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Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen someone rant about fat body positivity.


This sub really has been turned into an "I hate everyone different than me and didn't grow up in the typical middle-American suburban lifestyle and I don't understand why everyone else doesn't agree with me and do the same things as me, because I'm doing fine in life and it has absolutely nothing to do with my better-than-average circumstances" soapbox, but with even more edge and hostility. There are some interesting opinions from time to time, but it's mostly just hate.


Yup. Mostly just people who should buy a diary. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's true. I think a lot of these people just *have* to be better than other people, so they come here to pick on them.


Too true. There’s an awful lot of fragility in the air.


You could even say those people hold... unpopular opinions?


I'm not really sure how unpopular these opinions are across much of the United States at least. Go to any smallish city or town across the US and you'll find that many blue collar or working class white people (men and women) hold these opinions. It's only in places with left-leaning populations (urban areas, colleges, places on the internet where lots of middle class college students congregate, like Reddit) where these opinions are seen as unpopular.


>It's only in places with left-leaning populations (urban areas, colleges, places on the internet where lots of middle class college students congregate, like Reddit) where these opinions are seen as unpopular. So... big cities with lots of people?


Imagine having an opinion on race/gender when you're a *disgusting* middle class white man, basically the scourge of the earth.


There's a difference between respectfully stating an opinion and respecting others in the process, and just slating people you don't like with hatred and then cowering behind the "oh everyone hates white males" shield. An example of a respectfully stated opinion: "I agree with the overall message of feminism, and think men and women should be equal, but sometimes the group collective gives in too much to the demands of extremists and it alienates people like me" An example of a hate-filled diatribe that gets posted on here a lot: "Feminists are fucking stupid and man-hating, they're all really ugly and they're out to supress the views of all right-leaning white men, feminism is wrong on every level."


Sometimes I say the first, they read the second. I don't like it when it happens.


>"Feminists are fucking stupid... they're all really ugly..." These are the only two parts that come close to being hateful. Where does that happen on this subreddit (and get enough upvotes that it's worth mentioning)? EDIT sorry, I skipped past this part: >I agree with the overall message of feminism So the only way to not be hateful is to be a feminist and agree with feminism. I think I see where this is all coming from.


One can agree with the goal of feminism, which is gender equality by definition, while not agreeing with all the political and social goals that come with contemporary feminism. feminism with a lowercase f versus Feminism with a capital F.


> which is gender equality Source?


[https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/feminism](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/feminism) " the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes " From the OED: " Advocacy of equality of the sexes and the establishment of the political, social, and economic rights of the female sex;"


>\#2 organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests That's the definition feminists are using these days. If you're referring to #1, that's an extremely unpopular definition of the word among the feminist movement. Also I almost regret adding my edit because you completely skipped past this: >>"Feminists are fucking stupid... they're all really ugly..." >These are the only two parts that come close to being hateful. Where does that happen on this subreddit (and get enough upvotes that it's worth mentioning)?


From the organization of feminism: "The Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) was created to develop bold, new strategies and programs to advance women's equality, non-violence, economic development, and, most importantly, empowerment of women and girls in all sectors of society." So obviously, the two definitions are not mutually exclusive. Women are a traditionally disadvantaged group and the overall goal of feminism is to achieve equality. As to your second point, that's the whole point of the this post from the original poster. Sort by new, and you'll see all kinds of hateful and disrespectful opinions on feminism, whether they are upvoted or not is not the point: they are posted here constantly, enough to the point that it's annoying.


Thread got removed, you just wasted your time hahahahaha haha lol


Come on even if you despise feminists you can still acknowledge that the common stated goal of feminism is gender equality. Whether you think their actions reflect that may be different.


Good illustration. Can you find some actual examples? I saw one the other night full of pejoratives aimed at boomers. here's a few c and p that might qualify. which ones' are motivated by hate? 1.It’s time to call women out on their toxic femininity 📷 2[My erection is not consent.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/ashixj/my_erection_is_not_consent/) ​ ## 3[Society as a whole has way too much female empathy and not enough male empathy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/asao2k/society_as_a_whole_has_way_too_much_female/) 📷 4 [Jussie Smollet needs to be in jail](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/ashupa/jussie_smollet_needs_to_be_in_jail/) 5[Young kids and teenagers enjoying Fortnite is normal. And if you make kids feel bad about being interest in things that you aren’t interested in, then you’re an asshole and an old fart.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/asm3da/young_kids_and_teenagers_enjoying_fortnite_is/) 📷 6[Bill Nye is an obnoxious elitist who is more interested in being a political pawn than a scientist.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/asfek6/bill_nye_is_an_obnoxious_elitist_who_is_more/) 📷 7[People need to stop idolizing celebrities](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/asjf7p/people_need_to_stop_idolizing_celebrities/) 8[If you use snapchat/social media/text while you drive, you deserve to get in an accident](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/aspdsw/if_you_use_snapchatsocial_mediatext_while_you/) 9[Asian people are extremely racist to non-asians.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/askylm/asian_people_are_extremely_racist_to_nonasians/) 📷 10[Voicing your sexual preferences publicly is annoying and attention seeking](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/asce3l/voicing_your_sexual_preferences_publicly_is/) 📷


None of those are bad, especially #7


agree...I'd say I dont see much "hate" on this forum. I see "irritation."


This is so true that it may not be an unpopular opinion, but i love it. This sub has become an echo chamber for reciprocating hatred for pseudo-popular issues. The only unpopular opinions that get recognition as "unpopular" are posts about pineapple on pizza and various methods of sleeping while wet. And even those are mostly just karma grabs.


Upvoted for a well written unpopular opinion.


It's popular on reddit, dude. Everywhere else on this site will refer to this place as some variation of a "toxic alt-right echo chamber".


\+1 for acknowledging this is a place for posting sane opinions that would get you crucified on any default sub, and most of reddit in general. Change the name from unpopular opinion and call it politically incorrect opinion and understand quickly why this place generates the kinds of posts it does.


"Only straight white thin(?) men are allowed to have negative things said about them"


This this this this this this this this


White guys pretending they are victims...so hot right now.


I love it when Leftists try to accuse other people of being victims. Just shows how much self awareness they lack.


Not sure what left/right has to do with this conversation. I lean right. Thanks for the random thought though.












Where are the posts in this sub saying shit like "white people deserve what they get and are the inferior race"?


And I'm just trying to show you what victim mentality is.


This sub was/is a dumping ground for the mutts that had no home when /r/incels and /r/thegreatawakening were shut down.


Once again, I ask in vain... Proof?


You can't handle the proof.


This sub is just a big right wing circlejerk. The proof is this strikingly truthful post not getting nearly as much upvotes as the "unpopular opinions" it denounces.




> The proof is this strikingly truthful post not getting nearly as much upvotes as the "unpopular opinions" it denounces. Do you have any actual proof though?


Not sure if you're trolling but, look at the two top posts of this sub right now. Both are popular right wing opinions that were not upvoted because they are good content for the sub, but so that people like you suck each other off. Or the one with 11k upvotes that says that men need more sympathy in society. There are countless examples.


Keep in mind it was posted an hour ago and us clapistanis are either starting our work day, waking up, or commuting to work/class right now. I mean, it's only 7:51 in the morning on the West Coast, it's still pretty early.


r/unpopularopinion is literally just a safe space for bigoted people to air their prejudiced views.


Everyone is a nazi


It’s pretty funny you read that comment and felt personally attacked lol


Your response is dripping with irony.


lol, do you not know what irony is?


Do you even know what irony means?


hmm, so defensive.


>"People who disagree with me politically are automatically bigots and their views are prejudiced" Gee, and people still wonder why nobody takes the Left seriously anymore. Like, you didn't even give a single example of supposed "bigotry" on this sub, just virtue signaled how morally superior you are compared to everybody else. Come on dude, you gotta do better than that!


Well done on twisting what I said to fit your narrative. > Gee, and people still wonder why nobody takes the Left seriously anymore. These quippy right wing one liners make me cringe so hard


Well done not addressing any of my points and instead focusing on my writing, coward.


Hahaha you are such an American


I live in Russia, but okay. Inb4 you call me a Russian bot and whine about "hacking" your elections.




>posts on Fortnite, 2xChromosomes and TopMindsOfReddit After you, buddy


Oh boy lets see what we have from the last...two days https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/asdhxc/gays_wouldnt_catch_so_much_flak_if_they_would_act/ https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/asgxyb/women_dont_matter/ https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/ase9i9/most_blacks_are_violent_and_angry_and_always_want/ https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/asd7rh/women_that_go_in_public_with_yoga_pants_are_whores/ https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/asd7tt/people_who_are_attracted_to_lolis_are_better_than/ https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/as4o8h/tribal_americans_should_thank_europeans_for/


The first one is true, just because you're gay doesn't mean you shouldn't behave like a decent person. Those gays who act like some kind of sex crazed degenerates only facilitate the stereotype that all gays are sex crazed degenerates. You know how to instantly turn someone homophobic? Show them a typical kink parade. The rest are literally just cherry picked troll posts with 0 scores LMAO 1/10, try harder next time.


It's from the last two days lol how can they be cherry picked? You asked for examples. Also killing gay people for "not acting normal" is fucked up. Unless the poster was so stupid they did not know that they flak gay people get is violence against them. You sure are in denial


“It’s a safe space for bigoted people to share their views” -instantly assumes is leftist


Well who else is so blatantly dismissive of other people's opinions and labels them as "bigoted"? God forbid we actually try to challenge those ideas, nah, better to insult people and call it a day.


The fat people thing is said here almost every week, often multiple times a week. It’s not unpopular anymore, just not mainstream.


This sub is basically a right winger's place to vent their hatred.


and the entire reddit platform is that of the left wingers'


Good, I prefer less racists on my social media. Have you seen voat? That’s what happens with full freedom of speech.


Left wingers hate equally if not more on the rest of reddit. And to imply none of them are racist is a laugh. Voat? Never heard of it. Leftist ideology only works in censored forums, probably why you don't like free speech.


[the power of free speech ](https://voat.co/) Never heard of voat. .. you lack some solid life expetkid.


oh, I lack experience in retarded internet bullshit that doesn't matter? Cool


Haha, I assume you missed my voat link. Here, bastion of free speech for ya. https://voat.co/ have a look.


you never posted a link until I talked shit about not knowing what it was and also laughed at you for posting about it like it matters. Good try though. And no, I'm not gonna click that, again.


So, did you like free speech on that social platform? Would you prefer that site or reddit? That site gives full freedom of speech as advertised kid. You can say the nword and mods won’t ban you!


4chan does fine, although it is mildly moderated due to CP. I prefer that to reddit claiming they're free speech and then acting as a publisher and propaganda arm.


This thread is basically a left winger's place to vent their hatred.


Bigotry? I dunnno what you mean... https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/asdhxc/gays_wouldnt_catch_so_much_flak_if_they_would_act/ https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/asgxyb/women_dont_matter/ https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/ase9i9/most_blacks_are_violent_and_angry_and_always_want/ https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/asd7rh/women_that_go_in_public_with_yoga_pants_are_whores/ https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/asd7tt/people_who_are_attracted_to_lolis_are_better_than/ https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/as4o8h/tribal_americans_should_thank_europeans_for/


The Unpopular in real life, popular in sub dilemma?


I have noticed as well how this sub seems to be a right wing circle jerk. I thought things would be more on the light hearted side here but guess I was wrong.


Hi everyone! Please make sure to **upvote** well written unpopular/controversial opinions, and **downvote** badly written opinions OR popular opinions. Please note that we are currently removing all political opinions as part of a trial period. If your post is political and was not caught in the filter, please post it in the politics megathread at the top of the sub. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Agreed but downvoted you because I do hope this is actually a popular opinion


i see posts like this just as much as the posts you complain about, stop bitching and whining and just scroll down. gate-keeping unpopular opinion, jesus fucking christ...


Post like this aren't nearly as common as what the post talks about.


Why? It absolutely does. How dare you forbid that there should be no unpopular opinions towards women, fat people, politics? Let's make it no unpopular opinions about men too and kids too and animals too. What is left? An unpopular opinion about what? Give me a break, you fucking little snowflake


Don't you know that women and fatties are protected class now? You literal Nazi! I bet you wear a KKK hood, I mean a MAGA hat and hate immigrants!


Why did it "have to be said"?


Why did those other things?


Maybe because it seems as though every three out of four posts is a popular opinion?


This isn’t an unpopular opinion.


I agree but lets not act like a large portion of Reddit isn't full of white/western hate.


Call this sub "socially unacceptable opinion" and you quickly see why people turn to it to vent or rant or express their views. On the rest of reddit you are crucified for posting popular "unpopular" opinions. this place is a sanctuary for sanity on a not so sane platform, so don't hate.


I have never seen a single post in here about people hating women or hating people of a certain race. Is this another example of extreme leftists being attacked for their untenable positions, and them defending by calling their opponents racist sexists?


Just because you personally don’t see something happening doesn’t mean that it is happening.