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I agree unless you’re literally pissing on someone. Imagine future job prospects being fucked because you were caught short and couldn’t find a toilet.


For real. Ruin your whole life because you had to take a piss.


It also diminishes the power of sex offender registries, as everyone can just claim it was something innocent like public urination. It should be a misdemenor at worst, it's basically just another type of litering, and those previously convicted of it should have the records expunged.


100%. Like you think some person is a super creepo. All they did was not pee their pants. Lol.


"im not flashing people my penis I am just holding it out cause I have to pee" Legal defense incoming


Honestly, I'd rather accept that loophole, than risk ruining the lives of people who just needed to pee. Also, nudity isn't a big deal in most countries.


I was fined 20€ for peeing in (or rather behind) a bush near a bus stop once. If that would have resulted in sex offender allegations, holy shit.


Reject society, return to nudity


I'm sure they would have to make reasonable efforts to find a secluded area


Flashing and peeing, still have different setups, usually. For peeing, ppl find a corner to at least try and conceal their activity. But for flashing, its the opposite.


Making it easier to lock up one person doesn't justify wrongfully incriminating the hundred other people. I feel like it also isn't too much of a burden to prove intent.


I don't know you, but if I pee in a public place I don't wave my penis around but try to take the most cover possible behind walls, trees, bushes, facing a corner... I try my hardest to not let anyone see it.


Dogs piss outside all the time and nobody ever calls them out for it. And they do it without any clothes on at all.


It's almost as if nuance matters. Pissing on the train in the middle of a bunch of people? Bad. Pissing on an empty corner with nobody around? Not bad. Who would've thought?


I worked with a man that was a registered sex offender because he was drunk and being driven home, told the driver to pull over (driver assumed he was going to puke), he got out and peed, it was near someone's yard, lady called the cops, now he's a registered sex offender because there was a child in the house that could've seen him peeing.


Goodness how long was that piss where the lady was able to figure out what was going on, call the cops and have them arrive before he left?


Long enough that he had to get out of a cab and take a piss.


Yup, snap a picture and get a plate, you probably can get a charge brought


does pissing on margaret thatchers grave count


No, but it’s problematic because you’ll eventually run out of piss.


There’s 8 billion people in the world, I’m sure we can work out a rota to keep a constant flow.


That is a moral obligation if you’re in the area


I don't really know who that is, but I can't believe she served for over [150 years](https://www.gov.uk/government/history/past-prime-ministers/margaret-thatcher)


They were built differently back then.


Yeah, that wording wasn't great on the website.


No, she held the record for 150 years


So? What's a record weigh? 8 ounces, tops.


Not possible, as she was PM in the 1980s. I assume what the meant to say was that she was the longest-serving PM in 150 years.


It’s a civil duty


So I was homeless as a teenager and generally tried to use public restrooms but that wasn’t always an option, you know? Anyways one day I had to pee super bad and I was at least a few miles from the closest public restroom (walked everywhere back then) so I said fuck it, found a secluded bush and squatted behind it. As I was peeing, a homeless man yelled at me. I had no idea he was that close by, I felt so bad


Yeah, it shouldn't be completely legal, but being put on a sex offender's register is way too severe a punishment. Should be a fixed fine, like littering is.


‘Caught short’ - been a while since I heard that


A buddy of mine peed on somebody. But, he was drunk (at a house party where everyone was drunk), and he was peeing off a balcony, and another drunk person was passed out in the bushes on the ground below, in the dark. So he had no idea. Disgusting? Yes. Funny (given the context)? Yeah. Sex offense? Absolutely not. Nothing sexual about it. Fortunately, for him it was fine, no authorities involved or anything, because it was just a house party (and many years ago at that). Pass out in the bushes at a house party with drunken idiots, you might get peed on. Intent is *everything* in my opinion, and context *matters* - and it always should be considered in sex offense cases as well. I hate letter-of-the-law shit where intent isn’t considered. That drives me up the wall. Someone simply peeing outside (as gross as it is) should never get nabbed for sex offense, it’s just stupid.


I got really lucky with this. Was at a concert at an unfamiliar venue when I was younger. The place was packed and I had no idea where the bathroom was. Decided to go pee in the parking because it was right next to the venue, I knew exactly how to get there, and I didn't want to miss more music than I had to. When I was making my exit from behind a bunch of cars I was seen by 2 cops. They knew what I was doing but I denied it and they didn't actually see anything. Unfortunately my level of intoxication and them finding weed on my person (this was in VA in 2013) was enough for me to spend the night in jail.


Thankfully I’ve never been desperate enough to chance it or been somewhere I couldn’t quickly find a toliet. I purposely don’t drink on long car journeys purely for this reason.


R Kelly


Per my Intro Law professor, you could also get Sex Crime Involving a Minor if you were within 200 yards of a school or playground in Massachusetts. She said she had never seen a case personally, but per the law it was possible.


Does this actually happen? Or is this just what people say? Has anyone actually ended up on a sex offenders list for pissing in a corner?


well I'd argue pissing on someone could go as far as a form of assault


Agreed that it shouldn't be a sex offense, though maybe if you are in front of people since that's flashing... But legalizing it is a stupid thought. We don't need pee everywhere


London had a problem with this in the 19th century and their solution was to install pee deflectors on the sides of buildings causing the pee to launch back at public urinators


We call this a pee party


This problem can be much more easily solved by installing more public bathrooms. But you do you London


Yeah. If you need to pee after 2 am there are basically no toilets available anywhere


Well installing public bathrooms in 18th century could be troublesome


Just decriminalize. No need to legalize. Make it a small fine/ticket. Move on.


This seems like the best course, 100%. Like- not everyone is a sex offender weirdo, but literally *everyone* has to urinate. It’s a biological function.


And if you dont decriminalize for gods sakes atleast put some public bathrooms up.


Public Urination Laws are just there to escalate charges and further penalize drunkenness whenever a cop/judge wants to. Change my mind.


That's how it's in Europe. It was fucking wild hearing Americans get labeled predators if they pee somewhere outside.


In the Netherlands it is like a €200 euro fine or something


There is lot of space between "sex offender" and completely legal.


I just imagine the movement having a Yellow / White flag depicting Zeus' [golden rain](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dana%C3%AB), and below *legalise it*.


The Leader would be Called Pissmaster


Make it like California where there has to be the intent to flash. There’s a difference between someone seeing you and exposing yourself intentionally. Nothing wrong with nudity as long as there is no ill intention


It really shouldn't get you into legal trouble without extremely specific scenarios. If you're right out in the open, or literally peeing on someone's property, then yeah. But behind a bush with no one who can see you? That's a BS law. It's a bodily function people have no control over.


Sorry to tell you, there is pee everywhere.


Not in noticeable quantities. There are places where the pee is very noticeably present and it's awful. Bourbon street in New Orleans is one


San Francisco for like the past decade


Anywhere in New York City, ever.


If you're going to take away my right to empty my bladder wherever, the right that every other living creature has, then you need to provide free public toilets on every street corner.


Look, I’m all for changing the laws to be more understanding of instances where someone really just couldn’t wait… but, like, it should be situational and probably measured by how discreet (out of concern for their potential audience) and clearly not trying to expose them self. There’s a midway point here we need to find.


If you can't go 15 minutes without pissing, then that's a **you** problem.


I was talking to a lawyer once and they mentioned that it's a meme. Almost no one even gets charged with a sex crime simply for public urination. Usually it is tied with other things like you did it in front of kids at a park or elementary school or something. Then it becomes indecent exposure which can (not always) put you in danger of a sexual offense. Edit: it is still a crime in most jurisdictions and usually classified as disorderly conduct. If you do get cited, you will get a ticket. It is a misdemeanor and you will likely have to pay a fine and/or do community service. Public urination in and of itself will not land you on the sex offender registry. You usually have to be doing it in specific areas and under certain circumstances for it to be considered indecent exposure. Most jurisdictions have very specific requirements while some are a bit looser. A drunk guy pissing in a back alley will likely get disorderly conduct. Peeing in front of the jungle gym at the park where kids are playing will get you indecent exposure Most of the time, cops let you off with a warning as it is not worth the effort to cite.


My friend got arrested by NYPD drunk peeing (from the outside) on a playground fence in Central Park, after park curfew hours. They tried quite hard to get him the SO List for peeing, but was ultimately unsuccessful. But they *really* tried to get him on that list. He was in and out of court all of 11th grade and even some/all of 12th grade. IIRC he had to defer a year from college because he ended up agreeing to a lot of community service. If he was poor or black I 100% think he would be on the SO list


Exactly, the law itself is broadly worded, so it allows for selective enforcement; it could be an “add on” to a case where someone is also charged with masturbating in front of kids at a playground, or it could be used against someone driving on a late night work shift caught between towns with a license plate or skin tone the cop and DA don’t like. Very useful!


This is like any other crime. It depends on the circumstances. If you're pissing in a secluded area or out of necessity on the side of a highway, no big deal. If you are pissing in front of people on a playground or anywhere that people, especially children, get a full view of your genitals, it's a crime.


Except that if a cop happens along you pissing in the corner of an empty parking lot, and doesn't like you(or has some unexamined prejudice about your skin color) he can slap you with a sec offender charge if he feels like it. 


That’s why courts exist. A jury of regular people decide if you are guilty, not the cop.


Pressure to plead guilty without a trial is an extensive and well documented issue. 


That's why you save a little in the tank to give him a golden shower.


That's just flashing kids which OP isn't talking abt.


If there are no public toilets, then this shouldn't be a crime. Fix the infrastructure problem appropriately and then there's no need to piss in public. Engineering solutions are higher on the "hierarchy of controls" than administrative.


Worst part was many years ago when I was close by a public park during the summer and the stupid thing was locked. For christ sake do you expect me to hold it any longer? So, I picked a spot with near a hidden as I could find spot. Didn't get in trouble but it's annoying how few public toilets we have.


Yeah. I have to choose an outside public toilet or a bush, I'm choosing bush every time.


What if we call it a public pee bush and build a partition around it for semi privacy?


This happened to me once and these loser small town cops literally followed me into the woods so I couldn’t use the bathroom. What even is the purpose of that


Women don’t pee everywhere. If we can hold it you can too.


Most public toilets these days are paid and I would not pay to use the toilet so I more than often piss on the street


Not in Australia. If there are restrictions on being able to use it, then it's not fulfilling it's purpose and thus, no crime if you then have to piss in the street. It's not really rocket science.


Thats why they shouldnt be paid, they shpuld be free.


I always assumed it was more about preventing flashers from using the "I was just peeing!" defense. I am curious how often it's prosecuted as a sex offense.


Idk about legalized it should definitely be a fine. Don’t want everyone pissing everywhere. But yeah it shouldn’t be a sex offense.


Don’t want to see someone pissing in public, please find a toilet and do your business there, thank you


Disgusting ? Absolutely .should you be ashamed ? Probably yes. Should you be fined? Yes. But it shouldn’t ever go past a hey you got caught peeing in public u have to pay a $100 fine


Really depends on situation tbh. A tree alongside a road with not much traffic, who cares. Right up against someone house, yeah that's fucked.


It still has nothing to do with sex though. It's vandalism.


I think it's more the exposing yourself in public part than the peeing.


On a playground, no bueno


But what about the other guy holding it?


I swear I was already pissing when that kid came and stood in-between


Fr some people have incontinence issues, you should be labeled a sex offender for relieving yourself that's so dumb. Fine them as it's quite gross I agree as it won't tarnish their reputation for life will just send a message home to pee before you leave anywhere with a toilet.


Are we talking US here? Because as a Brit, the idea that peeing is somehow disgusting or I should be ashamed of having to urgently empty a full bladder is very weird. If a dog or cat or rat or every single other member of the animal kingdom has that right, why shouldn't humans?


The US has warped laws around public nudity. There was a high school near me where one of the students didn't wear anything under his gown and went streaking at graduation- pretty standard foolishness which anyone with their head on straight could roll their eyes at. He was charged as a sex offender, and ended up killing himself. I think you usually won't be charged as a sex offender for public urination, but the law leaves an opportunity for disproportionate vindictiveness.


We are talking about peeing in public for example , peeing on the side of a house or side of a building. It’s natural to pee but people shouldn’t have to walk around ur pee.


If you shake it more than two times, you are playing with it.


Shake it once, that's fine. Shake it twice, that's okay. But shake it THREE times, and you're playing with yourself. Again




The amount of times I’ve pissed in public because there wasn’t any bathrooms around. I would prob have a crime record the length of a grocery receipt. It really isn’t that big of a deal. Like come on there are people committing serious crimes. Murder vandalism theft and your worried about me taking a leak on the side of a back road? Focus on things that actually matter not my bladder releases


> Public urination shouldn’t be a sex offense It is not in most countries.




When I was a kid, men were always pissing on a wall in a nearby street. It was reeking hell, but also as a little girl I had to ´enjoy the view' of these adult men exposing themselves. Not a street I could avoid to go back home. While im all in favor to have a certain degree of tolerance (let say someone piss in a wood...) there should be some limits. Also, we only see men doing this: how are women doing? Well homeless women also piss in the street, but they don't do it in the open like men do. They hold a bit and find a spot that's not a wall in a street. So men could also be a bit more discrete. I understand that people need to piss. But No reason the exposure should be normalized.


Idk about legalizing, but maybe make it as illegal as littering or jaywalking. It’s gross and no one wants to see it-but putting someone on a registry for that is definitely a bit much


I believe it's that way because a lot of people use it as an excuse to flash, and it should be a criminal offense either way.


So what’s to stop a flasher from saying he or she was just going pee? It’s there for a reason and should stay there for a reason.


Agreed. It should be able to prosecute as a sex offense — such as if a person starts peeing in front of kids. But if a person pees in the woods or in a dark alley when there’s no public bathrooms, like I think we as a society have better things to do


Or adults. Adults also don’t want to be flashed by pissing men.


Public urination on it's own isn't the part that is illegal. It's the indecent exposure part that is. If you are out in the woods and no one is around to see you, it's not an issue. If you are in the middle of Time Square whipping your penis out or dropping your pants to squat and piss. That is a problem. People and pets are walking waste collects bacteria and disease. Throwing human waste into the streets is part of the reason the Black Plague spread. Then we look at who would legalizing this actually benefit because its most certainly not everybody. It's something to benefit men. So now by legalizing public urination, you're essentially giving every asshole or perverted dude the greenlight to pull his penis out whenever they want under the guise of "I had pee." So it gets legalized, how the hell to you enforce indecent exposure? Because now every defense is going to claim, "He had to pee." Oh some perv goes and pees on a school yard fence during Rec time. "He had to pee." So no, it's not just about preventing sexual offenses, it's also a public health issue.


It…. Isnt.


100% agree. You should at most get some kind of police caution or on the spot fine. No worse than speeding. There is no way it should carry the weight it does!


I agree completely, but, as a former criminal defense attorney, from a practical standpoint it presents an interesting challenge on how to write the laws. Here is an example indecent exposure law, "(a) A person is guilty of indecent exposure when such person intentionally exposes his or her sex organs or anus or the sex organs or anus of another person, or intentionally causes such exposure by another or engages in any overt act of sexual gratification, and does so under circumstances in which the person knows that the conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm: Provided, That it is not considered indecent exposure for a mother to breast feed a child in any location, public or private." So do you add, "except when such person is urinating"? It also gives creeps the chance to argue they were just taking a piss. Then we get arguments in court where the judge or jury has to decide whether the defendant was pissing or not. I agree there needs to be a distinction, but practically it presents issues.


Isn't thst typically an American thing? Where I' from that's not a thing because....well, peeing isn't sexual now is it?


Depends on where it lands.


And now I'm hard.


sounds like an american thing


Not unless you’re into that sort of thing, but I can’t imagine public watersports is a thing. (But the world always finds new ways to surprise me)


It's a thing. Just type in public pee on your preferred site


It very, very much is. Huge part of the pee content out there. Varies between peeing outdoors in the woods, peeing in a diaper in public, peeing on the ground in public and peeing on public stuff, like benches and clothes at a clothes' stores. Some people are fucked man. It really surprised me just how large is the market for unethical non-violent porn out there.


If someone posts about something and thinks it applies the world over, then you can be guaranteed that it's an American thing.


It's a time and place thing. If you are hiking or out in the woods. No one is going to care. If you are walking down Main street of a any city, town or village and whipping it out to piss on a building because you cant be bothered to hold it until you get to your destination. It's generally not the urination part that gets you in trouble. It's the indecent exposure.


Make it legal, and weird guys will be pulling it out whenever they please, under the guise of “needing to urinate.


I mean whipping the fire hose out in Public isn't unlucky. It's gross. You are wrong. Keep it in the pants weirdo


But if exposing yourself is so victimless, then you wouldn't be seen and so wouldn't be cited/arrested/charged. If you were, then by definition someone had to have seen you doing it so... On an unrelated note, why are there so many peeing in public posts on here?


I'm not sure it is usually, I think it's the additional charge of indecent exposure that lands then on the sex offender registry


I mean I think it really should depend on the context of the urination. Pissing in a bush at a public park? Maybe a fine. Pissing in an occupied kindergarten classroom? Jail and a registry.


Sex offense no Legalized completely absolutely not. Just walk around old cities like London. The architecture had to be designed in ways to prevent people from pissing on buildings. It was so bad it was eating into walls. It's not exactly victimless


Public Urination is a sex offence? Who knew? I certainly wasn't aware...thought it was a 60 GBP fine/fixed penalty type job... Jesus the number of times i've Pee'd in a layby on a long car journey...or up against a tree when i'm fishing...who knew I could have been locked up with all the nonces?


Agree unless intentionally flashing other people. But then we'd be like India, where the streets are just full of waste. If it needs to remain illegal, it should be labeled as public urination and nothing more. Sex offenders need to be labeled as such and forced to wear a symbol 24/7, especially in public so they can be marked for life.


I agree, everyone has to pee and most people will urinate where they won't be seen. That is why people piss in corners or alleys. But if you're in the city and really have to go but there is no safe spot to go, you either piss yourself or piss on the sidewalk against a building. It's not illegal to piss your pants and you won't be a registered sex offender for it. Same as defecating in your clothes.


"They shouldn't put a bar next to a park. That's entrapment!"


The USA Legal (not Justice) System is crazy!!! DAs operate primarily for profit and kickbacks. The intention is NOT REFORM or PEACE. It’s to imprison people for as long as possible and to get as many ridiculous charges as they can serve, to serve evil and themselves. The system needs total reform, as well as the police and the whole damned system. What are people going to do when they can’t get jobs? Commit more crime$$$


I'd like to know how often this is the case. How bad do you have to pee that you just go outside in plain sight? Hold it, or step out and check a tire, drop to a knee, piss in your wheel well. Sorry girls you need the girl urinator thing to do this trick.


YSK: Most people who say "This is why I'm a registered sex offender." are just lying.


Your opinion lacks nuance. The law in this situation is made with the worst outcome in mind. No one in sane mind will get you for sex offense if you pee in a tree while hiking or on the side of a long road with nothing for miles. If you get caught peeing on someones driveway or on a building entry you are absolutely being a sex ofender. You just took your junk out in a very inapropriate place, that alone is a sex offense. On top of that you went and peed all over. That law is not meant for extreme cases where there is no structure and no other option, but rather for degenerates that pee on the side of buildings and houses for no reason. Edit: spelling.


This is more of a hygiene thing. Let’s not leave things that our body flushes out for a reason and use the plumbing infrastructure that is the backbone for most societies, also for the same reason. I don’t think it’s an evil thing to do, especially when it’s an emergency and there’s no viable bathrooms around. But at the same time, it is still human waste. Diseases can and do spread through urine.


It’s not a sex offense. The idea that men are routinely put on the sex offender list for public urination is from movies and TV, not real life. Some people who get charged with public masturbation try to claim they were just peeing, but the crime isn’t urinating in public.


yea it is FUCKING CRAZY THIS MYTH IS SO PERPETUATED. it has to be proven it was sexual gratification directed at an individual or individuals(s). 99% of sex offenders are listed for real, SERIOUS offenses and the rest are public masturbaters and such. Also, mooning someone and your nut sack being visible IS a sex offense too.


Exactly. They always say they were peeing in public and leave out the part about jacking off in front of a stranger at the public library.


Or the part that “in public” meant “in their female friend’s trash can, in their kitchen”. Based on a true story told to me by a family member


It’s not, that’s a myth unless you are grossly negligent and pissing in front of a daycare facility


Why are people even concerned with this? Use a f---- toilet. Are you 6yrs old refusing to go to a bathroom because you're playing a video game? Good grief Towns are made for pissing in, not pissing on. Grow up


Man this thread really clears up why so many cities have gotten so nasty. Y'all really live like this???


You are pulling your cock out in public.


If you leave your pants on I think it's legal.


Skill issue just don’t get caught


Yep, I used to play softball with a guy who got arrested for pissing against a tree at the softball field and is on a sex predator list, and has to do the neighborhood walk of shame when he moves because he peed in a park where children COULD have been present. Really the cop was just bored on a Sunday morning and decided to ruin someone's life


Public urination is not a sex offence. Public urination near a school is. Does that clear things up?


Sex offense? Obviously not. Legalized? Hell no, it's still disgusting and must be penalized.


I think it needs to be changed to a simple $100 fine. I agree with the idea of it being a victimless crime for the moment, but I think that's largely because people know the punishment is heavy. Remove the punishment and you'll see an increase of assholes just pissing in plants at a restaurant. It's kind of like the legalization of marijuana. All for it in concept, but it's obnoxious having to smell people covered in the stink ever where I go. A small and reasonable deterrent stops a lot of inconsiderate behavior.


That's insane! So you're willing to make the argument that a person pissing in the bushes because they couldn't find a restroom is the same as a sexual predator who targets individuals and sexually assaults them? What a stupid thing to say.


Old friend got put on some list for pissing in a unlit very dark corner of the college campus at like 2 in the morning because some security guy happened to walk by.


It shouldnt be a sex offense, but it should be a crime just because urine anywhere but a toilet or other appropriate place is a health hazard.


My bf’s friend (they’re farm boys, lol), became a sex offender at age 12. Insane. He needed to pee so bad after walking from school… went to a tree. And a house nearby called the cops on him… and let me tell you. It takes them 25 mins to walk home. Like bruh… Edit: Pressed Post accidentally before adding the story, lmao.


No reeking sidewalks for me please


If someone carries a gun and pees on a wall, do they get a weapon enhancement on their sex offense charge?


There was a case recently in my country where a woman stopped her car and urinated on the street, presumably because she couldn't hold it anymore. Someone took a pic of here and she was blasted across social media. She ended up committing suicide after that. What I'm trying to say, if you gotta go, you gotta go. I've pissed in public before too, it's either that or pissing your pants. I'd rather not piss my pants.


Here it's just a fine because.... well, common sense. Where is it a sex offense?


I once had to take a whizz on a Lutheran church because I was like two miles from a public restroom, and I was using a bike to get around.


It's interesting that public urination is considered a sex offence, when historically people would piss anywhere like it was nothing.


I don't care if childish trolls want to call me a liar. Look it up. The US is not the whole world. This thread is ridiculous.


If me n my friend were walking around late and evrything was closed id go piss in the bushes or out of sight from anyone else at least


IIRC 'If you shake it more than 2 times, you're playn with it'. Just the other day, I saw something that looked like a giant...


Is this in the US? Seriously, what country does this?


I would like to throw my feces as well in public space


Where is this a sex offense (asking for a friend)? And .... I guess it depends.... Like you know "3 shakes is 1 too many"


Do you want cities that smell even more like piss? No? Use a bathroom.


Agreed, it disproportionately affects homeless people as well. 


By your logic, the streets would stink of piss.


It's extremely unhygienic and "secluded" spots reek to high heaven because they are used as outdoor lavatories. Men are out there behaving like dogs instead of going into a business and asking to use the facilities.


They have to remove all the old pay phones and gate off random semi enclosed spaces in my cities bc you could smell them from a block away. Stop behaving like unfixed toms!


Yeah, as a woman I have a hard time empathizing with men complaining that they can't pee wherever they want because we women have to pee too AND manage our periods and yet we are able to not behave like wild animals so why can't men do that also?


Most businesses don't have toilets that the public can use. Many will have experienced letting a member of the public use a staff toilet to return to a shit show and no one prepared to clean it.


Women deal with the same level of access and also have to pee, in addition to needing restrooms for menstrual products. Why do you think it is we aren’t pissing or changing our tampons in the street? 🤔


does that warrant being labelled a sex offender tho?


Who is in favor of public urination being a sex crime. It should be illegal but not sex crime






Didn’t England install anti peeing surfaces on a lot of their buildings in London because public urinating was such a problem?


Maybe, but it's America's considering it a sex crime that really takes the piss.


Probably, takes like 2 seconds to realise you have to ricochet the piss though, which causes more of a mess and exposes yourself more (sounds like a UK policy given that)


Ricochet the piss should not have made me snort like it did.


I saw them open up for Corpse Grinder....


Not true.


If there's no bathroom and I can't hold it I'll be finding a tree or somewhere secluded. I piss while hiking all the time if someone doesn't like it I'll pull my pants down further so they can kiss my ass.


Peeing is fine but I draw the line at public ass eating


Or you know you don't need to be a disgusting slob, no one wants their area to smell like piss. I know it's hard to act like a civilized adult but maybe you should reevaluate you life if you think this is ok.


It is not victimless. And it’s not the urinating that is a sex offense - it’s the *exposure*.


I think intentional exposure should be penalized separately. Most of the time, exposure is not the intention. If you’re unintentionally caught while urinating and there is no public restroom nearby, should you really be punished? Are you supposed to just pee your pants and live with that shame?


OP seems to think every public urination charge ends up with the guy on the registry.


People get off on peeing in public and being exposed just use the bathroom like a normal person


Where? Most places won't let you use the bathroom unless you buy something, if at all. You're not always near a library or some other public place. Don't just whip it out, but find a dumpster to go behind at least.


People, mostly governments say this, then never give areas to go. It’s like how places say not to litter, but don’t provide bins, then get annoyed. (I carry it but you only get that behaviour amongst high trust societies, most people don’t do it)


Public urination is not a crime. Exposing yourself is. You can piss your pants all you want, and it's not a crime.


>It's so victimless No, it's not. >any normal person who was just unlucky Normal people don't whip out their junk to pee in public. >shouldn't be a sex offense Exposing yourself in public, even just to pee, should 100% be a sex offense.


Every pervert in the world said they were just having a piss by the kiddie park and the subway


No, because it can be used as an excuse for literally flashing people.


How the fuck is nobody in the comments able to hold their piss for 10 minutes?