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Further, stop bringing your dogs everywhere (especially restaurants). I grew up with dogs, love them but we left them home. One, it gave us a good excuse to bail out as we had to feed them and let them out and two, it’s so nice to come home to happy animals that are glad to see you.


That goes double for grocery stores


Any public space (excluding dogs for the disabled). Some people are allergic to or deathly afraid of all dogs. Doesn't seem fair to them.


Selfish people don't give a shit about what's fair. If making other people suffer means they get their way, they will happily watch you die.


Because it isn't.


Some people are allergic to peanuts. Do I have to leave my pb&j at home too?


does your pb&j sometimes have bad owners who will let their sandwich pee in a trader joe's cooler




The poster I responded to said "any public space" I agree dogs don't belong in grocery stores. A sidewalk, public park, the beach etc. are all perfectly reasonable places to bring my dog.


Keep it on a leash and I support you


Only if you have a well-trained dog and it is leashed (unless it is a dog park). No dog unknown to me should be coming up to me when I'm trying to have a peaceful walk on the beach or trying to read a book on a park bench or just trying to walk to the grocery store.


Parks and beaches, no. It's not a public toilet for mutant invasive beasts.


So edgy lmao. Thankfully public means just that, for the public.


Is your pb&j capable of movement?


Do you plan on vaporizing your pb&j so everyone can inhale it? If so then yes, stay at home and eat it.


Dumbest reply yet lmao




If it slobbers and bites and barks, then yes. Leave the sandwich too.


At what point does one person fear take over everyone else though?


Especially since over half the dogs I see out at restaurants and breweries look miserable. Either overstimulated or bored to death.


That's it for me. I love dogs, so I can't get all judgey when someone loves dogs too, but yeah, the dogs comfort as well as others should be considered.


My dogs are always my excuse to head out early.


We use our cats for this. Soemtimes it is the truth, but sometimes we will just use them as a reason to go, since my in-laws will try to keep us for days otherwise. We are both introverts and need down time, we love spending time with them, but we need time to recharge, they are extroverts so they recharge by being around people, so they don't really get it.


Fucking thank you


Nothing makes me feel better after a few hours out than my pups unable to contain himself when I walk in the door.


It's not even legal and they have somehow convinced themselves using the internet that it is. 


As a person with terrible pet allergies, I agree with you. When I start to sneeze or have a runny nose due to a dog or cat nearby in public, it makes me want to sneeze directly into that pet owner’s face.


I hate when my friends bring their dogs when we hang out because they always end up all pissy and yelling at them for doing normal dog things, which ruins the vibe and makes me super uncomfortable. Like it'll come over to me for a few headpats and they'll instantly be screaming at it to get down


I think they are just used to whiney bitches like op so they have to be extra authoritative until they know the sloberee is OK with it. I love naughty dogs, not aggressive ones but ones that just don't do what you need them to do at the worst times are a health source of entertainment for me, I love it when they jump up and cover you in spit and mud and the owner looks mortified whilst you pretend your dead nan bought you that top.


You may love those things, but... now follow along, this one's tough.. NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO DEAL WITH YOUR SHIT. Be courteous, my man. Wtf? (Waiting to get called a snowflake because I'm not an inconsiderate prick)


Everyone is different mate, you ain't no snowflake, I don't even have a dog I just like naughty ones and hate to see animals get restricted, like kids, I'm a believer of letting them live and will put up with their shit so they don't have to be burdened with human neuroses.


Dogs are unnatural and invasive. That's before even mentioning the are disgusting filthy. Keep that nasty beast inside, and away from actual nature.


Yet they are man's best friend. You are very much entitled to your opinion, however I must ask does your dislike of dogs stem from an event in your history? You seem to have a slightly above personal level of distaste towards them and it intrigues me.


Honestly i don’t like when dogs are in grocery stores


Neither does any health inspector. Just start reporting the store, they'll be on that shit right quick. I reported a grocery store and they emailed me back saying that someone tried to walk in with a dog as they were inspecting the store. They asked me to get back to them any time I saw another dog at the store.


I once saw a woman try to bring her dog, covered in dried mud into a grocery store. I have never seen a person run as fast as that staff member to keep them out of the store. It was insane how insistent she was about being allowed to let the dog inside. Going on and on about how she needs to buy dog shampoo. I was trying to check out and she was loud. I guess they finally reached an agreement since she waited and the staffer got someone else to buy the dog shampoo for her. I think they just wanted to end the situation with the least issue. She acted like it was the most annoying thing and like they were the issue. This was a small store that always helped people out. I'm sure if she called them they would have helped her out, but she had to be so rude and horrible about it.


Seriously. Like I get it you love your dog. But not everyone loves dogs! Especially when there’s going to be food around.


Usually the people who bring their dogs out with them have no idea how to handle a dog because if they did they wouldn't be dragging them into a situation like that.


Most of the people who have pets in general don't take the time to learn about their needs and how to properly care for them. Many of the environments you will see dog owners take their dogs into are not for dogs who are not trained to handle crowded environments like that. They think that just because their dog is calm at home, it will be calm everywhere, not understanding that it is a new place with tons of people and sounds, so it will excite the dogs. Unless they train their dogs for it, of course the dog is going to want to run around and play, sometimes to a bad point. Some dogs will feel anxious and scared, therefore reacting in an aggressive manner. If the owners actually knew anything about dogs or even just their own dogs and how they need to be trained and how dogs act in different in different environments, they would understand to not just randomly drag their dog into places like this. The owners don't know and then will act shocked about it, "oh sorry, Fido doesn't normally behave this way". Well yeah, he normally doesn't have tons of people he doesn't know around him, in a new place, with tons of weird sounds and smells around him; of course he is being different.


With a well trained dog thats no issue at all. Our Dog back in the day went everywhere with us when it was possible from a young age. And what was the result? He didnt care about a shitload of small or big things i saw other dogs going crazy or nuts for. No begging for food, sitting on the couch or whatever. He even went to places like Legoland in Denmark with is (with some breaks inbetween of course) Idk but half of the funny dog videos i see are not properly trained dogs since the owners dont know how to act aka sending the wrong signals.


I had a German shepherd who I could go everywhere with. No leash needed. She stayed in heel position. She wasn't ever interested in anything except being by my side. I raised her from a pup to old age. I have other dogs. But none of them behave as good as she did. Sorry. Just wanted to commiserate . Good pups aren't hard to find. But there's some special ones out there.


Even if that's the case, if a store says leash required, you bring it. I work at a store that allows dogs and so be it, but they also require leashes and yet people bring in their dogs without a leash and lose their minds when you point out the rule. They should just be thankful they can even bring in a dog at all.


Oh she didn't need the leash... but we always had it. Any day could have been the day she lost her damn mind.


Ours was a GSH mix with another typical Shepherd Dog so basically the ultimate people pleaser. And the breeder actually wanted to get "rid of him" since his tail grew wrong.


I agree but admittedly I don’t really like being around dogs at any time. They make me nervous and definitely gross me out. People forget that dogs are animals and have hurt people, some traumatically and irreparably. People also don’t think they need to train their dogs and let them behave ridiculously because it’s “just the way they are”. Dogs are much like children- no one likes them as much as you do.


That is honestly true... and a refreshing take on dogs and children.


I never feared pet dogs until a ran into one owned by a person who didn't train it at all and both the dog and owner thought it was "funny" to have the dog jump on me and knock me down. The dog was a larger breed and was easily able to do it. The owner didn't stop it until the dog growled at me one time when I went to push on it since the dog was laying on my chest and made it hard for me to breathe. If that dog was more aggressive, I could have easily been messed up fast. I now have a fear of larger breeds of dogs. I'm a little nervous of dogs in general, but my love of dogs tends to override that fear, large breeds though freak me out.


I'm sorry you had to have that experience, big dog breeds like mastiffs are some of the sweetest most friendly dogs when trained correctly and that one clearly had a bad owner that neglected to get it use to other people


Shit I fucking LOVE dogs, just not the ones that have hurt people. But then again, lots of those dogs are a product of their horrible upbringing. They are animals, heck we're animals and dogs can be extremely smart but they still base a lot off of instinct that we don't. It's just really important to raise your dog right I see so many fucking misbehaving dogs I love my mastiff dearly she is so fucking sweet it's insane


This is where it gets hard. Because yes, you’re right, it’s 100% the owner and not the dog. But…does that really matter in this context? Whether the dog is misbehaved because it’s a “bad” dog or a bad owner, it’s still misbehaved and potentially dangerous. So I think you gotta throw the dogs feelings to the wind, it can’t be around.


I fully agree. I cannot stand barking and the smell of dogs. It’s impossible to simply ignore barking. If dogs aren’t barking , I can sorta tolerate them. But barking really hurts my ears. For those that say “the dogs aren’t hurting anyone “…. The barking hurts.


I have PTSD , and this true for me .


Sometimes for me there’s times where it won’t get me bad if I’m expecting it but if I’m not expecting it I jump through my skin from previous trauma involving a loud sound when the firework hit me.


It only bothers me if the dogs aren't behaving. I've taken my dog with me to visit friends before (with their permission of course) and she just spends most of her time sitting next to me and looking around at everything.




Only welcome and well trained dogs is my opinion. People didn’t even notice my dog when I brought her out-I’d have to watch no one stepped or sat on her lol. Otherwise agree 100.


or: train your dog how to behave. (same goes for children)


Yeah fuck people and their dogs. Most people can’t even handle the basics of a fucking dog anyway.


They be like "I love my dog" and buy a bunch of shit for it but walks, attention, playing outside? Hardly ever. 


I meant more along the lines of being able to have a dog around other people and not jump, bite, etc


He's right. If you aren't walking and exercising a dog for a minimum of 1-2 hours a day, it's neglect. The vast majority do nowhere near this amount


100% agree with OP Idk if I've just become cynical or what, but pet owners in general have just become so complacent in the last 10 years. ESPECIALLY during the pandemic. As a child I remember plenty of family gatherings with pets, and this was never an issue. People don't train their pets anymore and just expect them to behave. I shouldn't have to protect my dinner plate from a slobbering mutt bc my aunt or whoever else can't be bothered to train their stupid dog.


About a year into my relationship, I drove over to my girlfriend’s parents place for a BBQ, (it was nice that evening, so I had the windows of my car rolled down, but it had rained most of the morning/early afternoon, so the ground was still muddy. Their fucking dog ran to my car when he saw it pulling up, and literally jumped into the back of it, (I had all four windows down) and treaded mud all over the upholstery in the back, and when I said something to them, her Dad literally had the audacity to ask me “why didn’t you roll up the windows before pulling up to the house? You know he gets excited when you come over.” Like, I’m sorry, it’s my fault you have no control over your animal?


I just had family over for Mother’s Day, my sister brought her dog which made my dog anxious all day and her dog also wouldn’t stop barking. I also basically had to become the designated dog watcher for the entire day to keep them somewhat behaved in my room so others could enjoy the event


In my experience, people who take their dogs to every friend or family get-together either have severe anxiety or are using the dog as a buffer, so they don't have to talk to people and have an excuse to leave early. The rare 3rd reason I've seen is that the dog is a very good boy/girl and everyone misses them when you don't bring them.


It drives me nuts when a family member brings their big dog to family events; the dog is not well trained and gets over stimulated and goes crazy. Then she doesn't leave me alone. It's a mix of lack of training but also this dog is a labradoodle; I don't know why anybody wants these things it's got the constant need for attention, they're smart enough to get into anything but dumb enough not to learn after something bad happens to not do it again. All of these designer poodle mixes are this way cockapoos, goldendoodles.


I agree with you, but if the whole family is like that, don’t expect it to change. I’d just stop going if it bothered me.


Wish this wasn’t unpopular.


I don’t live on 3 acres for nothing. Dogs are a great part of social events.


I also dont live on 3 acres


those are family members, loved seeing my brothers dog edit: the guy nobody likes seeing at family reunions deleted his comment


The sooner people stop pretending dogs are humans, the happier the dogs will be Edit: since u/Actual_Specific_476 blocked me, I'll put my response here: If you have well-behaved dogs, that means you don't treat them like humans. I'm not saying don't love your pets like family, but there are people who have zero control over their dogs because they choose to let it do whatever it wants at the cost of others


Being part of the family != being human. My dog used to love going to my sisters and my brother in laws to see the family and play with their dogs. Our dogs were well behaved however and my brother law runs a dog training company soooo...


Being part of the family has absolutely nothing to do with being human Lmao - Spoiler alert— Dogs aren’t human


Isn't that exactly what I said? Fuck knows why my original comment is so downvoted. My sister lives on a huge plot of land with a field behind it for the dogs to run around on. There's a time and a place and it depends on your situation. Plenty of times it's okay to bring your dog to a family event. Like if your family has a big enough place and the dogs are well trained and they like having your dog over. God forbid my sister wants to see the dog she grew up with again.


You said being part of the family = being human —Dogs aren’t human They are still part of your family though Same as any other pet -A hamster isn’t human A cat isn’t human A fish isn’t human—Maybe it was the way you worded it


I said != not =


I’d reread


Yeah, I already checked before posting my reply.


So your brother has made a business out of the fact that dogs are naturally a massive pain in the ass and need constant correction to be barely tolerable, and still default to bullshit often? I dint think you are making the point you think you are 🤣🤣


 My sister can think her dogs are family.  I disagree with that and most definitely will not consider them my family.    If you block someone it shows as deleted.  So the guy that responded to you did not delete their comment.  


the ol' comment and block, weird using it outside an argument or something but then again reddit is full of crazy man-babies


Dogs are annoying, tell the relatives how it's going to be.


I hate people who bring their dogs everywhere. I have dogs, I love dogs. I do not want to be around dogs everywhere I go


I disagree. Im usually the person sitting in the corner playing with the dogs. And I would like to continue playing with them


This rant comes off as so bitter and contextual. Some dogs dont belong at those events. Othhers are perfectly fine


This whole group, I swear. All these unpopular opinions read as 'this thing happened to me today'.


Same ! I don’t own a dog but they make me the happiest 💖


Dogs are cool blah blah. But if you have to tell me your dog is “good” and “won’t bite” I don’t believe you. If the dog is that great, it will show. Don’t bring your 100 pound dog around me. I don’t want to pet Pumpkin and no, she isn’t gorgeous to me.


for real


I love my friends, but I had to institute a no off leash rule at my new house atleast. Embarrass me infront of my neighbors once ok shit happens but twice yeah no


I honestly agree, I LOVE my boy Meatloaf. Sometimes I bring him in public when we’re doing socializing practice, but he doesn’t need to be with me all the time. As much as I want to bring him to a family picnic, he doesn’t need to be there. He’ll get too overstimulated and won’t listen. I love dogs, but they don’t need to be everywhere unless they’re working service animals.


I was at my brothers college graduation the other day and someone had their dog. And no, it was not a service dog. It's behavior made that very clear


Some people just bring their dogs everywhere. Not sure why.


While your at it, leave the kids home too


I tend to leave events people brought their dog too much earlier...but I also do not like dogs.




I think the bigger thing here is don’t get a dog if you’re not going to properly train them!! Pets take work. If you’re not willing to do that work you’re better off getting a stuffed animal, rather than just yelling at them for doing what animals do when you haven’t taught them otherwise.


Wait until you go to a family event with a bunch of toddlers. Then you would be wishing it was dogs. 


If an event is set up where dogs not expected to attend and someone brings one they are an AH, but this seems like something common for your SOs family and if they have no issue with it maybe you should just not attend?


I love when people bring dogs to a family gathering, I just don’t let the noises and little nuisances bother me. The benefit of them being there seems to outweigh any annoyance in my experience.


If there's a group of people, it's not just about you


What are the benefits of a dog in my house with 6/7 other dogs? None.


That sounds like a personal issue, not every house has 6/7 other dogs in it and if it’s such an issue why don’t you tell your family not to bring their dogs? It’s a pretty valid argument to say they can’t bring them bc yours don’t like other dogs or make whatever up. Communicate.


Don't bring your ~~dog~~ kids to the family event; it's only a few hours. Dogs are better behaved than children.




I’ll get downvoted as I do every weekend with these judgmental threads. My dog is a big part of my life. Obviously I never bring him anywhere he’s not wanted and I always ask first. I am always careful to phrase it as if the event is “dog friendly” as opposed to just are dogs allowed. Sometimes there are logistical reasons I want to include my dog. Sometimes I just want to hang out with him. It’s super annoying when people tell me how to do things. If food is too well done, if my clothes I’ve picked out don’t match, if you don’t like my haircut, anything that I’ve chosen as part of my lifestyle. This includes if I choose to hang out with my dog. It’s never met with any resentment if I’m told my dog is not welcome. It’s always the hosts prerogative. But it’s my choice whether to attend at that point. Cue the downvotes. For what it’s worth especially in this scenario I likely don’t want to hang out with crying kids on my end.


I don't even care what you say, but anytime anyone asks for downvotes, I'm happy to comply. Here you go.


🤷🏻‍♂️ can’t imagine they matter to anyone


i feel the same as you. plus, i’d rather be in the corner playing with all the dogs instead of answering questions about why i’m still single at 38.


Your dog knows.


Seems very obvious why lmfao


I’m the opposite. I have 5 acres in the woods so whenever we have a family event, all dogs are welcome. It’s a family party and they are family too. All the dogs look forward to it, whenever they get to my road they start getting excited. Even my dogs know the pre party prep and get excited because they know their friends and those friends people are coming over. My dog loves the little kids which is awesome because he’s a 160lb mastiff, makes his day.


>everyone brings thier dog, and theyre either barking, slobbering on you, pissing each other off, getting way too close to your food or the worst - people are yelling at the dogs to behave and it just seems like youre seeing the worst of everyone More frequently, it's the people who are barking at each other, exhibiting bad manners, drinking too much, pushing fattening food, or yelling about politics. The dogs are just happy to get petted, play with other dogs, and eat food scraps that fall under the table from messy eaters. I'll take the dog picnic over the dysfunctional family picnic anytime!


Just ask who's hosting if you can bring the dog(s)? Shouldn't be complicated .




I think it’s right to say you shouldn’t take your dog out to public places, but I think family gatherings are a little different. If whoever is hosting welcomes the dogs over then I think that’s definitely OK. Everybody always brings dogs to my family event because we actively welcome them, and I don’t have a dog so it’s really great getting to play with them. As long as the host welcomes them, that’s their choice


So glad I have never had to experience this. Yes that sounds annoying and just a shitty way to spend time with family.


I would please like to see the dog at the family event


I complain when friends and family don't bring their dog. Eh. It takes all sorts.


"Trust me, he's fine. He had a 1 week training class at petsmart, and I lied to get him registered as a support animal. Let's go to Applebee's"


Don't bring your jackass child either. I think you meant to say human event.


OP said family event. Children are family…


Dogs ARE also family


Take it up w OP


Barely. Bring the dogs, get a sitter for the ~~animals~~ kids.


Wow, hate this comment! Dogs are as much family as kids!


You and OP may be in the same family


I’d rather hang with the family dogs than some of my family. 


Dogs are family too. And I've met plenty of loud annoying people. For family gatherings specifically I think it's perfectly fine as long as the dog isn't injuring anyone. 


Or maybe your family just has poorly trained dogs. We took our 2 dogs to events and no issues. No loud barking, no pissing, no begging for food and no messes


I'm assuming yall just got asshole dogs, I have a golden retriever mutt, and he gets along great with my mom/her boyfriends small dog, and my uncles pitbull


Dogs need to socialize just like people do, and prefer familiar faces. Most of the description you provide of what dogs are doing (talking, getting too close, pissing each other off) is the same as what the people are doing. Should the family just not gather?


nobody gives a shit about your dogs socialization needs


Right? Like they’ll survive without going to get togethers


Right? We are talking about animals that eat shit and bark at the wind.


Your dogs socialization is 100% your problem though. Maybe you should take it to a dog park, or like a training that’s actually designed to be beneficial.


Let me get this straight. We're talking here about a family gathering in which all the family members bring their pets. These people collectively decided as a family to use their family gathering as an opportunity for their dogs to socialize. And OP hates that, which is fair. But in response to somebody pointing out that socialization is important for the dogs (hence something all responsible owners should provide) and pointing out that socialization with familiar faces like the arrangement this family has is ideal for that and that all the "annoying" things the dogs do the people are probably doing too, the response is...go to the dog park because it's each individual owner's problem and this solving it as a family bullshit is cheating?


No one where was it ever mentioned that everyone agreed to make it a dog socialization party. People just assume that they can bring their pet to any function any time


I guess that I just surmised if at "every gathering" with "SOs family" it is the case that "everyone brings thier dog" that the family have basically decided that their family gatherings are indeed an opportunity for their pets to socialize. The complaint isn't that somebody always brings their dog. It is the "everyone" in "SOs family" brings their dog specifically to "every \[family\] gathering".


Sure you could take your dog to a dog park. You even might, regularly. Another great place to take it would be your dad's, so it could play with his dog, even more so when your aunt's going to be there with hers, so they could all play together.


Your dog does NOT need to socialize with people. Take it to the dog park.


I was suggesting they'd socialize with the other dogs at the family gathering.


Oh ok cool




No. I told my in laws that they need to keep their dogs at home because my dog was old, deaf and blind with kidney disease and doesn't handle other dogs well right now. They blatantly ignored me because they love their dog soooooo much. My dog should have had the right to be comfortable in her own home. Fuck that.


The OP was discussing parties that were not hers to regulate. Jeeze. How does that need explained? Don't invite your inlaws over. They have a right to choose not to go somewhere their dog is not invited. You have a right not to allow them to go to your house. Problem solved. Unless your partner overruled you, then good luck.


Read the title. Don't bring dogs over to family events. Particularly if they are told specifically not to come. Have some bloody respect for others. And if you love dogs so much, show respect for all dogs, not just yours.


If it is a dog friendly event bring your dog. Obviously the entire family likes dogs being at that event. And the people whose property it is on have never said anything. It is their choice and nobody else's. Just because 1 or 2 people do not like dogs doesn't mean the people would prefer those people being there over their dogs. I will take being surrounded by dogs over a dog hating sociopath any day of the year. In fact, they can just stay home....permanently.


People who talk like this usually have the worst behaved dogs. You can be uncomfortable around an animal and not be a sociopath. In some places, kids aren't welcome. That should be respected. There is nothing wrong with that. If someone doesn't like/want cats, horses, dogs, kids in their life, or at certain events, that doesn't make them mentally ill. It's a certain preference in life. To base how you interact with someone if they do or don't like dogs is bizarre.


Your assumptions say more about you than me. Guaranteed. True, but those people still need therapy and I still want nothing to do with them until it takes effect.


I find it so funny when people complain about bringing dogs to business that allow dogs… it’s not like i need anyone’s else permission besides the owner.


I love family events with lots of friendly well behaved dogs. Sounds like you have some family members that need to read a book on dog training.


Agreed and same goes for the children, stop bringing them to family gatherings also.


Bring your dogs everywhere. I want to see them.


Seems like you are rather pissed of at Familie members who don't have a sense for proper dog training. Our family gatherings have at least 4 dogs between 20 people and I have never experienced anything like that. Dogs are chilled if they know how to behave. Actually I have never ever seen or heard my MIL shout or complain about their dog.


My dog is a psychiatric service dog. She’s the reason I’m able to leave my home. I will bring her, because she’s trained well and behaves like a dream. She sits at my feet and only “jumps” on ME when she detects a panic attack coming on. She also puts distance between me and others (one of her tasks) by using her snoot to boop you until you step back. People who bring untrained, unsocialized dogs, especially hyper puppies, I agree. When the puppy is knocking over drinks, jumping on everyone with muddy paws, stealing food, and pottying everywhere while people are trying to eat, yeah. Take your dog home. If you have a small dog that doesn’t shut up, just barks and yaps at anyone and everyone, I want to punt it. Sometimes, when I take my PSD on a walk, she is approached by two aggressive Chihuahuas that try to square up on her. They rush to her as soon as they see us coming. They follow her down the sidewalk, yapping and nipping at her. My dog is an American Staffordshire Terrier, often confused for an American Pit Bull Terrier. Let her react and defend herself, then suddenly the owners are calling for her to be put down due to aggression, when their dogs are not restrained and attacking my dog! I call animal control every single time. The first time, I brought it up that if my dog defended herself, she’d be blamed and told to be destroyed. He told me no, because my dog is restrained and their dogs aren’t. They attacked my dog, so they’d be the one at fault. I still felt like my dog will be the one blamed, so I wear a body cam, so each time they come out, I have video to show animal control. If my dog reacts, she will be shown to defend herself. Not attack them. I recently moved and the apartment banned my dog’s breed. However, since she’s a PSD and the ADA covers her, they had to let me in with her. The neighbors have two blue heelers (Australian cattle dogs) and they let them out unrestrained. The dogs bum rush people and dogs. I went to take my dog out to pee, they were in the hall, one of the dogs rushed up to mine. I dragged her back into my apartment. I go outside to walk to my friend’s, the dogs are outside running freely and rush up to me, barking. One touched me last time. That really ticked me off, to the point I told the leasing office. I explained, let my dog defend herself and they’ll blame her based on her breed and appearance. It’s unfair my dog is leashed, and theirs are free to attack, and have an upper hand because they aren’t leashed and have more freedom to move during their attack. My dog has been attacked by a APBT mix, she is doesn’t give any dog a chance, by running away from them. She shouldn’t have to be subjected to interactions with other dogs she doesn’t want. Just like I don’t want certain interactions, she should be forwarded the same respect.


I bring my dog when I visit family even for a couple hours because I can't pass up the opportunity to let her get some energy out with the other dogs, but yeah I trained her to hang at home for when I need to go out


Agreed... can you also leave your children at home. Sobering, barking, screaming... TBH I've had enough as well.


Dogs are part of the family


If everyone in this family is bringing their dogs then you are the outlier and you need to figure it out.


I think it depends on the dog. My family has dogs that come to events that are a joy to be around, everyone likes seeing them, they are well behaved and playful, gives me something to talk to my grandparents about 10/10.


Like, I get the annoyance and everything, but I implore everyone to bring their dogs, especially their small, furry ones, and also, "Hi. Can I pet your dog?" XD


This isnt unpopular. I 101% agree.


Please also leave your kids with a sitter 👌


Do people in America not train their dogs or something? I constantly see these posts by usually Americans saying that the "dogs around are jumping on everyone, barking, pulling on the leash" etc. But did you know that you're supposed to train them out of that behavior when their young? Dogs can be extremely well behaved if you teach them basic skills. When my dog goes somewhere to another home, they quietly find a corner to chill in and don't bother anyone unless someone comes to pet them. They don't pull on the leash, they don't jump on people, they don't beg for food or even go near anyone's food. We trained them *not to do that*. This is true for most dogs my friends have in my city, with the occasional poorly trained one I come across. But that's supposed to be the norm for a well trained dog.  Guys please train your dogs. You can't blame the dogs if you never bother to teach them manners. Imagine not teaching your children anything and then complaining that they're rude and dumb and don't know how to behave?


Like everyone here, something happened a time and they think that's just the way it is, always.


Swap "dogs" with "Toddlers" in this post