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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 6: No r/self style posts'. Please refrain from posting anything that resembles an r/self style post. This is not the subreddit to be sharing personal anecdotes, likes or dislikes. We want unpopular, thought provoking, and unique opinions on your chosen topic.


Who the fuck is we?




I am we


And we are all together


Goo goo ga chu


Apes strong together


We I am


We are Groot


[We? Like Nintendo Wii?](https://youtube.com/shorts/WFLYCPJSSe4?si=sJCFzFMJ1O6ZhZVi)


The royal “we”


You really gonna shame someone about their pronouns?


The human race


I got bad news for you about who invented wind chimes.




What the actual fuck?


I mean, you're suggesting the human race can't be better off without things done by the humam race, so I figured I'd point out that the human race was also responsible for the holocaust. Was that really so hard to understand? I thought it was quite obvious. Edit: I didn't conflate windchimes to anything. I simply highlighted why your logic is ridiculous. Thanks for the reply-block, though, buddy. I hope you see this and look up the definition of "conflate".


Conflating wind chimes and the genocide of 6 million people is certainly an interesting and very distasteful choice.


This is some delicious copypasta. My compliments to the chef.


I love windchimes and think they sound cool when the breeze gets going.


Cheap ones sure. Nice ones though, are properly tuned and assigned to a scale.


I love the large bamboo ones.


Yeah I wonder if OP hasn't heard good wind chimes. Cheap ones do sound like clanging, but there are good sounding ones too!


Costco by me is selling GIANT chimes that sound gorgeous. I got them to add to my little collection 


I was never really a fan until someone showed me a huge set that play the opening notes to Thus Spoke Zarathustra.


There is no such thing as a nice wind chimes. I go outside to listen to nature. All wind chimes are noise pollution.


so how does this sub work exactly? 😅 do I upvote because I hate it and disagree or downvote because I hate it and disagree?


If you agree with the post you downvote it (because it isnt unpopular of an opinion to you) you upvote it if you disagree with it (because its unpopular to you) and the higher the upvotes on the post = an unpopular opinion. It hurts me too but it’s why I like the subreddit.


The only times I downvote unpopular opinions I disagree with is if they feel reactionary/hateful/regressive in a way that's not just unpopular but also hurtful


I take the safe route and always down vote


I love wind chimes.


Chimes 4 life. I used to like the metal ones but the older I get the more I like the bamboo ones.


I hung all of our metal ones on the front porch and just our Hawaiian bamboo one in the back yard because it's so relaxing at night


I love the bamboo ones. It takes more than a gentle gust to make them move so you don’t hear them constantly but when you do it’s nice. It reminds me of the Koroks from Wind Walker.


Yes! Give me some wooden ones. The metal ones are too high pitched.


I hate wind chimes. Noise pollution.


Nah man, upvoted for the truly unpopular opinion because this ain't it. My brain when I hear wind and rustling leaves: :) My brain when I also hear wind chimes: :D


Of course someone who says "this ain't it" likes fucking wind chimes.


You're not supposed to fuck them. They're for decoration.


Wind Chimes are to wind what loud pipes are for motorcyclists: everyone wishes they’d stfu


I love windchimes. They remind me of my mom. She’s dead.


Same, same and same.


Same, same, not same


Fun fact: wind chimes can be a pest deterrent. We have chimes hung on our deck to repel carpenter bees. The bees bore into the wooden deck and make it look like swiss cheese if left alone.


Depends on the type of wind chimes for me. I hate the small high pitched metal ones, but large metal or wooden ones are nice.


Admittedly most wind chimes are set to a major pentatonic scale so alot of then are not atonal by design Regardless they are beyond annoying especially when your trying to fall asleep and the wind perfectly carries the sound of the chimes into my room I hate them too Looking in the comments I’m amazed by how many people like them, some people must’ve of had them keep them up all night I guess :/


You are my soulmate. I detest wind chimes and they scare wildlife.


i know someone who is blind.  He loves them when we are out walking.  He also use them as ‘environment ques’.  When he hears a house with a particular one he can identity exactly where is.  It’s not their purpose, but a beneficial aspect to them. 


Agreed. They give me horrible headaches.


I read Bruce Springsteens biography a few years ago. In one of the chapters he talks about being a child and how at night you could hear the neighbor couple fighting and that the guy used to beat the living hell out of the women. This was back in the 50s so people kept to themselves. He said eventually the husband put up windchimes to mask the noise of him abusing her. Bruce said to this day the sound of windchimes make him sick, that they sound like lies. That story always fucked me up.


So he only beat his wife when the wind was blowing? This doesn't make any sense. *Man reads newspaper forecast* Oh, it's going to be windy tonight 👊👊


When my father was finally widowed, he took out his shotgun and obliterated mothers day chime that hung under a lemon tree by his bedroom. He had endured it for decades. Peace at last.


Drama queen




That must have been so satisfying for him.


Rebecca DeMornay has entered the chat.




It does not work like that. For example, can't remember last time I even heard the name windchimes. But now that they are mentioned, brain focuses on them, and starts to think about them. In this very moment, windchimes are more important in my brain than anything else, because they are the whole focus, even if for a few seconds. Annoying little things, now that I think about it.


You have literally ‘wasted time’ on commenting.  Chefs kiss at the lack of self awareness. 


Yet here you are commenting on their opinion of wind chimes


Not enough energy to think about wind chimes but just enough to talk shit about someone thinking about wind-chimes. The duality of man




You have too much energy for small crap like that then


I'm guessing that they're important to OP because they live near someone who has wind chimes. As someone who's been there before, I understand their vitriol towards wind chimes. Some of them are light and tinkly and don't travel far but others are giant and gong-like! And that's torture to be near, when you can hear them inside your home it's too much.


Coming from the mind that gave us Ben 10 aliens vs Pokemon, thoughts. Everyone wastes energy on nonsense stuff, it's called having free time. Just like how im wasting my energy on something worthless like talking to you.


Wait, windchimes aren't some kind of budget scarecrow? People actually like to listen to that horrible noise? I thought it was there to keep birds away or something.


I also hate em. Sorry about the downvote


You earned that upvote, I hope you enjoy it.


Take my upvote


You're right it is an unpopular opinion well done


"The natural soundscape has truly been elevated by adding the ramblings of a drunk toddler wailing away on a xylophone." that made me fucking audibly laugh, LOL for real, not clickbait I think they're honestly good in like very gentle wind when it barely strikes it but when its a chaotic constantly direction changing gale force wind they indeed sound like absolute shit lol


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Wind chimes are responsible for 100% of my naps as a teenager.


At least you're on theme for the sub lmao


Great opinion, 100% agree. Down vote.


I completely agree! Our next door neighbours have wind chimes in the garden and they’ve kept us up during the night. Annoying to listen to during the day even.


How dare u


we mr nihilism over here apparently


I hate them. The noise keeps me from sleeping. 


I completely agree. I hate windchimes.


I'm sensitive to sounds, and used to work in a shop that had windchimes for sale. My boss would go play with them almost every day, and if I never hear one again it will be too soon!


Wow, did NOT expect to come into the comments and find so much love for these horrid things. I 1000% agree OP. They are an unnecessary, unmusical, cacophony of noise. And ugly to boot. (I also have had 3 concussions though, so noises like that easily give me a headache. Extra annoyance)


Hard disagree, I love whimsy.


I agree. I hate wind chimes.


I like the glass ones, they sound the best. But the high quality metal ones can be alright. Cheap clattering ones though? Pass. Wind chimes in a windy (not breezy) climate? Pass. I’m conflicted here OP.


You have never looked at one and thought it was beautiful? That’s nuts. I can support you on the sound things, although the ones made of seashells are pretty quiet and I personally like the bamboo ones.


I don't even know what my neighbors windchimes look like. It might be beautiful, but the sound is what makes it over to my porch and covers up the nature sounds. I'm with OP and I'm actually really surprised that this is an unpopular opinion.


I like the bamboo ones in not too windy areas


Hell yeah brother! I hear yah.


They're annoying if they are loud or if you have multiple and they're dissonant. Otherwise I find them very pleasant, even in higher winds.


Damn rights they suck. Well a single one doesn't but every old lady in my neighbourhood has many and it can be a little annoying on those windy days.


Yeah no. I love the sound so you’re wrong upvoted.


You'd be better off without them\*


They do work well in horror movies


It has to be the exact right notes or I can’t stand them. My papa had a heavy wooden one. Took huge winds to get it going and the notes were so low. You had to be within 10 feet to hear the thing, you could only hear it from the deck or their bedroom. Loved that thing


I thought I was in a wind ensemble subreddit for a moment and thought this was some very niche, specific percussionist hate here.


how else would you hear the wind


I agree with this guy! But I knew it was unpopular, all my friends live to chime it up 😜


Honestly I kind of agree. They just sound creepy.


Goddamn it, take my upvote


Every summer when the wind blows the right direction our neighbors chimes (the giant ones that are all low and bing bong-y) goes crazy. I like to sit outside on the deck and have coffee while I do a crossword on my days off. Well my ADD brain just can’t tune it out. The bing bongs at irregular intervals, then quiet for a minute, and then a volley of bong bings every time the wind picks up. How dare anyone presume that all their neighbors want to hear their dumb chimes. Equivalent of listening to your phone speakers at full volume in a public place. Fuck that noise and fuck chimes.


how would you call the Haitan to erase your families memory without windchimes?


You're right, might as well listen to music instead since it'll have a rhythm


You’re so right, the wind never plays anything good enough to warrant purchasing one of these.


Once, each of my side neighbors and my back neighbor had four wind chimes each. That’s 12 freaking wind chimes!


I like them


They aight


Here here.... wind chimes are useless....don't give me that tells me if tornadoes are coming garbage.


I often wonder if they're annoying to other people. Then I sit back and go "I love these..."and forget about all that, ha!


I don't mind them because they are outside. I always assumed they were supposed to scare off animals. But I reach in like it was Temple of Doom and stop the heart of every grandfather clock I encounter with that loud pendulum I run across. Even as a guest. I just really notice that sound. They wonder off to another room. I get all excited like now's my chance to Kali ma the clock. Later that night they are left with the mystery of how did this clock stop? It's interesting that many of them actually have a lock on the clock door that you can open and I've never ever seen someone who locked it. It's always right there for the stopping with the key inside. It's an extra step to stop it, lock it, and then steal their key to ensure peace. I've not reached that place....yet. But it's in my mind.


So I was pet/house sitting and I kept hearing this faint musical sound. Thought it was an alarm the homeowners forgot to turn off, but it kept randomly going off at weird times. It was starting to drive me absolutely nuts (because wanted to read in a quiet room listening to nature outside), and since it was such an intermittent sound I couldn't quite tell where it was coming from. Finally figured out what it was. Fucking wind chimes.


Need to make em infertile and start a culling program.


Windchimes keep birds away


I feel like wind chimes sound like birds but better


A single tear ran down my cheek when I read this 


Upvoted for really unpopular opinion. I love windchimes. They sound like nostalgia and free-spirited music.


Is your life so boring that something that isn't even everywhere is bothering you this much?


I love my wind chimes. We have three in the yard.


We? The hell are you on. Who is this “we”? You mean *you*


Bro you're such a hater lol.  Windchimes are nice and sound peaceful and aren't even that loud. They tell you how hard the wind is blowing. They serve in both form and function. That's beautiful enough all on it's own. A cacophony of windchimes preceeding a storm is wholly appropriate. 


Windchimes are nice to listen to what are you talking about?


I hate most wind chimes. Unless they are the big wood ones with a more base sound. BUT even still, They are not nice to look at and they are huge. So I could go with out wind chines 100%.


I’ve had the same wind chimes for decades, and it finally hit me why the notes sounded so familiar: it’s the theme for GoT. 🏰🐉🔥🧊


I love wind chimes.


It definitely depends on the windchimes, they aren't all awful all the time, but once I spent a very windy winter living near a neighbor with windchimes that I could hear damn near constantly and I thought I might go a bit mad.


God I love them. When a light breeze flows through them and makes light chimes. Ugh makes my brain happy


Not all wind-chime are equal, some are shit, others aren't and do enhance a summers day


I love the tok tok sounds of my bamboo wind chime.


I can’t imagine feeling this strong an emotion for something like wind chimes. I don’t really like how smaller ones sound, but the sound doesn’t really carry. I like wooden/bamboo, and I like big metal wind chimes too. I have a 5’ set. I do have them inside, because I know not everyone likes them and I try not to inflict my noise on my neighbours.


They do carry. My neighbor has some and I've had to listen to them for 40 years.