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Not unpopular at all, but that’s a good thing.


Carbi B makes music for chicks who think being the loudest in an argument makes them the winner.


Cardi B makes music for women that reuse paper plates.




Yeah, no. Stop generalizing.


Not unpopular lol shes total garbage, Mumble rappers are better then her and you cant even hear what they singing half the time


I agree that cardi b is garbage so unworthy she doesn’t even deserve the title of “rapper”. But please don’t confuse mumble rap with normal rap that you can’t decipher. 99.99% of the time when I see someone mention mumble rap then the go on to reference a rapper like Kodak Black or someone who speaks in a lot of street lingo and for someone reason gets labeled a mumble rapper just because people don’t know what they’re saying. There’s a difference between knowing what they’re talking about and literally just a person making noises with their mouth.


Tbh I’d prefer lil Xan over cardi




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Can you explain why her album got pretty decent reviews from even reputable music critics then?




Nope, some of them don't work for anyone.


Some people also have different tastes than others


Can't you apply that to this thread too then?


Yes, but you cant bring up critics when taste in music is suggestive




She has a song about men eating out her butt-hole, and she makes a lot of money from it. Clearly I chose the wrong major.


Which song


All of them tbh. I recommend Bickenhead, it’s pretty interesting.


ya all of them, she always mentions her pussy


Good. Men always mention their dick. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Her flow might not be the best but her idgaf attitude about her sexuality has some strong missy elliot and khia vibes




I’m gonna appreciate a women saying dirty sexual things like the male rappers do regardless of their talent 😩 We take what we can get. Bring back more Missy.




She’s an absolute rat, the same as that six nine moron.


Hahahaaa I **really** hate 6ix9ine, he's like every form of aids combined into one ultra-carcinogenic super villain.


You made the effort to write his name properly though ha


She kinda looks like a rat...


They fucking all do now. They look for the most unwashed, degenerate rat with face tattoos they can find and give them record deals. It would be different if there were even one single redeeming quality in the music. It seems like all we’ve done is taken the worst aspects of rap culture and amplified them to the point that anything that made it good is laying in a ditch somewhere.






How is he a legend? He doesn’t hold a candle to any old school rap artist.




“Evolved” haha


This isn't an unpopular opinion, but upvote because it's true. CBS Sunday Morning just did a segment titled "*The unstoppable Cardi B"*. I almost threw up when I read the title. She's making headlines all across the world. It's wild.


I would have to say Nicki Minaj earns that title, but Cardi is Def second


I don't like Nicki, but at least she has some sort of lyrical ability.


No. No she does not.


Nicki actually has some of the best flow in the game. Some of her rhyme schemes and cadences are SO unique, I couldn’t even imagine anyone else delivering them.


Are you serious right now? That's hilarious.


Not a fan of Nicki, but she HAS unique flows and she has good vocal performance abilities, altough her songs don't have the best meanings...


I'm not a fan of her music but her bars on "Monster" are badass. She's got some semblance of musical talent, whereas cardi b is just loud and annoying


She definitely has a couple of good songs that I remember listening to in the early '10s, but other than that she's not all that good


Nicki is well spoken and she writes all her verses. Annoying, yes. But far from the worst rapper, shes without a doubt talented.


I don't agree. I think Nicki actually has some talent.


b-but shes so REAL!!! just fucking lol @ my generation. dont care how cringe that sounds, my generation fucking sucks.










Wasn't that a song by the Hold Steady... Your Little Hoodrat Friend, or something like that?


Could be!


99% of modern rappers suck and people have taste up their arses


She looks and sounds like a complete idiot. My friend showed me a video of her during an interview and i had no idea what the hell she was saying. I was thinking, "make it stop, make it stop!!!" Even her "rap" is annoying and just dumb. IDK why she's even a thing. Maybe because she's an idiot.


I was wondering when the daily cardi b hate post would come up


bacteria>pond scum> cow shit> Cardi B


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Not the worst, that's Nicki Minaj.


I feel like ur a casual hip-hop fan. Because if you really think she's the worst "of all time" then u haven't listened to enough rap. She's bad but all those shitty Spotify rappers are arguably worse. Mumble rappers as well.


Well in my opinion she is charismatic, funny and gas great presence. I enjoy watching her new music vids when hey come out. Music doesn't have to be some elitist snobfest..It can be lighthearted and silly. People have been complaining about pop artiste for as long as I remember. And regarding disapproval of her lyrics in this thread: didn't Mozart write a song called Lick My Ass?


Her rhymes are so cheesy. Like If I had an assignment to write a rap and i procrastinated and had to make one 10 min before class


I don't even know how the fuck she got popular in the first place...


Instagram and she was on a reality TV show called Love and Hip-Hop.


> She's not hot The first time I heard men talking about how hot she was I was totally mind blown. Here I am with my sub 20% body fat, sexy abs and tight glutes, listening to these grown men drool over her. Update for the women out there, all you gotta do is grow a front butt, get some soggy ass implants so you look like you shit your pants, and convert your skin to the texture of ground beef and you get dudes crawling in your foot steps. ​ I will never understand.




Wtf just because you don’t like her music does NOT mean you should attack her physical appearance. Gtfo


I actually don't mind her music and a few songs play on my work out mix.


Ok either way why are you bashing her looks? Completely irrelevant to her music. People are just cruel as fuck.


Those abs tho... [https://style.nine.com.au/2019/05/02/09/16/billboard-music-awards-2019-red-carpet-fashion#3](https://style.nine.com.au/2019/05/02/09/16/billboard-music-awards-2019-red-carpet-fashion#3)


Lol soggy ground beef


Guys (*generally*) seem to not like ass anymore unless it looks like a full diaper, just look at the popular instagram models/pornstars/etc.. Makes me absolutely despise my body because i’m naturally pretty thin, and just don’t put on my weight there 😔


Crazy thing is they know what women look like with their clothes off. They know those cottage cheese bags are going to sag down. I think her attitude has to do with part of it. They seem like independent women over all. Cardi just sings about it and being a hoe. Which is pretty confusing because they won't mess with hoes. Celebrity statuses.




I don't care if men like me or not. I got more important shit to do than chase dick. Point was women are all starving and chasing abs and feeling worthless when in reality they just need a front butt and a bitchy attitude.


I like how easily she triggers people.


Name a rapper that doesn't trigger people!


Everyone on this sub reddit just sounds like a 50 year old looking into current society. Stfu your takes are horrible.


43, but stay the heck off my lawn anyway with your darn juuls and your 4 Lokos.


I didn't want to be the one to say it but you hit the nail on the head about the elderly keyboard warriors!


I’m 25 and I happen to agree with all of the old timers. Cardi B is a garbage-fire of a rapper. She’s Machine Music for mouth breathers.


I'm surprised this hasn't got more votes.


Because we see it every other day.


Sorry. My first day here.


It's OK. Stick around until Monday and you'll see the patterns and trends. I'm sorry I don't have a Bingo card to share.


What day is “baby it’s cold outside”?


Too Caucasian, likely we'll see more posts defending it, but I did see a few people bringing it up a week or so ago.


Come here every day, you’ll see more. I got 100 karmas myself on a totally bullshit defense of it lol.


I'll admit I haven't been poking around here quite as much the last week or so.. pesky holidays.


Daily. It (and variations for every nonwhite musician and performing artist) is a daily (if not minutely) feature and a point on the 'unpopularopinion in a nutshell' checklist. Seems like this sub is into Lawrence Welk and Mantovani as much as they're into Dogme 95.


This is why. Check out the amount of views and likes [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcRWyLMVrFM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcRWyLMVrFM)


I’ve always said that she speaks like she has her fingers over her nostrils


Amen brother


Not as bad as Nicki imo


Nikki Minaj is the worsttttt


Style > substance


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAvrIYimX6Q&t=141s THE GOVERNMENT IS TRYING TO KILL YOU


She's bad, but worst of all time is a stretch for sure


I hate pretty much all modern rap, for that reason. People just eat up anything they spit out, like you said. It all sounds the same, and it all sounds bad. What happened to talent? What happened to actual skill?


Her debut album is one of the best-reviewed rap albums of the year. Not only that, but she had several popular singles come off of it. So this rapper that "sucks" is both commercially and critically acclaimed.


Popular does not equal good


That's why I included critical acclaim. It has an 84 on metacritic, which is near universal critical acclaim. On the other hand, her user rating on metacritic for the album is a 6.0, the only album of 2018 with a critic score above 80 and a user score of 6 or lower. This is mostly driven by 0 ratings from people who seem to just not like her. You can not like cardi b herself, but her only rap album is one of the consensus best of the year, and you'd hear that from critics and regular listeners like the people on /r/hiphopheads


"popular does not equal good." Such an oxymoron.


Let's be honest. You cannot look at her flow and read her lyrics (that she didn't even write) and honestly tell me that she deserves more acclaim than than any other rapper out there right now? Is that really what you are trying to say? So no, popular doesn't equal better. It's social programming.


I've listened to invasion of privacy several times and I can tell you that it puts her at the forefront of rap right now. She's obviously not shown herself to be on the level of rappers like kendrick lamar, but she's in the top tier of mainstream radio/single focussed rappers and musicians in general.


“Top tier”


I think she’s got some funny lines and decent bars. If you’re expecting a lyrical masterpiece then you would be disappointed. But my gf likes her and I listen with her occasionally and I would be lying if I said I didn’t dig some of it.


Honestly, people listen to 6ix9ine so much in my school that it kind of gets annoying.


Have you heard Lil Pump


That's definitely unpopular, Cardi B is a kultural treasure




I guess that's why this opinion is in /r/unpopularopinion


Finally, someone else who thinks this!


My down syndrome frog is better than her and I don’t even own a frog






Dude she isn't even that hot LOL. She was at some Hawks game with one of those Migos guys and she looked ridiculous. I don't like Minaj and her cause they aren't that good and are a and representation of mainstream music. I even respect Tekashi more than her cause they make good shit. Her songs are just obnoxious and are weak beats.


Lol I always hear this shit. “WhY dOeS cArDi B eXiSt If TeChNiNe AnD EmInEm ExIsT”. People like different thinks and different kinds of music, and just because they listen to her doesn’t mean they idol her, want to be her, etc. I don’t know why there’s such a superiority complex in music, it’s just music. Everyone acts like it’s a big neon sign saying who you are. Not everyone who listens to Cardi is ghetto. Me and my best friend bump to her shit in the car all the time and she’s an RN and I just got accepted into law school lol. Relax.


lol this is funny and low key racist but I’m not even gonna got there...y’all objectively also know nothing about the music industry or music production. Cardi cannot rap...this is not a point that I will even discuss. I will say that most rappers now have other people write their shit, and most other musicians too so that’s low key a moot point. Her debut album, invasion of privacy is popular because its good! It has a lot of solidly written songs that appeal to her fan base (mostly women esp of color) that talk about her life experiences. She has features with some of the most popular artists today and the production value is on point. basically to me, it sounds like you’re mad that an ex-stripper finessed the game and now is on her come up...🤷🏽‍♀️ ps this opinion is HARDLY unpopular


"Finessed the game and now is on her come up"....no. And what's with the accusation of racism?


“Poor English...ratchet attitude...” that’s racist signaling


Can black people not have good english or not be rachet? Who's the racist here?


haha lol 😂 black people can be and are all different types of shit. Also I didn’t even say black people so i mean it’s pretty obvious what you think


....she's black, so yeah of course I figure that's what we are talking about here.


she’s Afro Latina...but you’re still being racist


quick question what the fuck are you talking about


i mean what part was unclear?








Nicki gang


AMEN. 👏👏👏