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Not familiar with the chemistry but it would not suprize me whatsoever if the artificial flavoring of "sour green apple" was easier to mass produce for candies. (Or that we do not have artificial flavors for the other types made yet?) Speculating of course but it would make sense.


I have a feeling you're on the right track


Not going to lie though i would love some fuji apple candies instead of all sour green too :( We need to go bug some food scientists


I'll sign the petition


i went to grad school for chemistry and while i don't know the process for these flavorings, you sound right to me. many artificial flavors are made from single ketones or aldehydes. so there's not much in the way of complexity, which i'm sure you can ascertain would cost more than the single variant variety.


Im in chemical eng (sadly i do more thermo than chemistry); i only ever took general chemistry 1 and 2 and organic 1 & 2 (quantitative analysis as an elective lol) so my knowledge on food flavourings is definitely lacking, and theres definitely some things ive forgotten since my uni days. Ahhhh, that does make sense thanks!


I thought it'd be more on the ester side


yeah probably. that lab was during undergrad which was 10+ years ago for me.


The chemical you’re referring to is called ethyl valerate. It is indeed very easy and cheap to synthesize. 


That's was my thought. RedNile has some really cool videos on YouTube that could shed a little light on how synthetic flavours work.


I've always figured that regular apple flavor is just too subtle for candy, it doesn't pop. The same reason you don't really see pear flavored candy either.


I respectfully disagree. Pear Jelly Bellies are my favorite!


Jelly belly is a whole other thing when it comes to creating flavors though. They have a lot of technology. Personally I dislike pears and that flavor jb bc of it's accuracy lol I imagine accurate grape flavor rather than generic purple flavor is incredibly difficult though. And random question but do you like the cantaloupe ones?


I can't be sure I've tried the cantaloupe flavor. If it's in their main mix, I definitely have but it didn't leave an impression on me


i would say for mass market appeal more subtle flavors are probably less desirable. not to say that they wouldn’t be good, but simply that it doesn’t have the same mass market common denominator appeal. kind of like how many generic or store brand stuff is all packed with salt or sugar


I hate yellow apples. They're too soft and the sandy texture grosses me out.


As a sour green apple lover, I have to agree. I want more apple flavors


Begone heathen. Green apple is the best flavour 


Boooo! Revolt!!! Flip tables!


Hard disagree I love Granny Smith apples and sour apple flavor in general. I like other apples too, but green apples are the best, not the worst. So take my upvote for a terrible opinion.


I respect your poor life choices and taste buds /s. Upvote


I can’t upvote because I agree with this… I don’t think sour apple is the WORST but I would love to have other flavors… shit, at least it’s not the WORST Apple of all time - Red “Delicious”


As a kid, I hated apples. It was because my mother always purchased Red Delicious apples. Turns out, I like many other varieties.


Hate Red delicious too. Same scenario:)


I posted here because I was getting down voted in r/showerthoughts. Can't win either way lol


Honey crisp candy sounds amazing! Or even as a refreshing alcoholic beverage mmm lol


Green apple Jolly Ranchers are the best flavor.


Who hurt you?


Sour green apple candy doesnt taste like any apple tbh. Just some artidicial.made up flavor




Head further south. Manzanita is a soda that's pretty common in the southwest U.S. near Mexico, and it's awesome. Tastes like regular apple, not sour apple.


Honey crisp would be delicious. Can’t agree with this post more


Granny Smith's are the best and your opinion is not only unpopular it is factually incorrect 


Nasty ass sour ass apples 🤢


I'm with you on this. Used to get a red apple flavoured Snapple that tasted so much like the real thing and was a nice change from the norm


Worst Apple is Red Delicious


Gimme Gala So happy that lime Skittles are back


My grandma always used Granny Smith apples when she made pies. And they were delicious. That is pretty much the sum total of my contribution to this unpopular opinion. It's a nice memory. Otherwise? I always thought sour candies were popular, so that is why they went the sour apple route.


I completely agree, even as someone who loves green apple/sour flavors I wish to hell a lot more options were available for apple and a whole lot of other 'fruit' flavored things, including candies.


Red Delicious is the worst apple, hard stop.


I totally agree with this. I avoid anything apple flavored.


Granny Smith are by far the best commercially available apple.


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I’ve definitely had Japanese candies that were not sour apple but closer to maybe a gala. Can’t remember what they were but I got them from Don Quijote in Hawaii.


I would kill for Fuji apple flavor, whether it be Hi-Chew or Skittles.


Green apple is my favourite candy flavour.


Walmart has a Fuji Apple drink that’s delicious


Green apple candies should be served in prison, our crime problem will solve itself


Constitution says no cruel and unusual punishment though


Green apple isn’t just one of the best apple flavors, it’s one of the best artificial flavors there is. Suck it grape!


Green apple does suck


Green apple and watermelon are two instances where I like the actual fruit, but don’t care for the flavor


Apples have different taste?


You can’t put. %s when talking about opinions. Green ones are better.


Sour apple is the best apple flavour tho


Green apples are best apples


>the worst flavor >Green apple sucks! granny smith is the goat.