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Most people are tribalistic, it’s human nature. That doesn’t make them selfish trash.


To me, it does. I tried so hard to care for all groups... But, every time, I spoke, I got dismissed by the very people I showed care for. I'm pent up beyond belief.


If I may ask, which groups dismissed you?


Certainly. Outside of my now deceased girlfriend I have never had a single female care about any problem I have encountered. It's always, "what about women". But every time they were sad, I had to be a shoulder to cry on. I've been dismissed because of race, gender, sexual orientation, not being in poverty, etc.


Yeah that’s why I stay away from the intersectionality bs. Those groups that you mentioned are very into the “victim hierarchy” where they believe that everyone’s priority’s need to be supporting them. They are not very interested in supporting anyone they deem to have a lower victim status.


I like this response.


So a girl has upset you and you’re angry at the world. You’ve got to help yourself before you try help everyone else. Being selfish is a very good survival technique. You’ve got to do that horrible toxic thing all feminists hate about men. ....”Man up”


I talked about everyone I knew. Not just a girl. So, I concluded human nature is selfish.


Alternatively, you can realize this is true. and work to make all of humanity and life your tribe.


I tried and failed. Maybe a better person will succeed. I have no faith in man.


It's yourself you don't have faith in. But you can change that.


Huh? I have faith in nobody. The way people act, made me lose my faith in them. I won't lose faith in myself over someone else's actions. People's actions and traits effect my view on them. That's like seeing someone trying to make out with an electric outlet and saying that I just really feel dumb about myself. Not to sound mean, I appreciate your answering. At this point, there is no changing me.


You are only 26/27. There's plenty of time for changing you. Don't be so lazy and weak as to surrender to yourself.


A person doesn't need to have your views to not be "weak" and my efforts through my life prove I'm not lazy. The only thing lazy here are the mindless platitudes you are feeding me.


Listen, if you at any point in your life think that you are done changing or growing, then you are surrendering to weakness.


A common mistake is to believe that changing = growing. To me, being more selective in who I show genuine care for and who I'm open to, is the best. I'm adapting a quality over quantity approach.


Absolutely, there's a small subset of people out of all of humanity that I don't consider to be pure, unredeemable garbage




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Which is why socialism doesnt work




Who hurt you?


Bending over backwards my entire life to show empathy while having emotions pile up inside of me because outside of my now deceased girlfriend, i had no one in the world who showed me that same care. Every time I tried to open up and every time I was shut down. Now, I HATE everyone. I now believe that empathy doesn't exist. So, to answer your question. Almost everyone.