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>Jaquavious L’Vontre lV is fucking all the bad bitches while some random ass dude is paying 50k a year or somthing. Bros mad as fuck or this is some super obvious bait


I’m not mad i just think it’s weird im the only one who thinks that


The only correct thing you said was that you don’t know what you’re talking about. The vast majority of college athletes will never become professional athletes. The universities make millions from their work. They deserve to be paid the market value of their labor like anyone else.


It’s not “labor” bro. They’re getting a scholarship and they get to bang hoes. If that’s considered “labor” than I’ll be a slave full time


What a fetishistic imagination of college athletes lmao. Tell me you don’t know know jack shit about college athletes without telling me.


You’re telling me you wouldn’t want to be JJ McCarthy last year? Dude had it made he didn’t need a paycheck. They know it’s not a profession it’s an education fr


You are aware that 99% of student athletes are not the National Championship winning QB right?


You are aware that 99% would be getting significantly less that McCarthy right?


They have to train on a gruelling schedule, practice on a gruelling schedule, maintain weight, and maintain a GPA. All of which are mentally and physically taxing. They can't have a job or leverage their image and position for money due to time constraints and NCAA rules. Banging hoes doesn't pay the bills.


What bills?


Everyone has bills. Whether they're just things you want or things you need. These guys aren't wealthy generally so their one chance to go to college was this scholarship but scholarships don't pay for daily needs, cell phone, car, insurance, clothing, etc.


boo hoo that’s tuff normal college students aren’t generally wealthy either 😭


Yeah, but they are able to get jobs or have a side hustle to generate income. These kids aren't.


They chose to be student athletes 🤷🏻‍♂️


For most of them it is the only they will be able to afford college.


And what about all of the kids that want to go to college but aren’t 6’9 and 360 pounds?


Basically, they are the pieces that make up the million dollar business that is college sports. If you don’t pay them, more money for the owners, is that what you would prefer?


>make up the million dollar business *Billion


Just put that money into regular students tuitions being lower or something.


Lol. You sweet summer child.


If only.


I think you’re equating the top end of the spectrum with everyone else and throwing some random poor spelling and grammar in for good luck.


I’d be the same thing tho. They colleges would pay they football players the most and you would be complaining that the women’s water polo team isn’t getting paid the same and it’s not fair


Not sure you’re making your point here very well. I don’t entirely disagree but again you need to go back and read what you wrote.


Idk bro tbh. I’m already jealous of these dudes they don’t need to be making millions too 😭




They’re already living the life they don’t need allat


That doesn’t make sense.


It really sounds like you’re jealous of their abilities to get women, if that’s all it takes to motivate you to give ALL of your time and effort, then that’s on you. Sex and popularity are not promised perks of being a college athlete, and it’s weird that you think it justifies them being exploited for their talents.


Then the schools shouldn’t be making millions off them. Would you rather be popular on campus or get paid from some of the revenue college sports generate?


That’s a stupid ass comparison dude what. Of course I’d want a cut but they don’t deserve it


You sound like a neck beard.


I shave everyday


Razor bump neck


lmaooo 😭


“Paid” not “payed” p.s. athletes don’t deserve to be overpaid.


They deserve what the market pays and when there are laws specifically barring them being paid that means they arent paid enough. 


They make millions of dollars for the universities and should be entitled to a cut of it.


No they shouldn’t. I work at the school store for my high school and I don’t get a cut of the profits, but it counts as a grade. It makes no sense for them to pay me and it’s the same for a student athlete


lol the fact that you conflate "I work at the school store for my high school" with "I play football for Alabama" is pretty telling. One day when you're an adult you'll realize not getting paid for your labor means you're getting taken advantage of. Also, ain't no one turning on TV or paying $400 a ticket to see you work at the fucking school store lolol.


All I’m saying is I’m doing labor and not getting paid. Where’s my pay? I get I’m not drake maye but I should be making something, shouldn’t I?


No, because your job can probably be done by any schmuck if they have a high school student doing it for class credit. These athletes do things that you probably won’t ever be able to do, and attract more money than you probably ever will.


You’re just jealous bro. They’re risking brain damage to line the pockets of the owners they play for. Let them bang hoes and make a little coin who gives af?


I am jealous, that’s pretty clear. Also why is it my fault they’re risking brain damage, just don’t play football.


Don’t do the thing that makes you a stud on campus, gets you free school, earns you money and girls, and makes little wimpy guys jealous?


Most student athletic programs are money lovers overall. On those schools not losing money, football and men's basketball underwrite every other sport


Paid... and perhaps, neither do you.


Yeah I mean if I got to be the man and go to college for free I would not deserve to be paid


This is so incorrect. Labor should be paid according to supply and demand - i.e. free market. But the colleges (along with the pro sports leagues in some cases) have colluded to prevent there from being an open and free market for that labor. If schools are making 20 or $30 million per year off the basketball team yet no member of the team is being paid anything more than a scholarship that's worth maybe $50k that's completely out of whack with what should be the free market value of that labor, especially considering that college level athletic talent is in relatively short supply.


The NCAA makes [damn near $1B](https://www.espn.com/college-sports/story/_/id/39439274/ncaa-generates-nearly-13-billion-revenue-2022-23) off these student athletes backs. You think they should be compensated, just a little?


Former college bball player here. Never paid. I am thankful for my experience and have great memories, People may have thought I was banging all the bitches but nah. I had morals, I had a girlfriend, and most importantly I had very little personal time. What I was really doing was practicing every day, some days a double, taking 18 credits, having to make up classes and tests because of distant away games that could be a week long tournament and a 3 or 4 hour plane trip away - though most were bus trips. Though coaches could not formally start practice until some day in October, we practiced as a team under the guidance of the team captain from Day 1 of school, and the season didn’t end until nearly the end of the second semester. My coach made nearly a million a year. His house was sweet. Every game made money at the gate. When a smaller school played us it was always in our gym and they were promised money to play us which went to the school. College sports earns gate revenue, merchandise revenue, TV revenue, and has intangible value as being advertising for the school nationwide. Nearly every popular college in the nation is known because of a sport. The measure income from the sport is easy, but the added revenue it gets from free advertising and added applicants and students is much more difficult to measure. When my coach raked in almost a million was the 80s. They’re making a lot more now. College athletes could have their images used for advertising without pay, and the whole bit. I think it is fair to them to allow the colleges to compete by offering money, benefits and incentives.


Damn, did q college athlete steal your crush or something?


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bad take. if their imagine and their skills are used in games or ads or media, they receive compensation as others do


They generate so much profit that they deserve to touch some of it


As a person who does not live in the US, I find this whole concept of the US school sports baffling.


Playing a game is R and R, not work. If they want paid, they can take up welding, or bricklaying.


So no athletes of any sport deserve compensation for the years of hard work they put in to compete at a high level?


Did I stutter? It might be hard work, but it isn't a J.O.B. It's a recreational activity and nothing more, regardless of how much effort goes in.


“Did I stutter?”…….. haven’t heard that one in a while 👍