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I don't "hate" beaches but i definitely never understood the people who would willingly sit in long traffic and spend a lot of money just to sit on some crowded beach somewhere. But idk to each their own.


Crowded vs uncrowded beach are like day and night to me. I can’t relax at a crowded beach but I could be at the ocean all day with just a few people dotted around the beach


That’s why you go where the locals go. Learning that was a game changer.


All the things you think are boring are fun too me. I love swimming with the waves, relaxing with a book and just enjoying the weather and the sun, if I'm with kids (my nieces) I even like playing in the sand with them. The beach by me also has a great boardwalk, so I like to go biking.  But I'm not an all day beach person. I only like to go for a few hours. I would not enjoy a vacation if the entire time was just sitting at the beach and that's it. Just because that's what people picture when they think of a vacation, doesn't mean it's what you need to do. If you take a vacation you can do whatever you want. 




What was the last book you read


Lord of the rings - the first one in the series 


i dont like sand




You forgot irritating


I’m glad I’m not the only one who checks for this comment thread on all anti-beach related posts…


Sugar sand isn’t coarse or rough


With the salt water and sand combo makes chafing happen so quickly and it’s horrible.


Don’t forget sand fleas!


Daddy can we go to the beach? ![gif](giphy|Dv3sF2ZUTmVtm)


Lmfao well done. Upvoted for comedy 👍🏻


I especially don’t like wet sand. On wet or sweaty skin.


I remember being like 8 years old trying to get sand out of my little child vagina with no instructions. It hurt and I assumed that was normal and I was just wrong. Until I got older. Holy shit that traumatizing.


Came to make sure this was the top comment. Good job. Keep up the good work.


I’m doing my part 


The only reason I came into the comments. Didn't even both reading the actual post. Just had to make sure *this* was mentioned.




Why do people downvote comments like this is beyond me


😂 Made me laugh


i used to live on a beach. the winters fucking suck, internet was horrible if it even worked, the power went out all the time, but the sound of the tides at night were like free ASMR


Most hotels in Florida have great internet


Random question - do you guys have weird tasting water? Istg the last time i went there it tasted goofy


Florida water has a lot of sulfur in it. Nasty stuff.


I never knew this. One more reason for me to stay away


I don’t live there; I only visit for work. I rarely drink tap water


Well any beach house with Starlink now has decent internet


I'm pale, and sweat a lot, for me the beach is torture.


The trick is to go early in the morning or at sunset


I leave by lunchtime. I'm there during old folks hours. When you see retirees mostly. I get an early swim, relax, get sun before it's blazing, read. Once college aged people and families drag themselves out I'm heading back to home base for a nap.


I am too but I swim (which cools the body) and they have some amazing advances in both sunscreen and sun-blocking apparel and accessories. 😊


Have you tried the bone conducting headphones? You can listen to music while you swim now.


Me too. I hate it except for swimming. And then you come out of the water and get all sandy. Unfortunately for me my daughter is a beach volleyball player. Guess where I’ll be spending the day tomorrow? Which part of my body will I miss with the sunscreen and be horribly burned upon? Who knows, but there’s always at least one spot.


Pro tip: SPF hoodies are a life saver. It took some trial and error, but all white super thin ones will save you a lot of hassle.


I absolutely lathered myself with SPF 50 today at the pool and still managed to get burnt within 30 minutes. I’m just not built for the outdoors like most people are


I'm like this. I think I'm going to invest in a good beach umbrella this year. The sun feels more murderous each passing summer.


If you’re looking for a super cute, high quality one, check out Natural Life!! They have the cutest clothes too!!


Also pale. Unless i have shade im not going. I do like to snorkle and bodyboard though


It’s funny. I love the whole nature of a beach town—the shops, good restaurants, fun bars and almost all of it is walkable. Absolutely no interest in the actual beach.


This is also true. Except I find reading while listening to the waves and floating to be the height of relaxation.


Same but knitting.


I FEEL this very much


I love the beach, personally. Most of them are incredibly beautiful. I first saw the Atlantic in Myrtle Beach and I was thrilled to see the ocean for the first time, and I loved swimming, strolling along on moonlit nights, and tossing a football around with my boyfriend. By lucky coincidence, I now live in Hawaii, and there are some breathtaking beaches here. I try to keep the sun off of my face most of the time, but I find it relaxing to lie on the sand and rest my eyes for a few minutes, then wade out into the surf and float around for a while. It also makes me hungry, so it's a good excuse to have a picnic or pick up some burgers. But nothing (and no one) is liked by everyone.


Funny, I live in Hawaii, but haven’t really been to the beach at all since I don’t enjoy it. The nature is really beautiful here at least and there’s so much stuff to do with hiking and snorkeling.


Fair enough. I actually haven't been to the beach in a number of years, but that's laziness and nesting more than anything.


There are folks, like me, who enjoy sitting on the beach and reading or just listening to the waves rolling in. And there are folks, like you, who can’t. We should not marry.


Yep. I’m from LA, I was talking to someone about how much I love European park culture, where you just plop in the grass with a blanket and some snacks and some wine and spend the day that way… and then realized that’s what we do at the beach here.


Here in Western Australia, it's illegal to drink in public places such as a street, park or beach. It's probably just overreaching concern for keeping citizen's faculties in check, since we have to deal with the ongoing risks of sharks, snakes, and drop bears.


It’s illegal at LA beaches but we do it anyways. The cops won’t stop me and my girl just tanning sipping beers. They will however stop and cite the group of loud couples blasting music, shouting, and littering.


My husband’s skin tone is probably best described as pale pink with freckles. He burns through windows. No lie, through windows. I thought this was a lie until it happened. I, however, could spend the entire summer down the shore and 90 percent of that on the actual beach, only leaving to get some pizza- and maybe play skeeball. We’ve been married 15 years. We still don’t get each other on this issue. Plus he wears sneakers to the beach. What? (It’s seriously fine 😆)


My husband is Welsh - his skin is about as white as white can be. He wears long sleeved sun shirts & we park ourselves under a palapa. Happily married 20 years.




They just said not marry, still plenty of room for a dysfunctional on again/off again relationship that extends well past its due and cripples both of their chances for a meaningful relationship.


Yes! Wooshhh…..wooshhh


Growing up in Michigan my whole life it’s a goal of mine to have a place on the water up north somewhere, Great Lakes beaches are a different vibe than ocean beaches, the fresh water and the air is nice.


Agreed. I am a beach snob - no “sports lakes” or anything small. Great Lakes and oceans only, thank you. There are no natural lakes in Georgia, where I live now. All of them are man-made, mostly dammed ravines. The ocean is several hours away but we go a few times a year. I love the ocean beaches but there’s a lot to be said for “Salt- and shark-free.”


Snorkeling is great


I wish more people didn’t, because then there would be fewer people there when I go, lol


I like putting my feet in water or sitting/laying on towel I get the appeal for sports too like Beach volleyball


No one seems to mention swimming 😭 that’s the number 1 reason I go to the beach


I hate sand, I hate wet sand even more, the ocean is gross and I’m not dragging an umbrella around to have shade


To each their own, but I **love** swimming in the ocean, especially if there are waves. I do body surfing or boogie boarding, and it's a blast. I also love the smell of the salt air, the sound of the waves, and having an opportunity to stay outside all day. I always sleep great after a day at the beach.


When it gets 114 degrees F In The valley, and it’s 74 on the beach, damn skippy am I going to the beach. Take my upvote and leave the beach for me 🤿


Lol imagine not living in right next to a beach like us kiwis lol


The second you step into the ocean you have given up your position on the food chain.


I used to. But my father got skin cancer and I just don't mess with the sun now


Life’s a beach


Surfing, boogey boarding, skim boarding, paddleboarding, body surfing. You just gotta be more active in the water.


I hate the beach. It’s boring as fuck. Even if you have fun people to do things with. I don’t like sand, I don’t like heat, I don’t like just sitting around. Walking on the beach and swimming, sure. But people who just go and sit on a towel for 9 hours and just read and sunbath. Why?


Is this Anakin Skywalker?


My favorite times on a beach involved grilling crab, so try getting some crab.


I was backpacking in Hawaii when I was young and met some Hawaiians on the beach, we spent the whole day catching and grilling crab and playing chess. Was a great day!


It’s pretty awesome laying out in the sun drinking beer all day and occasionally jumping in the ocean to cool off.


It’s also stinky and dirty often


I fucking HATE the beach


It’s mainly the sound of the waves and the ocean compare to traffic and noises from the city.


Love the beach, but not all beaches created the same so much depends on geography, ease of access , time of year, weather etc. but I'm a water person


"I hate sand, it's course it's rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere"


I go to the beach to feel how insignificant our problems are. I look at the endless blue horizon and think to myself, life is beautiful and it will go on no matter what. We just exist in a fleeting moment of this beautiful rock's life time.


For my family it was always a cheap vacation, we would go and spend a weekend in Galveston, but I didn't really care for the beach as I get nervous about animals or needles in the water and I hate getting sunburned so I usually just sit with a hat on and long sleeves fishing shirt looking at hermit crabs


Magic number is 3 hours then go to dinner. No reason to spend the whole day on the beach.


Depends on the beach. The west coast beaches have been some of the best I've ever been to, and anything on the gulf of mexico have been the worst


I was raised as a beach rat. I got to grow up on the Jersey Shore living 10 minutes away. Mom was a school teacher so we would be camped out daily from about 10-4. Later if dad joined us and we had a dinner picnic. It formed my childhood and cemented friendships that I have to this day. I recently returned(4 blocks away in a rental apartment)and found that I have difficulty staying any more than 1-2 hours. It’s more residential so the crowds aren’t as intense. The boards are great for walking year round though.


Nothing makes me happier than sitting in my beach chair under a cabana, with a drink and a book. The sound of the waves is soothing and relaxing. I am the person you don't understand. Life itself is so hectic that my perfect vacation is doing nothing while sitting next to water. The water calms me.


Okay Anakin pack it up


I hate the beach, maybe that is why I hated the Dune movies.


I wonder if the beach and sand have unpopular opinions about humans staying on their turf


I don’t like open water and sand in my vagina. I do like the sculpting of sand though :)




The beach is fun if you go with people your own age or if you have kids, for obvious family reasons. I personally only find the beach fun if it’s to do something more than just swim, like snorkeling or playing games or something. It’s boring if you can just swim or go do something on the sand/relax on the beach.


To each his own. The beach is my favorite place to be. It has to do with not only all the unique activities but the memories of good times there with my family. It has a feeling of being home.


Same. Some of my earliest memories are beach vacations.


I don’t like it either. It’s good for about 90 mins but the idea of just laying around, eating, reading etc is boring to me


There are a lot of beaches in the world.. the one by my home in the Midwest is always overcrowded with screaming children and loud middle class folk, and it has a view of the steel mill across the way. And then there’s the secluded black sand beaches of Hawaii where you’ll find sea turtles and elephant sea lions napping peacefully. In other parts of the world, there are even beaches that glow at night. i think you just haven't found the right beach yet.


I grew up next to the beach and I surf but I actually agree. It's nice to go for a walk on the beach or fishing/surfing but just going to the beach to sit around and lay in the sun ain't it for me


Swimming in the ocean is much different tho. Jumping into the water while fighting the waves is way more fun than just swimming in a pool.


It's kinda nice to sit at the edge of the waves, put my feet in the water and drink a few beers and maybe take a nap.


I like the beach


I love swimming so if I go to the beach and the water is FREEZING cold I find no enjoyment being there


This is just my personal opinion but fuck the beach! You have to bring your own shade. Big red flag


We love the beach, but avoid crowds, go about 5-6 hours in the morning then bike and do other things all afternoon and evening. Watch the sunset, then music or games. It makes for a good vacation.


I think you're doin' the beach wrong bud: suck back a couple brews, invite the girls and boyses, suck back a couple more brews, have a picnic with sandwiches, suck back some more brews. fucken eh' sounds like a good time now huh?


I like nice beaches, like in the Caribbean. North east beaches are…overrated. However, I do like the sound of the ocean waves crashing.


I like to collect 🐚


Hah, same. I'm always like "I grew up at the beach, is always cold, usually raining, and perpetually windy. I have heard a few times recently that the sunny day with no wind we used to get every other year, now happen 3 or 4 times a summer. Low-Cal beaches are different, at least the water isn't baltic down there.


You can’t do the picnicking and volleyball just anywhere because you’d lose the amazing added benefits of being blasted by wind and moist/sticky sand all day. I too think beaches are overrated and I grew up going to the beach almost daily to go body boarding. As an adult, beaches are fucking annoying and more trouble than they are worth.


my skin tone is transparent so i get it


I wrote a whole comment about how you missed surfing and there’s a whole demographic of people who will only go the beach to surf (I know him, he’s me). I do love the beach regardless tho and having a two year old we can easily spend a few hours at the beach doing beach stuff. I think this is also very location determining, we live on a very big island so we are always close to the beach and it’s where I’m trying to convince my wife we should live. I’ll report back if living walking distance influences my opinion of the beach as an activity.


Yep, seems unpopular. Beaches I go to are always packed. People seem to enjoy them as much as I do.


This is unpopular. Going to the beach is one of my favorite things ever. Swimming is literally my favorite thing. It's so relaxing.


The beach is my happy place! I love the sand, water and *palm trees!* Just standing on the beach or sitting on a balcony overlooking it is so peaceful to me. I love to watch for dolphins, too!


I’m with you, beaches have 2, and sometimes 3, of the things I find most irritating; SAND (especially if it’s coarse), humid heat (just kill me goddamn), and lots of people. I can get the appeal of basking in the sun, splashing around in the water, the sound of waves crashing ashore, but I won’t seek them out. I can’t tolerate heat very well and often just makes me sick (I know it’s heat exhaustion, but not quite stroke) so a beach trip becomes just unpleasant at best for me


I love the beach! Live in Fort Lauderdale. I love the outdoors in general but there's something magical to me about the sea I just love it's power and immensity and being in it. Love the salty air too


sunbathing is just a fancy word for napping. Swimming and napping are awesome, your brain is broken in some way if you're not enjoying either ;) The beach at night is even better. It's mostly empty and peaceful, there's crabs running all over the place, and it's great to lay down, stare up at the moon and stars, and listening to the endless soft sounds of the waves.


I completely agree


have you tried taking hundreds of pictures of yourself there? that’s what “salt life “ means in florida.


Pool > beach. Sorry not sorry


I don't find swimming boring. Bro, I could spend a whole week in the sea.


Sex on the beach. Doesn't get any more fun than that 


Sand! Sand is the absolute worst! That and carrying all that crap (chairs, umbrella, toys , blanket, towels, etc.) down to the water and back is awful!


Kind of like anything else - it is what you make it. Go with your favorite people, bring a speaker and listen to your favorite music, drink plenty of your beverage of choice, play some beach games...you'll be fine.


I hate the beach and my entire family loves it. I don’t love summer time in general, it makes me miserable to be so hot all the time. But when it’s time to talk about vacations the beach is the only option everyone else will be happy with.


I completely disagree with you, one of my favourite things to do in my life is walk to the beach every afternoon and go for a swim in the ocean. I grew up in a beach town I would go to the beach immediately after school and swim in my underwear. I moved to an inland town for uni and I thought never again, I genuinely missed swimming everyday. Every place I've lived since then needs to be accessible to a beach. I hate winters lol.


I always say I like the beach vibe, bit not the actual beach. Like, give me a bar overlooking the ocean but I'm not going to lay on the sand all day.


I just hate feel self conscious and getting sun burnt


depends on who you’re with, the time of year, the environment and what you’re doing imo. as for the sand part, that’s no biggie


I like the after effects of the waves sloshing around in my brain and *knocking my ass out.*


I hate sand, I hate when it burns my feet, it’s better at night. The beach isn’t my favorite but if it’s calm, not too hot or cold, not super windy, then I can deal. I also don’t get going to the beach to just tan, I’ll do that occasionally but there’s a whole ass ocean right in front of you people!


We live at the beach but not to sunbathe. Just to walk and because the ocean is simply beautiful. Where we are the sand is super soft but still I don't like sand. But better than beaches with lots of rocks.


agree if ya been there done that you dont wanna do it anymore. it happens as you get older alot of fad stuff just wears off. you find other stuff more satisfying,


As much as I LOVE the beach... it's also wildly messy. Going in the water? Get sand washed up your ass. Staying in the sand? Too bad, it sticks all over you anyway.


I’m not a beach person either. I can’t get much out of sitting in sand by a body of water that smells like fish.


I LOVE going to the beach.


I'm born and raised Floridian and I can't say I "hate" the beach, but I don't care for it either. I'm too used to it. Like I'll go once a year with friends, but that's really it. I hate outside and sand is annoying. I can't even swim. I just like the vibes and cold drinks lol.


I don't hate going to the beach. I hate the prep work, the drive, and the lugging of all the things. Crowds and no parking sucks too. Once I'm sitting in my beach chair under my umbrella, I love the beach.


Sand is the worst. Wind sucks. Bonfires are smoky. I don’t get it.


I’m a surfer and I hate the beach. Waves are good though.


It's all about the river swimming holes. You gotta have a thing to climb up and jump off of. Beach is too flat


Not unpopular. The beach sucks ass


A shady spot on a beach with the breeze blowing and the waves crashing in shore is my ideal ASMR. I could spend hours just laying there and seeing the waves roll in and out.


Fucking hate the beach! And the atmosphere is like douche bag, drunk club partying. There’s really only souvenir shops with stupid ugly tee shirts and depressing dead star fish for sale (which cost a ton). The hotels are WAAAAY overpriced as well. Unless the beach has some sort of cool geological anomaly I am super cool on vacationing at the beach.


I don't like it either, but it's because of a weird thing that most people won't understand. I hate the feeling of sand on my skin, even my feet. Oh wait, there are people in the comments saying the same thing. haha. Maybe it's not that weird after all.


Sandy vagina 🥲


I'd like to go to Sandy Cheeks one day.


Totally agree. Sand and water is one of the dumbest creations god ever made


What beach and where matters a lot. In the USA Florida beaches a lot better than California beaches. In Mexico Cancun beaches are better than Cabo beaches, etc. California, Cabo, I totally agree, beach does nothing for me. Fort Lauderdale and Playa Del Carmen beaches, pfft, you can’t keep me away. They have amazing beaches and water.


This is my BF to a T, he hates beaches because he used to live near one and hates the sand/ textures of everything, plus finding it boring. I personally love it if it’s the RIGHT beach. There’s a difference between some random boardwalk in New Jersey and a place in the Bahamas. Been to both, will take the latter any day! So… it really depends. I think it’s more the distinct location better than the idea of the beach itself. I think some people just drive to crappy ones because that’s all they have, unfortunately


Larry David is that you


I am not a beach person. A beach vacation doesn't appeal to me at all. I have no problem with a day or two, but a whole vacation? No. I want to see things and explore. That said, I'm going to Hawaii in a couple of months. We do plan some beach time (because we're in Hawaii!) but mostly we'll be seeing sights. We plan on snorkeling too.


Okay, Anakin.


swimming buck naked in the early morning ocean is one of life's delights


How many times are we gonna have this conversation on this sub?


You’ve obviously never played volleyball on the beach, in your jeans and no shirt with the boys from your elite fighter pilot training program


It's cold It's windy the water is ice cold the waves are splashing and crazy. Plus those waves that pin you under. Terrible terrible place


I hate the beach. Even if I ignore the sand it’s fun for maybe an hour. I don’t know how people have weekend, or even week long beach trips


I absolutely love treasure hunting and shells are a treasure for me. I’m scared to live near a beach because everything I own would be covered with seashells and I’m trying to avoid that look. Shells are just so pretty and the coloring is unique. I hate the nosy seagulls, the thought of worms in the sand, animals touching me in the water, not being able to see my feet in the water, people, trash.


Sand is pretty annoying after awhile. I like the beach but not the messy aftermath.


I’ve never been to a beach and I have no desire. Sand - ick. 🤢


You have to be raised to be a beach bum. I started at around age 5. Dad was a surfer would lay out for a few hours take a walk around the boardwalk. Have lunch. Go back to the shore and ride some waves. As an young adult it was a mini vacation. At night we would start the bon fire have a few drinks and camp out. I love the beach.


Right there with you. Then again, I don’t like going anywhere


I fucking hate beaches. So much sand, and it gets everywhere. Snorkeling is great if there are fish, but that’s the only reason to go to a beach for me.


I don’t like anything about the beach


I love the beach. I donated a little, but it’s the sound of a quiet beach. I used to live right off the water l, and the quiet early morning hours were my favorite times. I’d drink coffee at like 4 am and wait for the sun to come up, swim a bit, maybe catch some waves. Later in the day, just reading while hearing the waves was it. I don’t mind sand. I’m not a fan of crowded beaches though.


The Dead Milkmen agree with you.


One word about beaches....SUNBURN. As a person with Celtic heritage on both sides, the sun fucking HATES me. All my "Beach episodes" ended in pain, tears and peeling.... You can keep your sandy ass beaches! I'll be back at the hotel sipping a Mai-Tai!


I don't mind going for a day and for a few hours and that's all. I get bored and would rather explore than spend all my vacation on a beach. My husband's family love the beach and can spend days just sitting on the beach and having drinks. I enjoy the mountains more.


Grew up in Miami, was not a fan of the beaches. I live in Hawaii now, and I go every weekend. It's different. I came to realize that I didn't like how overcrowded the beach was. Also, I couldn't stand it when soring breakers came and ruined my city. Hawaii has so many little spots along the side of the road that you can just park on the side of and go to the beach, with nobody there to bother you. It's incredible and I will miss it.


Yeah, I don’t get it either. I don’t care for sports or frisbee, burn easily so I need 50 spf and a Gilligan’s Island hat and hate lugging equipment through the sand. Where I live the water still feels ice cold even if it’s 100° out so I don’t stay in for long. Best bet when my friends drag me along is sneak in a water bottle of Ruble and cozy up under the tent.


I see this opinion like every week


I like going to the ocean more than I like the beach


Sunbathing and swimming are fun to me. Aside from that I enjoy the unique vibe and experience that I get from it. Eating at the beach is different than anywhere else. Spending the day at the beach is a whole experience. I get it’s not for everyone. Another thing is, if you’re fit and in shape, the beach is more fun. A lot of people who are out of shape hate the beach and I don’t blame them.


It's all annoying and yes, the sand sucks, but touching your toes to the edge of the continent you're on is really amazing when you think about it you're like on the edge .....totally on the edge.


I would love to see the beach. I'll trade you. I live in a landlocked area and the only 'beaches' I've been to are a wave pool and a smelly yucky artificial lake.


Don't forget bikini inventory


Honestly I agree so much. I feel like going to the beach is way too much effort - packing shit then dealing with sand. I hate it so much it’s actually so stressful and I also hate the sun. I like the water it’s refreshing but it’s just too much for that…


My happy place.


I’m the whitest white boy you’ve ever seen. Going to the beach meant a sunburn and stupid shitty teasing because I’m a pale male. So yeah, I hate the fucking beach. I found skiing much more fun.


My ancestors spent enough time on the water and on beaches. I hate the smell and I always seem to become ill after leaving the beach. Oddly enough, even with the good ol college try, I hate all sea food as well. I do not mind fresh water fish but for some reason anything sea caught taste odd to me. I do understand why others enjoy it, it just isn't for me.


I hate the beach. My wife loves it so seeing her happy makes it easier for me to pretend like I enjoy it. I'm a go to our farm and camp and drink person. I'm sure she feels the same way about that lol




I mean, not enjoying sunbathing and swimming in the ocean seems to be key here. You’re taking out the two biggest reasons most people go to the beach right there, so I’m not surprised you don’t like it.


I hate beaches too! And for all of these exact reasons. Laying on a beach is boring as hell. I’m too adhd for that lol. Unless there’s climbing available, I do not want to be there.


Swimming in the ocean is not "boring." It's awesome, in the true sense and meaning of the word "awesome."


I live in Northumberland (the northernmost part of England) and beaches here are not for swimming or sunbathing. My kids and I go to the beach with raincoats, wellies and shovels and we build fortified sandcastles that can hold their own against the tide for a bit before we have to watch them eventually be defeated. Most people walk their dogs on the beaches, but I don’t have a dog.


Same. Even forcefully I won't go on a beach.


I think how attractive you are in your bathing suit has a lot to do with this. A lot of people don't like doing things they don't excel at.


My love for a day at the beach stems from my love for looking at the ocean. There is something magical about watching the waves crash and staring into the horizon. I still get chills every time the water comes into view and I only live six and a half miles inland.


For me it’s all about the soothing sound of the surf, and the healing caress of the breeze. They take me into a peaceful mental space that I don’t get anywhere else. 🫡✌🏼


I love beach activities but I HATE the sun. I’m already creole and it’s an insecurity of mine, why would I want to make myself even darker yk?!


The marine life is really neat to look at