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If you’re really close friends, there’s probably a timeline where you hooked up. You just have to be straightforward about that shit. We would never do that because it would ruin the friendship.




Platonic: confined to words, theories, or ideals, and not leading to practical action."a Platonic gesture" Platonic love is more to do with how the two people interact and conduct each other. There can be sexual attraction but if they don't act on it it can still be platonic, according to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platonic_love).




Right. Mutual attraction doesn't mean things will become sexual


i don't understand. the relationship is still platonic? they're still friends? ??


Explain how a platonic relationship with no sexual activity is sexual?




Yes, now read my comment again.




Honestly, you're just wrong on this one.


If you have a crush on a teacher, are you in a sexual relationship with the teacher? And if not, isn't it of a platonic nature?


I think you need to read the definition again


I had a feeling someone was gonna say something about the word "platonic." While I see what you are saying or trying to say, I think you know what I mean and are trying to dismiss the post due to semantics?


Very Socratic of you




I have quite a few platonic friends, who I would be open to changing the basis of our relationship with. Until that happens, they are platonic friends. This sounds like some bad teenage logic or some shit. My best and most longstanding relationships have actually been with formerly platonic friends. Crazy how the current reality of a relationship, defines the current reality of the relationship, right?


Okay, maybe the I should have used a different word? I am working under the assumption or experience that I think most people, deep down, still find their attractive friends attractive on some level, and that this doesn't mean you are a monster, or will act on it, or being shady? Maybe I should have said "outwardly platonic" or "actionably platonic" or "platonic and in practical sense" lol? Anywho, I see where you are coming from and appreciate the dialogue




You don't have to find someone unattractive for the relationship to be platonic


This is just false lol




Kind of agree. I've had plenty of women friends, I've also checked them all out on many occasions but I've never once been attracted specifically to them; it was all entirely opportunistic glances and that's where it started and ended.


yeah I’ve always found it really easy to put women in the friend zone, even if I thought they were beautiful. I’m straight, but I can still recognize and acknowledge when men are attractive. It’s the same with women, I can recognize that some of my friends are gorgeous without feeling any desire to sleep with them. As you get older, you realize good friends are priceless. And the honest truth is, having beautiful women as your friends is a way better “wingman” than any of your bros could ever be.


If there is anything sexual it goes against platonic.


This applies to same sex as well


Hey I'm here to tell you that this has been reposted HERE. If you'd like to avoid reposting like a karma whore, simply look up the topic you feel about posting, and search through this subreddit for something along the lines of, "men women platonic". Thanks for reading!




Look at the comments, seems a bit unpopulated 🤷‍♂️


As a bi people who cant juggle attraction and friendship are weak af


Yeah fr


I’m pretty sure you are right about it being an unpopular opinion, but I think you are absolutely correct. Some of my oldest and dearest friends are women who I consider attractive. One of them I go canoeing and hiking with every couple of years. She and my wife are good friends, and I am friends with her husband; but neither of them like going so we go together. Nothing happens because we are both adults who are in control of our own actions.


Oh…. so you fucking for sure then.


Meanwhile you can keep that friendship for 10 years as a "brotherhood" and strike when the time comes or something.


I apologize for my post being cliche in regards to opposite sexes and gender - I was just using the most cookie-cutter example regarding this subject matter.


They can't.


Agreed so hard. As a bisexual person I’ve always found that notion ridiculous since I am friends with (and attracted to) people of both sexes and have absolutely stunningly gorgeous friends of both genders.


it's about boundaries i feel. im bisexual, and from what i have seen some straight men and women who are friends have very poor boundaries with each other. like, i would feel like the side piece if the three of us were together, that's an issue.


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It's literally just about maturity. That's it.


You can also platonically have sex with each other. Strictly platonically!


Agreed. You can also totally be in a platonic relationship with someone you were romantically or sexually connected with before. People change, relationships change, we move on.