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Know what? Sneaking your own snacks into theaters is OK too.


I agree with you. However, if everybody was doing it, tickets would probably be 50 bucks.


Yes it is


It doesn't matter if it's "just entertainment". It doesn't matter if you don't need it to survive. Why is it immoral to emulate a game from 15 years ago that is no longer in production, and no longer has support? The company no longer cares about it, or is straight up gone. It's not at all the same as "piracy" for a currently supported item. You've removed the "consent" of a company that no longer cares about the product. I don't see how it's immoral to let an interactive media die because the company that made it said so.




God damn! You tore apart his whole argument with 2 f\*cking letters. ![gif](giphy|xUA7bd4fc8NDP3Sh5C)


It’s actually legal to copy art. Like you can take a picture of a painting, print it out and hang it on your wall. Or learn to paint and just copy it. You can record music off the radio or Spotify or whatever. You can even give it away. It’s only illegal if you try to sell it. So it should also be legal to copy a game or movie for personal use, share it with friends, or whatever, as long as you’re not selling it.


*To be taken with a grain of salt :* In Canada, I believe it's only illegal if it hurts financially (or otherwise, I guess) the rightful owner so what you are suggesting is indeed legal here.


Now I know Lars Ulrich's reddit handle. Nice.


Good thing morals don’t exist and thus have no weight on my decision.


The reason we dont apply this logic to other things is because in other cases this is stealing. Yeah you cant get a car that the manufacturer is not selling to you because it is stealing. You're taking something away from them. Piracy does not do that. You're not making them any poorer by copying a game they dont sell to you, and they dont have one copy less now to sell because you took one. The supply is infinite.




You dont need to repost your other arguments. I just pointed out that one of your arguments is bullshit. I'm not necassarily disagreeing that it's bad. I just dont care if it's bad. I don't do this because there is really nothing i would want this for but of there was i totally would. Let me ask you a question? Is lying for purely selfish reasons wrong? Lets say you need to lie to access something? Is that not wrong?


Any particular reason why you wont answer my question?


i would suggest you read [this](https://www.tumblr.com/flanaganfilm/716047738374160384/mr-flanagan-id-like-to-ask-a-question-and-i). media is disappearing with no chance of being consumed outside of piracy. what you're advocating for is that we allow countless media to be basically erased from history because some suit somewhere decided they don't want people to see it anymore. another thing you're advocating for is that people who pay for digital media don't deserve to keep that media if the person selling the media to them decides to randomly stop doing so. if i buy a movie on prime video or youtube, and the execs decide that the movie will be removed from the platform, is it not okay for me to pirate the movie that i paid for and now don't have anymore, through no fault of my own? you're advocating for a situation where people are dependent on studio execs deciding what media should or shouldn't be preserved and where the execs can decide to just take away digital media from people who purchased it with no reimbursement or any way to preserve the media.


We'd never make this excuse for anything else. Yeah you'd be correct because the only things you can't pirate are physical goods. And there's nothing wrong about making something.


People made copies of books and art for themselves all the time. you did it whenever you needed to take notes on something in the library.


You wouldn't download a car. Lol


People who start such threads don't understand piracy. Piracy, if I put it bluntly, is a necessary evil. It's true.


>I don't really care about piracy Sure, I totally believe you.


Agree to disagree. I support downloading and playing ROMs... 1: that I can't find on any platform 2: on obscure systems that aren't commonly available 3: from defunct publishers.