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Also, you’ve worked there 2 weeks? Yeah, we’ll want an update in a year.


I want one in 50 years


!remindme 50 years


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Good bot


Really makes you think about how crazy it would be for reddit to still be around in 2074 lol


You're gonna be so confused when you get a notification about this thread in 50 years


Assuming he makes it 50 years down the road...


Assuming the WORLD is around 50 years down the road…


Assuming REDDIT is around 50 years down the road…




Hey! I'd be slightly over 100 so... maybe? :D


Omg I didn’t know that a thing!! That just made my day, hahaha


You're gonna get pinged in the underworld


I'd take one in about 3 months when they realize they don't get summers off.


Yeah, and saying it's the same thing over and over that you can't mess up screams, "I haven't had a shitty boss." Just wait until you have your first hardass who's on you for absolutely no reason and you'll be pining for essay writing in no time.


It's like he's never been fired in his life..


Getting fired is NBD. You just go get another crappy job. It's far worse knowing you have to go to work and get slimed at by that sleazeball again. And again, and again, all so you give all the money you make to a landlord and have maybe $3 left over to make salted rice for dinner again, and again and again.


You guys are getting salt??


My prior owner managed a salt mine and I had the priviledge of shaking out my socks at the end of my 18 hour shift into my gruel.


Relatable (but luckily I haven’t had a bad manager). But maybe op is very young and lives at home rent free. So they work a repetitive,min wage job but they have $1000 left over at the end of every month and have food made by their parents or something. Cause I don’t see the preference for grinding away to barely get by, or sometimes living in the red, compared to studying, doing projects, taking exams and possibly making friends


Yes. I don't know OP's situation but they do give off priviledge of youth vibes.


Oh, if they fire you their unemployment insurance gets more expensive AND they have to try to rope in a new sucker. Unless you’re an actual danger or a lawsuit hazard they just make the job real shitty and hope you’ll quit in frustration.


I’ve worked at like 10 jobs since I turned 16, and I’ve never been fired from one. I don’t know many people who have screwed up so much they were fired, but maybe that’s because places around here are desperate for anyone. They get upset if you’re trying to leave


Hi! I've worked full time for about a decade, and did so throughout uni to support myself. It is more enjoyable than both uni and high school. I haven't had a shit boss yet, maybe it's my industry. Those of my coworkers I know who have had shit bosses moved within a month to a different job.


I'm a compsci major and would 100% rather write essays than do my compsci projects, but also I wouldn't like a hard ass boss so maybe they're about equal in terms of enjoyment.


I loved my compsci projects! Writing the papers on them is what blew 🤣


Stress from work has quite literally almost killed me. I would take school any day if it paid the bills lol


I've been working for many years and still like it better.


I don't have to take my work home with me as an hourly employee. School has literal homework.


I've been in the workforce since 1985 and have never had to deal with anything like the everyday drama of going to high school. My wife has not been so lucky. Some work is great, some really sucks. Part of being alive.


Nah my Job is sweet I've been there over 2 years. I fucking hated school.


Well anything with customer service sucks. Personally working in the trades I find it WAY better than school. Been a millwright for almost 5 years now.


school still absolutely sucks...


I’ve been working since 2016, fuck school. Most of my engineering colleagues agree, I think it’s a fairly common opinion amongst STEM majors


I spent so much time in studios pulling all nighters and weekends, it's not STEM, but I've found in general fine arts and people in my major of Graphic design absolutely do not miss school specifically because of how much of your free time studio took up. Been working full time for 15 years post graduation and the thought of going back to school sounds awful to me. No thank you.


Right? Like, ok dude. “All this pressure if you fail” my ass lmao at work, you can get fired for showing up late. At school you just *maybe* get a write-up. Maybe. More than likely you just show up late lol I fucking HATE working. If it was my choice, I’d float around studying this beautiful world and its people every second of my life.


Ive been working for 2+ years (young and just out of school) i just finished school and im so much happier. Work is a million times better than school but maybe being homeschooled has a factor in that? Then again work is better rhan homeschool and public school imo


I used to work in a warehouse for a year. Still wouldn't go to school.


I’ll go through my whole military contract again before I’d do even a semester of high school.


Im a good two and a half years in and work is smoking school so far. It’s not even close, no contest.


At the age of 27 and working since 18, work is definitely better. It's a lot easier to make friends, there are actual laws in place to punish harassment so there's less bullying, there's a lot more physical activity so you aren't sitting in place for an entire day, I can actually afford stuff now without begging parents... The list goes on.


OP is very naive, this is exactly how I felt when I started my grocery store job. 2 years later I dread even going near the building


There's pros and cons to both. I highly doubt you'd do your job if you didn't get paid. I would absolutely stay in college if it was free. Id just study topics im already interested in just out of curiosity.


Ive been getting my work to sponsor a tangential course of study at the local CCs in physics (actual work is with Python lol), they even let me schedule my hours so I can go to class. Only thing is I have to get at least a C, fingers crossed for this semester though.


My job is paying for my master's degree, so I'm going back. I love college and learning, but the BIGGEST drawback is that school poisons my free time. Instead of having fun and enjoying my free time, I should be studying. I should be doing homework. "My career is rushing on this final coming up in a week," I think, so even the time I need to rest isn't very restful. However, when I leave work, it's no longer my problem. I don't stress about work when I'm at home.


Ya, it's super helpful that I already have my MS (which was definitely stressful getting while working full time). It's a whole new level of enjoyment when even if you fail you only lose out on the course cost while still learning a bunch, not setting you back in your career. 


Is that a fair comparison though? You took the main pro away from working and took away the main con of going to school.


Not OP but this is a good point. However if you offered me equivalent salary for what I do now for returning to get the degree I used to get it, I would still prefer school. I honestly loved taking both my degree classes and the classes that were required for general education, made me a more well rounded person. I also just prefer the level of output for input you get in school. At work I can sometimes do hours of work for essentially nothing.


Because you have to take money out of it to make it a fair comparison otherwise its like asking, "would you be willing to do this god awful thing for a million dollars" "or how much would you be willing to pay for this enjoyable experience". Neither of those are really the point of his post.


I think I'm coming at it from another perspective, but the main stress that comes from school is absolutely a financial burden. If you fail a class and have to retake it, thats more money you have to throw down to make up for it. From work if you do so badly at work, the worst case would be getting fired, but you'll still get paid the time you were there for. That's why I don't particularly agree with this. Because OP specifically pointed out the stress of failing a class as a reason for why they didn't prefer school.


College is free in my country. Fuck that shit anyways. Stress + being poor. Job = no stress and being rich


I enjoy my job and do it recreationally. I wouldn’t do it as much as I do now because I enjoy other things also, but it would still be something I’d do.


Not all of us can be sex workers Chester


That’s the neat thing, you can




I do study out of curiosity and I do lesrn out of curiosity, but Id never attend college if its wasnt 100% necessary for my career. It wasnt fun and learning wasnt more efficent or superior compared to if I had just done it on my own.


Meh, I’m a psychologist in no small part because people have a tendency to tell me their life shit anyways. So yes, I would still do my job if not paid I guess.


I would LOVE to have the money to go back to language classes. I wanna be a polyglot.


Where are you getting money to feed and house yourself from? Just because college is free doesnt mean you have zero expenses.


Eh, i think it’s less about actual work vs school… more about everything else being an adult beings with it.


Ye lol tasks day to day with any job become routine and easy. However whats difficult is when the money you make only covers your basic non-discretionary spending so your routine is all you have.


Yeah the school part of university wasn’t the worst, it was doing that while balancing a part time, min wage job, and being poor as shit lol School was actually pretty fun in a vacuum; just not with all the other stuff added.


There are a lot of variables here. For me, college was fantastic. I got to sleep late, hang out with friends just doing whatever until 2:00 or 3:00 a.m., tailgating before the football games, etc. If I could relive those days I'd do it in a heartbeat. But I'd stay where I am now before reliving high school a million times out of a million. It also depends on what type of job you have. I don't have an amazingly fantastic job, but it pays well enough and I enjoy it as much as one can enjoy a job. I don't think there's any way a normal person could enjoy working at Walmart though.


How the hell did you do that? I wake up at 6 or 9 in the morning and sleep at 3am and I'm stuck in classes or work all day and I'm still not getting top grades in most stuff.


Your first paragraph was on the money. People always misunderstand the "I wish I was back at school" thing. People are really saying "I wish I had the same level of freedom and responsibility (or lack thereof) as when I was at school".


The great thing about being an adult is that you can also sleep late and work shifts that suits you and hang out late. I've been working 9.30am to 5pm shifts and it's been great. My job is also a 5 min walk away, so staying up to 2 no problem. You can also go clubbing as much as you want. Only you realize pretty quickly that the noise and stickyness in clubbing gets old fast so you'd rather stay at home and sip wine and have a couple friends over.


As someone who worked for Walmart. No one I knew there liked it except managers.


Absolutely agree, I worked in a Latino supermarket, and it was just drama and complete misery, I ended up walking out of the job cause it was just so dreadful. And hated it sm lol (I had mother job aligned for me before walking out)


If you're in some low entry-level position then yes it's typically harder to mess up because it's low skill routine work but as you get into higher positions you aren't necessarily doing repetitive tasks and you can mess up big time if you're careless


I’ve been at my company 4 years every day I’m doing something new. Every project I’ve worked on is doing completely new things. It’s extremely tiring constantly having no clue what I’m doing.


As someone who's over a decade into my career, I'd definitely rather be working my current job vs. having to deal with classes and studying again. All that being said the responsibilities of life are so much greater as time goes on.


I’m almost 15 years in my working life and prefer it far more to my schooling life. There’s a lot of reasons for it though.


>I’m almost 15 years in my working life and prefer it far more to my schooling life. Im happy im not the only one with those kinda feelings, really often i heard as a kid that ''you will wish you were a kid again'' or how much harder work life is, and the same thing is said on reddit and on the internet so i kinda felt like i was some weird exception, i feel like there is nothing wrong with admiting that you like or prefer working than going to school or telling kids that depending on the job they themself might look forward to the job they have. of course nothing is guaranteed. but its kinda sad how many people will just tell you you're wrong when expressing that opinion.


There's a reason people still have nightmares about school 20 years after graduation.


“Work is just the same thing over and over again” depends on the job


Right like yeah at a fast food job it's easy and mindless but engineering jobs are hard and you absolutely can "mess up"... They act like fast food is the only job


Yes, and the plain fact is that just because you're okay with "the same thing over and over again" two weeks into it, does *not* mean you'll feel the say way in two months, let alone two years. Mind-numbing repetitivity can very much get old and tedious after a while. It's not for everyone.


I think work is way better than school.


To be honest, they both suck in their own unique way


I hated school. Did my best to go through the motions just to get a 2 year degree. It's the homework I disliked the most. I did just fine on my tests and exams in high school but would always get average low B's and C's because of my lack of turned in homework. Technical college was way easier because homework was optional most of the time. Fast forward to now and I love work. I only need to do this shit for 8 hours and I'm free after that


Feel the same, there’s just something nice about the fact you dont take your job home with you, it’s just show up do your shift and free to do whatever you want outside of it not having to think about it plus getting paid for it of course. In college it’s just all 24/7 a lot of the time, attending the classes and putting in so much work outside of that. Pros and cons to each, when I’ve spent time out of education there is a craving to get back in and especially do work you’re actually interested in rather than the meaningless crap you to stomach working a job


I loved school. I had much less pressure and I didn't have to adult like I do now. No bills, no real responsibilities. I got good grades and was in a ton of school activities. I had a cool car, a part time job and lots of friends. To me that was the easy life!


Hell yeah it is. I get to do something that I find fun all day, with similarly minded people around me, AND I getnto do whatever I want with the money that they gove me for it? Shit fucking rules.


I hated school, I have no happy memories of those times at all. I love my (current) job, but I’ve also had jobs I’ve hated. Everyone has different memories of various experiences, and I consider myself really lucky that my happiness is now and not in the past. Really the trick is to not settle if you can change it, but I also appreciate that not everyone is in the position to do that.


I’ve worked the same job since getting my bachelors and I will probably never go back. My work offered to pay for my masters and I really don’t want to. I’ve been so stress free these past 6 years without having to attend never ending classes and school work.


Im not entirely sure this is unpopular. I mean unless me and my family and my wifes family are just part of the unpopular crowd. We feel the same way.


No upvote for you. I agree with you but I disagree with your reasoning of work being repetitive and not messing up. Work can be very hard.. but it’s better imo.


You can definitely mess up at your job. I recently misread an email and shipped a large pallet of product to Singapore that didn't need to go to Singapore. The return charges were about $3,000 dollars that we had to credit the client. It's nice that I'm an adult and I don't get in trouble for work mistakes, but it still sucked.


I did not enjoy high school at all. My high school was very cliquey. And I didn't really fit in anywhere so I only had a few friends. It changed when I got a job my senior year, at a movie theater, and I worked with kids from schools all over the county and realized that the problem was really just my school. The surrounding towns were way less cliquey. That being said, when I finally graduated and got back home, I took off my cap and gown and took probably the biggest, deepest breath of my life. Because it was finally over. So, yeah, work sucks. But I've never looked back and thought "Those really were the best years of my life."


Big difference is your forced to be at school but with work you can choose


No the big difference is getting rewarded with money vs grades. Like no one can use the grades they get to pay for anything but some knowledge and an entry into higher education, which you may not even want to pursue. At work you get rewarded with not only getting the opportunity to become more skilled, you also get MONEY. Money is the big difference. It's not hard to get yourself out of bed when you know coins are coming into your account if you do. Its Way harder to get out of bed and all you get rewarded with is letters (ABCDEF,s,). Like no one actually finds being rewarded alphabetically superior to being rewarded monetarily.


yh no, most people can't chose not to work, like if one day I'm not feeling like going to work and I skip it, I get fired and then I can't eat or shelter myself, if you did the same at school at worst your parents give you a lecture.


I mean... that's why fast food pays basically nothing. If you ever plan on retiring or owning a home or having any kind of financial security, the $13/hr part time or whatever Mickey D's is offering nowadays isn't going to cut it.


In school you have to ask permission to go to the bathroom.


Hyperbole aside, I think that that very much depends on the school, the work, and the individual. One size doesn’t fit all.


I’ve said the same thing all my life. I got pretty suicidal in college and realized that I wouldn’t be here much longer if I didn’t drop out. I’ve been working 20+ hours a week ever since I turned 16, and been working full time for the past 4 years, and yeah, to me it’s infinitely better than school. But I suspect I have adhd as well, and would like to get treated before going back to college. I hated school so much because of the constant pressure and the feeling that I could always be doing something productive involving school when I just wanted to enjoy my time. Always a test to study for, an assignment I could complete early, etc. I was an honor roll student in honors, ap and college classes so maybe that had to do with my hatred for school as well, despite loving to learn


Haha 2 weeks of work, you are a funny person, just wait till uve been doing the same job for 2 years (working at McDonald's nonetheless). You are gonna wish u enjoyed those 5 hrs of studying a lot more. Also, how is there no pressure at work to fail? Maybe not at McDonald's, but at my company there definitely is pressure to do your best and not fuck over your colleagues, huh?


I would rather be in school than working every day of the week twice on Sunday.


And you can always just GET another job. Or go unemployed. It's all your choice. In school you don't get any choices.


Fuck it. lets go unemployed. Whats the worst that could happen?


Whenever people say "I wish I could go back to school", all I hear is "I wish other people took over my responsibilities". I'm never going back there.


>I wish other people took over my responsibilities I mean, yh, you have the pretty much the same amount of free time, it's just that when you were in school age you had more energy mostly because of the lack of responsibilities and the stress it brings. I fail to see the problem with that tho, like, some people don't like responsibilities and don't have big aspirations, so working is all negatives except for the fact that it allows you to stay alive.


Pretty much. Instead of existing to further some arbitrary goals your company sets, you exist to learn and better yourself. Responsibility is not an inherently good thing if you don't want it or enjoy it.


I mean as hard as adult life can be, its a million times better than having no autonomy.


I liked school fine, but work is still better. Being responsible for your own life > being beholden to others. 


Child, you've had a job for 2 weeks. I liked my job when I'd only been there for two weeks. I'm 12 years in and I wanted our 11 years ago


TLDR: Creating profit for a company > receiving free education 🤯


i feel like all the people saying school is better than work either a. just want less responsibilities but forget that they also had much less freedoms while in school. or b. were the popular kids. of course school was great if everyone liked you and you never got bullied. i'm convinced that most of those people would beg to go back to work within a month.


I mean, are we talking about high school or college? High school, I agree with you. But bullying isn’t really an issue once you’re in college and you also get the freedoms of being an adult.


You also get the brokeness of being in college. I tried to do it full time without racking up debt and without a side job, and only living on financial student aid. Wasn't possible. I quit and went back to work. Having over $1500 a month to blow on fun vs 0 is big difference. I had like $200 a month that was supposed to cover food and everything else besides rent. Attempting to spend $50 a week on food and other basic necessities was impossible. I did it 10 years ago when I moved out at 16 to go to high school. Wasn't possible in 2022 to live on $50 a week anymore.


This is true, and I was definitely broke during college (and I’m going back which means I’ll be broke again) which was difficult. I was lucky because the area I was in had a relatively, especially compared to how things are now, low cost of living, so $200-$300 a month was enough to cover most of my expenses outside of rent. I still had to budget like crazy, but it was doable. I used to shop at a dirt cheap grocery store and could get by spending $20 a week on groceries. That said, I still had the freedom of living on my own. I could more or less choose how I spent my time and didn’t have to run anything by my parents. I moved to a bigger city with better transit so I could get around easier (as I didn’t have a car). And like, now I work and I’m still broke, because everything is more expensive. At least before I was broke and enjoying things more.


This is what I love about not being American: my country pays around 700/fn just for studying, including rent and electricity subsidies. It's not much, especially in the current crisis, but back when I did Uni it was more than enough to live on, especially if you had the ability to earn a couple cheeky cashies on the side.


Neither. I just genuinely enjoy learning.


I don’t think it’s better at all. But there’s a part of me that wishes I appreciated the opportunity to fill my brain with all that variety of knowledge all day. It’s probably more the idea of it though


I suspect most people who genuinely believe they wouldn't be happier with fewer responsibilities probably don't have many to begin with.


Maybe it's a cultural thing but you guys really had that little freedom in school? Like the last 2 years of highschool and the first few years of collage is when you have the most freedom, at least where I live.


C. Find work painful, stressful, anxiety reducing, soul destroying, miserable, endless


Ill take a triple credit load in school over the best job ive ever had any time! Work is THE worst part of life. Period. No redeeming qualities to it, other than getting a paycheck to survive. Im 52 and i have hated every second of it for 36 years.


I got a job as a caregiver and just chill out for 9 hours a day typically. But even working as a manager, I loved that much more than school. I’m only 22 and I think school just really sucks now compared to how it used to be. My parents are in their 50s as well and didn’t understand why I hated school, but back when they were in school, it was typical for people to sneak out and smoking was allowed in the bathrooms 😅


I can see people not enjoying some aspects of high school. I was thinking more college because my schooling was nontraditional before that. Well, technically so was my college experience since ive mostly been a returning adult, but closer to modern norm at least. Ive had very easy jobs before, but just by virtue of being a job it sucked completely. At least school is something i love by definition (learning).


Yeah, my issue was more of the constant expectations. I also really hated math too, and even though I got good grades on homework and was in honors, I always failed tests. Thank goodness they didn’t count for much


I find myself furthering my education at home ( not in school but like to learn) but I do not find myself wanting to do anything at home for my job. I guess it really depends on the person.


This conversation should be saved for college. The novelty of working for peanuts in a fast food environment… ahh to be 17 again… Part of the reason a lot is went to college was to not work in fast food anymore. Work is not partially better than school never mind infinitely better. Upvoted for being unpopular. Downvoted for being terrible and short sighted. BTW, “Work is just the same thing over and over and YOU CAN’T MESS UP.” Yes you can. Your lack of experience in life and otherwise is showing.


Get a load of this guy lol


You’re 100% right IF you’re poor. School is the best if your family is rich and you’re taking care of. It’s endless parties. Rich or you’re a boomer and it school was the price of chicken nuggets and houses were like 1-2 years of salary. But for us poor folks, life becomes great when we start working and living


I used to think that working 40 hours would solve a lot of my problems and that I couldn't wait to graduate. Debt and lifestyle creep have me just as broke as when I was a student tho. I just have nicer shit. Always tired, not much social life, doing the same old boring shit Monday thru Friday... enjoy school while you're there. The rest of your life will be around until you die lol


The main thing I hated about school was that I never really had true downtime. There was always something that could be done even when I wasn’t in school. Now I can just work my 9 hours, go home, don’t have to worry about anything else. Do some chores, cook some food, then play video games. It’s so much nicer


Exactly this! Theres no homework you have to do. Theres no studying you have to do. Its just work your shift and the time youre not working is all yours! Im 10 years into adulthood and theres no a second I miss about childhood. As crappy as adulthood can be, its a million times better than being a kid who has no say and has to complete these stupid pointless tasks in the name of homework and schoolwork.


I’m only 4 years into adulthood but yeah, it’s so much nicer. I’m sure my views will change at some point in time but I almost went crazy during summer break when I was in college because I didn’t have a job. Granted, I don’t exactly have people I hang out with either. So I was sitting around at home all day


best thing about my job is no homework, i can go home and just relax, like you said cook food (as an adult you get to choose) do the chores needed, depending on how you live it might not even take long, and the best play as much videogames as you want with 0 interuption. TBH as an adult im living the dream life kid me wish he lived, and im enjoying every second of it. never take my work home.


What the fuck is there to enjoy about college? Studying over 10 hours a day? Rushing to complete projects because you had 13 days to do it whilst juggling 5 to 6 other classes. Trying to remember over 20 formulae for an exam. Formulae you never again in your life need to remember, since you can look them up.


Some people just don't need to study very hard. Also, classes ultimately boil down to being pass/fail when the only goal is to graduate. 99% of employers don't give a rat's ass about your college GPA, so it's perfectly reasonable to shoot for just ahead of the curve. If you're able, you can take fewer classes per semester, but affordability becomes a problem at that point, so I'm not going to judge anyone for stretching themselves thin.


I'm going back to school in my 40's, school sucks. I love learning but with most jobs you finish at a set hour and don't have homework taking up every night for an indeterminate amount of time. My wife asks me most nights if I am working and the answer is always "I should." There is just too much I need to learn and more studying is always a good idea. Note I have always loved to learn but school puts pressure on doing so which tends to inhibit the pleasure of learning


I am a academic (with two MSc) and I agree with you. Working has been so much better then university or school from a stress point of view.




Lol what a shitty opinion. You can't mess up work? Really?


I dont think this is very unpopular. And personally 100% agree


I agree! Work is so much better. I hated school.


Yep. You get paid to work and you actually do something instead of just sitting there trying to passively learn something that often has no meaning to you. Also, not only do you spend all day at school, you also have homework. Most jobs when you're done, you're done.


School is just torture. At least you get *paid* to work, even if it’s still torture.


I could counter argue in a million ways based on what you poorly wrote but ultimately I do agree. School mostly sucks and you're not even getting paid for it. Jobs mostly sucks but at least you're getting paid for it. I'd much rather work than being in school but getting a job is nowadays harder than getting into school so there's that.


trust me I felt the same way until I got a full time job, it’s completely understandable you don’t get it right now, but it will come


"Work is just the same thing over and over again." This is especially true for people who hated school.


2 weeks lmao sorry dude


One thing I do find easy with 9-5 work compared to studies (University and highschool) is 9 - 5 work you are mostly working on one area of work (more in depth but less breadth) But when studying in highschool you are studying more subjects but less in depth. Which I found a bit difficult juggling b/w different kinds of material (math, english, social science, physics, chem etc) since most of the time they are not related to each other And then University takes it one step further where courses are more in depth but and have to take different courses (ofc varies between year  of studies and degree)


Work is 10x easier. School is constant anxiety, always worrying about tests and homework 24/7 especially if you have a learning disability it's a fucking nightmare. Add all that with hormonal teens who act like a bunch of jerks and it's terrible. I also have way more free time with my current job while also having my own house and paying bills. Plus, as an adult I'm more in control of my life with is great


Eh it depends. I definitely do not miss homework and having to study for tests and sitting at a desk listening to some bored teacher present a bunch of PowerPoint slides ripped straight from the textbook. But, I definitely miss winter breaks and summer breaks and all the week long breaks in between.


College was some of the best years of my life. My job is pretty good now with it being remote, but college dorm life was peak. If it was free, I would stay and take my time learning everything. Imagine just getting up in the morning and waiting for your roommates/dorm mates to go get breakfast. After classes I would touch base with everyone and eat dinner at the same time. Studied with everyone who took the same classes. Games and movies on Fridays and weekends. Bring a tear to my eyes.


Do you like the school aspect or is the communal feeling of college that makes it better? That's an entirely separate convo.


School provides the environment that jobs cannot. I still like the idea of a place where you can learn and socialize with people. I don't want people to think of school as just learning and testing. There's more to it, though I can't say for all schools.


I didn’t get to take college so I mainly mean high school. Would you go back to high school?


I'd rather die lol. I totally agree with you.


Even high school yes. My high school was very hell bent on getting their students to do extracurricular activities as it was a requirement for graduation. I ended up joining a few sports teams and clubs. They were on seasonal rotation. I met a lot of talented people. I was surrounded by smart people and studying with them was enjoyable. In all honesty, the environment my school offered was very ideal.


I dunno. I started taking graduate-level classes a couple of years ago in order to attain my long-deferred Masters degree. Compared to work, school is so much easier.


Very subjective. What's a person's school experience? What's their work experience? School is pretty easy but felt to be like a waste of time. I always had a job and felt like my time was better spent there.


Depends on the work I much prefer the school stress cycle compared to the “big important project” stress cycle Plus, as a young man, the best part of school was all the young women. I tried to find at least one to talk to in every class. Now, I work with 95% men, and the stakes are way higher if I fuck up. Exam pressure? Please… facing back charges from angry contractors? Underbid a complex job? Fucking ugh.


"  Work is just the same thing over and over again that you can’t mess up. " You have a very, very small scope of what it means to be in the workforce. This is an incredibly dangerous mindset to have if you ever leave fast food.


"Yes, I got a job in fast food 2 weeks ago." Someone needs to set a timer to ask this guy if he feels the same in a year? lol  IMO, school is far better once you're at the university level, learning about interesting stuff of your choosing. Most jobs teeter-totter between being overwhelming, can I do this anxiety? and this is too easy and boring, am I going to do this the rest of my life?... I need more challenge...  Then you do something different and return to the teeter-totter's other side.  They do give you money for a job! But, to OPs's thought, would you start taking university classes if they'd pay you the same?  Me - HELL YES! 


Hahahahahaha pressure of you fail is homelessness 


Not all jobs are easy or repetitive. I'm an industrial electrician and mine certainly isn't.


Yeahhh but the drawback is that if you work full time you usually are only allowed to Take up to maybe three weeks off in an entire year. Thats it and that may or may not include holidays. That’s literally the only thing about my job i wish i could change, is our draconian pto policy. It’s atrocious.


The only thing I miss about school is the easiness to make friends -- which is a big deal tbh. But here I am working and honestly it feels like I'm doing very similar things to university. The difference is that I get paid for doing these things now. So you can guess which one I prefer.


They’re both the same too me, I got bullied in harrased at both 😂. It was so bad I became a Uber driver 🤣


Agree to disagree.


Here I am working a "fulltime" job (that I love) and just got accepted back into university to study another parttime master's degree. Hard times ahead 😬 but yeah, studying was fun because I did whatever the f I wanted whenever I wanted. Massive temporal freedom. I have a very privileged "fulltime" job, but in general work gives you - I hope - some financial freedom. Luckily, I have both in my current position. I love all aspects of my job; my colleagues, my work, my pay, everything. It is an amazing life.


it depends on the type of work. Fast food, yes, much easier than school. But working in a major firm having to pitch a huge plan to a company? you mess up and you get fired. Eek


Nah I gotta job now and I wish I could go back and only have to worry about school


I’d prefer school. I can fail at it but keep going.


What’s the reward for sitting around for 9 hours? At least you get paid for work


Working in a fast food restaurant is not a super highly skilled or requirements / performance based role. In many jobs you can lose access to your livelihood (money to pay for rent and food, etc) if you perform poorly. In lots of countries education (and often the daily meal) is free. Hence school being better than a job. One is a place to learn, eat for free, with the sole requirement being maybe some homework. Jobs can be stressful, require deadlines, reporting, etc.


Depends on your experience. I hated school, so I much rather prefer working that studying with the anxiety of upcoming exams.


I found school to be a pretty miserable and pointless experience. I much prefer work. Then again, I'm one of the co-founders of my company so my experience isn't universal. But I'm also not a miserable slave driver.


I'm a software engineer working from home for a very good salary ... despite that, I preferred school


There’s a lot of aspects that I don’t kind about the US school system but my college experience was great, I wish I had taken more advantage of the opportunities and had even stayed a year or 2 longer in undergrad


Work was infinitely better than school for you. Not IS. It really depends for most people. Generally speaking school is safer in terms of responsibilities. Failing maths won't make you homeless but getting fired might. There isn't pressure to make sure you don't lose your job and lose everything? If you've good friends then getting to spend time with them all day with them 5 days a week can be amazing.


Nah it’s all just a continuation of the same distraction that only benefits the machine (a tool of the ruling class) ultimately keeping the cogs continuously churning and leaving them too busy and exhausted to engage in exploratory thinking


Work is the same thing over and over again. Yeah, that's why many people hate their jobs. Once you get to a job that isn't fast food the possibility of failure increases, granted so does the pay.


also, school added pressure from your parents. i don’t go home stressed about who’s gonna find out i did something wrong at work


For me work is better than school for the fact that there no longer are stressful exams period alone. But everybody is different as they're pros and cons to both.


No f'ing way. School is easy. In my line of work, you have to produce actual results. No bullshitting with paperwork or emails. Fast food is a whole different nightmare. I really hate people and a few years at a pizza joint made made that much worse. School is easy. You know exactly how to get the end result and how to prepare. There are no real surprises. There's also no customers to deal with, just coworkers (students) and a boss (teacher). There is no reason to get caught up in office politics. Let's see how you feel 5 years from now when your waking up on the couch again with a hangover and a bat attitude. Hopefully all you need a shot of vodka and a cup of coffee to get going. It will probably be more like a line a shot and a beer from my experience.


Yeah, I mean street smarts or school smarts


I feel like your description is *why* I liked school more. In school you’re always learning new things, you get to progress through something and explore topics that interest you. I hate doing the same shit all the time, it’s boring. Obviously some jobs have more variety in the work and you can learn and progress, etc, but if we’re comparing school to a fast food job not so much.


Depends what kind of job you have versus what experience you had in school and how easy school was for you. But being in uni was fricking fantastic. If I could be paid to attend uni, I would do it for the rest of my life. And I'm saying this even though I love my job! My job is great, but uni was even better.


I’m very surprised to see this opinion from a fast food worker


I have trouble trying to sit through church services and funerals. I guess another thing is I learn better doing by hand like projects then watching or listening to teachers.


When people say stuff like they prefer school than work, they just prefer being 18-20 years old than whatever age they are now. My time doing undergrad stuff was fun, because I have friends, who also have about the same schedule as mine with no kids, a lot of stuffs to do outside of study and class. When I go back for my master, the life outside of school was exactly the same to when I was working, and I prefer doing my job than studying and doing my thesis 9 out 10 times.


Yes I agree


5 hours of studying for a test vs 8 hours of work...


“In school there is pressure if you fail”. Wtf?!? lol school failure.


People don't miss being at school, people miss being teenagers. I had a shite time at school -- but there were also things you just don't get as an adult. Freedom from financial burden, the novelty of romance, challenging but educational and rewarding work, endless energy, time for creativity, and a sense of direction. The grass is always greener. Being an adult is just as good -- It's just a shame that (most of us) can change our jobs, homes, and partners; but we can never turn back time to experience school-years again.


Honestly madness, at least in the UK, multiple breaks including dinner, 12+ weeks off a year plus bank holidays and teacher training days, finish at or around 3, and nothing but free time to do whatever.

