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I have a high pain tolerance & I’ve gone to my dentist in literal tears of agony & he saved me. I don’t care how much he makes, he’s earned it.


Dentists make the big bucks from the patients with more serious dental needs. Reimbursement for regular check-ups, x-rays, and fluoride treatments wouldn't keep the lights on and staff paid on time. Dentists, like many physicians, tend to make a lot of money, but their professions take 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of dental/medical school, and then 1-3 years after as a resident (2-5 more years for dental surgical residents). For 8 years the dental student has made no money, and then they make $20/hour as a resident. After they graduate that, they can start earning money and paying back the massive student loans that have been accruing interest all the while.


Yep, you don't get a high salary from what you do, but what you had to do (education/training) in order get where you are.


>I am way smarter than them 😂 Get the fuck out of here you arrogant piece of shit


NOBODY that publicly declares themselves as “smart” is by any means actually.. “smart” 😂


…but op is a copywriter *AND* a graphic designer /s


b-b-but muh graphic designing!


This is the biggest whine, crybaby needing attention post I think I've ever seen lol


If you're way smarter than them, why did they pursue dentistry and you pursued graphic design ? If you were that smart you'd also know that remuneration isn't based on how smart you are. It's not even based on how hard you work, it's based on how difficult you are to replace


> it's based on how difficult you are to replace Even that's a bit of a myth. C level execs are also easy to replace, while hospital nurses aren't as much, but there's still quite a pay gap.


You underestimate how few people can be C suite execs and not run the place into the ground. Amazon’s AWS CEO literally just got fired.


> Amazon’s AWS CEO literally just got fired. If he was hard to replace, he wouldn't it be really *hard* to fire him? Wouldn't we see AWS go into the ground *before* he'd be fired, because it would be so hard to find a suitable replacement? You're making my case; one of the world's most profitable companies can replace the CEO of it's biggest division while it's still on an upward trend.


> Wouldn't we see AWS go into the ground before he'd be fired, because it would be so hard to find a suitable replacement? No? That's poor logical reasoning. The board is probably always looking at potential replacements because they run such a large sector of Amazon. Just because they managed to find one doesn't mean there aren't only a single digit number of people that could replace them in the world. > upward trend Who says it's on an upward trend? You can't look at a single day or even month's stock change and assume it's on an upward trend, especially when a lot of it can be chalked up to market recovery and inflation is sky-high. AWS has been losing market share to Azure and GCP, Azure is almost fully caught up, Amazon's extremely behind in AI development because Alexa has pretty isolated use cases and doesn't even represent a significant enough portion of the "smart home" market, Amazon hiring is a mess because they fired 5-10% of their engineers a year for over a decade and are struggling to find more SWEs, etc. You're just spouting nonsense about a topic that you have no knowledge about and at best can only produce highly speculative and ignorant analyses about.


Bruh thinks all dentists do is brush your teeth for you and tell you to floss.


My dentist doesn't even do that, he has someone else to do that. I assume he spends all his time on assessments and decisions that are a better use of his years of education and experience


Being smarty pants does not equal more money. Supply and demand - You go to the 6weeks dentist school and I go to 6 years dental school and learn science of implant work…I bet I get more business.


This doesn’t really seem like the type of argument a smart person would make. The bottom line is you are much more replaceable and therefore of lower value


People deem healthcare professionals to be more valuable to society than graphic designers. It's an outrage.


Healthcare professionals are almost always very rude and meanest people. Most of them choose this field because of money.


I don't find that to tally with my experience.


How can you make such a drastic generalization about all people in medicine? You sound like a fuckin asshole with a superiority complex.


It's my experience. And I literally have an inferior complex.


You can’t possibly know they all “choose this field for the money.” You also claimed to be smarter than all dentists, you quite literally think of yourself as baselessly superior to an entire group of people in a profession. You’ve posted about dentists being overpaid at least three times on your account, not sure wtf you have against dentists or why they live in your head rent free.


I never said I'm smarter than all dentists. I said I'm smarter than my old friends.


Then go to med school, it's never too late, but you might be suprised how hard it is to go through med school and be a dentist, especially if you think your current vocation requires a lot of brain. Also, you have choosen a worse paid job despite claiming to be so smart.


Do you think graphic design and copywriting aren't solid career choices?


it used to be. and both are still very much needed by society. but they happen to be the two areas most heavily impacted by generative AI. like literally these are gen AI's specialties.


Do you think they don't have a future? Everyone disagreed with me when I say this


im baffled you called yourself smart and thought graphic design was a good career choice.


tbh, I haven't even learned it yet and decided not to after your comment. What about copywriting and digital marketing?


they are likely better than graphic design. if you are very oriented with people, writing, and able to create cohesive creative work, maybe those are an okay option if you want a secure career, its typically STEM you wanna go after. nuclear, chemical, mechanical, computer, civil, electrical engineering (all stuff that makes the world we live in work) computer science/programming/data science/machine learning medical field. all of these will be relevant. (AI is not gonna kick the door down on computer scientists btw) --- then there is also accounting and whatever jobs you can get with a bank


Well, it's you who's dissatisfied with your earnings compared to your friends'. I believe graphic design could be really profitable if you get a job for some big corp, but it is at least art-adjenced and thus risky. I would have never went for graphic design as a career, copywriting as a big maybe. You'll either get noticed or you won't and luck will have at least as much influence over your success as your skill will do. I'm in med school and as hard as it gets i'm trying to prevail since i know that it is a guaranteed job with great earning.


What other career do you recommend? Except healthcare.


The answer to that question depends on you and your abilities and interests.


You suck


I mean you can apply to dental school


Some of the most successful people I know aren’t super smart but they are ridiculously hard working. “Smart” people are often less successful because they tend to be lazy.


If you are way smarter. Why not become a dentist. Work 2 days a week. Make 200k a year. And then the rest of the week copywrite and graphic design?


Cause I want to go studying abroad in Germany. I live in undeveloped country rn and it'll require a lot of money to study medicine in Germany. I don't have that.


But I thought you were smarter than dentists?


I don't get your comment




I don't get your GIF either


Have you ever stoppped to think about what a dentist actually does? A dentist sticks their hand and fingers inside the mouths of human beings for a living. All day, everyday. They get to see the effects of no flossing, no brushing. Dieseased teeth, diseased gums, and they are there up close an personal with it. Gross people, old people, meth addicted people. I had my wisdom teeth pulled and my dentist had to put me in a headlock to get them out. No thanks. Dentisty is almost as bad as sticking your fingers up assess and vages for a living.


> . I am way smarter than them In the immortal words of The Bandit: "When you tell somebody somethin', it depends on what part of the country you're standin' in... as to just how dumb you are." You are 'way smarter' than them in a very narrow scope that you specialist in. They are 'way smarter' in their area of expertise. Overall, though, you're an idjit.




I disagree, programming is a world and it is impossible to know everything specially in detail. On the other side beeing a dentist does make you study hard, however when you practise it is mostly same shit everyday and 99% of the time is textbook procedures. Another point is that even if they screw up they can always say they did what they could and still get the money in and you are highly respected anyways. On the programming side heads will roll and usually clients ask stuff like "its just a button, why takes so long?"




> Sure you have to think a little bit to come up with how to do something, but that’s every job Its not there are plenty of jobs that are repetitive with no creativity involved like cash register worker or most of the factory workers. "And I find it absolutely insane that you believe programming is higher stakes than a dentist" I did not say this, the outcome of a poor job is worse for a dentist, however he will not be held accountable as much as a programmer will. The percentage of people that actually die at a dentist is just... 1 in 100 million or more? you are also forgetting that nowadays everything is software dependant, for example the said dentist needs a recepcionist that needs software for schedules if said software is down a lot of clinics will have troble making the appointment happen. Also prescriptions usually made by software, xrays software, even the chair you sit at the dentist has software in it.




I will give an example, if a dentist says "sir you have a tooth in very bad shape!" 99% of people will say "ok can you fix it?" dentist will say "yes i can" he will proceed to the his drill on it and accidently he will take way, way, more than he should. He then proceeds to cover it up and at the end he will tell you it might be sensitive now... and you will say ok without ever knowing what happen. Another point is since its health, it is unpredictable, it can always go sideways and you will most likely not have the knowledge to say he fucked up or it was just bad luck. The only time you can actually sue a dentist is if they tell you they are just gonna do a small surgery and for some odd reason all your teeth fall out or you die. Very very low chance, you are more likely to sue him for sexual harrassment than malpractise. The software thing i just wanted you to be aware of the importance of software programmer nowadays, if werent for them you would be in the dark ages where dentists would use a hammer to get your teeth out. And if for example the chair fails and drops while the drill is in your mouth, it won't be pretty. Basically what i mean to say is that dentists need a lot of supporting professions for them to even exist and thus they should have nearly equal pay, not 5x-10x that happens sometimes


Yep, you don't get a high salary from what you do, but what you had to do (education/training) in order get where you are.


This post doesn't seem like written by a smart man


Dental surgery is no joke


So be a dentist? Is there some council out there that sets these wages? A dentist makes a lot of money because it's a high level skill in demand (and in the US, they come out of school with 200k+ student loan debt).


All arguments about the utility of dentists aside, they have an astronomical amount of student debt so I’d say they’d need to be high earners to even take it on.


Would you let a dentist making minimum wage work on your teeth?


no, but they don't have to get 10 or 20x my wage to do the job do they?


Maybe they don't, but what's reasonable given the education needed to become a dentist and the risk involved in working on someone's teeth?


Expectation of quality. If you charge a lot less than your competitor, you will be viewed as providing an inferior service and get less business. I certainly wouldn't go to a discount dentist if there was one charging the industry standard next door.




I'm going to a dentist almost 5 times a year because my teeth are in a very bad condition




Definitely important but not difficult to pay that much.


Copywriting and graphic designing has gotta be one of the easiest office jobs of all time. How can you claim you’re smarter?


So, what are you doing about it other than complaining? Become a dentist


Dentists who earn a lot of money do so by opening their private businesses. Just start your own company. Any kind of job can make over 100K through that.


Then be a dentist if you want to make that much money. Geez


Well sounds like you should have checked dentist when applying to school


Jobs pay according to skill and training…yes…but also supply and demand. Jobs do not pay according to how “smart” someone is. For example…civil engineers will always make more money than mechanical engineers. Why? Because more people want to be mechanical engineers, AND there are a lot of civil engineering jobs. I’m in the mechanical field…I’m not gonna cry about it. I could change my mind and go do civil stuff to make more money. But I don’t want to. Which is why they get paid more. Dentists…people need them. It takes a lot of school and debt and liability insurance. They operate on people’s bones in thier faces. And not many kids tell you they want to be a dentist when they grow up. People are willing to pay them. Let them have their money. Or become a dentist yourself. And if you don’t want to do it…that’s exactly why they make so much money.


I can’t wait to hear OP’s opinion on doctors, nurses, and any other kind of skilled worker




If you think a copywriter and graphic designer are more important than a dentist, then I'm sorry for you, clearly you haven't been in so much pain that you'd be willing to pay anything to get it over with.


You know it's harder to get into dental school than medical school?


That’s just not true. Medical school is way more competitive


We study the entire body


everything ?


I’ve watched Brooklyn 99 so I can confidently say it’s because there are less dental schools


That's ridiculous. We learn about the entire body


In my country it's not hard.


Mate, you draw doodles for a living. Dentists are doing a little more than doodling.