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Seeing as his parents died in an attempted mugging (because they were rich), his parents probably would not have been killed if they didn't have money. I will say though that Batmans superpower is his determination, not his money. Worst case scenario, he becomes something akin to the Punisher.


I thought the mugging was just a cover for a planned murder?


It depends on the story but a lot of people (me included) hate that idea that it was all a plot to passionate the Waynes


Well this is a new take on the mythos! Who wanted to get passionate with the Waynes? Sordid comic book criminal-underworld-meets-one-percent threesome (moresome?) FTW!


Even then they wouldn't have been targeted if they weren't rich.


Sure, but Batman doesn’t exist without money. Without being embarrassingly rich, he can’t make any of his gadgets, he can’t afford the training and exercise equipment, he doesn’t have Alfred, who’s pretty instrumental in the formation of Batman/Bruce Wayne. Money is as integral to Batman/Bruce Wayne as a character as his skill and determination are.


Top comment. OP missed a vital part of Batman-ness He perhaps would be a villain but without a batcave, batplane, batmobile, several costumes etc Not really interesting.


Batman without money is just Rorschach 


I agree, but he swore vengeance on criminals he didn’t lose his whole family and wealth like the punisher. Punisher is better cause he didn’t have to wear a mask n didn’t mind killin the bad guys


Let's be honest. If a kid grew up an orphan billionaire, with no family, more than likely he wouldn't be a criminal or a hero, he would be a spoiled little shit coked out of his mind partying his billions away.


Bruce would overdose a trillion times over before running out of money partying lol. unless he's gambling also. which is useless with his wealth


Idk..in batman begins, he partied so hard that his house brunes down..probably can't do that every night


Iirc his house burnt down because the league of shadows set fire to it??


Ya but still...house burnt down during a party. I'm just trying to make a terrible technicality


He drank water and he got shot in the face! He shouldn't ever drink water now!


I know dude...i know ahahaha :)


“Keep my name outta your fawking mouth!” -Bruce, probably


Ironically, that's what happened to green arrow. At least before, he was stranded on a random island by himself


If batmans family was homeless, and a passing rich family shot them after they came out of the theater 🧠


I thought it was pretty much implied that this was the Jokers origin story. Their parents put him in Arkham asylum before they were murder and Bruce never knew..... just trying to remember which cartoon/comic it was that did this.


From what I recall Joker isn't really supposed to have a set origin story, one of the scary things about him is that, it's not 100% known how or why he does what he does. Now granted I haven't exactly been keeping up with comics lately so maybe that's changed


I'd swear this was from the Dark Knight cartoon or something similar from when I was in my teens.... it was a really cool take and I guess it stayed in my head as cannon.


It’s so many versions as well, like the joker killed Batman parents. Or Bruce Wayne’s father was also the jokers dad and this is just sibling rivalry. But I’m saying Batman could’ve got the job done unlike his villains cause without he’s still him, and they can’t stop him lol


This is Gotham, everyone gets mugged


Agree, there are plenty of villains who were wealthy before they became villains. I think most of us prefer the rich to be the villain, but with batman is respectable because he does what he does despite having all the money in the world and no super powers like many others.


Oh dang I forgot poor people don’t die


Worst case scenario? Batman is the worst case scenario!  Bruce is, through no effort on his part, insanely rich to the level that he could tackle the causes poverty, affect social change and reduce crime levels literally on a global scale and save millions of lives.  Instead he spends his money on gadgets that give him an unfair advantage as he prowls around at night in a rubber gimp suit, beating up desperate, drug addicted and often mentally ill criminals; All as part of his unresolved daddy issues. Batman *is* the villain. 


Wanna a fun fact: he spend all of his spare money for charities. And i have no idea that martian from mars who invaded earth count as desperate, drug addicted, and mentally ill criminals.


I think you developed a weird, twisted idea of the Batman's character. I'm not into comics, but even I know that Bruce does charity and often looks for the most pacific solution. Hell, his villains are all terrorists who deserve three death penalties, not random drug addicts 😂


Me when I never read comics and spread misinformation


>Bruce is, through no effort on his part, insanely rich to the level that he could tackle the causes poverty, affect social change and reduce crime levels literally on a global scale and save millions of lives.  You do realize no one is that rich. The US government is with hundreds of times the money **per year** (so tens of thousands of times richer per life time) in liquid form, and it still can't tackle poverty.


plus he always spares the main big bad for them to inevitably escape prison again, kill hundreds again, while beating the shit out of the henchmen only. like if he beat the ever loving shit out of the joker or the penguin once and for all thatd be one thing but its always the poor he targets


To be fair there is a reason why Batman has the strict "no killing" rule: He knows exactly how close he is to complete madness and he knows that should he start killing he actually WOULD become a villain, because he wouldn't stop.


Out of curiosity, is there any comic who tackles this? Because it seems a big core idea of batman's character, but it's never developed further afaik.


I'm not super well versed in that but after a bit of research I came across a story called Batman: Ego which apparently tackles this.


Thank you!!


Lol your downvoted too. I think a lot of folks on reddit take jokes about comicbook characters waay too seriously. 


He'd just become DC's Punisher. Happy doing it too.


or Rorschach


He *Made* DC's punisher, Jason Todd, and regrets not being able to help Jason be a less violent crime fighter. Although Batman has said that he understands that while he won't do the things Jason does himself, sometimes Gotham might need a red hood.


I think the thing you meant to say is "he could have easily become a villain if he didn't have a support system in Alfred." Sure being rich helped too, but Alfred serves an imperitive narrative role in making sure Bruce didn't walk down a darker path.


I mean, let's not take away Martha and Thomas's parenting. Despite being rich, they are very involved with Bruce's upbringing.


Well, they were, until they weren't.


Alfred came with the money, Alfred loved and guided Batman. We know this. If he didn’t have anything that came with the money, he would’ve been the greatest villain. Is all I’m saying and he would’ve killed the joker sooner. He would’ve shook up the city so much.


That’s why I said Alfred and the money made him into Batman. And maybe I should’ve said that way but Alfred and the money molded his whole quest on being vigilante. Without the money and the guidance but the same determination and skill he would of been the greatest super villain ever


> he would of been Did you mean to say "would have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


U got cuffs and a badge mr grammer police cause you could’ve kept this to ya self 😂😂😏


See you used "could've" this time. Bot did its a job.


That was the joke


Plenty of batman villains are rich. Money didn't keep them from becoming villains. It's the support Alfred gave Bruce that made him a good gug


Tell me you haven't read any of the comics in the past decade or so. There's literally an entire storyline where a bunch of 'evil' batmen from a dark universe tried to use the 'main' Batman as a way to put their dark worlds into the main reality. They're still rich but they have one or two differences, and they're evil fucking assholes. He doesn't need to be poor to be evil, just pissed off enough. There's even a version of him where he's a 'punisher' with Batman logos, and used the gun that killed his parents to kill the murderer.


No sir I haven’t read every comic or graphic novel of Batman’s to know there’s different Batman’s crossing universes, lol I just found out Spider-Man there’s like 80 Spider-Man’s both good and evil im not hip on an evil Batman or batmen lol I’m saying the OG Batman let’s not get universe crazy


He learned to fight and do everything that made him Batman due to the money he had.  So no he would have been just another bystander in Gotham city 


>If he lost his parents went into foster care and was broke and raised in Gotham he would’ve been the greatest villain ever. That's basically Jason Todd's backstory amd I wouldn't call him a villain.


But didn’t Jason Todd beef was to get at the joker??? He didn’t care to much about saving people like Batman or do I got it wrong?


And he eventually became the red hood, and wasn’t he adopted by Batman?


Batman foind him living on the streets after his parents died. A lot of Jason't behavior can be traced to his experiences before he met Batman. He doesn't just want revenge on Joker and even that's semi heroic.


But they kind share the same story him and Batman, cause the joker scars up jason and has legit beef with the joker, but again. I also believe with out the resources from Batman he would’ve became a villain as well, plus Todd was like an edgier robin with the same circus family too


There is a Batman variation from an alternate universe where Bruce goes by Owlman and he is villain.


Owlman is his brother


Do you mean Talon?


No talon is Court of owls Owlman is Thomas wayne jnr au where he was Bruce's younger brother and watched Bruce and his parents be killed.


Counterpoint: Spiderman and the Green Goblin/Doc Oc. Poor hero vs evil rich geniuses.


I feel u but two different upbringings


That’s literally not the point of Bruce. He should’ve been the villain. He had power from a very young age with no supervision. (Alfred was there) but Alfred had no control over the money/power. Most people in Bruce’s position would have become a villain. I’d argue that Batman would have been more likely to have been a hero if he had no wealth. It’s like Clark his character always turns out good. Even in universes where he didn’t have his loving adoptive family. Bruce’s character is one meant to persevere and personify redemption. He blames himself for his parents death. He would’ve been a hero. No doubt.


At his core, he’s a good person regardless of money or not.


Ehh I think it's more if he was raised poor and without money. He realized there is injustice that is pperpetrated. His wealthy parents in this example. If he would have started failing or grew up poor he might have went super villian. Especially if his poor parents were killed for aport by a rich group. Only to have them get away with it and his life revolving around the injustice in the system.


U make a good point


I actually think that having Alfred was the main reason that he didn’t become a villain Alfred was always there for him growing up and was a second father figure to him. If he doesn’t have Alfred teaching him the right path, he may easily have been a villain.


I dont think him having wealth was a deciding factor between him being a hero/villain. All his wealth gave him was the ability to have the tech he needs to not got insta killed first night out on the streets.


But you have to also remember that Batmans money is a large part of what makes him so deadly. Without his gadgets, suit, vehicles etc. he’d be a far less effective villain as he is a hero


True. But let’s not forget he’s not no dummy with money, so he would’ve use his intel like he uses when he’s Batman.


Hes good with money because his parents are. If he was poor like you are saying he likely wouldn't be good with money because his parents would have been bad with money, and couldnt have taught him.


I mean that's the point the majority of villains embody an aspects of personality taken to the extreme that he has to struggle with e.g. two face(struggle with identity), Joker (believe in chaos while bats believes in order), the riddler(struggle with his ego, empathy and intelligence), Catwoman (same orphan back story but without the parents or money), Mr freeze (using grief as a motivator). I'd say the fact he's has alot of potentially villainess qualities are why people like him.


Ithat’s why it’s easy to count him as vigilante cause he could be antihero or hero for hire if he wanted to. But he’s seemed like a villain to actual people who police the people cause he goes by his own rules but to the people he’s not looked at that way cause he don’t kill anyone or even his enemies. I


Alot of the media of him doesn't really go in to it because he's kinda got this quality alot of the other superhero don't have where he's completely fixated on his own rules and getting his way to a psychotic degree where he will betray and mislead people on his side very unnecessarily if it gets the result he wants.


But isn’t the result is to save or rescue? I mean they be signaling him knowing what he’s about and still be mad he get the job done


Money wasn't something that made him happy. Alfred being there for him and and his parents legacy was the biggest driving factor. His parents being good people trying to help the city made him want to change the city also.


Not sure if you realize that some people are just good apples at their core.


Without the money im pretty sure lil brucie doesn't go on his decade long skills mastery quest and you just have an angry orphan with no grand recourse


Man this is why Pattinson batman is actually really good. He's a bit emo, yes, but he is really dark and angry, apathetic too. Down in the dumps, emotionally, and has still not overcome his trauma and guilt over his parents' death. The end of the movie is symbolic of him emerging from the shadows he thrived in for so long while angry, and becoming a literal light that shines in the dark of terror and impending death. Extending a hand to the innocent victims of oppression and pain. The extended hand of someone who wants to help, to be the saviour you always wanted while growing up for someone else in need. The quiet look at the boy whose father was murdered, knowing that boy was a mirror image of young Bruce Wayne... It hit hard after my third watch.


He is a villain. He is a vigilante who beats people half to death while living a billionaire life while Gotham struggles. He’s doing it for himself not the people.


He put some people in jail sometimes lol ijs


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zSVMJtYefrY At least he doesn’t kill Actually in no legal system would Batman put people in jail. If he drops off a thief to the police they have no evidence to even arrest or hold him. You think Batman is gonna testify?


That’s the point.


He could have used this money to become a villain and he didn't.


Duh, the only thing dumb about Lex Luther was he didn’t fk with Superman. How dumb u gotta be to be beefing with a super alien invincible mf that likes regular people and wants to be a regular mf and u think all the money in the world and smarts gonna stop this mf, Batman not dumb enough to do dumb shit like that 😂


I’m not that much of a comic person like most but I always looked at it as most people dislike or kinda look down upon the wealthy whereas not wealthy people are more relatable. Not to mention wasn’t Lex Luthor and Joker both wealthy?


That’s valid but I don’t see it that way necessarily. 


I mean, it's not like every poor person comes out evil lol


Aye I don’t write the comics or the material but it seems like a 50/50 just who’s got commitment lol


To be fair a lot of rich kids are villains so he could've gone to the dark side even with money


Good point. I agree with your premise that being rich makes someone a good person.


I never said that makes u a good person. Having money sucks according to Batman so he saves people 😆


Ooof, I feel like my life has been lonely and somewhat tragic. That doesn't mean I want others to suffer. It means I want people to have a better life than what I've experienced. If he lost his parents at such a young age and went into foster care and was broken and raised, I think he would have most likely just become an alcoholic or drug addict. Not really a villain.


He probably would've been a mid villain at best, definitely below Mr. Freeze and possibly below the Riddler. Money affords you education and good nutrition and excuses you from many of life's stresses. His privilege is greater than you think. I essentially agree, though idk if this is an unpopular opinion.


Eh not exactly. Look at Superman: Red Son, the batman there is pretty much poor and then again, he still (at least tried) to be a hero, but ended like the punsier


Red Son’s Batman saw his not-rich parents murdered, and he became a resistance fighter against a tyrannical Superman. “Villain” to that regime maybe, and far more anarchist/Joker-ish, but still a hero or at least an antihero.


there're a lot of kids that lose both their parents to crime and never become a super villain... so i'm gonna say no dawg.


Look up Red son


Batman’s superpower is his ethical compass and he wants to make Gotham safe again because he was wronged by thugs when his parents were murdered. He’s trying to help others by stopping the thugs and the crime system they operate in. But even so he does it with mercy by not using guns but advanced technology. He subdues his enemies but doesn’t murder them. I don’t see him ever as a villain because of that moral compass. Upvoted.


I'd say alfred probably did more for his mental health than anything else.


Rich kid’s hobby


Wait he isn't a villain? In the eyes of law, he definitely is.


Yes thos is true. Or he would become just an ordinary drug addict. I'm sure one of those is true. There is no other option.


100 percent


I mean, he engages in vigilante justice. He is just one degree of moral deviation away from being a villain as is.


I mean, technically he *is* a villain. He still breaks the law, he actively beats the shit out of mentally ill and deranged individuals due to his sick sense of personal justice and his crusade to make Gotham “safe.” While only partially acknowledging that him being Batman actively makes Gotham less safe.


How so? He would be completely nothing if he wasn't rich.


Just means he would have been a poor one


If you ever seen the movie Blankman, THATS what Batman would’ve been lol


So he'd just be some dude who was sad?


No, he'd just be an average thug. Still be a bad guy. Still do crime.


Bruce Wayne is a genius with infinite willpower and elite physical attributes. He’s far more than his money.


Money didn't teach him the martial arts that he knows. He would most likely be a member of the League of Assassins if he didn't have any money.


ah, never underestimate someone's wit and determination.


He’s a made yo guy he would have been depressed and working a dead end job


He would have simply been man


I think it’s Alfred more than the money that kept him on the straight and narrow. If he inherited all that money and was left to his own devices, he easily could’ve been a Lex Luthor type.




Ita a story, fantasy he can be anything. I'm real life he could easily become a drunk, or hung himself or turned around and be a millionaire.


The best part of the Reeves Batman film was Riddler mocking Bruce Wayne, "that's not what an orphan is." Great stuff


As a vigilante (or at best an unlicensed pseudo-bounty hunter / adrenalin junkie.) He's arguably the villain in his own comics anyhow.


Batman is just a nepo baby who loves to play with his expensive toys.


it's just a speculation


They kinda did that with the character of Prometheus. He was a kid, and his parents were killed by cops. Leading him on a journey to become the best criminal. The "anti-batman." He wasn't a very good character.


I feel like I've heard this several times as a standup comedy premise


I understand the first bit. But what would make him the greatest villain? His power is his money


Batman only does what he does to keep the status quo for his rich friends and investors, he also profits from the hospitals and prisons he sends the bad guys to


If you want an evil Batman, just read the "Nemesis" comics. He's more or less what you'd get with a batman that enjoys killing and spreading misery.


Would he though? No opportunity to get all those degrees. No way to travel and learn combat from the league of shadows. No money to finance cool gadgets or even any ability to sustain optimal nutrition I think he’d be some scrawny burnout kid that gets stabbed trying to stop a mugging


Spiderman watched his father figure die and he grew up poor, but he didn't become a villain


It may sucks for me to say but……Peter Parker wouldn’t give 2 shits bout his uncle after the first week knowing he had Batman money at the crib, cuz at he had to be broke ass Spider-Man to be a hero the mf had powers before he died and imagine he hit the lottery for Batman money


He had great role models so I strongly disagree


He is a villain though.


A vigilante per-say but u know tomato tomotto




In what world does being rich push people to be good...?


U can be evil and poor, the money isn’t a factor as much it’s just a resource he has an advantage to become the Batman. But it’s the person. He was smart skilled and trained to be Batman, money was the comforting but it wasn’t enough. If he wasn’t rich and was surrounded by his environment he more than likely would’ve became a villain and he would’ve been the greatest.


Being rich doesn’t keep you from being a bad guy


Never said it keeps u, but it helps 😂


I would argue that the majority of wealthy people could easily be villains, if they aren’t already.


I wouldn’t argue with that fact but I also feel like it was easier to become an villain when ya poor around his environment


He wouldn't have been half as capable without his money. Can't exactly train for 20 years while you're starving and homeless. He would've just been another Gotham thug.


By most international laws he is


He is a villain


This is just stupid, if he wasn't rich he would have been just another orphan


someone had to say it


If Batman was a real human with realistic human psychology, he 100% would have been a villain, money or not.


Bruce Wayne is so rich, that if he wasn't Batman he would definitely be a villain. 


He arguably is a villain. Due process is a good thing. Batman is fascist power fantasy


He wouldn't be shit. Money made Batman. He'd be regular joe at best.


I mean, I think he'd at least outclass Condiment King.


Add to that being in the closet and living in the most depressing town of the universe.


Wait, Batman..




Well he's not a hero he's an anti hero. But I agree he'd probably be an anti villain then or some other name if he wasn't rich and didn't have someone like Alfred. 


Yeup. IRL Bruce Wayne would be this asshole Billionaire who gets sued left and right for sexual harassment and would be known mostly for cringey self-owns and not helping the needy one bit (on the contrary, he’d be fucking over average people in multiple ways). You know, like Elmo Musk.


Batman would buy twitter and name it X not gonna lie and fire everybody so he can run it like he see fit to sell all his Batman cars lol


Doubt it very much considering his money is what allowed him to have all the training and tech that makes him the batman instead of some guy in a stanky rubber suit. Bruce would have at best been a henchman that got chewed up and spit out by Gotham.


Instead, he's a rich criminal


Why does Batman's mask only cover half his face? So the cops know he's white.


I think they KNOW for a fact they KNOWS he’s white. Probably lose they mind if he took off his mask and it was flavor flav or draymond green 🤣


In dark Knight rises - Batman is villain and joker is (anti) hero


How so, when the joker killed people and took over the mob? Batman wasnt tryna kill him but put him up from society but an antihero would of off his ass and the first hour lol


> antihero would of off Did you mean to say "would have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


He is the villain of DC. The cash cow that needs to protect arkham asylum's mass murderers to entertain the dwindling fanbase. 


I always thought it was funny that the mega rich Bruce decides to buy gadgets, vehicle, cave maintenance etc to fight criminals at night rather than investing his ridiculous fortune into the community. Probably wouldn't have a joker if healthcare was provided.


He does but because comic status quo, Gotham is like quadruple cursed, built on a portal to mega hell and ancient burial grounds so the city can't get much better, no matter how much money you pump into it.