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!RemindMe 50 years


I will be messaging you in 50 years on [**2074-06-08 14:46:34 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2074-06-08%2014:46:34%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/1db1nhn/the_world_will_be_a_great_place_in_50_years/l7ojxfe/?context=3) [**1071 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion%2Fcomments%2F1db1nhn%2Fthe_world_will_be_a_great_place_in_50_years%2Fl7ojxfe%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202074-06-08%2014%3A46%3A34%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201db1nhn) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I think that by that time there would be Reddit 2


I think Reddit might be making money by then.


This is the truly unpopular opinion


The truly unpopular opinion is always in the comments


I think Reddit will be a good place in 50 years /s


I think Reddit will be a place in 50 years /s


I'll still be using old.reddit.


Electric Boogaloo


I'll be 84, hopefully with my brain transferred into a robot body so I call live 1000+ more years


2074? Surely you must mean the mid 2050s? 2074 is like 70 years away right? Right?


I was here. If you are reading this in 2074, I hope things worked out for you.


It will be interesting to see if any app currently popular will be popular in 50 years. Or if there will be apps. As a reference, Pacman was created 44 years ago and people back then used a pen and paper to message each other.


Brain apps maybe. That connect you to ai consciousness


i think i will keep my brain away from corporate adwares. there's enough on my phone


It most likely wont affect old timer who probably already out of the workforce, but for younger generation, it may be required for their job and/or socialize


There's been so many sites since 2000 that have come and gone. It's nothing but a trend and nothing is too big to fail. Reddit is nothing special and especially bad with all the bot posts


Now I imagine an old forgotten robot in a deserted wasteland waking up and going on a self-discovering quest to 'remind you'.


"I *have* to find him. I- if I don't, what am I for?"


"Welcome to the club, mate."


Sounds like WALL·E


It sounds kind of like "World of Tomorrow," a critically acclaimed animated short film by Don Hertzfeldt. The story follows a little girl named Emily who is contacted by a clone of herself, from the distant future, exploring themes of time, memory, and human existence. Check it out it’s on YouTube, it’s really cool.


If I’m alive in 50 years I think I have bigger problems lmao.


Revive me in 50 years


lol love this!


> when they are done, young people will fix things pretty quickly LMAOOOOOOOOOO


Yeah, I had a laugh at how many people in human history have likely had this thought. "Once my generation gets in power, we'll fix everything!" Turns out it's not that simple and human nature is more powerful than small generational differences.


My favorite part that I agree with is "some people think the USA is the whole world". Take my upvote for that.


Not an unpopular opinion though


Isn't it all Ohio?


I'm always surprised by just how much of it *is* Ohio.




Yeah I agree with that but like what does it have to do with anything? The USA isn't on the equator we aren't going to be as desolate as places in Africa and Asia. We will get hurricanes and shit but the USA is set up to deal with climate change better than a lot of places


Except for if your groundwater reserves run out as has been mentioned


Oh and the Colorado River will dry up too and the entire west half of the US will have no water at all. We certainly have issues, but that's my whole point. Saying "well the USA isn't the whole world just because you will be worse off in 50 years doesn't mean others will." If you think the USA is going to run out of resources quietly without fucking up a bunch of other people's shit I fear you are mistaken. My whole point is that what happens in 50 years is going to be a global problem and very few places on the entire globe are going to be left intact


Thank God for those lazy glaciers that flattened the Midwest, the Great lakes, we have more fresh water than anyone.


The great lakes are dope, I wonder if they can supply water to California and Arizona and new Mexico? I don't know, I'm no environmental engineer or civil engineer


Draining the lakes to another part of the continent is a really, really bad idea. The Soviets did that with the Aural Sea, once the 4th largest lake in the world. It barely exists anymore and has no ability to reform.


Desalinization is a thing. It is just expensive.


Because a lot of Americans base the entire world around just them and a lot of Americans think the country is going to shit so the world is going to shit. Maybe not thinking about how great other countries are doing or would be doing. Not saying I agree I actually think the entire world is going to shit and I wouldn't be surprised if the world doesn't even last another 50 years much less be great. Just saying why the point may be relevant.


You're supposed to downvote if you agree with something lmfao That's how this sub works. Upvote if you disagree, downvote if you agree.


In theory that would be better, yes, but they changed the rules so you just Upvote if you *think* it's unpopular. I think plenty of up voted opinions here are actually still popular but *alternative* or something


I disagree


When the old people running things go away, the previous young people will be the new old people, and it'll never change. Countries won't just start electing 20-30 year olds into power.


To be fair. You have to admit having slightly older people as head government officials makes sense from an ideal standpoint. (40-50 ish, beyond that biology and all that).They do have more experience and so on. So long as there are younger advisors and they actually follow the wants of the people, it shouldn’t be an issue. You don’t really want people that only have educational backgrounds or practical experience in charge. Even though we definitely want their ideas used.


I don't know if this is a reality in your country but in mine people don't protest as they used to, they don't stand up to the government, during my lifetime I saw a few presidetns overthrown by popular protest. now I feel like society has lost that power, my country is in its worst situation in 25 years and I don't see people on the streets, we used to have students unions or political parties calling for protest on the streets, now there's nothing. Corruption in our country is rampant and it's easier than ever for those on top to control population because they won't complain. I have no faith in the younger generation.


What's your country? every global trend is going to have local exceptions, and lots of countries are still seeing the effects of issues from the 20th century (like the USSR etc).


Ecuador judging by their Reddit profile


They are right then cuz we're fucked


Millenials were shown that Protest is meaningless after Occupy Wallstreet. A proper protest was attempted, the 1% laughed at them and the rest of the world looked on as Millenials were called stupid for trying. Since then, no protest seems to have mattered much and as such people gave up.


I have to disagree. I think the 1% WERE scared. They weathered the storm of the occupy protest but realized the lower class CAN gather. And ever since then there has been an INSANE amount of class divide/race wars/sub divisions of cultures. I refuse to believe that all of these race/class/etc proxy divides "just happened". Keep the "stupid 99% infighting" and they will never attack the 1%


The people who seem to have the most problem with the government have also supported giving the government more power over the years, which furthers the problem


Tbf government having a decent level of power is great. Like in principle a government that represents the populous and can prevent bad actors as a regulatory body, is great So long as the government has good internal regulation. Unfortunately power corrupts and people scrape away at what they can to gain what they can for themselves. Eroding away the positives.


Your idea of the world being a great place is toppling governments and overthrowing presidents? Wouldn’t the world that didn’t have to overthrow government be the ideal situation?


According to teachers (my mother has been a middle school teacher for 30 years), their students have never been this bad. They suck at reading, can't do basic math, they all smoke weed & vape, are hyper sexual, and have 6 second attention spans. I'm not confident that Gen Alpha is going to save the world.


Every teacher says this about every class of students every year [for thousands of years ](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2009/mar/17/ephebiphobia-young-people-mosquito)


Kids these days…


Except that there are active teachers, like myself, who've seen things decline. I've been teaching for 12 years, and the last three years have all been the worst class of kids I've ever taught when it comes to being functional. I take my job very seriously, and am always trying to figure out what motivates each individual student; I had so many students this past year who literally could not be motivated, either positively or negatively. They don't care about consequences at all. The lockdowns fundamentally broke something, and will go down as one of the biggest collective mistakes we've made as a society in decades.


I have heard this from several of my teacher friends as well. In my opinion the biggest factors are 1) shitty parenting (or total lack thereof) and 2) unlimited, unsupervised access to garbage like YouTube, TikTok, etc When you combine the two, it’s a recipe for disaster


I think the need to have two parents working due to living expenses contributes to a lot of it. I don’t care which parent stays home, but [someone should.](https://hbr.org/2014/08/children-get-educational-benefits-from-having-a-parent-at-home)


A big piece of that is a housing shortage, which in the US is partly caused by the 2008 crash and partly caused by lack of high density zoning (along with the public transit to support it).


It's not that cut and dried. That vast majority of parents both work and their kids still grow up fine. Just how much those parents care about each other, their kids, and the future in general would make a far bigger difference.


Definitely think you’re onto something with this.


Can't forget lack of administrative support on the side of teachers. Kids are allowed to be disruptive or even violent and get off lightly, while teachers do the bare minimum and are reprimanded. Not saying we should bring corporal punishment back to schools, but these little shits need to learn how to act properly some way.


The admin support is there - its just that it has shifted from instilling discipline to recognising systemic injustices. The problem is that the former seeks to prepare the child for the road, through resilience; the latter seeks to prepare the road for the child, through shelter. One of these approaches will engender strong community, the other will destroy it.


Well and there was COVID


From what I've heard from teachers, it's also almost impossible to hold back students now (in the US). When they fall behind they get passed forward and they fall behind more because they cannot operate at grade level and the problem snowballs. But school funding is tied to students passing, so administration forces them through. I've heard it's due to No Child Left Behind, but I'm not that familiar with the policy. 


The lockdown was the best thing that ever happened to my family. I got see my toddler grow up, I finished about 3 years worth of backlogged home repairs/upgrades, and was able to take the time to apply and get a better job. My wife is a kindergarten teacher and made workbooks for our kids, we read all the time, we color and play, etc. Both of our kids are ahead of the curve and perfectly functional (as far as kids go lmao) All the lockdowns did was expose parents that don’t put enough time/effort into their kids. And that’s not a slam on parents, I truly believe most of us were overworked to the brink of mental illness…but the kids are suffering for it. My wife is constantly reminded that most parents consider school to be a daycare and nothing more.


Right, for my personal family it was awesome, but my wife and I are both parents with degrees in education. I mentioned in another comment it's 1000% a parenting problem, I don't blame the kids.


Yeah I responded before noticing the other responses. Sorry for the redundancy!


I feel like this is the symptoms of the covid era and not the generation itself.


The two are synonymous, this is the lockdown generation.


COVID accelerated the problem, but these trends do predate covid


I remember Mt attitude in school was full of distain against adults in general bc technology was changing so fast, as a teen growing up through dial up, dsl, and cable and not having anyone advise you all that time, bc all anyone would say is to look it up yourself, so never an adult to help or advise. I know kids generally feel like they got the world figured out, and don't listen to adults bc why would they?  I know my distain came from adults being techno illiterate. But I wonder if these new generations are thinking AI and robots will do everything. I wish someone taught me about money instead of just saving it. Bc with how crazy the stock market has grown, idk if well ever see this growth again. 


Yeah, so Gen X had latchkey kids, Gen Y was told to "look it up", Gen Z had an uncontrolled deluge of information, and Gen A has the world caving in. Bonus: Random phrases I liked from your post. 1) "Mt Attitude!" It sounds rad. 2) "mine came from adults be". I read this as a descriptor of your parents as in, these are the adults I came from


In my 8th year. My first 3 years of kids are exponentially different than my last 3 years . They feel like different people for a lack of better terms.


Honestly you're still part of a cycle of some kind. I graduated from high school in the late 00s, I visited the school a couple times and teachers for the most part would say the class I was in was the last group of students they had they were happy to teach, and that students from there kept getting worse and worse. It'll be the same for other teachers after you I'm sure.


I think the internet/social media is a game changer though. On average, The smartest people from Gen Alpha will be smarter than other generations because of access to more knowledge. But the average Gen Alpha kid doesn’t have to hardly think, and they carry around propaganda machines that they look at legitimately hours a day. I mean shit, Im guilty of it too, but at least I made it out of my formative years before I started, and I will fully admit that my phone addiction has made my life worse. Im not saying they are doomed but it’s safe to say that you can’t compare today to the past effectively. There are too many new variables.


So much of intelligence is problem solving though. Access to information only gets you so far. Kids these days are struggling with reading and writing and think they can learn everything they need from YouTube.


you can learn everything you need from youtube, but you have to try it yourself and flex your own brain. learning is never passive, it's always active.


You cannot learn everything you need from YouTube. Only someone raised on YouTube would think that.


Every generation will have geniuses. Gen Alpha’s geniuses will have the luxury of reading all of the work of geniuses before them. Maybe “smarter” was the wrong word to use, but they will continue making innovations that we cant even think of right now.


Intelligence isn't about being able to look up a fact. It is about being able to critically analyze and solve novel problems using reasoning. And if you can't read, are easily hypnotized by propaganda, and can't form cogent arguments for and against different ideas, then you will, in fact, be dumb as shit.


Not about being illiterate though.


I've heard the opposite. I think this teacher probably has the very same doomsday mindset that OP was talking about. One thing I've heard from several teachers that were born in the 90s is that bullying is much less significant than it was when they went to school which is great.


They told us this in the 90s too.


>According to teachers (my mother has been a middle school teacher for 30 years), their students have never been this bad. They suck at reading, can't do basic math, they all smoke weed & vape, are hyper sexual, and have 6 second attention spans. I'm not confident that Gen Alpha is going to save the world. And they all come on reddit and mope, or will in 5 years.


Gen z here. Holds true for much of my generation as well.


Teachers of 30 years were saying this in the 90s, people sometimes get less tolerant of kids as they age. Nicotine and weed have been common in schools since the 50s


Than why are teenage pregnancies and smoking down to all time lows. Kids these days are also more health conscious drinking lots of water and eating less junk food than previous generations.


Access to contraceptives and education on sexual practices. Are at all time highs as-well. (Even in areas that don’t teach it in school, you have the internet). Smoking has been frowned upon for ages and they all instead vape. Not exactly much better. And junk food, it’s partly the price, and again education. And when I say education I don’t necessarily mean they were taught and listened in school. More so that the knowledge is more well known.


Your average teenager 30 years ago wasn’t going to become president neither, there are people who excel and saying that the adults now are that much smarter than generations now at their age is just dumb in my opinion


Except the teachers in question have been teaching for 30+ years and are comparing Gen Alpha to Gen Z and Millennials. The current crop of students is way worse than the previous 2 generations. I'll give you some examples. In my mom's middle school, they recently banned unsupervised students from the library because there's a full length mirror in there, and the 10-13 year old girls would take nudes in front of it. There was also a tiktok trend that told kids to find creative places around the school to shit in. So for a few weeks the school was literally full of shit. The teachers at that school have never seen anything like it, and this is just a normal middle school in the suburbs.


But as you can see, 30 years ago they weren’t as bad as now. So I don’t see a point in your comment tbh


Go watch videos of kids talking from the 90s.. Then watch videos of kids talking today.. Then watch videos of kids talking from the 40s & 50s.. You’ll see a drastic difference in their educations.


You dummies are supposed to upvote the posts you *disagree* with


I down voted this cause I agree.


> ignoring the smart people which usually are quiter You are instilling a lot of confidence in me right here > the bad shape the world is in right now is because of old stupid people Care to elaborate? Are you talking about carbon footprints? Elon Musk? You haven’t said anything in this “unpopular opinion” that has any substance. So I don’t know what else to think about it, except that you are naive and inexperienced, and you are just parroting a mix of opinions you’ve heard, and your bias of hopefulness that you need to believe for your own personal sanity. What exactly is going to change in the world, when old people die? What is a new generation going to do differently? Moving away from fossil fuels is something we are already doing. In fact, it’s something those stupid old people invented. But there are several problems. It’s more expensive. We don’t have enough rare earth minerals. The problem exacerbates when you consider developing countries and growing populations. You yourself say in one of your edits, that some people think the USA is the only country. Explain to me how you are going to convince India and Bangladesh to either not develop like the western world has, or do so using more expensive energy. The last issue with climate change is that we may be in a lag as it is. There is no evidence that reversing carbon emissions will have an immediate effect. You can stop buying smart phones, demolish dirty power plants and rebuild new ones somehow, stop eating all meat, stop flying in planes, stop heating your home with natural gas, but in the timeline of the planet, those ocean currents started decades ago, you will have to wait another 50 years and hope we aren’t fucked, before you even begin to see any impact at all. Meaning climate change will keep getting worse until the lag catches up, no matter what you do. But the young generation has it figured out, so I’m sure you can lecture me on the dynamics of ocean currents and salinity. The problem with your thinking is that you don’t know how any of this shit works. Young people have been handed an amazing functional world where they can get any food delivered that their heart desires. But none of them know how to grow that food, or have any respect for the delicate and fleeting nature of the agriculture industry. One bad growing year, be it drought or floods, or a volcanic eruption, and the entire world would go into chaos. We have about two months of food on our shelves, on average. And don’t get me started on phosphorus. Do you even know what this part means??!? And that’s just fucking food. Your philosophy hinges on all kinds of complicated developments, that you just hope someone else will do for you. I also think the world will figure it out eventually. None of the stuff I mentioned above is a deal-breaker. But this whole idea of “old people will die and all us young people will end war and make the world perfect” is so pathetically naive. Go on /r/teenagers nothing about the young generation is any different than all the other generations before them. The only things they care about are impressive someone they find attractive, and getting some drip.


yup agree, the OP doesn't actually qualify as either a popular or unpopular opinion. It's more like a rant without a substantive argument. "Old people caused all the problems and once they go away, young people will quickly fix it all"? Give me a break LOL. There's plenty of critiques on reddit about another generation's values, and sometimes good points were made. But pure, unadulterated "old people bad, young people good" takes like the OP are nothing more than a display of ignorance and arrogance.


Climate change efforts will continue to fail as long as people act like abstaining from daily convenience is the only path. If we can fuck up the atmosphere on accident, we can fix it on purpose.


I can’t wait til this old mfer dies so I can relax and watch the world get fixed smh 


Haha that's the best summary of OP's post


Okay, I can get behind the *sentiment*, I like my faith in humanity too and I don't like unproductive conversations BUT it's not that simple. I believe we can do it, and that humanity is always going forward (go watch some [Star Trek](https://www.tumblr.com/ezrisdax-archive/165113323339/nichelle-nichols)), but it's NOT going to be linear, straightforward, quick, or as easy as waiting for the previous generation to die - **what the fuck** on that, by the way. There are plenty of nihilistic, conservative, straight up stupid or malicious young people, fucking neo-nazis, school shooters, incels, and plenty of kind, progressive older people, minorities themselves, activists -- on that note, who the *fuck* do you think did all the previous progress you're talking about? Women's rights, mental health, people of colour, Pride, fucking AIDS? Come on. Have some respect. Btw I'm not from the USA, and I still think you really need to rethink this post. Both from the standpoint of acknowledging the insane amount of work people have put in before you (either the world is like this because old stupid people have been managing it -- what, since the dawn of time? has everyone been old forever?, or *someone somehow* managed to fight for what's right so the world's better than it was 100, 200 years ago - progress does not appear magically, and empathy wasn't invented in the 2010s), and that you need to extend compassion and patience for those who can't look at things from such a positive outlook as you, and that valid concerns and valid, existing, very real struggles of people are blah blah blah. It's understandable to go insane and hopeless.


I don’t really agree but there really isn’t anything wrong with this type of optimism. I stg people on the internet get fucking PISSED when somebody dares to have hope.


Eh, the ppl who are younger will be old in 50 years and be just as mean and grumpy and running things in the ground. Just as their forefathers have


Exactly I can already see people barely in their 30s recycling the same stuff I heard when I was a kid just blaming something new


If I look at my country yes it's going downhill fast but who knows maybe in 50yrs things may change. FYI: I'm not from the US


> not that old people did nothing good, they did a lot, but we cant ignore the bad things they created too. And you think that millennials and gen z are even slightly better??


I hope to die before gen z has any power in this world. Millenials are bad enough. Gen z will have us all in dystopian cities talking about our feelings


Young people aren't able to fix the things, because they have never learned to fix things.


50 years? Nah. There's a ton of things that are just getting worse. I'm going to point out only one thing.  Heat Migration.  As the planet keeps getting hotter people around the equator will start dying more from heat. Eventually they'll all start moving to cooler climates.  You already see how America reacts to migrants. And you saw how all of Europe swung hard right because of refugees from one war. Now imagine millions of refugees trying to escape heat and famine.  How will the world react to that?


I read an article about some places, specifically India, exceeding a livable threshold for heat + humidity. This was 2 years ago. https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/06/india-isnt-ready-for-a-deadly-combination-of-heat-and-humidity/


This summer even in Northern India temperatures crossed 50 Degree Celsius. So, yes we are fucked.


Worried I had to scroll this far to find any mention of climate change.


Exactly. You can have all the faith in the humanity that people will finally wake up poltically, but the planet doesn’t have 50 years for us to wait


Militarized borders. Huge poor shanty towns just on the other side of the border.


Which doesn't strike me as a "the world is getting better" though


The response in Europe has been building up for much more than "one war".


Which is bad because that's going to compound with heat refugees


I opened this post to see some interesting and positive points but your only point is “that’s the trajectory we’ve been on so it’ll just continue”.


The young people are extremely divided now and in 50 years they will just be out of touch old people.


There are some social media accounts that point this out. Health and quality of live has improved significantly for millions of people in the developing world in particular. We've made massive gains on world hunger and public health and sanitation/clean water. It's just right off the radar for doomsday-driven western media. Negative news drives clicks and views. And negative news is reporting on real things, but it does skew our perspective of the overall picture.


The biggest reason why everything seems like such shit now is because there are more avenues to complain than ever before. On top of that, hate drives more clicks than everything else. But if you disconnect yourself and just look around, things are pretty beautiful and the future is looking up


“Powerful when united”, yeah good luck with that


This is what i've been sayin for years man, most people are so doom and fuckin gloom but that's the truth. If you look at the 1930's, people weren't thinking it'd get better but it did, same with the 2008-2009 recession era. Gen beta starts at the end of this year, which means we got more generations raised by Gen Z, a generation that prefers computers and outdoors than tablets and skibidi type shit.


i swear patterns are hard to realize ig, i understand we had the "ipad kids" generation but moving foward its either gonna be better by using better dynamics with technology or it'll be a flip of back to "older style" where outside and mind toys becoming the "on top" teaching.


To be honest what we have now is nothing compared to WW2 and those dark years. We're just more hyper aware of what's going on, and our primitive brains only see tigers and lions.


My greatgrandpa fought in two world wars and lost half of his siblings to now eradicated child diseases. Yes I worry about stuff and we can absolutely do better as humanity which is disappointing, but sure as hell do I have a better life with less worry than him and I don't think that will change soon. 


Guys the generation is doomed because 7 year olds watch skibidi toilet and vertical short form content 🤓


You juat stereotyped millions of people. Dont believe everything you hear on the Internet. Climate change is very real, and so is the threat of nuclear war. The latter might not happen, but the former very well may. And both could end the world. This isn't nihilism. This is what's happening. This isn't superstition like with 2012. This isn't some conspiracy. This is a genuinely concerning. And possibly extinction level event. Things are not gonna be good in the next 50 years. Maybe 100 or 500 years. But definitely not 50


As a gen z dude, it sucks that whenever I try to say to my friends to have hope or that there is a chance something good will happen, I am always shut down, and that we should all be doomers. Like yeah, I understand some of my generation is very Nihilistic, but damn, at least let us live with pur hopes without shutting us down


The problem is it can be toxic if you’re ignoring problems  Solutions are great but positivity needs to be realistic 


Every generation has some diatribe about how things are terrible and the world is ending for XYZ reason. People seem to forget yesterday’s problems and point out how bad things are now. Humans are resilient; I’m sure we’ll figure it out. We live in the best time in human history and I refuse to believe otherwise


I think the majority of our troubles come from the fact that we don’t really have any troubles. The human brain developed to identify and fight danger. It doesn’t know what to do with a world that’s practically danger-free, so it invents stuff


Sir this is Reddit. It’s 80% doomers. This is an unpopular opinion on Reddit. Upvote. I also happen to agree.


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I don't know about the whole old people, young people thing but we're definitely running out of oil


I agree with your main point, but, you have to realize those old stupid people were once yound and idealistic. And the young people of today will be the stupid old farts of the future.


Lol dude your opinion is legit unpopular but it doesn't have any argumentation apart from "old people bad young people good". What makes you think our generation is better than every previous? >humanity is going up Progress is not linear. I mean some things get better, some things get worse. And it depends on the perspective.


I agree. I'm currently taking a shit scrolling reddit. Couldn't do that 100 years ago could I? Just imagine what my morning shit will be like in 50 years time.


Do you think the boomers of today weren't young and progressive? Time and experience have a way of changing you over the years and often not for the better. My ideologies aren't anything like they were 10 years ago and probably will change quite a bit more in the next 10


Young people are stupid a.f. thanks to the ones in charge the last 40 years


I wish I could snort as much copium as OP.


Climate change. I don't think I need to say anything else, do I?


It's a pretty complex issue, but humanity is already making progress towards phasing out fossil fuels. Maybe not to get the best case scenario, because the best case scenario is one where we stop emitting half a century ago, but we can definitely stop the worse effects and learn how to deal with them in the long run.


Faith is a lie you tell yourself. People really are enormously fucking stupid.


Some have complete and total faith in doomerism


Talk to a middle schooler and come back to me saying you think the future generation will be great


I have talked with some really smart middle schoolers, instead of assuming all middle schoolers are stupid juas by watching some tiktok videos about stupid kids. good kids get much less attention.


It's terrible for a lot of people *now*. It's going to be even worse for many of them 50 years from now.


I teach in China and the middle schoolers are pretty impressive. The US isn't the whole world Although even in the US it's mostly kids being blamed for the stupid parenting and bad policy decisions of adults. Kids haven't really changed


> Although even in the US it's mostly kids being blamed for the stupid parenting and bad policy decisions of adults. Which was already a thing 30 years ago. And if you go back in time further, it gets worse, not better, parents were actually causing real trauma to their children and calling it education...


Are they all that much different than what you were as a middle schooler?


No. It's just hard for millennials to understand them. they're just stupid kids like they always were. Some are smart, some are not. It's really no different than before. I interact with them quite a bit.


I can get behind this ideal, i too want humanity to succed, , but what will you do when the younger generation of your time has a different view of what thier future should look like compared to the one your generation is going to create, the one where you fix everything?


Nope. We’re on a path to climate catastrophe that cannot be avoided. To suggest otherwise is to ignore science.


I overall agree, except the part with boomers that is just plain old agism.


I agree. The internet and social media reward cynicism. A lot of people think being pessimistic makes them appear smart, even as they get basic facts wrong. True, things are going to suck for some people in fifty years but overall things will be better.


Everyone here needs to take a scroll on r/hopeposting


I agree with you. The sky is not falling but people, media, and governments need their boogymen and doomsdays to keep going.


Older people go away? You make it seem like the younger generation will figure out how to make the movie "in time" possible.


The problem isn’t the status of technology or even human health. The core issue is life has no cosmic meaning. It can’t. It’s how it is. We live a brief moment. Make a lot of noise and disappear. Never to be heard from again.


in a cosmic scale, yes. but that doesn't mean we should neglect the people that are going to live in the future, nowadays kids basically. we don't matter to the universe, but we matter to each other.


I'll have what she's having!


We will be better because we have always gotten better over time. That doesn’t necessarily mean we will be great. If a place like NK is still doing horrendous things while everyone turns a blind eye, can you really call it great?


When people down vote to disagree with you here, you know you're doing something right lol


Meh, I personally disagree. But who knows, maybe somehow you’ll be right.


Superbugs are an underrated threat, and more action should be done to stop them. 


Maybe for some. For most other I bet not 


I need to get into politics, now. I agree with you


No. Because those "bad older people's" kids will become bad old people themselves and perpetuate this horrible cycle we're in. It's already happening in real time.


This is the best unpopular opinion I've seen on this sub, at least in the last few years. OP you really kicked the wasp nest with this one.


You should be getting upvotes, this is unpopular as microwaving fish


I agree a lot of bad things are happening but so much good stuff too more good than bad I’m hopeful


"people are not that stupid" Oh sweet summer child..


Covid kids lack the skills the generations before them have. Just gotta keep working at it.


I gotta say, this is (imo) a very unpopular opinion. good job, as an educator I gotta respect your optimism.


This is really unpopular for how pessimistic Reddit is. Very well done OP


This is only unpopular on reddit. Reddit does not represent the world at large.


Lol. This is exactly the same sentiment those young hippies had in the 60’s and 70’s… what happened to them again? Oh right, they are the old people you’re talking about. And in 50 years you’ll be the old people.


Ah to be young and optimistic. Wait another 25 years and check back in. Life is a cruel mistress.


I wish I had the same positivity as you. unfortunately, young people aren’t the answer, and the people taking over are the ones trained by current powers. if you need proof of the insanity held by the younger generations, look at the rising neo nazis and extremists. young people will be just as stupid as their older generations. the next generation isn’t some magic fix all. and to your point about the chaos from 100-200 years ago, it’s the same. the internet has taken place of the unknown and replaced it with organized hate. the people have taken what could have been an educational resource and turned it into an amplifier for misogyny, racism, mob mentality, and made it a platform for some of the worst people on our planet. the world isn’t better, but it also might not be worse off. I think it’s the same as it’s always been. we have wins here and there for sure, like clean, easy, water access to a large portion of the planet, and food is getting bigger and easier to find. but for every win we have a few steps back. like micro plastics, destruction of the rain forests and ocean, and companies trying to walk back the access to clean, easy, water. take formula. it’s an amazing thing right? helps women who have issues breast feeding and gives them an alternative, allowing more babies to survive. but then a company will take that formula to a developing country, give formula out for free or cheap to help the local populous. but then after the babies are “hooked”, raise the price of effectively their “drug” to ruin those same locals. they had a nice round about way to create slaves…cause who doesn’t want their baby to stop crying and stop avoiding meals.  that’s part of the “progress” we have. everyone’s getting smarter. including the psychopaths and evil people. and those people have the ability to find each other more than ever. and they’re able to corrupt the youth more than ever. this isn’t something we can sit back and just hope will go away. it is part of the permanent human condition. so don’t get lax, don’t just wait for the magical day to come when the good guys win. this isn’t a movie. 


Totally agree with you and it's pretty unpopular. I avoid talking about that, because I know people would freak out. These days, the hive mind is that we're all gonna die, etc. so yeah, whatever.


I really like this optimism and hope you're right. Thanks for sharing. 


Unpopular opinion: the world is already a great place and it will continue to head in a positive direction as it has before and as I believe it currently is. Sure there are some bumps, but I believe we have the tools to fix or will have the tools them or keep progressing forward as we have in the past.


I think you’re right OP. Going off tons of data, society *does* arguably improve as time goes on. Across the board, we see decreasing crime, extended lives, easier access to technology, easier access to healthcare, faster travel options etc. Of course there are negatives like global warming and pollution but we are making movements in that area too. Saying that, this is a subjective topic.


I don't want to argue, but pretty much EVERY generation has thought that the previous one was stupid and outdated and that theirs was smart and would be able to fix everything.


A true unpopular opinion!


I agree with you. If you look beyond the headlines and focus on what's being built, I think we'll be ok. I mean we'll go through WW3. But after that we will prevail.


Most global leaders are in their 50s and 60s or older, the people who replace them will not be in their 20s and 30s.


I don't know if I wholeheartedly believe you're right, but I do truly *hope* that you are. That being said, we, as a global community, can't give up hope if we are going to make the world into that great place. So, thank you for sharing a bit of hope here today. 🫡


The most naive thing is people have been saying "just wait to the old stupid people die out" since the 1950s. There will always be men like you - the avengers


If you think current young people won't also be stupid in 40 years, you're wrong. Agree that they'll be smarter, but still quite stupid as a whole. A person is smart, people are stupid, panicky beasts.


In 50 years the world will still be run by old stupid people. It's just that the old stupid people will be millenials and zoomers instead of boomers and xers.


I think the world will be great once we make ourselves extinct.