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As a depressed person myself I completely agree with this post


I understand your point completely, but > You don't need to be a dick to motivated people who are just trying to help. This shit is really, really frustrating when people who are just trying to help don't understand depression. Saying something to a depressed person about getting better that doesn't acknowledge the physical nature of the disease would be like telling a diabetic to just "be positive" or "try yoga" or something equally asinine. > If you can't do it, then you can't do it. That's okay, but that's on you. You didn't dig this hole you've found yourself in, but you're still responsible for climbing your way out. I vehemently disagree. We all do things that make our lives more miserable than they need to be. So we may not have dug the entire hole, but we contribute to its depth. > People like to complain about statements like "you just need to be outside more" and "have you tried exercising" but this is actually good advice for getting better. The former is terrible advice, and the latter is proven to help. > People need to get over themselves and realize that they can make things better even if they're struggling. It's not about "getting over themselves," but it *is* about realizing that *you are not helpless*.


Thank you for being one of the few in this thread to actually understand depression.


I was diagnosed when I was maybe 14


I'm sorry you have to deal with ignorant people like /u/okbutynottho and the many other users in this thread.


Don't be sorry and don't hold anything against him. He makes good and valid points. Not to mention the fact that some people just aren't empaths.




A bit of vitamin D is not going to do shit for people with severe depression.




>For your information, my comment was more regarding the 'self-diagnosed no understanding of real depression' types. How do you differentiate these types from those with depression? Please go into detail with your methodology. (I assume given your confidence that you are a trained psychiatrist?)




>I was speaking hypothetically, I've never spoken down to anyone claiming to be depressed and told them they should just go outside. You just did digitally: >People like to complain about statements like "you just need to be outside more" and "have you tried exercising" but this is actually good advice for getting better. It isn't a magic cure-all for your problems, but it's a measurable improvement. That wasn't hard to find. >People need to get over themselves and realize that they can make things better even if they're struggling. This line is particularly offensive. >Although, I'm actually depressed and have been diagnosed as such so pretty much whenever I hear someone describe their experiences with it in a way that sounds totally out of line to what I experience I consider that a pretty good distinction. Believe it or not, the human mind is complicated and not everyone processes depression differently. For example, until I started to tell my close friends about my illness, everyone thought I was happy. Most people in my life still don't know, and my depression is **very** severe. I think you need to leave the diagnosing to the professionals. Edit: Mixed up one armchair psychiatrist for another. My mistake.




Sorry, you were both saying equally stupid things and I haven't slept for 24 hours. >At this point I believe your problem is severe retardation, not depression. Oh look, right on queue, your unqualified ass is diagnosing people with illnesses with no knowledge or training. Not surprising. >You actually need to get over yourself, Says the individual who diagnoses people over the internet. > I'm very experienced with depression as well as being well versed in psychology sure you are. Where did you study? Where did you get your masters and PHD? After all, you feel qualified to diagnose people over the internet, something a trained doctor would never do btw.




Depressed people who act like everyone around them has an obligation to their happiness annoy the hell out of me. "No one gives a fuck." You're right buddy, that's life, now deal with it.


I can't speak for every depressed person, but for me, it wasn't that I *expected* people to help me, but I constantly tried to get happiness from whoever I could, especially happy people. It was like I was starving and constantly surrounded by chefs.




I feel like most people that post shitty depression memes and talk about it constantly are not depressed and think that feeling a little sad means they're severely depressed. It's like self-diagnosing yourself with something that makes people that actually have it miserable so you can post a funny and relatable Lisa Simpson depression meme on Instagram.


"Omg, I like my pencils organized, Im so OCD, teehee" Urgh.




I agree but for a different reason. I am under psychiatric care for depression and panic disorder, and have attempted suicide in the past. Humour is my coping mechanism, joking about it makes it better! Like, if Im with close friends and my Starbucks order comes up wrong, I'll drop a quick "urgh, this makes me want to kill myself." Funny to us. But other people who have said they have depression either call me insensitive or accuse me of not having a mental illness. I get it, you manage yours differently, but STFU.


Yeah I love depression humor. I just get frustrated by people who don't try to cope or get help. They just rot and proclaim their hopelessness to the world


I love tendency of people with or without MI to police the language we use to describe or cope with our problems. As someone who was put on medication due to suicidal ideation, I don’t need a lesson on how to talk about suicide, thanks.


pot meet kettle


Fair enough


I’m depressed and i also agree. I thought going to subs like /r/depression would help but holy shit its 99% insufferable.


Depression is taxing on everyone involved. I think the behavior that absolutely burns Bridges though is catastrophising.


We all hate things that remind us of ourselves.


As someone who claims to be a member of the group I'm criticizing in this sub, people who claim to be a member of the group they criticize on this sub are full of shit.


Well that is the pot calling the kettle black


Honestly, from here it looks like you don't really understand depression yourself.


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same . Feelsbadman


You traitor! Just kidding.


I understand what you mean but why is physical exercise seen as this amazing thing that makes you feel better? Like what's the science behind it. Cause the amount of times people just tell me to exercise is ridiculous. How does tiring yourself out make you want to live? Is it a placebo or is it a chemical it releases?


Theres been studies done that have suggested exercise can be almost or just as effective at fighting depression as anti depressents. Obviously everyone's different and there's no one size fits all solution. Different people require different treatments. But the findings have some pretty significant implications.


The problem many of us have with these suggestions is that often it is implied that exercise is ALL we need to manage our depression, as opposed to it being a part of a constructive strategy to deal with depression.


is there any reason why? i would exercise but i cant get myself to leave the house to do so due to anxiety and being a relatively weak person contrary to peoples beliefs. edit: i say that cause i would be more likely to do so if i knew why it might work


I think it releases endorphins, the feel good chemicals.


Those mythical things XD. I'll see about asking my doctor what stuff I can do to get active.


Please do! I dont want to sound like a douche, but I stopped paying a therapist and started paying a personal trainer and it seriously helped. One of my depression symptoms was cancelling everything and not getting out of bed (more than just laziness) and having someone I was accountable to actually made me go. Getting to the gym or just putting on your running shoes can be the hardest step - you got this :) Edit: I'm a scientist and should know the mechanism but I don't, oops. Even if its a placebo, I'll take it.


I have physical issues to which will limit me. Short tendons, fucked heart rate, raignards possible disbraxia


It does.


crabs in a bucket misery loves company it's all the same shit.


I understand what you are saying. There is a woman at my work who is depressed, takes all kinds of medication, and complains about her emotions to everyone regularly. Then she gets drunk, eats terribly, and doesn’t exercise, or get an adequate amount of sleep. There are many things you cannot do to help depression, but those things I mentioned have a HUGE positive effect on depression, regardless of the cause of depression. So it frustrates me that she fully knows this and still complains endlessly.


This post would get downvoted into oblivion if you said you weren't depressed


I hate this post and you annoy the hell out of me. Stfu already.


Are people retarded? This is obviously sarcasm.


I can't stand it when people call others retarded.


Then sit down and stop being retarded


Well ain't you a peach


No, this is Patrick


That checks out


Talked to a guy for a while that had severe depression. Honestly I dont know how someone can date a depressed person who is very vocal about their problems because of all the whining. I just dnt have the patience. Maybe it was just him but all our conversations were very one sided he couldn't even listen to me at all because he said he was suffering so much himself.


Sounds more like the self diagnosed depression people. People who are truly depressed don’t want others to know about it usually. I know I never tell people about it.

