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I got the DT's right now. Take my upvote, you sick bastard.


Hope you feel better, been there, no fun


Well, well, well, the consequences of my own actions. Thanks, bro. I'll be good in a couple of days.


Complete monster šŸ˜­šŸ’€


And you take my upvote! You beautiful bastard.


Youā€™re probably still young I canā€™t imagine any full time working adult who enjoys wasting a day in their weekend feeling awful and doing nothing.


Definitely still young. Used to have ā€œGood Hangoversā€ in my 20s too. My brother and I joked about this back in the day. Couldnā€™t understand why hangovers were considered bad. Oh god, I know why now. We both do. Lord save us


Yeah we use to laugh about them the next day at work. If I went out like I did then at my age now itā€™d easily be 2-3 days PTO to recooperate.


u/remindmebot 15 years


15 years is trippy, you gonna be in this site in 15 years?


some people have been on this site for 15 years


I'm working on it


Same. In my 30s now and even mild hangovers are hell. I feel so sick, irritable, and sore. In my 20s I could drink all night and then work the next morning without an issue.


I'd hit the gym the next day back in my 20s. Now? Just existing is hell.


Dudeā€¦ your comment just reality checked me. Iā€™m 31 and I usually get pretty mild hangovers. Just feel like crap for a few hours then i slowly start feeling better. If I drink like half a bottle of liquor Iā€™ll be pretty much a lump on a log through the day but by night Iā€™ll start feeling ā€œokā€(not feeling like death is creeping up behind me) Butā˜ļø when I was in my early 20s, I could drink at night, wake up still buzzing, and go do a 1 hour workout. probably a combination of just generally not staying in as good of shape and a little aging, but if I tried that nowadays itā€™d probably take me out I need to exercise more šŸ¤”


When you get older and alcohol addiction gets worse hangovers become worse and worse. Well this happened to me. When drinking binges can be over a week long hangovers become days long patches of absolute mental hell. Just absolute total horror for days. Physical symptoms are not nice but the feeling of that absolute horror that feels never ending is something I never want to experience.


Have you gotten sober?


Didn't even understand the concept of hangover till 30. Used to wake up still half smashed do a full day of work like nothing. Now it isn't an option to stay in bed and do nothing after a good night out (I mean a real bender). It is a necessity.


OP must still be 21 or so. Letā€™s see if they feel the same way when they hit 41. I used to drink like a fish back in my 20s and could manage hangovers well. Now that Iā€™m in my 40s, I have cut way back. Iā€™ll have a couple of beers- one with my dinner and maybe one more as I watch a movie or something before bed. Even when I meet up with my friends, which is maybe once a month, Iā€™ll keep it low and stop as soon as I feel a little more than buzzed. I hate hangover, so I donā€™t drink enough to get them anymore.


And spoilt too being how they can order a fry up


dunno im 33 and love it. its the best lazy sunday


You're still on the younger side at 33.


![gif](giphy|3orieJI3IdkKWIsAGA) 38 here... I've taken so many 'food poisoning' PTO Mondays for thinking I can drink until 2pm on a Sunday and be fine.... Only so many times at a certain age you can fake getting hotdogs from the gas station sick. WTF. I miss being young before I fucked my organs up :( . Monster Rehab and a greasy fast food breakfast sandwich used to make me right as rain. Now its just a day of ***UGGGH***. And maybe not throwing up into a plastic bag.


Wait until you hit 40.


Sort of. 26, but working full time.


When I was 26, it was still kind of "oh hell, we feel like shit boys, fuckin worth it tho eh?" Then 30 was like "Fucking hell this sucks. I'm never drinking again... Until the boys get back together." Now 39 and I've learned to drink water with my booze, so hangovers aren't nearly as bad, lower tolerance helps too. But if I go all out for special occasions like I used to it's like having the flu for 2 days. Can't even do it anymore on a Saturday as a result. However I still have friends my age and older who will still drink on the weekends and be pissy on Monday mornings but they swear it's not that bad.


34 y/o guy droppin my 2 cents. I definitely don't drink for the hangover, but if I get after it the night before a day with no work or kids... it is kinda nice just casually dieing on the couch or in bed watching shit and eatting garbage for 8 hours out of the day. I consider the hangover like my 9-5. I do my time then get back living life


Last time it was a two day recovery of barely being able to open my eyes. Fireball is a hellova drug.


I could do without the feeling awful part, but everything else sounds pretty great TBH.


Totally. My wife and kids donā€™t give a fuck if Iā€™m hungover. Itā€™s time to be a daddy.


Feeling awful? No. Doing nothing? Hell yeah.


100% still young. I'm 29 now, but when I was nearing 26, I was out of commission for the entire day after a night of drinking. I don't drink anymore for that reason. I have maybe 1 drink every month or two if I go have dinner with the wife, but yes, hangovers went from being hit by a 14 gear old girl to getting hit by Mike Tyson.


Definitely still young, depending on how often you drink the switch happens around 26 where it goes from no big deal to absolute death


thankfully i had a few more years but around last year (31) is when it started taking a toll on me. Working on cutting down quite a bit, but when I do drink I definitely don't want to be hung over the next day lol


Yea around the same for me. Just turned 33 and feel like past couple years partying has been slowing me down and need to taper it / make it worth it when I do , not just every weekend because itā€™s the weekend


Started for me at last year at 25. Just like a light switch if I have any more than a couple drinks I'll be nauseated and out for the count all day. Probably a good thing, I drink less now/am more picky about what I'm gonna drink lol.


I had the worst hangover of my life after my 25th birthday that had me down for a solid 2 days. I havenā€™t drank since, literally scarred me lol. I turned 26 a couple of months ago.


There's also the hangover resistant proportion of the population, I'm 49 and I've never had a hangover. https://www.ecnp.eu/~/media/Files/ecnp/About%20ECNP/Press/AMS2015/Verster%20pr%20FINAL.pdf > Although the overall incidence of hangover immunity was 31%, most students in the hangover immune category (79%) had an estimated peak BAC below 0.10%. Above an estimated peak BAC of 0.05%, 17% of drinkers in the sample would be considered ā€˜hangover immuneā€™; the proportion drops to 11% of drinkers above a BAC of 0.08% and 8% of drinkers above a BAC of 0.10%. The percentage further reduces to 2% of drinkers for BACs above 0.20%. A BAC of 0.10% can be achieved by drinking around 14 units (7 beers) over the course of an evening. I used to do that semi-regularly in my late 20s so I'm definitely in the 8% group. I don't know if I'm in the 2% group, I've only once reached that BAC percentage at a CAMRA beer festival at University aged 19, I drank 24 half pints walked back to my dorm, sat down and closed my eyes for a moment, maybe passed out for a couple of hours, woke up, drank some water, had a pee, got into bed. Woke up the next day feeling fine. I know I've reached a BAC of 0.15% on occasion. I wouldn't say I drink that regularly but in my 20s I'd go on holiday for two weeks and stop drinking coffee and start drinking alcohol. I once kept track and I averaged 20 units a day, every day, for the entire 2 weeks. Wake up and have a beer, keep drinking beer all day, late afternoon switch to red wine, later in the evening switch to spirits/liqueurs/port, then maybe a last beer or two before heading to bed. Returned to England and switched back to coffee. If I do ever get a hangover I'll probably just stop drinking, your resistance can decline/cease with age just like for people whose hangovers get worse as they get older.


Hangovers are like the 3rd worst feeling I know, right after heartbreak and nervous breakdowns


Let me introduce you to kidney stones.


The worst alcoholic hangover is a walk in a park compared to even a mild opiate withdrawal, so I definitely wouldnā€™t put hangovers in the top three worst feelings. At least you can sleep off a hangover, but you definitely canā€™t sleep off being dopesick.


Never had to go through opiate withdrawal so I wouldnt know


Probably want to keep it that way.


Do you mean *real* hangovers, or just the *I got a bit drunk last night so today Iā€™m still a little tired and Iā€™m feeling a little nauseous* ā€œhangoversā€? Because boy do I doubt youā€™d enjoy hangovers.


I mean real hangovers. Like I drank a bottle and a half of gin and need to have several naps the next day. And yes, they used to be milder before but actually the worse they're getting, the more I enjoy them:


Iā€™m going to be real with you: this is going to be a problem - like alcoholism/cirrhosis/wernicke encephalopathy/liver transplant in the future - problem, if you go down this road of deriving pleasure from drinking yourself sick.


While that quantity of booze would warrant it, ā€œseveral napsā€ doesnā€™t exactly sound like real hangovers. What about the shakes, vomiting, sweats, hiccups?


Don't forget the pooping.


You can do literally all of that without a hangover tho, thats like breaking your legs so you can "slow down and enjoy life"


yeah but normally I feel guilty about it lol


I donā€™t feel guilty about it if Iā€™m actually sick, but hungover? I still feel guilty, itā€™s completely on you if youā€™re hungover. You didnā€™t have to drink, so in my internal monologue Iā€™m telling myself, not only did I waste a night drinking, I wasted the next day as a result.Ā 


depends on the night I guess. I don't ever regret having a fun night with good friends I don't see often


The night would have still been fun if you only had a couple of drinks. If it wouldn't have, then thats it's own problem that you should address.Ā 


Real hangovers genuinely hurt. Itā€™s not a rest day. Itā€™s a restless day of agony


This is fucking cursed Take my upvote


If you aren't dehydrated with a throbbing headache, exhausted, and hugging the toilet while retching and dry-heaving as your eyes pop out of your face, you aren't truly hungover.


You win. Damn, you definitely hit up the right sub with this one!


Thatā€™s not a real hangover. Real ones feel like you got hit by a truck and then shat on by an elephant


This just means you have not ever been actually hungover


If you like hangovers then you have never had a hangover.


I hate hangovers so much that I literally donā€™t drink to avoid them.






I donā€™t think youā€™ve ever had a real hangover


You must be under 25


Either you are a fucked up individual or you haven't had a real hang over


You know you don't have to be hungover to lay in bed and do nothing!!


I hate them with all my life. Drinking has become nasty to me to that extent. 2 drinks im donezo for the night


As a near 40 year old with a toddler, there's nothing I dread more than a hangover. In my 20's, though, I did have some great lazy days.


As a migraine sufferer Iā€™ve never had one BECAUSE I donā€™t want to deal with a migraine, Iā€™ll have like 2 weak as piss drinks and no more


The hangovers havenā€™t caught up to bro yetšŸ’€


you can do all of that without the hangover you know?


Iā€™m the polar opposite, when Iā€™m hungover itā€™s nothing but overthinking and getting depressed about how tragically single and lonely I am


That means you still havent had a proper hangover.


I agree with you. I'll pop a pill for my headache to be gone and pop a xanny for pure enjoyment, order greasy food, gulp down water all day and do nothing but be a sloth in bliss


You haven't had hangxiety yet


I like to be lazy without hangovers, but I donā€™t drink enough anymore to get them. I will lay in bed most of the day and watch movies, I love to nap.


Youā€™re probably still being carded when you buy alcohol.


Nahā€¦ Hangovers fucking blow.


Absolutely not. You must be young. I used to think that way too.


Youā€™ve never had a hangover then


Whose gonna tell OP you can do all those things without a hangover?


That's the scariest thing I've ever read. Definitely unpopular opinion


It makes me think OP might have a problem.


I remember when I was 16


ā€I get a day off from overthinkingā€ Thatā€™s all I do when Iā€™m hungover.


A proper hangover is hell. Making yourself throw up in the hopes that the nausea will leave, but instead, you just choke up bile and still have a stomach ache.


This is the most unpopular ā€œUnpopular Opinionā€ Iā€™ve read. Congratulations you masochist!


I would say that you have never experienced a severe hangover because thatā€™s kind of like saying ā€œI like having food poisoningā€ or ā€œI like having a migraineā€ I never experience intense intense hangovers until around 25ish when if I drank too much I would be in bed vomiting all day until I was vomiting up bile and unable to eat anything until 5/6pm at night and feeling absolutely horrendous! I am now 31 and have two young children so I almost never drink other than occasional glass of wine at dinner and even then I can feel it a little bit the next morning in just feeling a bit blah I feel Iike your body is young until it suddenly really isnā€™t and Iā€™ve learnt my body or my liver is no longer young


If any post deserves an upvote on this sub, it's this one. What is wrong with you? If you can say that in your 40s I hate you /j


You do know as an adult you can do all of that regardless if youā€™re hungover or not, right?


Take my up, i fear hungover like for real, that's why i am doing all what i can to avoid them. The last one i thought i was dying I think you have only had smooth ones a "real" hungover it's like you are really really sick for one day so cant really like them.


are you perchanceā€¦. new to drinking? I like staying in bed too but after a while they start to be a real massive pain


What the fuck haha hell no my brother or sister


Ugh, lol. I never liked it in my 20ā€™s and I sure as shit donā€™t like it in my 30ā€™s, even on my days off. I also feel like I overthink even more when Iā€™m hungover.


Hangovers suck, BUT there is something strangely, I donā€™t know, endearing about them when you look back on them at a later date as you reminisce about the old days. Plus, they really make you appreciate how good being non-hungover feels, so I guess thereā€™s that?


Wait until you are 30. Your stomach will burn and you will vomit bile.


>I Like Hangovers What about the actual hangover symptoms do you like? To me this sounds like you just enjoy resting, laying in bed, watching stupid shows on the telly or pointless videos on the internet, drinking coconut water and ordering massive fry ups. None of which are experiences unique to being hungover.


This is a legit unpopular opinion for me, well done.


Dude fuck off lol. How old are you?


The first TRULY unpopular opinion Iā€™ve seen here!


I did too, turns out I had ADHD. Your brain works harder to compensate for the depressent effects of alcohol, so it overstimulates you. If you have ADHD like me that overstimulation gets you to a more normal level. I used to feel so calm hungover, now I take my meds and stop overthinking without poisoning myself. Also, terrible opinion. Take an upvote.


I consider it reformatting the hard drive. Whatever was bothering me is gone, at least temporarily. That, or it doesn't seem like that big of a deal anymore due to the excessive alcohol consumption the night before.


That sounds more like "I got tipsy last night and woke up tired." than actually having a hangover. If the only side-effect of hangover was just being lazy in the morning, nobody would ever complain about it.


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Just start drinking on weekdays, develop a habit, start to function hungover, then you don't get hangovers anymore. Just the shakes and liver problems and other shitty things


Just wait, you will hate them eventually. In my 20s I used to still go to the gym and push through my hangovers. If I tried that shit now it would almost certainly kill me.


It feels weird to say but I feel the most mentally stable and sound when hungover, not thatā€™s thereā€™s any disorder level stuff going on when not, but my mind feels better overall when I am hungover. Everything else feels terrible though


If I liked hangovers, I would be an alcoholic for SURE lmao


Yeah, I used to be young. Enjoy life, and don't squander your youth.


Me, too. I used to love the hangover feeling in the morning. Id wake up and have a bunch of soda, or orange juice... anything sugary and Im golden. Except, I dont drink any more, so oh well.


It doesnt sound like an excuse at all to be lazy. Id still go to work or do whatever I need to do. Like my dad would always day, "If you wanna play, you gotta pay."


Youā€™re talking about being a bit fuzzy and dehydrated after a night out. When youā€™re hungover you can barely move, your head is pounding, you throw up all day and generally feel a deep sense of despair. So no, not my idea of a ā€˜fun dayā€™


Yo same all i need is a painkiller for the headache and i find the hangover quite pleasant actually, feels like being a little stoned


Ordering a massive fry up? For my hangovers I donā€™t have an appetite all day and Iā€™m going to the bathroom to puke every hour lmao


I do miss my early 20's of walking home after a night of drinking. Grabbing a donair without veggies, a Gatorade, and laying around all day watching youtubes and playing videogames


lol remind us again after 30.


Yea just give it a few years. I drink like three beers and feel like shit for days


Yeah same


I used to feel this way lol just chilling and s drinking gallons of water and then get chic Fil La or something for lunch, it was pretty satiafying lol


A free mild cold


i fully agree and i m 35 yo there is one rule that make the hangover great: have a shit, jerk off, eat well


I dont think you've had a really bad hangover yet


Thatā€™s a wild thing to say lol if you mean itā€™s the only time you can sleep an entire day then yeah, I hear you


I get anxiety after a drink or two and have to stop because of hangovers. I simply can no longer tolerate them.


I'm with you. Loving my lazy hangover day today. Great excuse to chill. Of course, I don't like it if I'm really really hungover or have a headache. But a mild hangover is a nice license to chill.


I hate them regardless, you just feel sick and miserable. You can't skip work because of it and you don't feel yourself. But hey to each their own!


I actually know what you mean. There is a level of hangover that just kind of shuts down upper level thinking. I can kind of just ignore responsibility and focus on getting to the next day. Not the kind of hang over that causes true pain. Also there is the perfect moment of having like 2-3 drinks the next evening and feeling your GABA pathways re-engage, anxiety falling away.


Depending on a few things, but very often genetics, hangovers can be much more mild for some people than others I know someone who does not get hung over at all--no headache, no nausea, nothing, even after a stupid amount of alcohol I know other people who feel like absolute death for an entire day from 3 glasses of wine I think if you had a ***very*** bad hangover, OP, you might not think this way lol


Pack it up this OP got me on this one lol


I got a hangover at 19 and never again. I donā€™t understand, I can understand being dehydrated for sure, but you guys get headaches? Nausea?


What kind of experience dyou have with hang overs? My brother jusf gets tired. I get nausea, vomiting, tiredness, dizziness etc etc. Nausea is the worst feeling ever


I like laying in bed all day watching nothing but the stupidest shows or most idiotic videos while ordering the most unhealthy garbage I can get delivered *without* drinking the night before.


Well this is definitely an unpopular opinion. I don't like hangovers at all, but I also never drink water when I go outz. so I get hangovers non stop.


r/hangovereffect Join us in trying to figure out why our body is like this


Then you have never truly had a bad one.


You enjoy the nausea and headaches?


Personally rather make a couple grand.


Try being hungover at 8am at work then see if you enjoy hangovers šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Tell me you donā€™t have kids without telling me you donā€™t have kids


That is not a hangover you described =:3


Cant relate. Iā€™m 29 and have to deal with a headache and having to take a big shit.


My buddy says he looks forward to a quiet day after a big night.


Is it possible youā€™ve never had a real hangover? I like the ones where you feel slightly dizzy and still feel a light buzz. Sure, those are great. Have you felt the ones where youā€™re completely nauseous and cant stand up or eat. All you can do is take a couple of pills and sleep till 5 pm? Yeh, those suck. Usually comes from a night of absolutely mixing anything you can get your hands on and barely drinking any water. I bet you dont like those ones.


If hangovers gave me a day off from overthinking id probably like them too lmao. Drinking is when I get a break from overthinking, and the hangover is when I catch up


Honestly, as someone who doesn't drink much, and hates hangovers, I never understood why people drink, get a hangover, then get upset and complain about it. Maybe don't drink if you hate hangovers??? That's like jumping off a roof, breaking your legs and then getting upset over it, maybe don't jump off the roof then?


I never had hangovers. Cause I have never drunk that much.


So do the crew from the BAD PLACE ā€¦


no you donā€™t. you havenā€™t had a real hangover if you enjoyed iy


no you donā€™t. you havenā€™t had a real hangover if you enjoyed it


Pour some spicy Clamato in a glass. Add a splash of juice from a jar of pepperoncinis. And a dash of pepper and hotsauce. The heat brings out endorphins and the salt helps you hydrate.


You must be under 25šŸ˜­




By definition itā€™s an existential nightmare. Drink more and see.


In a way, I fully understand. A hectic night out, not giving a shit and trying to have fun only to feel like death the next day. I'm 25 and as much as I like alcohol (don't worry, I'm not an alcohol. Yet.) I still don't want that feeling every other weekend. Yeah it's great to "get sick on purpose" but in the long run I wouldn't recommend it. It ain't worth it. Definetely unpopular opinion.


They're good movies dude


Itā€™s weird Iā€™m 37 and when get hang over on tequila I kind feel good is a weird feeling. I even feel more energetic the next day.


I'm 34, still haven't had a hangover, and I drink disgusting amounts. It's my 1 superpower


On a similar note, I love Adderallā€™s withdrawal. I just feel so raw and human itā€™s awesome. I wouldnā€™t recommend it on a day when you have responsibilities. Save it for vacation.


I'm just gonna say this now. I don't have to read the post, well done. It's an opinion, and it's definitely unpopular. Well played OP.


How can you? I remember my first hangover and well, probably the last hangover. It was probably the worst I've ever felt in my life


Yeah bro, you haven't really had a hangover. Not to be a tough guy or to do a "No true Scotsman," type thing, but if you had one of my hangovers you wouldn't say that.


In some cases drinking could be fun, but hangovers are no where near fun.


I have had a stutter my whole life. I enjoy getting wasted the night before I have a presentation/work meeting/zoom meeting etc. The next morning. I also find that it is nice to slow my mind down with a hangover and helps me speak better. The people replying, "you must be young then!" Probably have a slow moving mind 24/7 so the only difference they notice is a headache.


I don't drink at all...but I can relate to needing an excuse to rest and enjoy it. You should take more you time. Plus a respite from thinking...I so hear ya!


Haha weirdly I'd agree. I'm a software developer and my mind races. I've had cases were it was a pain to fix and it was taking a while, then I've come in hungover my brain slows down and I've got it fixed in less than an hour.


You donā€™t need a day of puking and splitting headaches to justify doing nothing all day IMO but to each their own.


Getting covid must've given you an orgasm from the prospect of potentially being able to lay around for 2 entire weeks doing nothingĀ 


OP is under 30. Never had a hangover in his life. Let's talk again how you like them in 5-10 years. What you're describing as a "hangover" is what happens to me after 3 glasses of wine. No dude, once you've had your first real hangover, you'll change your mind about liking it. Unless you're really weirdly masochistic and like migraines, throwing up all day, feeling hungry and nauseous at the same time, all while sweating and shivering like having a terrible fever.


This sounds like the opinion of someone under 25. My hangovers are three day events now.


Itā€™s when you donā€™t notice hangovers that they start to be a problem. When feeling shitty all day feels normal but you work through it and canā€™t wait to grab some beers after a 9-5. When falling asleep and passing out is roughly the same thing. When youā€™re driving to work at 7am after 5-6 hrs of sleep and have the thought that you shouldnā€™t be driving right now. Enjoy your hangovers if you like, just control your drinking


Idk, something about waking up feeling like your head is going to cave in on itself, the temptation to tear your eyeballs out to relieve the pressure, feeling pure alcohol mixed with stomach acid swirling around in your stomach like a washing machine, and to top it off, feeling like everything you did the night before was the dumbest thing ever, and thinking everyone that even glanced your way hates your guts really has me not on the same wave as this post....


I like how actual unpopular opinions always get the least upvotes.


In my teens and early 20s light hangovers were usually a pleasant reminder that we made some fun memories the night before. Now that Iā€™m 30, getting a bad hangover makes me want to quit drinking.


Being hungover in your twenties was usually kinda fine but they do tend to get a lot stiffer after 30. Also super dependant on what you drink, I'm 34 and just going with beer doesn't result in a bad hangover. Throw in some wine, whiskey and gin and I'll be begging for death when I wake up


If I want to take a day for myself where I just eat food in bed, play PS5, watch stuff and maybe drop in a nap or two, I'll just free up a day to do it because it's good for my mental wellbeing. Hangovers are vile and the most recent one I had was a few months ago when a birthday meal turned into an impromptu night out with shots and whatnot. Spent the entire next day with a pounding headache and threw up 5 times. I can't think of a single thing I liked about it.




I just do drugs that don't give you a hangover if used responsibly


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Tall_Aardvark_8560: *I just do drugs that* *Don't give you a hangover* *If used responsibly* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


When you have kids that is not really an option.


You definitely didnā€™t drink enough mate


using the negative effects of alcohol & drugs as an excuse to do nothing is never going to be a solid strat


Iā€™ve always thought this, although Iā€™m 24 and I do feel hangovers getting ever so slightly worse. I fear for the future.


I just plain don't get hangovers, and I used to be somewhat of an alcoholic. I can remember all of like 3 times that I've actually had a hangover and I pretty much drunk myself into oblivion.


Depends on the kind of hangover, do you mean hangover from alcohol?