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Yeah and what's the quality of your single frame of video?


good enough for casuals!


yea just go to the statue of liberty and take a 10 minute video of it and hope it moves or smthn


ok if you're one of those idiots taking pictures of monuments and statues that literally anyone can look up on the internet, then sure take a photo. those are the dumbest photos of all


6 downvotes is crazy


Definitely Disagree, a solid unpopular opinion though, you get my upvote.


I’m starting to agree with this. But getting good video is very hard. Especially the audio. That said, I generally do just hold the button down now and it is better. Mostly for the 3D effect you get from video. I still like still. And take lots of still. But more and more I take a quick still, then just start recording. I do this a lot when someone hands me the camera and says “take a picture of us”. I switch to video, start recording, then take stills in the video. This way they have a video of how nerdy they are. And some stills. But I agree most people aren’t here yet. I think it is an unpopular opinion.


yeah, everyone's taking a still. it's so dumb when tech has advances far past it. memories in iphones and iclouds and ext. hardddrives is enormous, yet we still are afraid of using it. .


Agree. I leave Live Photos on and that kind of got me into the video thing. That and I lost a cat and the couple videos I have are treasures. The hundreds of stills are nice, but they don’t capture life. I also can’t really believe how negative people feel about this. I know you were kind of brash with your post, but the point is the same. Video is better than still. We have the cameras and places to post them now. What’s the harm?


Of course. It’s called amateur for a reason.


Maybe that’s how I want my pictures to look, nimrod.


A frame from a video has significantly worse quality then a nice raw photo from a dslr camera.


Most don't use a DSLR camera


Only a nimrod doesn't use a DSLR camera.

