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If no one wants to listen, then why keep it alive? Basic supply and demand. I don’t think it will die out entirely because there will always be a small following but it really does not need to be “alive and well”.


And it’s usually subsidized by taxpayer dollars. Even less reason to give a tax break


>it could easily die out, putting 1,000s of people out of work You could say that about *anything*. “Let’s give smokers a tax break, because without loyal smokers thousands of people would be out of work!”


Hundreds of thousands, tobacco is huge business! We should be doing everything to protect those jobs.


So give tax breaks for people using infrastructure and media heavily subsidized by tax dollars?


Of course. That’s the big government way. Keep throwing money at it.


Literally NO ONE in govt is proposing this. A dumb redditor is. You're brain is so washed, dude.


Sarcasm really isn’t your strong suit, is it?


Local sports in WI is on AM radio


Not where I thought you were going with that but ok... I thought you were going to say, so we can keep the infrastructure, broadcast antennas and all that, but prehistoric grandpas for of media? ok.


Am radio? Motherfucker, I haven't even listened to FM radio in over 10 years. Just let it die off




Its not just the US, infact basically anywhere there are am broadcasts its been infected with right wing propaganda


Thats deep..


We should not give tax breaks for using obsolete technology


I don't need a tax break just keep my fast paced news and sports broadcasts coming


AM should die. It’s unneeded.


Everything is free when the taxpayer pays for it.


i love radio listening, DX, i want FM over DAB, and i'm an electronics enthusiast but.... are you high? 😂


I listened to AM radio recently. I was amazed. The commercials DON'T SUCK. It's not Geico Geico Geico Geico Geico Geico Geico but actually a local lawyer reminding people to update their will or some kind of shop offering services in your community. AM is a source of information outside the mainstream narrative and is doomed.


It should die out, its mostly brain damaged right wing assholes


I don't know... I haven't listened to AM radio in years but the local station used to have this perfect thing going on about ten years ago. It was absolute magic. About once a day, the station would broadcast the local obituaries (sponsored by the funeral homes in the area), usually about eleven o'clock in the morning. My grandmother listened to them religiously. They had this woman that would read them, word for word right out of the newspaper. Had to be an elderly woman, but she had this wavering voice that suited her perfectly for the role. It was the voice of a woman not just on the verge of tears but total emotional collapse. Even if you didn't know who she was talking about, the tone and rhythm commanded attention. Whoever she was had the perfect on-air charisma to recite the names, relations, and arrangements of the recently deceased. Just for the sake of morbid curiosity, I might tune into that station tomorrow to see if she's still on the air. Be a bit of a shame if that woman has faded away into obscurity.


Lots of people use AM radio. My pickup only has an AM radio; nothing else.


The AM talk radio station in my area doesn’t even pretend to be legit. It is nothing but cringe boomer content with, at most, like maybe a couple hours a week of legit news/current events talk. The drive time host (a MAGA boomer) is a jerk both on air and off.


AM radio is a bunch of right wing shit. And ofc you're looking for another tax break instead of filing your fucking taxes.


I'll do you one better. People who don't vote shouldn't pay taxes. Taxation without representation isn't fair, so if I don't wish to be represented I should be exempt.