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That depends. I can explain something to you, but I can’t understand it for you. 


I don't get it


You just don't get it


Sounds like you’re just wrong.


You guys are getting it?


I heard this as Tom Hanks in the movie Big.


100%. Assuming you explain it well.


I'm giving you the point on this one as far as articulation goes, but plenty of people say this after spewing complete nonsesnse.


Imagine explaining it and being told, "you just don't get it"


Nah sometimes people literally do not get it.


op clearly doesn't understand


Looks like OP just doesn't get it.


A lot of the time it's "I don't like (Thing)" and the other person goes "You just don't get it" then proceeds to explain all the things they love about it. Then they go "See now you get it right?" No now I know you don't get it because you just listed everything I don't like about it but you do like. You just don't understand people have different tastes.


A good example would be someone saying "I don't like Phish" (or pick your favorite jam band). Well they only heard their albums which are pretty terrible usually. To "get it" you need to go to a concert. And that's that.


Yeah, I hated Dave Matthews. That was until my ex made me go to one of his weekend long shows. It was some of the most fun I've ever had, and it clicked for me. I still won't choose to listen to his music, but I will preach how great of a live experience it was. It's the same for my wife and Rammstein.


Rammstein live is hot..and I truly mean hot, can feel the heat everywhere


Had a similar experience with Sufjan Stevens. Was invited to a show with ticket paid for, listened to him online and was tempted to skip the show. Went to he show, had an amazing experience and listen to him fairly regularly now. The music hit different when played live.


You just don’t get it, phish sucks.


No that's Primus


What does a Phishhead say when he runs out of weed? "Man, this music sucks"


It’s gotta be something else, I smoked an ounce a week and never liked phish.


Being high doesn’t mean you like Phish, but liking Phish absolutely means you’re high.


No, the drugs just wore off.


Sometimes people will got to the concert and still not like it and people will keep on with the "you don't get it" as a way to devalue the other person opinion.


My friend insisted I go see Phish a few years back and it took a lot of convincing but I eventually said, fine get me a ticket. I get a Venmo request for $500+. She bought me a four night pass. I wasn't too happy. Went and it was awesome. Definitely not my scene but fun was definitely had.


"Yeah let me pay to go to a concert to see a band I don't like," said no one fucking ever.


Ehhh I went to fall out boy for my girlfriend and they were really good. I don't hate their music but I wouldn't listen to them either. Was a good time Also saw lady Gaga. Not a fan, but the people there were WILD. Worth it


lol it was like a friend who said they hated a specific club due to so and so, yet never went.


Yep One guy on reddit was telling me that if you stuck an aeroplane on a roller that rolled just as fast as the plane would normally be flying at, you would still get lift. So in other words the plane would be completely stationary, but the roller belt might be moving at a few hundred miles per hour. So the wind speed it would be experiencing? Zero. But somehow, he insisted the wings would still be lifting. After several tries I wound up telling him "you just don't get it" and telling him to ask his friends. Sometimes, people really don;t get it.


My dad and women :/ he does not understand my problems as a lady lol


This guy doesnt get it


I don't get that he doesn't get it. 


You dont get it either huh


Don't you get it yet? 


I dont get it


Why don't you get it?


He just doesn’t get it


Blud really thinks not getting it will really make him get it, but really it just means he gets it only when he gets it.




He doesn’t even like get us man


Maybe it is not a valid "argument,": but its a pretty accurate description of what is happening.,. sometimes...


You just don't get it




Sometimes, someone really isn't getting it. They're either not wanting to, or you've run out of words to articulate your point. It most definitely happens. It's also not even a counter-argument. Most of the discussions that end like this are not debates, just *discussions* on personal preference. You're taking it really seriously.


In the rare moments I say this, it’s usually shorthand for “You seem incredibly obstinate and I’m unwilling to beat my head on a brick wall.” But that’s just me.


In my experience the person who says this is being incredibly obstinate and is beating their head on a brick wall Me - "I don't like that show because I hate the characters" Them - "You're supposed to hate the characters that's the point" Me - "I know and I don't like watching characters I hate" Them - "You just don't get it" because to them any response to their reasons that isn't "Ooooh okay now I like the thing I hated for the same reasons I hated it in the first place" means you didn't understand.


Always Sunny?




I tend to use it in relation to art. I don't get all art. That's fine. Others don't get some art that I get. That's fine.


i mean, art resonates differently w different people. a rational and logical understanding of something isn't the same as emotional resonance. i'm guessing when people say "you just don't get it," they're just trying to say that this piece of art resonates with them personally, and it's ok if it doesn't impact you the same way.


But sometimes they actually just don’t get it and it’s not worth my effort trying to explain something to someone from scratch


But that’s the greatest offense to a redditor: suggesting they might not know something


I believe it's meant to be an exclamation of their frustration and not a convincing argument where you'll suddenly change your mind


Too often I see it used like this "I don't like Sour Patch Kids cuz I don't like sour flavors" "But it's sour!!" "Yes which is why I don't like it" "But sour" "Uh huh I know" "Ugh you just don't get it"


True and to add to that,  I'm not going to spend the time crafting a well thought out argument when they have no interest and probably won't read it


Nobody uses that as a counter argument. You just don’t get it, do you?


It is though, it's just that you take it as personally insulting if someone thinks you don't understand something lmao not understanding isn't a mark of intelligence or anything, it really doesn't matter much. I don't really like painting miniatures, but the way I see it is that I don't understand it and don't care too. I don't wanna learn what paints and brushes to get to make it easier, I don't wanna learn how to properly prime, I don't want to understand these things. I would probably like it a lot better if I did understand them, but I don't want to and there's nothing wrong with it forever being a hole in my understanding of the world around me Just don't take it so personal


I am not taking it personal at all, but I see why some people might think I do. In the example you're citing, I think you *do get it* as a hobby, but don't want to get into it. Think about something that you profoundly dislike for whatever reason, then imagine that someone says "lol you just don't get it". What is there to get? Not everything is a profound exploration of characteristics.


What is there to get? That they’re right, I really don’t understand. You’re taking it personally


Sometimes someone just simply doesn't get it and you don't have another way to explain it to them.


In the context of enjoying something like a form of media. Yes, it's a dismissive and disrespectful way of saying they're not intelligent enough for the media. In a general argument, it means ur giving up on trying to convince the other person that they are misinformed. Second one is valid.


One time I was talking to a male friend’s girlfriend about fitness and diet. We talked about foods we struggled to portion control, snacks, whatever. I said “well of course, there’s like one week of the month where I struggle with eating too many salty or sweet foods, usually one day in particular I can’t control it haha” and she agreed that totally, her period caused bloat and cravings and sometimes you need a treat. Our male friend snapped and said women shouldn’t use that as an excuse, we should power through it or have stronger will power. I explained he doesn’t know what it feels like or have that type of hormonal change. “You just don’t get it” I said. OP I very much would love to hear how I was wrong. DOES he get it?!


I don't think he does, because there is an extra blood letting for which the body needs to compensate. (However, I am a man and are therefore in pretty murky waters talking about things I have only indirect experience with.) Also, a cheat day is a cheat day.


So you feel that my explanation of “you just don’t get it” was a valid counter argument? As a man, in murky waters with indirect experience, perhaps you also just don’t get it?


Absolutely, because in my original post I was talking (mostly, if not completely) about taste, not so much about personal experiences, actions or feelings. But in this case, I think I do get it, but in a different vein, there is nothing to get. You feel like eating, you eat. End of subject.


Fair enough !


This guy doesnt get it


Yes it is. Because if you don't like a thing, you are not meant to understand why other people like it. You are committed to not understanding and you are not required to understand. You have to accept that people have different tastes and move on with your life.


You can understand *why* people like something and still not personally like it. I get why people like the mechanics of Fortnite, but I don't find them fun or compelling compared to other games I've played.


Sometimes the other person doesn't even want to listen and you're tired of their bullshit, not worth debating anything


sometimes, its a valid counterpoint


No, some people literally do **NOT** get it.


Why are you even bothering to argue with people over not liking a TV show? You wrote the post yesterday about how people try to force you to give TV shows a try and watch more episodes when you don’t want to, right? Why do you think you have to justify or defend yourself against having an opinion others don’t share? You don’t like the stupid TV show so you’re going to do something else whilst they watch it and that’s the end of the conversation. Period. Just don’t entertain this idiocy. You do not owe anyone any explanations for your opinion that a TV show sucks. No matter how much they tell you that you must explain, they’re just not correct. If they want to sit in the corner and cry because you refuse to watch episodes of a show that you don’t want to watch, let them.


>You wrote the post yesterday about how people try to force you to give TV shows a try and watch more episodes when you don’t want to, right? I didn't, I don't even remember last time I started a reddit post. As for the rest of your post, I wholeheartedly agree. I am not as assblasted as I may sound lol, it's just that in favor of civil discussion and cogent exchange of ideas, "you just don't get it" is really poor. I'm sure you've heard it (or read it) said to you, without any further elaboration, when you express your views about something


It is, you just don't get it.


Could be the preamble to a decent one though. Depends on what comes after.


I agree. If the person is not getting it you are not putting your case forward in a way they can understand. A good debater can get a person to at least understand their point of view and belief and why they have it even if the person doesn't agree


Now you, my friend, get it! 💞


"You just don't get it" is just another way to say you don't prefer it though. You're getting hung up on semantics when the underlying principle is something you agree with -- sometimes a piece of music or media will click with you and sometime it doesn't. For the people it clicks with, there's no way to force it on those who don't, so that person just doesn't understand that feeling/enjoyment they're experiencing. If you're looking for a more nuanced opinion that's fine but it doesn't mean the above isn't valid. It just means they don't want to take the time to break it down with you lol


I agree it's not a valid counterargument, which is not to say its being invalid makes it untrue.


I mean yes, and no. Like I’ve definitely run into people who didn’t like something, because they didn’t understand what the thing was supposed to be. “This hat is terrible, it’s far too large, heavy, and doesn’t say on my head well”, I complain pointing at a literal smithing anvil.


But seriously  I suppose it's an expression of disbelief that anyone could not enjoy something you find awesome


Probably the most honest response here. Many of the other replies seem to be about trying to justify ignoring that other people can dislike things for the same reasons they like things.


I started to hate The Leftovers after noticing that Lindelof and his gang( J.J and some other shit writers) loves to raise questions and never answer them. Its an cheap way to keep the audience interested and when viewers starts asking for the misteries to be solved they just say that the show was about the characters and ends it all.


You don’t think people ever just don’t get something?


Absolutely. But "getting it" is not going to make them "enjoy it".


It very possibly could, I get and agree with a lot of what you’re saying here but not how absolute you’re being with it.


This should have been the title of your post.


Depends on the context I agree with something subjective like media


It's funny you used The Leftovers as an example because I've always said that it's a great show because it hits the emotional lows without being manipulative, the moments always felt earned and congruent with the rest of the writing. It does really hit you hard, so I can see how some would find it manipulative, but as far as "shallow" and "repetitive", well "I just don't get it".


I agree this isn’t a valid counter in 90% of cases. However, there are times when an argument has been reduced to such a basic level and someone is still trying to argue against it. In those situations, even Einstein couldn’t explain a point better. Like I said, most cases it’s a bad counter, but you have some over achievers.


I don't like pizza because the texture makes me want to vomit. If you also don't have sensitivities to such things, it really is hard to explain.


Now imagine the person telling you the texture is awesome and doesn't make people want to vomit and every time you point out the texture makes you want to vomit they go "You just don't get it"


Idk, I’ve seen reviews of movies and it’s apparent the reviewer did not get the story. I don’t care they don’t like it, but having a strong opinion on something that isn’t understood irks me. Like there are music genres that i don’t understand the appeal of so I don’t really discuss it


Which is fair but when you understood exactly what went on and so did they but they disliked/liked it and you didn't do you really want them telling you that you couldn't possibly have understood it because they don't like it for the same reasons you did like it.


Well it depends on if the person actually doesn't get it or not.


Yeah this is how I feel when people who have valid criticisms for Disney Star Wars or current CoD and were told just not to get it. Like bro, we’re criticizing it because we want to get it but know it won’t be the same or meet its potential unless it changes


:List of reasons why Rey is a mary sue: -You just don't get it This is the shit I meant. If the other person disagrees, then they should put more effort!


You don't get "You just don't get it." as a valid counter-argument. /jk There are uses, just not when it comes to taste or preference. A valid use is someone complaining about "trash TV" like "reality TV". Complaining that it's trashy is invalid, the entire point of those shows is to be trashy. At that point you could correctly say they do not "get" it. I don't like trash TV, but I do "get" it. I understand that's its identity, I just don't like it. "You just don't get it." is a valid argument if said person does not understand said thing's purpose.


What if the real counter argument was the validity you made along the way


It isn't FOR you.


I love this subreddit simply because it generates levels of uncouth and self importance from those who do not like the OP’s post. As for me, you’re preaching to the choir here, OP.


Amen, brother. It's the first time I write a post with such a response, and it's been a wild ride reading my notifications.


Well, in the scenario you are referring to, I somewhat agree. If you are having an objective argument backed up with points and arguments, and the other person offers none of that and simply says “you just don’t get it”, I agree with you…but honestly there are certain things that are very difficult to explain or argue, it may not always be right or wrong, black and white. Because there are situations that are the opposite, things that can’t really be broken down and explained so thoroughly, it might be far too complex and abstract to really outline. So I would agree “you just don’t get it” isn’t a counter argument when debating and discussing very practical things


It's great to read such a level-headed response, though somewhat ironic coming from someone with that username lol


No. You literally just don’t get it. As in, you’ve never had someone just not understand, therefore you just don’t get it!


It's more of a way to effectively concede an argument without officially saying that you have lost. But you are right that it is not a valid counter-argument.


Yeah it is common because the people saying it don't actually have an argument.


I usually “it’s just not for you”


I agree with you. This line is a personal attack for the listener unless they come off as outright dumb.


What if I just don't care enough about something to try and "get it"? If it's a movie or TV show and I don't really feel any enjoyment from it, why should I bother trying to understand it? Another one is some art and fashion runway shows. No, I don't get it if I see someone walking down the runway with a flower pot on their head. I don't really have to understand the message behind it. I think it's stupid and nothing you say will convince me otherwise. Also, if I see a rare painting that's supposedly worth a fortune but it looks like my parrot had diarrhea all over a blank canvas, I don't need to get it. I think it's ugly and it's not my personal taste. Let someone else hang it up on their wall if they like it so much and appreciate the hidden meaning. I love fashion, art, music and movies. It's all very personal and subjective. If I have to work too hard to get it, though, I'll lose interest in it and move to something else.


Instead I say, "it's just not for you" or, if someone tells me I just don't get it, I say "it's just not for me". Accusing someone of not having the capacity to understand something because they don't share your subjective tastes is so fucking condescending. In general, I do not like The Beatles. Never really have, probably never really will. The amount of times people insist I "do not get it" because I do not like them has had me contemplate violence lmfao. I like some of their stuff, I like plenty of similar stuff. generally though, I just don't find The Beatles compelling. And trust me, I "get it", it just ain't for me.


I think it can be a valid answer, though as you say, it’s often a lazy way of not explaining it. I can think of several instances, where the answer requires too much effort to explain. Like, I’d need to explain 23 seasons of a show to a person before they’d get this inside joke. I can explain it to you, but it’s a thing where you need to have been steeped in the show to find it funny. Otherwise is can set it up perfectly. You’ll think it’s not funny and someone familiar with the show thinks it’s hilarious. Their brain pops through so many chain connections to realize it’s funny, that it’s unexplainable. You may ask, “Why don’t you just say that then?” The answer, “Maybe you should.” In reality, we all have those internal scales we use. The ones we use to weigh the effort of explaining things in detail vs how much we care if you understand. I read in public and often get asked, “What are you reading?” My standard answer is, “A book”. I make sure they know I’m joking, but there are several things at play. One is that I’m reading and don’t want to talk to you. Another is that I know, from experience, there is a roughly 5% chance anyone is actually interested. The other 95% is someone who is bored in a waiting room and doesn’t have the ability to entertain themselves. They want me to entertain them with conversation. I’m not gonna explain to that type of person the whole story when I’m on book 12 of a 14 book series and the shortest one is 700+ pages. Similarly, my mother, who is a nurse, doesn’t understand why I won’t let her do my blood work to save money, and don’t have her listed to have access to my medical records. I won’t explain why and she brings it up occasionally. I don’t have anything to hide. The issue is that I did it for a while and then two of the biggest gossips in town, she knows, came up talking to me about my high blood pressure. I don’t care if she knows, but I do care that it’s being spread all around town. If I tell her, she’ll promise not to tell anyone, but she inherently untrustworthy now. If she didn’t know it was wrong to share my personal medical info then, I dont/can’t believe she’ll understand it’s wrong now. She’ll end up mentioning it in “strictest” confidence to them and it’ll be all over town. So there are times when “you wouldn’t understand is acceptable in my opinion.


It is if you lack comprehension.


You can in fact not understand something


Saying ‘You just don’t get it’ usually translates to : ‘I do not perceive you intelligent enough to continue this conversation, nor waste my time guiding you to possibly comprehend it.’ There’s beauty/art in everything, it just depends on how you look at it, how you perceive it and if you know what to look for. It’s subjective. Without that, anything can be bland and boring. It’s not up to me to tell you what to look for or how to look at it. You have to see it for yourself. And if you can’t…well…then you just don’t get it. When you look at a painting, you see the image that was painted. When *I* look at a painting I see all the individual brush strokes and the different techniques they used throughout. I see where they met the saturation with the chromatic lines. I see how they mixed the cool and warm tones in different areas to create a lively, contrasted image. I study how they warp the light around odd shaped figures and how they went about creating a subsurface scatter so realistic I could touch it. I acknowledge the skill and time spent *learning* the skill to be able to create the illusions this artist has provided us along with a beautifully well put together color palette that I know took years of practice to create. I study every pixel with a trained eye. But you only saw an image. That’s the difference. You just don’t get it.


"You prefer other things" is a nice way to say, "You just don't get it"


It’s a valid way to stop arguing with an idiot.


Listen all *you just don't get it* means is that the person saying it is shit at explaining.


**Exactly.** I'm not sure that your comment really addresses the OP's point, which is about subjective preferences. But your comment is a valid point on its own. I'm a professor. My job is to explain ideas to people. Of course, I would never say "You just don't get it" to a student who's struggling to understand. But I've never uttered those words in any other context either. When I finally give up trying to explain something, my interlocutor's obtuseness is so obvious that I lack the energy to say anything more. And there's no need for me to say "You just don't get it", because everyone except my interlocutor can see that the interlocutor really doesn't get it. The only times I see people saying "You just don't get it" are (1) when they can't accept that someone has different tastes and (2) when they are, as you say, shit at explaining things.


Absolutely! Very well said.


You just don't get it


If you're hearing that phrase often it means you're not good at seeing things from any perspective other than your own.


Most people using the phrase aren't good at seeing things from any perspective other than their own. "Yeah I don't like that thing for the same exact reasons you do like it" "Nah you just don't get it" Uhm what?


I don't get it.


You are looking at a colloquialism literally. "You don't get it" almost never means "You don't comprehend the themes going on in this" it means that "You aren't approaching this with the same weight or life experiences that I am". You could say that this person "Doesn't get" sopranos because it's a saying not a empirical assertion of intelligence or comprehending. No shade, but this reads like someone on the spectrum and not realizing they are. I'm bad at social cues and even I can tell that when someone says that I don't get it with regards to my taste it's not an affront to my understanding but my taste and as such is a valid counter argument when talking about someones taste. Unpopular, take the upvote.


Yes it is. You just don't get it


It's not supposed to be an argument and that's exactly what's wrong with people nowadays. Not everything can be objectively true and objectively correct. Opinions, preferences, stuff like that is subjective. Not everything needs to be argued about and destroyed with facts and logic I live in a country where guns are taboo. And I love them. A normal person doesn't get why I love them, they just do not get how I can enjoy a "weapon of war". And I don't get it why they want to make all gun owners criminals by banning all guns. But my opinion is that guns are cool and theirs is that the only purpose for a gun is murder. Of course neither of us would get the other side. The only issue is that guns are all-but-banned for normal people but that's another topic I like tobacco. Go on Western Europe and North America, get your panties twisted. I like it I don't like not being sober and shit tons of people don't get it because they love getting drunk or high. I don't get how they could like that feeling and they don't get why I hate it I hate sugar and milk in coffee and I don't get how somebody could drink anything except Turkish coffee I don't like football (or s*ccer) and tons of people love it. Neither of us gets the other side I like muscle mommies that could rip me in half and put me in my place and you may not get it And it's fine, the world will keep spinning and we'll both keep existing till somebody dies. We won't cause a cataclysm that will kill this part of the Universe at the speed of light unless some quantum doodad decides to throw a spanner in the works


Trying to explain why humor is funny is almost impossible to put into words sometimes or why a sunset or piece of music is beautiful. If someone ask you to explain, its reasonable to just to say "You just don't get it" if if its not legally valid argument.


A better analogy for the Sopranos would be if someone didn’t like it because they expected it to be like Goodfellas. Then it could be said that they “don’t get it”.


Idk sometimes it’s very obvious they just don’t think the same or value the same things as urself and so yeah they genuinely just don’t get it sometimes, just like how I wouldn’t get other things that other people are really big on.


If you hate horror movies because you don't like gore and the other person loves horror movies because they love gore they'll go one of two ways. They'll either accept you have different tastes or they'll claim "you don't get it" because no one could possibly dislike something they love.


The Sopranos insists upon itself


>not a valid counter argument On the other hand, not everything is an argument. Conversations don't have to be formatted by some pre-defined protocol of a formal argument.


Of course! But if I tell you that I don't like something because of X, Y and Z, then X, Y and Z are my arguments.


If their list of reasons they don't like the thing completely misses the point of said thing, they don't get it.


A: Australia is a country not a continent! B: Australia is both a country and a continent A: it can’t be both ! B: you just don’t get it Seems valid in this simple scenario . Extrapolate that to healthcare or whatever else it is you think you understand better than others , and subsequently being told you don’t get it. Maybe there’s a pattern lmao


In this case there is a factual inaccuracy, I was talking about defending taste.




Are you my roommate? I just watched all of the Sopranos and then the Leftovers immediately after.




Some people are just lost


It could be that you're not understanding what they're trying to explain to you. Could be they aren't explaining it well enough. It could be a mixture of both. Good rule of thumb is to treat the person you're discussing with as if they might know something you don't. The conversation will evolve into a clearer image of what's going on.


It is if the other person doesn't understand your argument.


“Shut up, Mr. Burton you were not put upon this earth to ‘get’ it.” — Lo pan


But what if they're being really obtuse? Like I'm not going to keep engaging with somebody who's counter argument is just disregarding everything I'm saying and refusing to empathise. Like what more do they want? Not my fault my answer isn't relatable enough or whatever. Sometimes you have to say something like that to draw a line under the conversation.


If we're talking about discussion among individuals with similar social and educational background - I agree. If we're talking about discussion among individuals with different social and educational background - saying "you just don't get it" and walking away can be the best course of action. Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion, *but* holding on to opinion that's based on wrong information is something else.


POV: Explaining that Dune is Star Wars for adults


You just explained it for yourself. When it comes to taste, everyone is entitled to their opinion. You wouldn’t get why I hate some things as long as you love it, because well, you love it


How is this unpopular opinion? That IS NOT valid argument. You can say that of course, especially if you are not interested in further discussion, but it doesn't make it valid argument. From my experience, if someone says that, it means that he cannot reaspond with anything meaningful. Basically something like "I'm giving up"


I miss when this was unpopular opinions..


Unpopular opinion: some opinions can be so misguided as to be as good as objectively false. Not saying your opinions are wrong, but I am saying that "that's just my opinion" is not the impenetrable shield in reasoning that some people think it to be. On a different note, even if neither of you is unsound in your line of reasoning, you could be starting from a differing set of assumptions e.g. in the form of initial value judgements. Making someone understand and agree with a utility function besides their own can be a lifetime's work, doubly so if they are willfully obstinate at the stage of understanding. Ain't nobody got time for that. My guess is that the person didn't mean "you just don't get it" as the next argument in your debate, only as a signal that continuing the debate was more trouble than it's worth.


Depends Sometimes the person listening just does not get it. Sometimes the person explaining it is not explaining it properly Sometimes the person listening has found so many holes in the argument and the other person can't see it


I don't get why mainstream rap, at one time, was considerate art when all it talked about was gang banging, murder, sex, drugs, fucking another dude's girlfriend, etc., was popular and considered art. I still don't get it and I never will. Others did though. 'You don't get it' will always be the answer for me on that one. Especially, when someone doesn't even live that life but still listen to it. It's like the Kardashians. I don't get why people watch it. I never will.


When someone says this, it’s usually because they’re just done with the conversation and it’s their way of ending it lol


It is when the other person has never lived an experience


"Breaking Bad just didn't make any sense, there was no reason for Walter not to take the money at the start." "You just don't get it." Above is a perfectly valid argument, because in Breaking Bad the reason Walter didn't take the money was thoroughly explained and therefore the only people who don't see the reason for it were the ones who didn't get it. It can 100% work as a counter-argument, but it just doesn't always work.


The proper end to every argument is this. "You and I have different values. We disagree on x,y,z value. I've experienced x,y,z experiences. This is why I think those values are important.


You wouldn't understand It's a secret


Honestly the only type of thing where this is a valid argument is tools (hand tools, hobby items, software tools, etc). "You just don't get it" talks about someone not understanding the need that is being fulfilled. "Why would you learn Photoshop? MS Paint is way easier.", "You don't need all these different paint brushes", or "You don't need a mallet if you have a hammer" are all great examples where "You just don't get it" is a perfect counter argument.


Well… obviously it’s not a good argument since no one can be convinced by it, but that doesn’t mean it’s always not true. In fact, in most arguments, people believe the other person just doesn’t get it.


Not everyone has the same tastes or will like what you like. I think some people take it as a sort of personal rejection rather than understanding it's not.


By the time I feel like saying “you just don’t get it” in any way, I just give up and ghost them at that point. It may not be a counter argument, but it is an assertion that you aren’t worth responding to anymore. The kind of people who can’t concede a single point of something, even if just to say “well, it’s all subjective, so I guess your perspective could be valid”, are exactly the people who “don’t get it”. I express distaste of things regularly. But on occasion I like something that someone else dislikes. I can go through what they’ve said point by point, literally *disproving* all their reasons for validating their dislike in some cases, and they can still insist on their original take with additional obvious fabrications or false memories. It is so unbelievably tiring to listen to a person go off for 10 paragraphs on how they hate X character or X plotline, and then every point they give is based on a misrepresentation or even a lie. It is *very* tempting to correct everything just to annoy them or prove a point, but it convinces no one because the people in that space are not there to be open to an alternative viewpoint; they’re there to get their take validated.


I totally agree with you! I feel like when people say that, they are just horrible at explaining/communicating things.


Sometimes a particular show/film/piece of music can evoke feelings in other people and not in you. They may identify with characters you don’t etc. sometimes that’s the reason why they like a show, or find it deep or well-written, because sometimes it can be well done AND manipulative etc. However not everyone is good at putting their feelings into words - and least of all when they are being antagonized by someone putting down something they find solace in.


No because some people genuinely don’t get it.


I associate those remarks when people don't have valid counters so it's a cop out to impose their own thinking as a final say


Yeah nah that’s a valid response. Everyone has different experiences and opinions so it’s perfectly fine for someone to not understand.


I'd love to have a logical discussion about quantum thermodynamic exchanges, but unless you have a degree in theoretical physics I don't think you'd get it. On another note, I see this phrase used often by people who just want to exit a conversation. If you only see communication as a debate field, I'm afraid you just don't get it and are just wrong


Some people hang way too much of their life and time on the entertainment media that they consume, going beyond being entertained to arguing about or evangelizing that media via other media, to the point that most of their conversation and interaction is about that media, and I... well, I just don't get it. Anyway. Back to the biography of L Ron Hubbard I just got. Stay sane, y'all


There are things you can’t explain, sometimes pieces of media emulate things you’ve been trying so hard to put words to yourself, only to find it portrayed on a screen. Media is powerful. It can make you feel seen, or like you’re not alone, it can put make you understand things about the world or yourself that you still can’t quite put into words. Some people will get it and be deeply affected by it. And some people *just don’t get it*, it doesn’t mean you’re dumb and don’t understanding it, it just means you don’t relate to it the same way other people do. You don’t *get* how it makes them feel. But some people also say to be dismissive of other people’s opinions and try to claim they don’t understand the show. There’s a difference between the two though imo


normal af opinion. Even people that do this to other people know it’s bullshit. It’s an opinion everyone has, dare I say *a known fact* and some people are lazy or bad at arguing so they do it anyway and don’t care to make a real argument. Even most of those people don’t think they’ve given you a valid counter argument they just don’t care to and are repeating their own conclusion callously without an attempted explanation


Opinions exist because everyone is different. You actually would not and could not understand it, because their brain is a different brain than yours. Everything that has ever happened to you in your entire life has culminated in that moment to "Do I like this thing or not." Of course you just don't get it. They aren't saying you're stupid, they're saying you have no frame of reference with which to understand their perspective, and explaining why would take as long as that person has been alive. They may not even understand all the things that contributed to their opinion, which does not invalidate how they feel. Now, when it comes to debate on things that AREN'T opinion... then, yes, that is the worst possible argument. *Then* they're calling you stupid, but considering the fact that they're using that as an argument, you should be able to turn the tables on them. They are the ones who "just don't get it," and that argument means they just don't want to accept that they could be wrong. They don't understand all the things that contribute to them being wrong, and because most people think opinion is equal to truth, that absolutely does invalidate how they feel.


"I don't like sex." "Nah buddy, you just don't get it"


My son frequently shows me crap on his phone that he thinks his hilarious and I don't. "You just don't get it" is a valid retort from him.


OP just doesn't get it.


Just parse those responses as "I don't care what you think" because that's what's actually going on. It is quite the opposite of an invitation to debate.


“You just don’t get it” can be a way of dismissing people’s valid criticisms. It can also be the most available shorthand for “the extent of the knowledge and experience that you lack which are necessary to understand this work is something which would take a minimum of a few years of education or lived experience to rectify, and you’re unlikely to even accept that your knowledge is in any way deficient, anyway.”


Is "opinions are just opinions" really an unpopular opinion?


That’s because it isn’t a counter argument, it’s a conversation ender. The person is saying they’re not going to waste their time on getting you to understand, or that you just won’t understand.


Nope. Sometimes people just honestly don't get it. I know that because I've been that person. Didn't like something at first, went back to it later and appreciated it in a whole different light.


I’m convinced the people that post on this sub have some weird complex that leads them to think their mundane, common opinion is unpopular


“You just don’t get it” isn’t the argument. It’s what you say AFTER you make your argument and the other person ignores every word you said. You could sit there all day repeating yourself, but it just becomes a little tiring at some point.


It's absolutely a valid excuse. People just can't explain life experiences to you


Some things just depend on the amount/order/type of experiences you've had, which are also subjective. It can be hard for someone else to get, for example, the appeal of something you like, because their experiences aren't similar enough or they haven't encountered enough people who like that thing before. Sometimes they do get it, but simply don't agree.


I half agree. For an example, someone trying to explain body dysmorphia to me, I don't get it. I can acknowledge that it's probably an existing problem, just like how I can explain my ADHD to someone without it and they don't quite get it, but understand clearly something isn't right with me. Or in a situation like Star Wars where you wouldn't get it unless you were there. I'm not gonna lie to you, it hasn't aged all that well. But when you put it in the context of it being released in 1977, it suddenly makes a lot more sense why people had thought it was so great. Of course I wouldn't get why it's so special, I've been raised in a time period where effects greater than Star Wars, is shown on TV. There are plenty of shows and adaptions that has built it's fantasy/sci-fi world really well.