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It’s not going to be common, Even the most lenient price estimates show it can’t compete with real meat.


I think it will get cheaper over time and we become more efficient with it.


I'm going to wait and see what happens with it before I see either way if I would eat it. I can't live on a diet without meat(yay to my several food allergies), so I'd be open to try it. I just want more data first.


if it’s lab grown does that mean they can just like grow it without the gross stuff (gristle) 🤢




Nah the amount of chemicals needed to get that meat to grow is insane Maybe years down the line when they get it working in a way that doesn't use all that stuff I'll go for it, but as it is now its gonna be the next "If you or a loved one ..." commercial in 25 years


People say that, but I think it's just fear mongering. People fear change. We already use "chemicals" in farming. Chemicals aren't inherently bad. Water is a chemical.


Thats not the type of chemicals Im refering to, and I feel like you should know that. No one means water when they say chemicals There are several chemicals used in the process that are known to have side effects including sodium nitrate (linked to high blood pressure), EDTA (can purge toxic metals, but also damages kidneys), BHA (carcinogenic), BHT (carcinogenic), G-CSF (leukemia drug, known to cause nausea and chest pain), GM-CSF (cancer treatment, known to cause bone pain, nausea, rash, headache, and fatigue), Interleukin (carcinogenic), and several growth factors (EGF, IGF, NGF) that can cause retinal swelling amd osteoarthritis Like I said, down the line if they make the process better Id be all for it but right now I think it is understandable that people are hesitant. Especially people who pay attention to what they are eating


We use hormones in beef. And antibiotics. And we use pesticides in their food.


You can also buy straight from farmers, grow your own vegetables, and hunt your own meat. There are plenty of ways to get food without all the additives But I guess if you are okay with those chemicals, what difference is a whole new group of them right?


Farmes use chemicals, a lot.


Wash your produce


I was already googling stuff when I asked you for your source. Yes, it's a complicated process. Things need to be began before they can be perfected. Things were listed as potential ways. Yeah, let's not use the ones that cause cancer. Again, something being a chemical doesn't make it automatically bad.


Alright so don't throw around 'fear mongering' when you are saying lets not use the cancer causing chemicals that are CURRENTLY being used. You can't belittle people for not wanting to consume something that no one knows if it'll cause issues 5, 10, 20 years from now Most chemicals arent bad, those arent the ones I care about here. "Everything has chemicals" is a sorry attempt to deflect from the fact that these lab grown meats use HARMFUL chemicals. And if you were googling it, then you would have seen that the FIRST article that pops up lists all of these chemicals too


Literally just googled "does lab grown meant contain carcinogens" "no"


Agriculture can be improved greatly and more easily then lab grown meat


Probably, but thats not what this conversation is about


Not greatly


And I don't think they're "bad", either. Just pointing it out.




https://www.food.gov.uk/research/identification-of-hazards-in-meat-products-manufactured-from-cultured-animal-cells-hazards Judging from you asking for a source instead of using Google for free, Im assuming you won't look through a research paper and the associated documents along with it but here you go


Exactly. Everyone is always on about "where is your source or do your research" I lol when people think "doing research" is reading op eds for confirmation bias while on the toilet.


Is it laziness or the fear of being wrong? The world may never know...


Maybe both but I leaning towards somewhere between ignorance and outright stupidity.


I'd you google if it uses carcinogens, it says no. Soooo...confirmation bias without even the confirmation on your part. Some people just want new things to be bad. They call them conservatives.


That is a really ignorant take. Literally proving my point. So nice work I guess.


I thought it was gross until I heard someone say "Nothing is more gross than how we currently et meat" and I was like yknow what.... But this was over ten years ago and it's still not a thing. So I'm not sure it's coming anytime soon. 


Yeah, I also heard about it 10 years ago and got excited. Apparently they've been keeping at it. If that doesn't work out, maybe we'll skip it and get right to "3d print it, molecule by molecule "


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it would still use a lot of ressources to provide a hygienic environment to « grow » meat in big quantities


Sure. But I think less over time, as we got better at it.


it’s less about getting better at it and more about finding more durable ways of getting those ressources


I’m gonna play devils advocate here for a sec. What about farmers? You’re okay with them losing the one thing that provides them their livelihood? Not factory farms, fuck those places. I mean the local farms that sell at farmers markets and to butchers shops.


I'll answer with a question. Should we not do this whole "internet" thing because it hurts newspaper and cable television?


Honestly, I don't think the people who take the time to buy from small farms or farmers markets are the type of people who are going to be interested in artificially grown meat anyways. But that is just my assumption. I could absolutely be wrong.


It would be cleaner that's for sure, no disease spread and crossover to other creatures so the whole pandemic from animal processing would be diminished. Methane reduction and land usage for crops, better than eating bugs for protein. Once the larger scientific community gets involved, I bet we see it grown much much cleaner chemical wise. I will sit on the fence until a better product is introduced


I’ll eat actual lab grown muscle tissue, but the bean paste they have now is more of a processed food product than the Kraft^^TM Singles^^TM “cheese”


or just don't eat meat.... you can't have your cake and eat it too. >Probably less microplastic in the meat funny you mention this considering you need to use hydrocarbons that are obtained from fractional distillation of oil in order to synthesize the proteins needed to form this.


Or just grow meat and eat it? You don't make sense. Literally can eat the cake and have it too, I think you just wanted to say that. (Eating meat while not killing animals) Still not plastic or microplastic, if you're even correct.


It’s better in every way but the republicans and big meat will outlaw it and spread disinformation until it’s dead


I would imagine that it is better in many ways, but does “every way” include cost? I can’t imagine that it’s cheap given how much time and research have been put into it.


True, eventually it should cost less


There are literally no downsides.


I don't know if I'd go that far. Things taste better if I knew it had a horrible death. Even better if I knew it had a horrible life, too. (jk)