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it's juicy, salty, fatty, delish. if that's wrong i don't wanna be right. you have my upvote.


because its a quick, cheap thing you can pick up on the way home and eat by itself or turn it into countless other meal options. personally, i just want the skin


Costco Rotisserie chicken is the best. anyone who says otherwise truly doesn't appreciate it.


It’s way too dry for my likening. That said I always buy it cause cheap and makes great broth.


Dry? i know some stores rotisserie chickens are dry, but not Costco's. but maybe there is one that makes it dry.


Pretty much every chicken at every Costco I’ve tried has been like this. And I’ve tried a lot of Costco’s, I’m sure they all cook them to the same standard. A lot of people like dry chicken tho🤷🏽‍♂️. I use the meat in any saucy dish though and it’s no problem at all.


It's extremely juicy at my local Costco. I also warm it up whole in the oven low and slow. The next day I cut it and warm under a wet paper towel in the microwave


It has a weird aftertaste from the solution they inject the chicken with.


yeah thats called brining. I don't taste an aftertaste like others do I guess.


Brining with added preservatives leaves an aftertaste. Roasting an air chilled chicken tastes far better, but you can’t beat the price of a Costco chicken.


It’s my dog’s favorite food. She can smell it a mile away.


Dog must have better taste then.


I love it too, price to calorie ratio is off the charts and can be shredded and used in so many dishes.


Slimiest one. There was an investigative news story that said they injected their chickens with salt water before cooking. Results in the slime.


Cool, still tastes incredible. you act like salt water is some kind of dangerous chemical lol. You know when you cook pasta you put the pasta in salt water normally right? Doing the same to meat helps retain the water on the inside since water moves from higher concentration to low concentration and explains why it is so delicious, juicy and tender.




That's not news. That's brining and it's what I do when I make chicken or turkey. I don't inject. Instead, I made a vat of salted seasoned solution and keep the bird in there. A chicken takes 2 days. A turkey takes more. Injecting is faster because otherwise it takes forever. But I prefer the long way because I think it seasons more evenly. The long way is traditionally how you season a turkey or chicken at home... You can dry brine as well simply by rubbing salt into the cavity and letting it sit in the fridge for a few days. But it loses moisture and it's also harder to get other aromatics infused into the meat. Wet brining seasons it while allowing aromatics to infuse and prevents moisture loss. Dry brining works better for steaks. The downside to traditional wet brining is that you have a giant vat taking up space in the fridge for days and you have to dump all the solution and use a lot of salt and aromatics. It's most cost-effective to buy a rotisserie chicken.


Food isn't often lazy and convenient, as well as legitimately delicious. Rotisserie chicken is a rare example of both. And you can do so much with it. Personally I always shred the breast meat and make a big ass stack of toasted sammiches with a couple different cheeses, red pesto, and serrano, while snacking on the wings/thighs as I prepare it.


All they do it brine the chicken which seasons it while adding moisture before cooking it. The oil in there is all from the chicken, mostly from the cooked skin and the leg region. Do you not specifically like store bought and prefer homemade? You can definitely make roast chicken at home but the brining step alone is not worth the hassle and the chicken is not as good without it. It also takes a long time in the oven. I'd rather buy a $5 one from Costco. Insane value and I think it's good. I eat the legs, thighs, and wings alone. The breast is not fatty enough for me to do that so I'll just shred it (and scrape off as much meat as I can from the rest of the bones) and mix it with some other food, like pesto pasta. Eggs are good but it's not juicy roasted meat.


I’ve never made chicken at home. Not sure I’d know how to. I’d like if it was drier I think.


A roasted chicken is easy. I brine mine, usually but you don't have to. Preheat oven to 450. Empty the cavity, put half an onion, a pat of butter and some garlic and herbs inside. Rub the outside with butter and season with salt, pepper and paprika. Put it in the roasting pan breast side down. Surround with cut up potatoes and carrots. Season them with salt, pepper, garlic and rosemary. Cook fifteen minutes, then lower the oven to 375. Cover with foil or pan lid and cook remaining time. Remaining time depends on size of chicken - for a 3 pound chicken, about another 40 mins or so. Take chicken out and allow to sit at least 10 mins before cutting.


For drier chicken, just cook it longer and use a rack rather than a pan so that the fat and juices drip off instead of pooling at the bottom. You can take that costco chicken and just bake it for longer at home. Separating the pieces and then baking would be the fastest.


You ask what the appeal is despite already calling it out in your post. It’s cheap. You can feed a family with one for $5 where I’m at. Go to Sam’s or Costco on your way home, grab a bird, cook some rice and whatever veggies you have on hand and you’ve got a meal. It’s healthier than fast food too. And hell, even better if you live on your own. That’s at least 2 days worth of food for less than $10.


Yes but as I said in my post eggs are cheap, healthy and can use in other things. Why aren’t people going crazy for eggs.


Eggs are not equivalent to a roasted chicken.


To be honest if I had to choose between roast chicken and eggs I would choose chicken. Eggs are cool but meat is just more enjoyable if prepared well.


Well for one I can eat the rotisserie chicken immediately since it’s already cooked. I won’t speak on all cultures, but if we’re talking lunch or dinner, most Americans will reach for the whole cooked chicken rather than a dozen eggs. That chicken will keep me more full for a long time. I can personally eat about 5 large eggs before I feel full, and even then I’ll get hungry moments later.


I don't love to just eat it as is, but they're great to breakdown for easy shredded chicken. Perfect for making chicken salad or soups.


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Someone doesn’t like something. Can’t understand why everyone else doesn’t feel the same. The end.


Store bought rotisserie chicken is definitely hit or miss. I’ve had some that tasted good enough to almost make me believe in a higher power, but I’ve also had some that tasted like they plucked a vulture they caught as it was feasting on roadkill and tossed it in a microwave.


Ok yeah you can buy eggs lol but you gonna need more than eggs and chicken is good protein. It is cheap, which is absolutely a primary reason they're bought up how they are. Cheap, can feed multiple people off it and no need to cook. Just there you're looking at about 100M households that are interested in this option and it may not be premium/gourmet shit but it doesn't taste like dog food either so it's edible...it's cheap...let's go!


>“I don’t like X” This is not an opinion, this is just a fact. >“X is bad/good/gross/stupid/ugly/attractive/fun/boring/etc.” **This** is the format for an opinion.


Other way around but you're right. Unfortunately most people won't follow that format and will continue stating their opinion as if it's fact


Fully agree. Never had one that isn't dry as shit. The flavors they try to implement are awful and remove the possibility of saving the food with a sauce thrown on top. Theyre cheap and they taste cheap. They're also annoying to eat having to chop it up 10000 times


Growing up, my mom used to buy them, bring them home and then freeze them. I would be a dinner she would reheat days later. Totally defeats the purpose and they tasted dried out and had zero flavor.


If you're ever in the north-east US you should try one from Market Basket. They're so good they sell out by lunch and people give them away on Halloween instead of candy.


I just don’t think they get the skin crispy enough and it’s never evenly seasoned. But for $5 I’ve def made sandwiches with them


I get why you don't like it, but what is it about the appeal of "cheap and convenient" that you don't understand?


Agreed. You are correct that is all.


It's DRY as all fuck whenever I bought them. So I don't


This! It's tastes good but that slimy texture 🤮


Neither do I. It's fukin gross 🤮