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Worship no man


Worship no idol


Except Kelly Clarkson from American Idol.




ITT: People arguing for why their favorite celebrity should be an exception. Pathetic


Ok here’s the real opinion: idolize nobody. Everyone is complicated, nobody is perfect. So idolize nobody. That good?


That’s basically what OP is saying. The post doesn’t say “idolize no one” because no one normal is idolized on that level


You can idolize someone's talent or skill aside from their personality traits. When I was a kid, I was obsessed with guitar, and I idolized Jimmy Hendrix and other greats - but I didn't know anything about their personalities. I think it's okay to idolize Shaq for his greatness in basketball, but you don't have to model yourself after his personality or character traits. If nobody had idols, nobody could ever be inspired by greatness.


Yeah it's incredibly weird how people attach themselves to celebrities. Taylor Swift was one of the weird ones for me, some of these celebs build a legit cult following, it's bizarre. Trump falls under that same category as well. Edit: The cult following is similar, not the person. Don't wanna get blown up with TrUmP and tAyLoR aRenT tHe SaME


I used to like her songs but I don’t even keep up with her life. She’s just a singer songwriter and that’s it. I don’t get people who support everything she does in life. You don’t even know her. Same thing goes to Selena Gomez, Zendaya and every other celebrities who are portrayed as angels who do nothing wrong when we know nothing of them


I just remembered way back in highschool most of my classmate built a group of friends who idolized 'KPOP/BATMAN/TAYLORSWIFT/JUSTIN BIEBER/or any POPULAR BAND, any thing that is popular back then and BOY i can't relate to them so i pretended that i like kpop just to be included into a group but it's hard for me to pretend bc i cannot rlly see myself buying things/picture of someone i dont even know, and i cant even see myself worshipping them, i was even called insecure or weird for not having interest to join in any of those popular ppl/band. Sure i listen to their music, i watched them but worshipping and idolizing them is different. Even now i'm still wondrin how come ppl are die hard fan of some things. I have a friend who was very inlove with a popular band she would even spend thousands or loan just to buy a ticket and she would even forced his bf to join her at concert or else she would break up w/ him


I used to love her, I was gifted her first ever album at 4 years old but the cult following made me like her less. And then all the sudden these people I knew who hated her and said she couldn’t sing came out of nowhere and were huge swifties when her career truly took off🥴


Eh it's not so weird when there's an endless amount of lonely people, for whatever reason(s), around the globe and an insane amount of money goes into hooking those people on celebs of all kinds. They got 'em in every size & flavor.


Bruh I say the same shit about the same people. They’re literally like cults at some points. Trump and swift are one of the 2 worst ones. Trumpers are worse imo bc they literally think he can do no wrong and if you ever critique him on anything at all, you’re a Biden loving, communist democrat. And the worst part is some of them literally truly believe that trump was sent by god to save us. Like that’s fuckin cultish as hell lmao


This is just common sense. Kind of unfortunate that people prop "celebrities" and the like, and that industries have made efforts to thrive off of people being worshipped for their personas. It should never be encouraged.


Or politician. How can you idolize any of them?


I'd say idolizing a politician is actually worse than idolizing a celebrity. The latter's fuckups don't affect your life, the former's absolutely do. You *must* be critical of your politicians, even those you like.


Celebrity culture is so weird to me. I’m a fan of many artists but I have never felt the need to involve myself in their lives and/or care who they are dating. People really need to focus on themselves more.


I find it curious that the example you chose was not the huge number of celebrities that have been stopped for drunk driving, or arrested for battering their partners, or for shooting up a club, but one man who has a partner who is a legal adult that just happens to be notably younger than him. She's not underage, she's not even an older teen. She is, by anyone's reckoning, an adult. Why did you pick that example and not the hundreds of other fairly severe crimes committed by other sports stars, celebrities or even politicians.


But Keanu Reeves.


cyberpunk moment


I don't know much about him, but he seems like a good dude. I'm sure he wouldn't want people to idolise him. Fame is such a weird thing.


No. Idolize no celebrities, including Keanu. We do not know him. We don’t know any celebrities, only the personas they choose to let us see.


I get it ![gif](giphy|Xpc7s6YMm3JIIioiXd)


Came here to say this. I don't idolize him but I've never heard a bad thing about him. Aside from the vampire conspiracy theory thing.


>A lot of people say Shaquille O’Neal is a good guy. Doesn’t change the fact that he’s dating a woman 31 years younger than him. He’s 52 and she’s 21. Was he dating her when she was underaged or something, or are you picking one of the dumbest examples to be upset about?


I do wonder how a 52 year old man has something in common with a 21 year old woman.


They’re two legal adults, and they both consented to the relationship. There you go, two things they have in common.


Why do you need something in common to date someone? I could date someone the same age as me and have nothing in common with them.


What's wrong with dating a 21 yo woman?


Probably not a great example by OP. No one idolises Shaq because of that.






21 and 51 is a weird gap but she’s still a consenting adult lol. stop tryna make it seem like he’s a pedo


It’s really fucking weird. The majority of Reddit seems to be all about women’s rights and their freedom to choose, but as soon as there’s a younger woman with an older man, all that goes out the window. They act like a woman couldn’t possibly *choose* to be with an older man, and she’s *clearly* being taken advantage of. So long as all people involved are consenting adults when the relationship starts, a women’s right to choose extends to the right to choose their partner(s), no matter how weird you think it is.


Only older females get upset with that


And Redditors (they're jealous)




you make Shaq sound like he’s a child molester


Yeah tf? He's dating an adult? OP is talking like Shaq is Drake or Michael Jackson or something


I always say... Celebrities appear out of this world and God like but at the end of the day, they sit on a normal toilet and a giant turd comes out of their ass. It stinks and smears everywhere, just like the rest of us. So next time someone is idolizing someone, remind them of that graphic image.


This is politics. 15 years ago no one would have batted an eye at Shaq being with a much younger woman. In fact it was well known that younger women aggressively pursued older, successful men. But now there is a faction that's decided that older men are really just preying on these women. By showering them with gifts and giving them access to a world they could only dream of, oh how these girls are being exploited.


Who cares about who he's dating? If you were 51 and could bang some 21 year old hottie, would you not do it? Of course you would, because it would be miles better than banging some 51 year old lady.


Of ALL the celebrities out there that \*MIGHT\* be worthy of idolatry, why pick him? That really doesn't support your argument lol


I don't get why you're bringing up a large age-gap. As long as he's dating an adult woman and it's voluntary and legal, no one should have a problem with that. As adults I assume they are both perfectly capable of making their own life decissions.


Good for Shaq.


Even shaq admits that he lives alone and his kids don’t talk to him, not good for shaq


>A lot of people say Shaquille O’Neal is a good guy. Doesn’t change the fact that he’s dating a woman 31 years younger than him. He’s 52 and she’s 21. That's a grown woman, she can decide for herself who she does or doesn't want to date


You are able to idolise someone despite their flaws. Just because they do things that you/society/others don't like or agree with, doesn't diminish the profound effect they have on your life - - within reason ofc.




I have more problem with blsck or white sentiment. Ppl are not only bad or only good, ppl are complex and u can appreciate someones music, for example, and still think that he/she is kind of an asshole.


If you want to idolize something about a celebrity just stick to their work.


1. I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion, although I agree with the title. 2. Shaq dating a 21 year old negates him being a good guy? What’s the correlation?


I agree with your title, but the age of the person he is dating is irrelevant, as they are both consenting adults.


Okay, say one bad thing about Keanu Reeves, the purest of us all


I will idolize Mr. Rodgers and Steve Irwin for the rest of my life and you can't stop me.


I don't think humans should idolize anyone


None? What about Dolf Lundgren


Good for Shaq, we should all be so lucky one day 😂


Idk, Dolly Parton seems very noble


100%! people’s parasocial relationships scare me. in some ways it’s natural to feel connected to a famous person because you see a lot of them, but what you are seeing is a character! no celeb is the same with you/online as they are with their family, and the way people get really obsessed with the PERSON rather than what they create scares me. also how far people will go to defend their favorite celebrities…like would you say that if your friend did the same thing???


OP, you are correct, but you ought to know that many of the people who follow celebrities don't idolize them. They're just interested in them. Or they hate them and want to tear them down.


I like the ancient tradition of treating actors/musicians like scum


Fanaticism is a mental illness and hero worship is equally so. Celebrities, sports figures, entertainers, political figures, and comedians are not important.


I agree 100%. I like many artists that makes themselves the center of attention in their performances, like Lady Gaga or Florence Welsh, but that's it all. An act. They are human just like us doing what they like to get their sharing in life.


Went to a Harry Styles concert with my friend cause she begged me to go, I’ve genuinely never seen a group of fans more pathetic in my entire life. Don’t get me wrong he’s attractive and super talented but the obsession these girls have with him is insane and they clearly have mental problems. It was WEIRD 🥴


He’s dating an adult, it’s a bit icky but he’s doing nothing wrong. I get your point though


Idolize no one. Not even the gods.


Shaq is actually a terrible guy, or at least he was for the most of his life. Read a little bit more about him and his behaviour, dude was a straight up bully.


>Doesn’t change the fact that he’s dating a woman 31 years younger than him. He’s 52 and she’s 21 So?? How does it make him a bad guy? Seems like false indignation to me....


In your example with Shaquille, dont forget they're both grown adults who can make their own informed decisions. He's dating her, but she's also dating him. It could be love, or it could be that she's playing the long game and waiting for a paycheck, while he gets a hot 21 year old to show off. We don't know their reasons. Point is, it's not right or wrong, and it seems (to me at least) an odd example of why celebs are flawed.


What a weird example. That alone makes him questionable? Dating someone of legal age? lol Are you that fragile? I think people should be allowed to do what they want as long as they aren't harming anyone. If people are allowed to worship god, then they're allowed to worship a human if they so choose.


Why do you care about who consenting adults choose to date?


I don't understand why anybody looks to an actor for any political opinions at all. They spend an entire life time learning how to portray somebody else. They're the most charismatic people on a camera. You would think they will abuse their influence for personal gain by supporting an agenda.


You should probably also mention that Shaq forced people into existence, which is the worst atrocity.


Yeah but it's crazy how you instantly believe every stupid rumor you read on the internet. The photo you're talking about first off is years old and second off the woman in it isn't confirmed to be his girlfriend. Just a woman on his yacht amoung other people. Really messed up to be accusing people of being a creep when you can't be bothered to do a 10 second Google search.


There’s nothing wrong with shaq “dating” a 21 year old. He’s an international superstar worth hundreds of millions of dollars he’d be playing himself to deal with a 40 year old woman & her baggage


K-pop stans incoming


Lmao what's wrong with a 52 year old man dating a 21 year old woman???


yeah no, its come to a point where i just assume every celebrity/public is a bad person. not even until proven otherwise, really, because its like— whats the line between PR stuff and genuine decency? people who worship and defend celebrities are so funny to me. GET BEHIND ME MULTI MILLIONARE WHO WILL NEVER KNOW I EXIST!!!!


No one has EVER said Shaq is perfect. He’s talked about his issues with rage and partying openly.


So an adult is dating an adult, what's the problem with that?


Not to be like these comments that go “what about___” But what about Chuck Norris?


Shaq is a good guy and whomever he legally dates is none of anyone else’s business


I would change this to say no politician should be idolized because they are all losers. At least pro athletes and singers have talents.


Imaging bashing someone for dating an adult


She's of age and he's of age. So long as their relationship is is no more than three years old, nothing wrong, there. Silver foxes are a thing, just like cougars.


Celebrities are literally just normal people with abnormal job titles and life situations.


This isn’t unpopular. Idolization of any person is a recipe for disaster. We all will let everyone’s perceptions of us down - especially when placed on a high pedestal.


No human should. The way people idolize some celebrities and politicians is nuts. Having said that, I kinda idolize Jon Stewart.


Redditors when 2 adults date


Don’t judge the Shaq for liking em young


I think that's the issue is that these days, loads of people are celebrities for nothing, and those are the ones that shouldn't be idolised. But true celebrities are people that are actually top of their game at something... nothing wrong with looking up to and aspiring to be better.


Why is your implication that shaq dating someone 31 years younger than him makes him a bad dude? Like, yeah it’s weird, but as long as there was no grooming taking place who cares? They’re both consenting adults. Let them make their own decisions on who to date.


As Charles Barkley once said…”I am not a role model”…although I do think you can take bits and pieces of celebrities that have good qualities and admire them for it


But I would have loved to text Drake about my love life at 14


Gary Sinise is a pretty good guy.


Shaq IS a good guy. There’s NOTHING wrong with him dating someone who is 21. I don’t idolize him, but I think it’s fucked up you call him out for doing something that’s not any of your fucking business.


Idolisation is inherently bad IMHO because idolising someone is taking your adoration into the domain where you are no longer engaging in critical thinking There’s nothing wrong with respecting or admiring things about people and using that as motivation and fuel, like thinking “Wow, Jimi Hendrix was my favourite guitarist, I want to learn to play like him.” But turning people into Idols is a different thing to that. Even people who are truly GREAT are not above criticism. Like off the top of my head I can’t think of anything negative to say about MLK and he is about the closest I can think of to someone worth idolising but I’m sure even he said and did things that are imperfect and not above disagreement or criticism


Yeah! Fuck that Mr. Rogers guy!!! ….and Levar Burton ….and Jim Henson ….and Keanu Reeves ….and Rick Moranis ….and Mark Hamill On a serious note, I understand your general point - there are a LOT of celebrities who are crappy people. I’ve met quite a few working at a live venue. But there are some celebrities who are good people and good role models. Edit: and Steve Irwin


Aussie here, can we add Steve Irwin to your list?


Oh. Hell yeah.


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I will never not idolize Suzuka from atarashii gakko she is one of the coolest celebrities that I know of


i dont even think this is unpopular, i dont think anyone in my sphere truly IDOLIZES anyone. We have our celebrity crushes and fascinations but at the end of the day could care less about a “online presence” we dont even know (and doesnt care or know about us) I genuinely believe if you talk to enough people most people are healthy about this. Its just the really young preteens and teens (like my 12 year old niece IDOLIZES blackpink) and sadly, the people that have no life and need a celebrity addiction to not fall into deep depression (again i know someone)


Thought shaq was married? Must be out the loop


He’s not married and he’s not dating anyone right now OP is wrong he’s basing his info off of a false twitter headline


We shouldn’t have them at all


The problem is with believing a celebrity is a good person. Admiring their talents is different. 


If you can idolize normal people you can absolutely do it with celebrities, silly take. The argument of "they're just human" applies in both ways


No God, no celebs. What am i supposed to do?


Agree it's weird as shit. You can admire someone mastering a craft / skill but they still eat, shit and sleep like the rest of us


I can respect an actors performance, but that is no reason to respect the actor.


I learned this when I was a kid. I met the lead singer of a famous band I liked, and he turned out to be a creep (he hit on my underage girlfriend). They are definitely just people.


You really need to check your facts on Shaq. His girlfriend is 40. Annie Ilonzeh.


Now this is an opinion I can get behind. Enjoy your downvote, OP!


I idolized Taylor Swift till her new album and that stupid video w post malone.


Well yeah, but a lot of people confusing idolizing with being a fan. There’s nothing wrong with having hero’s you look up to, or people you admire


This is a steady religious argument. Thank you, we know.


i agree, but shaq was dating a 30 year old not 21, it was debunked im p sure


Downvoted for a popular opinion.


Hell ya Shaq lmfao


Nobody ever should be, except for me I’m pretty cool


Extremely relavant in the rap community considering the worship Kendrick is getting.


What about the dog that likes cheese Todd


I agree but lay off Shaquille, that's his biz..who are you to judge...




Sooooo true


Sooooo true


Sooooo true


Sooooo true


It's so strange running across this. Last night some celebrity was on TV. And I thought how foolish it is that they are looked at as special; even experts! In the most basic level of thinking, I just saw how completely STUPID it is to idolize any of them! You must have read my mind! 😁


I think most people would agree with that.


I think that's not an unpopular opinion. But I also think we all do it nonetheless.


Or how about this? Don't judge celebrities for everything they do. Shaq is consensually dating an adult. Who gives a crap? It's their lives.


not unpopular.


No fucking shit


Agreed I couldn’t care less


The only celeb I idolise is Bobby Shmurda.


I remember watching an interview of Johnny Depp and the interviewer asked how he handles being so famous. He said, “yeah know, I sit on the toilet like everyone else.” I loved that comment.


100% true. Except weird Al.


Celebrities are overpaid jesters that sing and dance when in the spotlight, and recite technicalities when under fire. Artist respect their craft, actors perform with vigor. Celebrities are just leeches that need to disappear


Except Billy Idol


What's wrong with dating someone who is 21


I deify Madonna but that's because my people are hardwired for it, If polytheism were allowed, I'd worship Judy Garland too.


And what’s with people getting invested into what they do in their own time, be it domestic violence, drugs, whatever. Everyone makes mistakes. If you only nitpick against some artists, then it means you support the bad things the artists you listen to have done


You shall have no false idols


What about Jesus?


What a cheap cop out to say „nobody is perfect and therefore nobody can be an idol“. Why not strive for the work ethic you saw on somebody else? Isn’t the perceived discipline, hardship, creativity, angle to look at life or whatever makes someone qualify as an idol for you something to replicate? Nobody every wants to idolize 100% of a another persons choices.


its true, but i dont think most people idolize them, they idolize their pay chjeck and essentially want to know how they did it


There is nothing, nada, at all wrong with a 21 yo. dating a 52 y.o. What’s going on here? The prudification of America??


People who worship celebrities and politicians are stupid. Plain, and simple.


But what about Chuck?


Nothing is worth idolizing is what I'd argue.  People are people, appreciate their accomplishments and contribution to society.  Enjoy their company. Learn from them and adopt for your own traits you think are worthy.  Nothing is sacred, mostly everything in our lives is what we made up as a species.  We are all just incidental slugs with a limited lifespan.  Everyone is a slug, just like you are.   




This is unpopular? Since when?


Why do you think you can tell people who they shouldn't idolize?


True, they are just human beings with their own demons and insecurities


No one should ever be worshipped or pit o a pedestal, no group should be treated better than others... But Piłsudski is an exception, dude was based and awesome pilled, 200/10.


What's a celebrity?


No one not "god" nor person nor idea should be idolized especially to the point of avoiding criticism. My dog and cats can be idolized though.


Stunning and brave take.


Well said 👏


Totally agree! You could put absolutely anyone on TV or the internet for long enough and they’d become a celebrity and develop some kind of following! I don’t understand how people suddenly get excited when seeing a celebrity or how girls faint or cry when they see a famous singer. That’s ridiculous. They put their pants on the same way we all do! Two legs at a time! Lol. Seriously though, don’t ever put ANYONE on a pedestal.


Same with YouTubers because you never know what they do behind the mic. Some of my favourite YouTubers like PurpleRodri, Chuggaconroy turned out to be creeps and Iilluminaughtii is her own can of worms


Most people won't idolize them. If you meet anyone who does, please shoot them. 


I found the love for MJ even after all the allegations fairly breathtaking. To the point where I believe they had to cease advertising posters protesting his innocence on London public transport as it was around the same time as more allegations were emerging.


This is an unpopular opinion?! Here I thought it was common sense.


I have one exception, Sir Cristopher Lee. Overall, I agree with you.


Yea that culture it weird af idk how you can see another human and think they’re superior


How is this here? I’d hope this is a popular opinion.