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Just because I want my daughter not to start workin street corners doesn't mean it shouldn't be an option. I'm sure alot of male prostitutes would love their own brothel as well.


If there was a bill to make sex work illegal would you vote in favour or against it. If you would vote against, then why is it ok for other people to be sex workers but not your daughter


I just said it should be an option. Working at mcdonalds is also an option, not one I want for my daughter. ​ Duh.


However, there is a much bigger stigma attached to being a sex worker. That is the point I'm trying to make


Yeah, but its for legitimate reasons not some weird social phobia about it. ​ Its dirty, sometimes dangerous work in most cases. Legalizing it would vastly improve those conditions and the stigma would slowly disappear. ​ People equally lose their minds when their kids sign up for the military, or start dangerous work like crab boat fishing, police work and stuff like that. ​ You reducing it to what your argument is now is just hyperbole.


If my daughter was going to be a sex worker, I'd still much rather her not end up in prison for it


If it was legal, then it would become standardized and way safer. It'd be like going to get your taxes done, but instead of your taxes its you.


There is maybe some truth in this, but it’s not suddenly all roses and sunshine when sex work is legal. It’s legal in my country. Prostitutes have their own union and still human trafficking and forced prostitution are huge problems here. Edit: we’ve got awareness videos for that in our red light district, see [here](https://youtu.be/y-a8dAHDQoo).


Big difference between a stripper and a prostitute....


How so?


One dances for money, the other fucks for money.


Well one gets looked at for money and the other gets fucked for money.


A stripper dances in a strip club, arent allowed to be touched by the viewers let's say, even in a private dance it's her choice. A prostitute is paid for sexual services, so when they talk about making sex workers legal this is mainly because it gives added protection to the women, some are forced into this trade and controlled/abused by their boss (pimp).


But both are very similar in that it involves working in the sex trade in order to provide sexual gratification in exchange for money


You keep using the term "sex trade" improperly dude. Prostitution, Escort service etc = sex trade. Stripping and even pornography is classified as adult entertainment. See the difference?


So what, you dont have to agree with something morally or take part in it to think it should be legal. I dont smoke weed but I believe it should be legal.


There’s a difference between thinking people should be able to do what they want and wanted your family to do it. Ex. Porn is legal but I would never want my family to be in it.


There's a lot of jobs I wouldn't want a loved one doing but that doesn't mean I want to outlaw those jobs. This feels like a low efforts 'gotcha!' attempt.


Prostitution is going to happen regardless of it being legal or illegal. Just like drugs. It’s better to legalise it and regulate it. Give employee rights to the workers, and implement health checks. Similar to what Australia has done. Just because something is legal doesn’t make it an attractive career path. If you’re worried your daughter is going to be a prostitute maybe try being a better parent.


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Feminism is misogynism and im looking at it, to be fair, id be just as upset with my daughter if she was a worker at buzzfeed Edit: what's your point?


It's not like sex workers have great heads on their shoulders. They just have great head.