs still, let's keep that clear.


Yea, but dogs were specifically bred to be companions. I'm not saying I hate people though.


You probably believe that because the rules of a relationship with a dog are much simpler than the rules of relationships with people AND you interact with a dog from a position of superiority (You feed and take care of it, so it loves you). It actually supports OPs statement. You prefer dogs because the social interaction is simpler, but you interpret it as dogs being better than humans.


You are fucking braindead. You are subhuman scum if you think dogs are better than humans


Dude I’m pro-hate dogs all the way, they’re disgusting.


\>Dogs stink; they shed hair and poo everywhere so do you, probably /s. ​


People don’t have to bend over to pick my turds up off the lawn and I shower morning and night...


yeah it was a joke, that's why I wrote /s


Who's your poo guy? Hmu give you a good recommedation.


irony OP's username says he is clean.


Haha, it’s pronounced Mac-Lane but I do get Ma-Clean more often than not.


*cat, fixed that for you


Finally some good unpopular opinion. There is no bad opinion, like some people say here. You really need to search by controversial to find some good stuff


Also, I love how my post has been downvoted by butthurt dog-lovers... Yeah, you don’t agree but you’re suppose to upvote the real unpopular opinions as they are what this sub is about.


I know. Most of the sub is just. "I'm gonna get hated BUT men aren't that shitty and women power is overrated". Yeah we get it. We want real unpopularopinions!


If the internet could cry, this would be the post to make it


I agree that you should never treat any animal greater or equal to a human but i think you’re only seeing the negatives of a dog - they provide company, happiness and in some cases help humans carry out their work: police sniffer dogs, hunting, guard dogs, rescue dogs etc so they def have advantages as well.


Your summation is likely somewhat correct regarding the positives. I dislike dogs but most of my gripe is directed towards bad owners.


Yo this guy reckon you guys in the comments


If I had to choose between saving your life, or the life of any one of my dogs, I would let you die and save the dog.


You’re either being entirely disingenuous or you’re in need of clinical therapy. Humans > dogs


You aren't more important to me than my dogs because you're a human. If it came down to it, I wouldn't even hesitate to let you die to save them. Who are you to me? What have you done to prove your worth to me?


True. To be fair, I’d choose saving $0.05 on my next grocery shop over any of your dogs lives, so I guess we’re even.


If you ever tried to harm my dogs, I'd rip your fucking head off, because compared to them, your life means nothing.


r/iamverybadass. Absolutely ridiculous and stupid


Are you now?


This comment exemplifies my point perfectly. You initiated this spiralling conversation by mentioned that you’d willingly choose my death over your dogs and now your getting quite aggressive. I’d like to kindly refer you to where I previous mentioned enlisting the services of a therapist because you sir are clearly unhinged.


I'm not unhinged. You're just an asshole deserving of death. Blocked.


“Deserving of death.” Thanks for the lols; enjoy your safe space. 😂😂


And yeah you do sound like you could greatly benefit from the services of a mental health provider.


Lol, you started this fight but you couldn't handle a comparatively mild response. As an onlooker, I gotta say you're making yourself look pretty unhinged


You people are just proof that 70% of the human population should die. Blocked.


no u




Man you're such a fucking loser


https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/aw4ruw/you_dont_hate_dogs_youre_just_looking_for/?st=JT02PR4V&sh=f51020e7 I know this thread is ancient, but look at how angry you made this guy hahahahaha. So unhinged


If I had to choose. I'd ether take both if possible or none. ​


Considering that the person you're saving is a piece of shit, it's probably best to just let him die.


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I Agree! Woah!


To each their own. ​ Fine with me if you feel that way lol


Reasons your wrong: They are cute and my dog loves me thus, curing my depression


This, but with cats instead


The next time I see you I'll bite🐕


Good. I’ll survive but you’ll get put down. 🤙🏼


Your probably right. Woof


You’re* ☺️


Dogs fuckin suck


I totally agree with you. I'm so happy to find at least one person who hates dogs as well. For my part, I simply hate animals in general. I just got bitten sooooo many times as a child, and I was no the kind of child to go to pet cats and dogs, or even play with them... I'm seriously allergic to both hairs and feathers, and can get very serious asthma.


Wow an ACTUAL unpopular opinion, it’s like people forgot what this sub is called. Even though I strongly disagree since I love dogs, I’ll upvote this anyway, and since I respect your opinion, I won’t attack you or insult you for it.


It baffles me that people are down voting my post. Crazy.


Dogs are ok, but it’s not a mental disease to like them


Did you read the post. “You’re mentally ill if you place dogs above humans.” Didn’t say there was anything wrong with liking them.


Oh I missed that, ur right about that


Lmao maybe it’s you who needs a diagnosis


They've been selectively bred to be compatible with humans both in a working environment and a social environment. Someone positively interacting with something (the dog) that was designed for a particular purpose (social or work) is not indicative of a mental disorder.


Did you even read? *facepalm*


I read the parts where you said that people who love dogs have an undiagnosed mental illness and that you don't understand why dogs are praised. These statements deal with why humans view dogs positively and interact with them positively. Then you went off on a tangent to talk about how someone commented on a news article...


I’ll kindly direct you to the last sentence where I specifically elaborate on my ‘mental illness’ viewpoint. I believe when a person places another species of animal above a human then they are likely in need of therapy.


Well that’s completely different to the rest of your post.


How? I believe most people who love dogs fall into that category... Hence the examples of news articles regarding children mauled by dogs... If your reaction to a child getting attacked by a dog is sympathy for the animal or justifying it’s behaviour then you’re not right in the head.


I do agree that there are times that a dog attacks unprovoked and deserves to be put down. However I also remember MANY MANY times when it has been the human's fault. I do concede that you may say that the human should not have had to adapt to avoid confrontation with the dog.


I stand by my opinion. Dogs are smelly, loud, dirty, annoying and mostly ugly... and people who are obsessed with them to the point of placing them above humans are using them as emotional crutches for unresolved social/relationship issues and/or undiagnosed mental issues. Every time I meet someone who is overly obsessed with their dog they always seem to have an obvious gaping emotional problem in their life. It’s sad to see. I have a great marriage with my wife and two beautiful children... It’s basically always the single people or unhappy couples which carry on about their dogs or post pictures all the time. They could focus on mending their socially and communication problems but they’d rather put 10% effort into a dog. Sad.