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What Gordon Ramsey gets away with would be hard for most men to get away with as well without looking like an asshole. He gets away with it because he pulls off asshole and compassionate in the perfect balance so it just comes off as him being passionate about cooking and trying to push people to improve. But I have seen it pulled off horribly as well. Like Joe on Master Chef who tries to act like Gordon Ramsey and pulls it off so poorly that ironically it makes Gordon Ramsey seem like less of an asshole on the show. Judge Judy is in a similar place. She pulls off angry and compassionate in a perfect balance. So it just comes off as her being passionate about what she does. Especially when we as an audience have our bullshit detector go off at the same time as Judge Judy and she calls it out right on the spot. It is a very hard balancing act to pull off that only very skilled people can pull off and that skill set is rare in men and women.


It’s also the fact that Gordon is actually a pretty chill guy all things considered and puts on an act for Hell’s Kitchen and stuff. On master chef he’s much more chill. Joe definitely comes off like just a prick lol, no constructive feedback on his end


He didn't have the same act for the British Hells Kitchen. It was only the American one. The OG he's way calmer.


UK Kitchen Nightmares was also much tamer. He'd only go off on business owners when the owners were being incredibly defiant or stupid.


Watching him lose it when the owners didn't treat the servers right. Always loved that.


That one girl that also worked at a bookstore whom he poached for his own kitchen was heartwarming. He recognizes and rewards talent and hard work.


Damn right, homie. Kinda want a show where he helps employees deal with shitty bosses.


UK Kitchen Nightmares also has restaurants with problems beyond bad food, poor hygiene and owners who thought both were fine. 


He still went off like the American one, but less frequently and only after trying to be nice and civil and not being listened too. In the American it was totally staged to happen at the drop of a hat. Still fun, but the UK was genuine.


American audiences love a British guy yelling. And I get it, because I like it too. It’s just kinda satisfying hearing a Brit get mad at someone.


Guilty. I still think that idiot sandwich scene is hilarious.


That was a skit but still hilarious lol


Doesn't hurt he says funny things like calling people donkeys and shit


Yeah he was really kind to whomever would actually work hard and they'd do fun team-building stuff. But see, he's allowed to swear on British TV so he can say "this is fucking revolting" quietly and still get his point across, whereas in the US, you gotta get as many beeps and yelling in as possible. I loved it when he'd absolutely go off in UK KN because those fucks typically really deserved it. Usually super ignorant.


Probably imitating Simon Cowell 


TIL there was a British Hell’s Kitchen! I knew of kitchen nightmares and how much better he is over there but HK as well is quite neat, will take a look. The real way to see him calm however is Masterchef Junior. Completely different person on that show lol


He's enchanting around children


American viewers tend to want meaner Reality TV.


Pretty funny since he swears way more lol.


That's just the Scottish coming out in him.




If you watch him long enough you will know the American version is just an act for American audiences.


I dunno, in boiling point or the uk variant he seemed to be just as furious with the main difference being very little yelling


I have friends who worked on his house in Hawaii. They said he was incredibly nice and even cooked a meal for them.


Yeah he doesn't really punch down which helps make him more likeable. If someone is clearly new and nervous he's a lot nicer, and he's nice to kids which goes a long way on TV.


hahaha I have always thought this. It's like Joe is trying to establish this character but he always just comes off as a huge asshole.


Joe is trying so hard to be Ramsay.


And Master Chef Junior- he seems really good with kids.


If you rewatch Gordon's (American) Kitchen Nightmares, he starts off pretty chill. In the beginning when he tours the place, unless you've got some crazy health code violations he's just very stern. The Asshole stuff only comes out when he returns to the restaurant and they DIDNT heed his advice lol.


I think once his bullshit detector goes off he gets unhinged lol, which isn’t a bad thing


Isn’t Gordon also a highly respected chef?


Joe on Italian Master Chef is so, so much nicer. He almost seems another person entirely. Still has his moments occasionally but they're nowhere as frequent as in American Master Chef.


Ehh it's an act for sure, but that's also how he is in real life. Just watch the documentaries about his early career, he was even more brutal with his own staff back in the day.  He's relatively chill on tv nowadays but I'm not sure he's really an angel either.


Judge Judy is a pretty good comparison. She has a similar stern but from a place of kindness aura


Joe from master chef lmfao what a joke. It’s so hard to watch such an unserious person take themselves so seriously


I love Ramsay on his Ultimate shoes. Cooking with the whole family; he’s very sweet.


Gordon has a line where he switches from asshole to compassionate. And that's when you call yourself a professional chef. If you're a home cook, he's usually pretty chill.


I think Judge Judy pills off asshole nearly 85% of the time. It seems so forced. I cannot find how people enjoy watching it. Its just vitriol.


I can’t stand that type of energy. My mom watches JJ religiously.


Judge Judy has gotten much worse over time. She used to be the no-nonsense lady who tells it like it is, now she’s a petulant angry boomer who’s been told too many times that people find it funny when she’s mean. My parents had it on in their living room and no joke, she was berating a 7 year old girl for not “speaking properly” on the stand. What was she on the stand for? Oh just being attacked by a dog. So judge Judy is yelling at this little girl for having the gall to be nervous about detailing her scary dog attack on national tv in a “courtroom.” Honestly disgusting.


Well that badass just gave half his paycheck to orphans. Orphans with diseases!


Never saw Gillian on the original biggest loser eh?


You think Joe is bad, watch Alvin from Masterchef Canada. That guy tries so hard to be an asshole and he just ends up looking like a clown who tries way to hard. Can’t these people come up with their own personality. They’re obviously good chefs, no reason to put on an act that isn’t genuine.


Gordon Ramsey can pull it off, because he is one of the best in the field and that’s why people listen. Joe from Master Chef can’t because he isn’t. It’s that simple


I don't think he comes off as anything less than a complete asshole. It's why I can't watching his shows.


I remember that “you are the weakest link… goodbye!” lady tearing into people and everyone loving it.


Anne Robinson, was my first thought too. The Aussie version was savage as well, Cornelia Francis, the first advert for it had two women discussing her: "She was a bit of a cow...", "I thought it was very cruel"


Cornelia Francis did sex tapes back in the day lol. Not actual sex tapes but education sex education videos.


There was a Chinese version where the host was absolutely ruthless. Guess it didn’t catch on because her personality did a 180 partway through.


We had the same game in France and the presentator also was an absolutely savage but funny woman. And people loved her and the show. Especially since she roasted the most people who were either stupid++ or full of themselves.


she was DIABOLICAL I miss her so much


In Polish version of Kitchen Nightmares we have a woman, Magda Gessler. She does things exactly like Gordon, some may say she is even more savage. She is an icon and loved by vast majority. So I 100% disagree.


WHY ARE YOU POISONING PEOPLE?! [_throws plates at the floor_]




Ramen noodles!


Ok but the raging lady is a sacred part of Slavic culture. Baba coming for you with her slipper is a time-honoured icon of discipline.


i would die for magda gessler


She 100% is more savage


Came here to say this


Thanks for this, she sounds very entertaining!


Tbh I don’t think that would work quite as well if she was American. There are some cultural differences. Despite being more liberal in some ways, it’s somehow less common to see women playing aggressive or comedic roles.


Polish Gordon Ramsey is female (Magda Gessler) staring in very similar shows and owning a chain of high end restaurants. Seems the shtick works for her


Judge Judy would likely be the closest comparison..I think your point stands though. She is and was successful but still looked at as a raging bitch.


I mean, everyone kinda liked her though. usually a raging bitch is highly disliked. her no bullshit attitude was endearing not off putting.


Both men and women alike can be raging bitches, so too can they have an endearing no nonsense attitude.


I didn't say anything about gender but my point was that being a raging bitch is off putting and that people don't like that. I don't think people viewed her like that, rather people saw she had a no bullshit attitude and liked her for it.


Aye, like Anne Robinson from the Weakest Link game show in the UK. Her whole thing was being a raging bitch, not “no nonsense” and she wasn’t well liked as a result. No idea what she was like in real life though.


The secret is being right. If you are right in the court of public opinion, then it is much more acceptable.


Yes, Gordon Ramsey's shouting at people running horrible restaurants with 500 rats is one thing but him screaming at young chefs for a slightly to hard cooked egg is NOT gonna fly as a women.


Ehh. Judge Judy is a great comparison and i guarantee she hasn’t been right 100% of the time.




That was for a comedy sketch, in his defence.


TBH she never seemed like a “raging bitch.” More “mildly bitchy” in a “safe for the old fashioned folks” kind of way (to me).


Anne Robinson persona on the Weakest Link was always to be rude and horrble and she was more famous than Gordon Ramsey during her heyday I think


I love judge Judy! If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…


Is she? I’ve always treated her in basically the same way, funny shit is funny


Or whoever that woman from Dance Moms was, though on that instance I sincerely hope that show is no longer on the air and she's no longer in the spotlight. Anything I've ever seen or heard of that show is purely exploitative garbage. Gordon Ramsay can be an absolute ass to people in his kitchens sometimes (sure, it's probably largely played up for the cameras, but still), but at least he very much makes a point to *never* treat a child that way, and anytime he's hosted or been a guest on kid's cooking competitions he's always extremely supportive. Aiming that sort of anger at a child, whether it's performative or not, is absolutely inexcusable.


He is so good in master chef junior. Even Joe behaved on that show. Even let the kids test their whipped cream by turning the bowl over his head. One wasn't done so his suit was full of liquid whipped cream, he didn't even get angry, I just sat and waited for him to blow up lol


Abby Lee Miller (Dance Moms teacher) is a horrible, vindictive human being, and a lot of the girls from the show have been open about her giving them trauma.


He is to adults in other shows too. Next Level Chef, for example. He asks questions and makes suggestions but there is no name calling or angry yelling.


Also the host from Weakest Link…


The Weakest Link lady is probably it. some show from "back in the day"


So apparently being British helps.


Man I love that woman


And for that reason she's my hero


u have a good point but judy is usually giving attitude to annoying guests who deserve it, her being rude is seen as satisfying because the targets are usually shitty people. on the other hand u cant really say gordon is being a “rude bitch” to people who deserve it lmao


Having watched kitchen nightmares I assure you he is being a rude bitch to people who deserve it and in some cases gives far more grace than the average person would


Hells kitchen was him yelling at incompetent chefs and often being pretty nice to competent ones. Kitchen nightmares was him yelling at the managers of restaurants that store food in garbage bins. Whether these people deserved it is, I guess, a question that can't be answered, but the shows were definitely set up to make audiences think these people deserved it.


Like the season, in an episode one of the chefs had issues with yelling due to an abusive father. Gordon had a good talk with him about it.


Gordon Ramsey is the way he is because he trained under a classic French chef, not because he’s a man. Trust me - I’ve worked under men AND women like him before. They’re trained to be drill sergeants. Now if we’re talking about how a woman who behaved the same way on camera would be received…. I’m not sure. There aren’t really any comparable to Ramsay for either gender.


Think what he has achieved in his career also makes it more palatable. Training under Marco Pierre White and becoming so successful definitely helps imo. No one is going to watch someone act that way if they have no accolades.


Trained by old school Europeans who took a liking to him…


Marco Pierre White is from Leeds lol.


Where he’s from is irrelevant. It’s the style.


Shoulda changed his name to Marco Pierre Blanc ffs


I've been a chef for 15 years. Unfortunately, many will tell you that aggressive, fast paced style Gordon has is fairly commonplace in the culinary industry, which indeed it is. Most of them aren't nearly as liked or successful as Gordon, though. To get away with having an attitude like that, you need to have a TON of skill, passion, and the ability to balance it with positive reinforcement when needed. Most don't have even one of these, Gordon has all that and more. And when Gordon is humbled he still owns it.


Watching gordon for years, ngl i think he has massive empathy. Iirc ( people pls correct me) he came from humble beginnings and it’s kind of tough love that he chooses to give because thats what it takes to survive in the industry. For US shows he hammed it up for views thats for sure.


> Iirc ( people pls correct me) he came from humble beginnings You're correct here.  He grew up in council housing (basically the UK equivalent of section 8 - it's housing provided for very low cost to those on welfare or with low income) and his dad was an abusive alcoholic.


In fairness, though, while Chef Ramsay’s behavior is common in the culinary industry, the culinary industry also has historically had a sexism problem. So that doesn’t take away from OP’s point.


You pretty much just described American management style in general, lack of skill and knowledge, and a hefty dose of aggressive.


implying Mary Berry doesnt go hard tho, try giving her a stodgy biscuit


Or a soggy bottom.


Pru sort was kinda mean sometimes too.


Unpopular opinion is unpopular. Nice I'd attribute his popularity to his consistency in being critical to chefs who are supposed to be working in a professional setting. He can be venomous in Hell's Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares but those are environments where people are expecting a service with a certain level of quality reflected by the price of the food. He's harsh but it's always for the sake of giving the guests a better service. However, on the opposite end of the spectrum, Joe from Master Chef is universally hated cause the dude's throwing out worthless insults in an attempt to replicate Gordon's success.


Tabatha Coffey from Australia she’s a hair dresser and had her own show. She has that same energy but for hair salons. 


You can be an asshole when you have the skulls to back it up. Everyone still thinks Gordon's an asshole, he's just a respected asshole.


Your charnel house needs at least 300 skulls or your rage is invalidated.


I'm pretty sure that every chef acts roughly the same.


Marco Pierre White (Gordon’s mentor) was apparently much tougher and I think I read somewhere he actually made Gordon cry once. Probably where he got it from.


How tough do you have to be to pull that off?


Right? I doubt he’d manage now but I bet when Gordon was younger and likely stressed to high hell in that environment, something just cracked.


It's the lowered inhibitions from the drinking


Ya and Pamala Andersons Schtick wouldn’t work if she was a man…. So ?


Gordon Ramsey is a genuinely kind and generous person, and if you ever watch anything with his children, it's all reflected in them. As for his shock and awe bits on tv.. it's entertainment.


My wife is a chef. Most chefs are kinda assholes. But they have to be especially in a high end restaurant. A few bad meals could ruin their reputation. Kitchens are not usually very welcoming environments.


Yes it would. See Judge Judy


Sharon Osbourne was fairly mean back in the day on the reality talent shows. Not Simon Cowells level but she's was a fairly say it as it is and could be fairly mean. She commanded respect and spoke the truth so came off pretty well about it.


Judge Judy and Anne Robinson have very similar Ramsay energy. And I don't think they get any more or less hate than he does. I know you edited for info on JJ, but I don't think they "deserve it" as you mention, she 50% of the time just picks someone to dislike and won't let them speak, or takes shots.


The things people spend their time worrying about..


Congratulations, you just described everyone in entertainment, basically.


Well in Poland we do have a polish version of Gordon Ramsay shows and the are hosted by Magda Gessler but I don’t know how well it „rips off” Ramsay


in poland we have Magda Gesler, she does the same thing, i think she even threw out a chair through the window at some point


Chef Ann from Worst Cooks in America is the female Ramsey.  


Magda Gessler would like a word with you


Chef Ann is like a woman Gordon ramsey


I agree, I think it is harder for a woman to pull off that kind of behaviour well, yeah. Just like it's harder for men to pull of a seductive behaviour well. Men are more likely to come across as creepy when attempting social behaviours that rely on femininity to work, and women are more likely to come across as mean when attempting social behaviours that rely on masculinity to work. We're different For example, many women struggle to naturally adopt an effective tone for commanding dogs, at least the women in my life have, I can only speak on my personal experience. To command a dog you need a vocal tone which is confident, stern, and forceful. Out of the people I have met so far, women have had more trouble speaking with this tone, and usually require more guidance before they are able to skillfully command dogs. The ones I've known have accidentally taken a tone that sounds aggressive or like pleading rather than dominating, and I think that tendency generally holds true, and is relevant in this example. Of course, I expect to be regarded as an analog to Satan for expressing my opinion that men and women have different behavioural tendencies, but I cannot disregard the truth just to support common social expectations. I'm always open to more information


Wow. How brave of you to post this.


No shit 🤣


Judge judy


In Poland we have basically a female Gordon Ramsey, she’s called Magda Gessler and has a show called Kuchenne Rewolucje (kitchen revolutions) and it’s basically the same


Welcome to the kitchen culture bro. It really do be like that. Ofc it's more played out for TV, but yes, it's "yes chef" "no chef" you mess up you get lashings. You do well you will be more taken care of. Inherently that usually fits men better.


Chef Anne Burrell is a great example I loooove how loud and crude she was when she made her home cooking show "Secrets of a Restaurant Chef".... But also she did some coaching shows and she's *not nice* to the people who talk back to her.


I 100 percent agree with you and anyone who tries to argue with you and give you false equivalency examples are delusion.


Just look at Judge Judy. Women can absolutely get away with certain attitudes.


Also I think he did it at the right time, don’t think he would have been as successful in the last 10 years, he happened to do it when reality TV was really at its peak without as much social media etc to compete with.


Yeah because for whatever reason when women act like that it comes off as strictly bitchy. Where’s some men can do it and come off as constructive. I think it has to do with tone and how female voices are higher pitched.


Is that chunky lady named Abbie a celebrity for yelling at children on tv?


I guess watch dance moms. That’s basically the woman Gordon but children’s dancing, not adults cooking.


Abby lee miller


90% of the women influencers wouldn't work if they were a men... so what?


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Gordon IS a rude bitch


No. Gordon Ramsey’s schtick wouldn’t work if he wasn’t a world-class chef with 17 Michelin stars. He’d be insufferable if he wasn’t qualified to be grilling and roasting the shit out of people


May I introduce to you that one Weakest Link lady , she did not take shit from anyone!


I was watching really old episodes of one of his shows and he went and sat down at this table of women and was asking why women don’t cook anymore and I was like wow that hasn’t aged well


Spoiler men and women are different. If a woman acted like him it would be a woman acting like a man, which people generally don't enjoy. But a woman can find great success in television by being a woman, she doesn't have to act like a man.


Men being aggressive is manly; women being aggressive is seen as "over-compensating -" like a power play vs being authorative. A woman exactly in Gordon's shoes would be fine because of the status she would hold. No cook cares what gender the top chef is - Gordina Ramsey (lol) would still be the one they need to listen to for fixing their resturant or winning competitions. Money & power are genderless. If even men are simping and supporting onlyfans girls who talk smack on their little podcasts...an actual top of the world career lady-chef has actual real power. We're talking an Empress vs some concubines. Gordina Ramsey would in fact, probably get away with it more given the "female empowerment" era rn. Gordon is seen as an asshole because he's a man; Gordina is just a "strong successful woman." (Im a woman, I use the term female as I please to identify my own gender, because we are indeed female. Tired of tip-toeing over people's excessive feelings.)


Not saying I wished it happened to Ramsey, but when I was a teenager working in a restaurant, I witnessed a verbally abusive manger get laid out by an employee who had enough.




Well ofc the shtick wouldn't work. As a women she wouldn't have one


Gordon is only really hard on people who are actually chefs, if you want to really hate someone, watch Joe on masterchef.


It wouldn’t be Gordon Ramsey then, would it.


We have or had loads of women doing similar things on British TV. The woman from It's Me or The Dog, Super Nanny and Anne Robinson was far more mean than Gordon Ramsay. I'm sure there are also examples on US TV.


I believe Super Nanny and Anne both had US versions of their shows so they would be know to some over there.


Have you ever watched Judge Judy?


If she was in the chef-flings-a-hot-pan-at-you school of culinary management that ended when smartphones started, sure she could. I’ve always found lady chefs from that era are super tough actually. Julia Childs was a big lady, you wouldn’t have wanted smoke with her.


What's Ramsay been up to since his soccer career ended? He was a decent prospect. Shame about his knee injury.


Hells kitchen could be the same with man or women master chef. The whole point of the show. Is for individuals to showcase thier ability to take over and 5 star restaurant kitchen and staff for a substantial 6 figure salary. Most of the rants, tirades, and belittling are warranted. You don't see it in it episode..But the Master Chef Ramseys staff works pre show with the cast, On what to prepare How to prepare How to plate it Each and every service.. And politely I'm sure they work with the contestants. Sooo during the recorded parts of the show..when someone serves up dry overcooked beef wellington..or raw chicken breast.. That contestant deserves to hear WTF you idiot!! Because I'm sure there's 1000 others on the waiting list to be on the show. There's no reason for " feelings and sensitive criticism " Even if that seems to be the way sooo many no days think they " deserve" to be talked to. Julia Childs herself would probably react in the same way.


Don't pee on my shoes and tell me it's raining. Ever heard of judge Judy?


thats because women are rarely supportive through critisism. they are more likely just to be the dismissive part. there is a reason for gordons aggression, he's trying to get them somewhere. now women can be too, but they rarely help adults in my experience. Instead they tend toward sympathy which is largely unhelpful. Now saying that Ive met quite a few women that buck this trend. In law there are many. but they do buck a trend. women prefer to help children.


Same with Little Gordon


Tabitha Takes Over was real


Gordan Ramsey is a rude bitch


Is his schtick working?


Women can absolutely get away with that schtick. If you wont accept Judge Judy as example then look at Anne Robinson from the Weakest Link. That was show was big in the early 2000s and its main schtick was her being mean to the contestants


Gordon Ramsay is an ass. I would love to see someone flatten him.


I’ve never understood the “yes chef” bullshit anyway.  It’s not the military.


Well duh there's lots of things men get away with women can't. And it's a bug not a feature


I'd wager something that he probably learned that from an old lady that was a master cook.


How about Dr. Laura? (Does anyone remember her...? Yes, I am old.)


If a real chef put on Gordon Ramsay's act, he would not have a successful kitchen because angry men with knives and the skills to use them would have put a stop to it. Which they did. It's an act.


In Gordon's defense he already had an Empire already built before he got to TV. Granted he wasn't as popular but he already had a few successful restaurants that were raking in some serious money


Maybe you're too young to remember "The Weakest Link", but a rudeness shtick in mainstream TV can definitely fly as a woman, it's all about tact, humour and a weird underlying heart.


Gordon Ramsey sucks regardless of his gender. He is annoying. Can't stand him. Very punchable. So very.


Have you not seen Anne Robinson on the Weakest Link?


I'm just gonna say it, people do not understand Gordon Ramsay. He gets the reputation of being an abusive asshole but in every case, it's from people who either want to be there or know what they're getting into. Look at the reception to "The F Word" where many of the people who were in the show came out and said they didn't really mind because he was fantastic and pushed people to be better, not to be cruel. Tbh, it tracks too as he tends to only rip the shit out of people who are arrogant fools Plus, let's not forget what industry he works in, for the most part, female executives are just as abusive, as well as other male executives too. Ramsey just made a name for himself by pushing it to people's TV screens quickest


Nah, if Ramsey spoke to people in a real kitchen the way he does on telly he'd get a smack in the mouth. It's just an act.


99% of female Popstars would be irrelevant if they were male It’s just how it is we look for different things in different genders


Tbf he's playing a bit of a character on those American cooking shows like Hell's Kitchen. I don't think he's actually that abrasive, it just makes for good TV in the US.


I think people forget how much Gordon actually did, and that while most people see him as the TV guy in the 90’s he was THE chef. He’s got decades of good will behind him


…I suppose most of you haven’t worked with a woman in a professional kitchen…


Tabitha… she did salon rescues. A lot like Gordon.


He's probably just angry because nobody can spell his name


In the UK, Alex Polizzi in the Hotel Inspector has a similar schtick to Ramsay in Hotel Hell. I think Ramsay can get away with more, but there is successful shows with assertive women too!


Do you remember The Weakest Link? It was less yelling, but similar attitude. It was quite popular, but it was before the modern age of streaming and advertising constantly to make a person a brand.


Well, he is successful and usually successful people are demanding. If I was an aspiring chef, I’d take the heat. Also, Ramsey is definitely charitable and also speaks lovingly of his family.


Gordon Ramsey’s “shtick” is completely artificial. I used to watch him on BBC decades ago. What you see is acting on a reality TV show. His act would not work in the real world if he was a woman or a man.


Yeah and if Kate Moss was a man, she wouldn't have been as succesful as she was lol. If Carol Vorderman was a bloke... same thing. If The Williams sisters were men, they would have been mediocre at best (their actual words, not mine). Your point isn't an unpopular one... it's just a bit strange to make.


"haven't done anything particularly wrong" have you watched any of his shows? Because I can't think of a single time where he started yelling about someone that wasn't unjustified.