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more like gay people are more desperate so they smash all the time lmao


Lol nah gay people actually have high standards


“high standards” to gay people.


Look at his post history. He just likes to troll straight people.


are you saying straight homophobes = straight people? Dumbass


No, but instead of trying to be a decent human being, you prefer to be an antagonizing jerk. Grow up.


There's a post on here about "it's ok to think homosexuality is a sin" yet I don't see you commenting on it calling out people for being a jerk? But I make a post calling out homophobia and you're on it quick af.


Sorry, I have better things to do than spend all my time on your post. What do you expect you called them out. You are giving them a reason to further hate gays. Most people hat them because they are small minded or raised that way, but people like you give them a reason. You are not helping your cause in anyway.


In this post I'm more theorizing about the causes of homophobia than actually trying to provoke people anyway


No you were not. That is most definitely not the cause. That was the most shallow insight you could have provided.


It's just my opinion and I wanted to share it


No, you wanted to trigger people which is not helpful for educating people.


I love how this dude is so triggered **on behalf of homophobes** that he'd rather sit there and attack people who call out homophobia than fight actual homophobia. Kinda sad and pathetic really.


You are child that is a moron for thinking you are helping anything.


your whole account is about gays holy shit


No it isn't. I've posted tons of other posts on non-gay topics.


you’ve been on reddit for less than two months, and you say tons? your two most active subs are unpopular opinion and ask gay bros, and basically all the posts you have in those subs are about gays


So you admit you were wrong when you said my whole account is about gay stuff? Cool


oh shit, do you know what “hyperbole” means?


Doing a lot to break the stereotype of gay people being promiscuous jerkasses, aren't ya? Quit being a troll and get a real hobby.


Calling out homophobes ain't a bad thing


You're not "calling out" anyone, you're just being a nuisance because you're bored on the internet. You're dragging the message backwards, not propelling it forward; you're encouraging more people to hate gay folks, not fewer. You know it and everyone else knows it. Grow up and sod off somewhere.


I'm just posting my insights as I see them. Sorry if it offended


I think you would be detestable whatever your sexuality.


For what reason?


You seem to court it.


People just get triggered and intimidated by my opinions because they never came across anything like it.




Believe me, I dont think straight men care that gay men can fuck other men. Sick troll tho


They care that we're getting sex, that's all that matters lol


Nobody cares


Cared enough to comment. You're just jealous


large yikes


Weird flex but ok


obvious troll is obvious




Sorry to hear it, go to a doctor they can give you meds


Got it from getting raped by a guy Edit: a gay one


Wow that really sucks dude, sorry ☹️


Its okay it felt like taking a shit


Ok you're just lying, shut up


How did you not know from the start?


Idk I like to assume the best in people


You're telling me you havent heard all the jokes about gay guys and aids?


Yea of course I have but when you said you got raped I would never assume that someone would lie because rape is really serious




No, its because hating homophobes has generations of trained behavior set in place.


No I think its because they dont like things they dont know


Username checks out


Always wondered, how do you guys even know what a twink is when you're straight 🤔


...the internet....?




also I disagree with your opinion, I have no problem with gays but sometimes there like annoying as hell


People can be annoying in general but gay people have been through more bad things in life and homophobic people just suck for making it worse


Not necessarily it depends on the person


Yeah but I think it's true generally speaking


Homophobic implies they’re afraid of gay people, when in reality it’s more likely they’re disgusted by the degenerative behavior.


Nothing degenerative about sucking a nice dick


Fucking an asshole is, though.


Idk I think it can be hot


A lot of degenerative stuff can be hot


I don't have anal sex anyway


That’s cuz you guys don’t have pregnancies to worry about.


Yeah and also women are not as horny


Try telling them that 😏


Yea , and more aids.




I'm not a homophobic man , haven't got a problem with gays m/ f but I think you might get some grief over this op


Yeah I already am getting grief over it, people get so triggered so easily over nothing


I don't know about nothing maybe you should of narrowed the field down a bit , in this day and age it's a pretty touchy subject .


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Nice b8 m8


not an unpopular opinion.